Reportly is an AzureAD user activity report tool.
This is a tool that will help blue teams during a cloud incident. When running the tool, the researcher will enter as input a suspicious user and a time frame and will receive a report detailing the following:
When running the tool, a link to authentication and a device code will show, follow the link and enter the code to authenticate.
Insert User principal name of a suspicious user.
Insert start and end times in the following format: 2022-11-16
I recommend a range of no longer then a week.
After authentication, in order to create a full report choose the option "5"
When the report will be ready the tool will print "Your report is ready!". The reports are created in the executable's directory.
In order to use the tool you will need an AzureAD application with the following delegated microsoft graph api permissions:
Also, when creating the application, make sure you mark the following option as "yes":
Add a secret to the application.
After you created the application you need to fill the config.cfg file:
clientId = application id
clientSecret = application secret
tenantId = tenant id