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Black Hat and DEF CON Roundup

‘Summer Camp’ for hackers features a compromised satellite, a homecoming for hackers and cyberwarfare warnings.

Zoom’s Auto-Update Feature Came With Hidden Risks on Mac

The popular video meeting app makes it easy to keep the software up to date—but it also introduced vulnerabilities.

Feds: Zeppelin Ransomware Resurfaces with New Compromise, Encryption Tactics

The CISA has seen a resurgence of the malware targeting a range of verticals and critical infrastructure organizations by exploiting RDP, firewall vulnerabilities.

Feds: Zeppelin Ransomware Resurfaces with New Compromise, Encryption Tactics

The CISA has seen a resurgence of the malware targeting a range of verticals and critical infrastructure organizations by exploiting RDP, firewall vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Patches ‘Dogwalk’ Zero-Day and 17 Critical Flaws

August Patch Tuesday tackles 121 CVEs, 17 critical bugs and one zero-day bug exploited in the wild.

Microsoft Patches ‘Dogwalk’ Zero-Day and 17 Critical Flaws

August Patch Tuesday tackles 121 CVEs, 17 critical bugs and one zero-day bug exploited in the wild.

Smap - A Drop-In Replacement For Nmap Powered By Shodan.Io

Smap is a replica of Nmap which uses's free API for port scanning. It takes same command line arguments as Nmap and produces the same output which makes it a drop-in replacament for Nmap.


  • Scans 200 hosts per second
  • Doesn't require any account/api key
  • Vulnerability detection
  • Supports all nmap's output formats
  • Service and version fingerprinting
  • Makes no contact to the targets



You can download a pre-built binary from here and use it right away.


go install -v

Confused or something not working? For more detailed instructions, click here

AUR pacakge

Smap is available on AUR as smap-git (builds from source) and smap-bin (pre-built binary).


Smap is also avaible on Homebrew.

brew update
brew install smap


Smap takes the same arguments as Nmap but options other than -p, -h, -o*, -iL are ignored. If you are unfamiliar with Nmap, here's how to use Smap.

Specifying targets


You can also use a list of targets, seperated by newlines.

smap -iL targets.txt

Supported formats         // IPv4 address // hostname // CIDR


Smap supports 6 output formats which can be used with the -o* as follows

smap -oX output.xml

If you want to print the output to terminal, use hyphen (-) as filename.

Supported formats

oX    // nmap's xml format
oG // nmap's greppable format
oN // nmap's default format
oA // output in all 3 formats above at once
oP // IP:PORT pairs seperated by newlines
oS // custom smap format
oJ // json

Note: Since Nmap doesn't scan/display vulnerabilities and tags, that data is not available in nmap's formats. Use -oS to view that info.

Specifying ports

Smap scans these 1237 ports by default. If you want to display results for certain ports, use the -p option.

smap -p21-30,80,443 -iL targets.txt


Since Smap simply fetches existent port data from, it is super fast but there's more to it. You should use Smap if:

You want

  • vulnerability detection
  • a super fast port scanner
  • results for most common ports (top 1237)
  • no connections to be made to the targets

You are okay with

  • not being able to scan IPv6 addresses
  • results being up to 7 days old
  • a few false negatives

BlackStone - Pentesting Reporting Tool

Pentesting Reporting Tool (1)

BlackStone project or "BlackStone Project" is a tool created in order to automate the work of drafting and submitting a report on audits of ethical hacking or pentesting.

In this tool we can register in the database the vulnerabilities that we find in the audit, classifying them by internal, external audit or wifi, in addition, we can put your description and recommendation, as well as the level of severity and effort for its correction. This information will then help us generate in the report a criticality table as a global summary of the vulnerabilities found.

We can also register a company and, just by adding its web page, the tool will be able to find subdomains, telephone numbers, social networks, employee emails...

Pentesting Reporting Tool (2)

Docker Install

Install Docker

Install docker-compose
Install BlackStone
git clone
cd BlackStone
docker-compose up -d

User: blackstone

Password: blackstone

Manual Install

  • First we must download an Apache server to host the tool, in my case I use Mamp (I recommend following these steps):
  • We will download the content of this repository and we will have 2 folders (BlackStone and BBDD)
  • Once the server starts we will go to c://MAMP/htdocs and paste all the contents of the downloaded folder "BlackStone"
  • For the application to work we will have to import the database, we will go to our browser and write "localhost/phpMyAdmin/", you have the database connection file in the folder BlackStone/conexion.php
  • We will create a database called blackstone and import the data from the downloaded BBDD folder
  • Log in to BlackStone with the username and password "blackstone"


First you need to go to profile settings and add and tokens:

Pentesting Reporting Tool (3)

After having vulnerabilities in the database, we will go to the audited client and we will register a client along with their web page, once registered we can go to customer details and we can see the following information:


  • Name of business owner
  • Social networks of the company owner
  • Email and telephone number of the owner of the company
  • Exposed password check on the company owner's deep web
  • Subdomains of the website as well as information of interest found in google
  • Emails of company workers

Pentesting Reporting Tool (4)

Once we have the company that we are going to audit registered in the database, we will create a report, adding the date, name of the report and the company to which will be audited. When we register the report, we will give it edit and then we will select the vulnerabilities that we want to appear in the report:

Pentesting Reporting Tool (5)

Finally, we will generate the report by clicking on the "overview report" button, and later we will save the page that is generated as ".mht", then we will open it with Word to be able to work on the generated report:

Pentesting Reporting Tool (6)

Open Redirect Flaw Snags Amex, Snapchat User Data

Separate phishing campaigns targeting thousands of victims impersonate FedEx and Microsoft, among others, to trick victims.

Open Redirect Flaw Snags Amex, Snapchat User Data

Separate phishing campaigns targeting thousands of victims impersonate FedEx and Microsoft, among others, to trick victims.

VMWare Urges Users to Patch Critical Authentication Bypass Bug

Vulnerability—for which a proof-of-concept is forthcoming—is one of a string of flaws the company fixed that could lead to an attack chain.

VMWare Urges Users to Patch Critical Authentication Bypass Bug

Vulnerability—for which a proof-of-concept is forthcoming—is one of a string of flaws the company fixed that could lead to an attack chain.

Universities Put Email Users at Cyber Risk

DMARC analysis by Proofpoint shows that institutions in the U.S. have among some of the poorest protections to prevent domain spoofing and lack protections to block fraudulent emails.

Universities Put Email Users at Cyber Risk

DMARC analysis by Proofpoint shows that institutions in the U.S. have among some of the poorest protections to prevent domain spoofing and lack protections to block fraudulent emails.

Malicious Npm Packages Tapped Again to Target Discord Users

Recent LofyLife campaign steals tokens and infects client files to monitor various user actions, such as log-ins, password changes and payment methods.

Malicious Npm Packages Tapped Again to Target Discord Users

Recent LofyLife campaign steals tokens and infects client files to monitor various user actions, such as log-ins, password changes and payment methods.

IoT Botnets Fuels DDoS Attacks – Are You Prepared?

The increased proliferation of IoT devices paved the way for the rise of IoT botnets that amplifies DDoS attacks today. This is a dangerous warning that the possibility of a sophisticated DDoS attack and a prolonged service outage will prevent businesses from growing.

IoT Botnets Fuels DDoS Attacks – Are You Prepared?

The increased proliferation of IoT devices paved the way for the rise of IoT botnets that amplifies DDoS attacks today. This is a dangerous warning that the possibility of a sophisticated DDoS attack and a prolonged service outage will prevent businesses from growing.

CISA Urges Patch of Exploited Windows 11 Bug by Aug. 2

Feds urge U.S. agencies to patch a Microsoft July Patch Tuesday 2022 bug that is being exploited in the wild by August 2.

CISA Urges Patch of Exploited Windows 11 Bug by Aug. 2

Feds urge U.S. agencies to patch a Microsoft July Patch Tuesday 2022 bug that is being exploited in the wild by August 2.

Kubeaudit - Tool To Audit Your Kubernetes Clusters Against Common Security Controls

kubeaudit is a command line tool and a Go package to audit Kubernetes clusters for various different security concerns, such as:

  • run as non-root
  • use a read-only root filesystem
  • drop scary capabilities, don't add new ones
  • don't run privileged
  • and more!

tldr. kubeaudit makes sure you deploy secure containers!


To use kubeaudit as a Go package, see the package docs.

The rest of this README will focus on how to use kubeaudit as a command line tool.

Command Line Interface (CLI)



brew install kubeaudit

Download a binary

Kubeaudit has official releases that are blessed and stable: Official releases

DIY build

Master may have newer features than the stable releases. If you need a newer feature not yet included in a release, make sure you're using Go 1.17+ and run the following:

go get -v

Start using kubeaudit with the Quick Start or view all the supported commands.

Kubectl Plugin

Prerequisite: kubectl v1.12.0 or later

With kubectl v1.12.0 introducing easy pluggability of external functions, kubeaudit can be invoked as kubectl audit by

  • running make plugin and having $GOPATH/bin available in your path.


  • renaming the binary to kubectl-audit and having it available in your path.


We also release a Docker image: shopify/kubeaudit. To run kubeaudit as a job in your cluster see Running kubeaudit in a cluster.

Quick Start

kubeaudit has three modes:

  1. Manifest mode
  2. Local mode
  3. Cluster mode

Manifest Mode

If a Kubernetes manifest file is provided using the -f/--manifest flag, kubeaudit will audit the manifest file.

Example command:

kubeaudit all -f "/path/to/manifest.yml"

Example output:

$ kubeaudit all -f "internal/test/fixtures/all_resources/deployment-apps-v1.yml"

---------------- Results for ---------------

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment
namespace: deployment-apps-v1


-- [error] AppArmorAnnotationMissing
Message: AppArmor annotation missing. The annotation '' should be added.
Container: container

-- [error] AutomountServiceAccountTokenTrueAndDefaultSA
Message: Default service account with token mounted. automountServiceAccountToken should be set to 'false' or a non-default service account should be used.

-- [error] CapabilityShouldDropAll
Message: Capability not set to ALL. Ideally, you should drop ALL capabilities and add the specific ones you need to the add list.
Container: container
Capability: AUDIT_WRITE

If no errors with a given minimum severity are found, the following is returned:

All checks completed. 0 high-risk vulnerabilities found


Manifest mode also supports autofixing all security issues using the autofix command:

kubeaudit autofix -f "/path/to/manifest.yml"

To write the fixed manifest to a new file instead of modifying the source file, use the -o/--output flag.

kubeaudit autofix -f "/path/to/manifest.yml" -o "/path/to/fixed"

To fix a manifest based on custom rules specified on a kubeaudit config file, use the -k/--kconfig flag.

kubeaudit autofix -k "/path/to/kubeaudit-config.yml" -f "/path/to/manifest.yml" -o "/path/to/fixed"

Cluster Mode

Kubeaudit can detect if it is running within a container in a cluster. If so, it will try to audit all Kubernetes resources in that cluster:

kubeaudit all

Local Mode

Kubeaudit will try to connect to a cluster using the local kubeconfig file ($HOME/.kube/config). A different kubeconfig location can be specified using the --kubeconfig flag. To specify a context of the kubeconfig, use the -c/--context flag.

kubeaudit all --kubeconfig "/path/to/config" --context my_cluster

For more information on kubernetes config files, see

Audit Results

Kubeaudit produces results with three levels of severity:

  • Error: A security issue or invalid kubernetes configuration
  • Warning: A best practice recommendation
  • Info: Informational, no action required. This includes results that are overridden

The minimum severity level can be set using the --minSeverity/-m flag.

By default kubeaudit will output results in a human-readable way. If the output is intended to be further processed, it can be set to output JSON using the --format json flag. To output results as logs (the previous default) use --format logrus. Some output formats include colors to make results easier to read in a terminal. To disable colors (for example, if you are sending output to a text file), you can use the --no-color flag.

If there are results of severity level error, kubeaudit will exit with exit code 2. This can be changed using the --exitcode/-e flag.

For all the ways kubeaudit can be customized, see Global Flags.


Command Description Documentation
all Runs all available auditors, or those specified using a kubeaudit config. docs
autofix Automatically fixes security issues. docs
version Prints the current kubeaudit version.


Auditors can also be run individually.

Command Description Documentation
apparmor Finds containers running without AppArmor. docs
asat Finds pods using an automatically mounted default service account docs
capabilities Finds containers that do not drop the recommended capabilities or add new ones. docs
deprecatedapis Finds any resource defined with a deprecated API version. docs
hostns Finds containers that have HostPID, HostIPC or HostNetwork enabled. docs
image Finds containers which do not use the desired version of an image (via the tag) or use an image without a tag. docs
limits Finds containers which exceed the specified CPU and memory limits or do not specify any. docs
mounts Finds containers that have sensitive host paths mounted. docs
netpols Finds namespaces that do not have a default-deny network policy. docs
nonroot Finds containers running as root. docs
privesc Finds containers that allow privilege escalation. docs
privileged Finds containers running as privileged. docs
rootfs Finds containers which do not have a read-only filesystem. docs
seccomp Finds containers running without Seccomp. docs

Global Flags

Short Long Description
--format The output format to use (one of "pretty", "logrus", "json") (default is "pretty")
--kubeconfig Path to local Kubernetes config file. Only used in local mode (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
-c --context The name of the kubeconfig context to use
-f --manifest Path to the yaml configuration to audit. Only used in manifest mode. You may use - to read from stdin.
-n --namespace Only audit resources in the specified namespace. Not currently supported in manifest mode.
-g --includegenerated Include generated resources in scan (such as Pods generated by deployments). If you would like kubeaudit to produce results for generated resources (for example if you have custom resources or want to catch orphaned resources where the owner resource no longer exists) you can use this flag.
-m --minseverity Set the lowest severity level to report (one of "error", "warning", "info") (default is "info")
-e --exitcode Exit code to use if there are results with severity of "error". Conventionally, 0 is used for success and all non-zero codes for an error. (default is 2)
--no-color Don't use colors in the output (default is false)

Configuration File

The kubeaudit config can be used for two things:

  1. Enabling only some auditors
  2. Specifying configuration for auditors

Any configuration that can be specified using flags for the individual auditors can be represented using the config.

The config has the following format:

# Auditors are enabled by default if they are not explicitly set to "false"
apparmor: false
asat: false
capabilities: true
deprecatedapis: true
hostns: true
image: true
limits: true
mounts: true
netpols: true
nonroot: true
privesc: true
privileged: true
rootfs: true
seccomp: true
# add capabilities needed to the add list, so kubeaudit won't report errors
allowAddList: ['AUDIT_WRITE', 'CHOWN']
# If no versions are specified and the'deprecatedapis' auditor is enabled, WARN
# results will be genereted for the resources defined with a deprecated API.
currentVersion: '1.22'
targetedVersion: '1.25'
# If no image is specified and the 'image' auditor is enabled, WARN results
# will be generated for containers which use an ima ge without a tag
image: 'myimage:mytag'
# If no limits are specified and the 'limits' auditor is enabled, WARN results
# will be generated for containers which have no cpu or memory limits specified
cpu: '750m'
memory: '500m'

For more details about each auditor, including a description of the auditor-specific configuration in the config, see the Auditor Docs.

Note: The kubeaudit config is not the same as the kubeconfig file specified with the --kubeconfig flag, which refers to the Kubernetes config file (see Local Mode). Also note that only the all and autofix commands support using a kubeaudit config. It will not work with other commands.

Note: If flags are used in combination with the config file, flags will take precedence.

Override Errors

Security issues can be ignored for specific containers or pods by adding override labels. This means the auditor will produce info results instead of error results and the audit result name will have Allowed appended to it. The labels are documented in each auditor's documentation, but the general format for auditors that support overrides is as follows:

An override label consists of a key and a value.

The key is a combination of the override type (container or pod) and an override identifier which is unique to each auditor (see the docs for the specific auditor). The key can take one of two forms depending on the override type:

  1. Container overrides, which override the auditor for that specific container, are formatted as follows:[container name].[override identifier]
  1. Pod overrides, which override the auditor for all containers within the pod, are formatted as follows:[override identifier]

If the value is set to a non-empty string, it will be displayed in the info result as the OverrideReason:

$ kubeaudit asat -f "auditors/asat/fixtures/service-account-token-true-allowed.yml"

---------------- Results for ---------------

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: replicationcontroller
namespace: service-account-token-true-allowed


-- [info] AutomountServiceAccountTokenTrueAndDefaultSAAllowed
Message: Audit result overridden: Default service account with token mounted. automountServiceAccountToken should be set to 'false' or a non-default service account should be used.
OverrideReason: SomeReason

As per Kubernetes spec, value must be 63 characters or less and must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.

Multiple override labels (for multiple auditors) can be added to the same resource.

See the specific auditor docs for the auditor you wish to override for examples.

To learn more about labels, see


If you'd like to fix a bug, contribute a feature or just correct a typo, please feel free to do so as long as you follow our Code of Conduct.

  1. Create your own fork!
  2. Get the source: go get
  3. Go to the source: cd $GOPATH/src/
  4. Add your forked repo as a fork: git remote add fork
  5. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b awesome-new-feature
  6. Install Kind
  7. Run the tests to see everything is working as expected: make test (to run tests without Kind: USE_KIND=false make test)
  8. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Adds awesome feature'
  9. Push to the branch: git push fork
  10. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
  11. Submit a PR (All PR must be labeled with
    (Bug fix),
    (New feature),
    (Documentation update), or
    (Breaking changes) )
  12. ???
  13. Profit

Note that if you didn't sign the CLA before opening your PR, you can re-run the check by adding a comment to the PR that says "I've signed the CLA!"!

New ‘Retbleed’ Attack Can Swipe Key Data From Intel and AMD CPUs

The exploit can leak password information and other sensitive material, but the chipmakers are rolling out mitigations.

Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions

Introduction In the previous article, we understood how print functions like printf work. This article provides further definition of Format String vulnerabilities. We will begin by discussing how Format Strings can be used in an unusual way, which is a starting point to understanding Format String exploits. Next, we will understand what kind of mistakes […]

The post Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions appeared first on Infosec Resources.

Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 10:29 am.
©2017 "InfoSec Resources". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at

How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities

Introduction In the previous articles, we discussed printing functions, format strings and format string vulnerabilities. This article provides an overview of how Format String vulnerabilities can be exploited. In this article, we will begin by solving a simple challenge to leak a secret from memory. In the next article, we will discuss another example, where […]

The post How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities appeared first on Infosec Resources.

How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 8:28 am.
©2017 "InfoSec Resources". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at

Ask Me Anything – Celebrating The Fifth Anniversary Of My Monthly Threat Webinar

In July 2015, I did my first threat webinar. I had planned to do it on a monthly basis, and never imagined I would still be doing it five years later, but here I am, still creating monthly webinars. I still do. I started the webinar series to help people understand the different threats targeting our customers and I have always tried to focus on three areas:

  • Share information on what threats our customers deal with regularly
  • Talk about an actual threat and explain how it works
  • Discuss technologies versus solutions

This last point, discussing technologies versus solutions, has been one of the key items I try to follow as much as possible – after all, the goal of my webinars is to be educational, not a sales pitch.

Coming from a technical background, BS in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University (Go Spartans!!), I enjoy learning about the new technologies being used to detect the latest threats and to ensure you know what to look for when selecting a vendor and/or a security solution. Over the years, I’ve discussed everything from APTs, coinminers, exploits, messaging threats, ransomware, underground activity and lots in between. It is pretty easy to find topics to discuss, as there is so much going on in our industry, and with the malicious actors regularly shifting their tactics, techniques and procedures, I can keep the content fairly fresh.

I really enjoy having guest speakers on my webinars to mix things up a bit for the viewers as well, as I know my limitations – there are just too many threats out there to keep up with all of them. The main reason I love doing the threat webinars is that I enjoy sharing information and teaching others about our industry and the threats affecting them.  If you want to check out any of my previous five years of webinars you can watch them here.

For my fifth year anniversary I wanted to try something different and I would like to do an open Q&A session. As I’ve never done this before, it will certainly be an interesting experience for me, but hopefully for you as well. I hope I can answer a majority of your questions, but I know some of you are way too smart for me, so please bear with me.

Our registration page for this webinar allows you to submit any pre-session questions that I’ll answer throughout the webinar. You can ask me anything that is on your mind and if I cannot get to your question, I’ll do my best to answer you afterwards in an email.

I hope to continue to do these webinars for the foreseeable future and I would like to end my post by thanking each and every one of you who has participated in my webinars over the years. It has been a pleasure, and I look forward to answering your questions.

Take care, stay healthy, and keep on smiling!


The post Ask Me Anything – Celebrating The Fifth Anniversary Of My Monthly Threat Webinar appeared first on .

Risk Decisions in an Imperfect World

Risk decisions are the foundation of information security. Sadly, they are also one of the most often misunderstood parts of information security.

This is bad enough on its own but can sink any effort at education as an organization moves towards a DevOps philosophy.

To properly evaluate the risk of an event, two components are required:

  1. An assessment of the impact of the event
  2. The likelihood of the event

Unfortunately, teams—and humans in general—are reasonably good at the first part and unreasonably bad at the second.

This is a problem.

It’s a problem that is amplified when security starts to integration with teams in a DevOps environment. Originally presented as part of, this talk examines the ins and outs of risk decisions and how we can start to work on improving how our teams handle them.


The post Risk Decisions in an Imperfect World appeared first on .

Don’t Let the Vulnera-Bullies Win. Use our free tool to see if you are patched against Vulnerability CVE-2020-0601

So much for a quiet January! By now you must have heard about the new Microsoft® vulnerability CVE-2020-0601, first disclosed by the NSA (making it the first Windows bug publicly attributed to the National Security Agency). This vulnerability is found in a cryptographic component that has a range of functions—an important one being the ability to digitally sign software, which certifies that the software has not been tampered with. Using this vulnerability, attackers can sign malicious executables to make them look legitimate, leading to potentially disastrous man-in-the-middle attacks.


Here’s the good news. Microsoft has already released a patch to protect against any exploits stemming from this vulnerability. But here’s the catch: You have to patch!

While Trend Micro offers industry-leading virtual patching capabilities via our endpoint, cloud, and network security solutions, the best protection against vulnerabilities is to deploy a real patch from the software vendor. Let me say it again for effect – the best protection against this very serious vulnerability is to ensure the affected systems are patched with Microsoft’s latest security update.

We understand how difficult it can be to patch systems in a timely manner, so we created a valuable tool that will test your endpoints to see if whether they have been patched against this latest threat or if they are still vulnerable. Additionally, to ensure you are protected against any potential threats, we have just released additional layers of protection in the form of IPS rules for Trend Micro Deep Security™ and Trend Micro Vulnerability Protection™ (including Trend Micro Apex One™).  This was rolled out to help organizations strengthen their overall security posture and provide some protection during lengthy patching processes.


You can download our Trend Micro Vulnerability Assessment Tool right now to see if you are protected against the latest Microsoft vulnerability. And while you’re at it, check out our latest Knowledge Based Article for additional information on this new vulnerability along with Trend Micro security capabilities that help protect customers like you 24/7. Even during those quiet days in January.

The post Don’t Let the Vulnera-Bullies Win. Use our free tool to see if you are patched against Vulnerability CVE-2020-0601 appeared first on .

T.rex_scan v0.2 – Integrate Tools to Audit Web Sites

T.rex_scan only facilitates the visualization when auditing a web page. With this script you can optimize your time, reducing the time you audit a page web since T.rex_scan executes the task you...

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