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BokuLoader - A Proof-Of-Concept Cobalt Strike Reflective Loader Which Aims To Recreate, Integrate, And Enhance Cobalt Strike's Evasion Features!

By: Zion3R — June 20th 2024 at 15:41

A proof-of-concept User-Defined Reflective Loader (UDRL) which aims to recreate, integrate, and enhance Cobalt Strike's evasion features!


Contributor Twitter Notable Contributions
Bobby Cooke @0xBoku Project original author and maintainer
Santiago Pecin @s4ntiago_p Reflective Loader major enhancements
Chris Spehn @ConsciousHacker Aggressor scripting
Joshua Magri @passthehashbrwn IAT hooking
Dylan Tran @d_tranman Reflective Call Stack Spoofing
James Yeung @5cript1diot Indirect System Calls

UDRL Usage Considerations

The built-in Cobalt Strike reflective loader is robust, handling all Malleable PE evasion features Cobalt Strike has to offer. The major disadvantage to using a custom UDRL is Malleable PE evasion features may or may not be supported out-of-the-box.

The objective of the public BokuLoader project is to assist red teams in creating their own in-house Cobalt Strike UDRL. The project aims to support all worthwhile CS Malleable PE evasion features. Some evasion features leverage CS integration, others have been recreated completely, and some are unsupported.

Before using this project, in any form, you should properly test the evasion features are working as intended. Between the C code and the Aggressor script, compilation with different versions of operating systems, compilers, and Java may return different results.

Evasion Features

BokuLoader Specific Evasion Features

  • Reflective callstack spoofing via synthetic frames.
  • Custom ASM/C reflective loader code
  • Indirect NT syscalls via HellsGate & HalosGate techniques
  • All memory protection changes for all allocation options are done via indirect syscall to NtProtectVirtualMemory
  • obfuscate "true" with custom UDRL Aggressor script implementation.
  • Loader will not copy headers raw beacon DLL to virtual beacon DLL. First 0x1000 bytes will be nulls.
  • XGetProcAddress for resolving symbols
  • Does not use Kernel32.GetProcAddress
  • xLoadLibrary for resolving DLL's base address & DLL Loading
  • For loaded DLLs, gets DLL base address from TEB->PEB->PEB_LDR_DATA->InMemoryOrderModuleList
  • Does not use Kernel32.LoadLibraryA
  • Caesar Cipher for string obfuscation
  • 100k UDRL Size
  • Import DLL names and import entry name strings are stomped in virtual beacon DLL.

Supported Malleable PE Evasion Features

Command Option(s) Supported
allocator HeapAlloc, MapViewOfFile, VirtualAlloc All supported via BokuLoader implementation
module_x64 string (DLL Name) Supported via BokuLoader implementation. Same DLL stomping requirements as CS implementation apply
obfuscate true/false HTTP/S beacons supported via BokuLoader implementation. SMB/TCP is currently not supported for obfuscate true. Details in issue. Accepting help if you can fix :)
entry_point RVA as decimal number Supported via BokuLoader implementation
cleanup true Supported via CS integration
userwx true/false Supported via BokuLoader implementation
sleep_mask (true/false) or (Sleepmask Kit+true) Supported. When using default "sleepmask true" (without sleepmask kit) set "userwx true". When using sleepmask kit which supports RX beacon.text memory (src47/Ekko) set "sleepmask true" && "userwx false".
magic_mz_x64 4 char string Supported via CS integration
magic_pe 2 char string Supported via CS integration
transform-x64 prepend escaped hex string BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
transform-x64 strrep string string BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
stomppe true/false Unsupported. BokuLoader does not copy beacon DLL headers over. First 0x1000 bytes of virtual beacon DLL are 0x00
checksum number Experimental. BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
compile_time date-time string Experimental. BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
image_size_x64 decimal value Unsupported
name string Experimental. BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
rich_header escaped hex string Experimental. BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script modification
stringw string Unsupported
string string Unsupported


Project Origins


  1. Compile the BokuLoader Object file with make
  2. Start your Cobalt Strike Team Server
  3. Within Cobalt Strike, import the BokuLoader.cna Aggressor script
  4. Generate the x64 beacon (Attacks -> Packages -> Windows Executable (S))
  5. Use the Script Console to ensure BokuLoader was implemented in the beacon build

  6. Does not support x86 option. The x86 bin is the original Reflective Loader object file.

  7. Generating RAW beacons works out of the box. When using the Artifact Kit for the beacon loader, the stagesize variable must be larger than the default.
  8. See the Cobalt Strike User-Defined Reflective Loader documenation for additional information

Detection Guidance

Hardcoded Strings

  • BokuLoader changes some commonly detected strings to new hardcoded values. These strings can be used to signature BokuLoader:
Original Cobalt Strike String BokuLoader Cobalt Strike String
ReflectiveLoader BokuLoader
Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0 12367321236742382543232341241261363163151d
(admin) (tomin)
beacon bacons

Memory Allocators

DLL Module Stomping

  • The Kernel32.LoadLibraryExA is called to map the DLL from disk
  • The 3rd argument to Kernel32.LoadLibraryExA is DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES (0x00000001)
  • the system does not call DllMain
  • Does not resolve addresses in LDR PEB entry as detailed by MDSec here
  • Detectable by scanning process memory with pe-sieve tool

Heap Allocation

  • Executable RX or RWX memory will exist in the heap if sleepmask kit is not used.

Mapped Allocator

  • The Kernel32.CreateFileMappingA & Kernel32.MapViewOfFile is called to allocate memory for the virtual beacon DLL.

Sleepmask Detection

Indirect Syscalls

  • BokuLoader calls the following NT systemcalls to setup the loaded executable beacon memory: NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtProtectVirtualMemory
  • These are called indirectly from the BokuLoader executable memory.
  • Setting userland hooks in ntdll.dll will not detect these systemcalls.
  • It may be possible to register kernelcallbacks using a kernel driver to monitor for the above system calls and detect their usage.
  • The BokuLoader itself will contain the mov eax, r11d; mov r11, r10; mov r10, rcx; jmp r11 assembly instructions within its executable memory.

Virtual Beacon DLL Header

  • The first 0x1000 bytes of the virtual beacon DLL are zeros.

Source Code Available

  • The BokuLoader source code is provided within the repository and can be used to create memory signatures.
  • If you have additional detection guidance, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request.

Credits / References

Reflective Call Stack Spoofing

Reflective Loader

HalosGate SysCaller

  • Reenz0h from @SEKTOR7net
  • Checkout Reenz0h's awesome courses and blogs!
  • Best classes for malware development I have taken.
  • Creator of the halos gate technique. His work was initially the motivation for this work.
  • Sektor7 HalosGate Blog

HellsGate Syscaller

Aggressor Scripting

Cobalt Strike User Defined Reflective Loader


Great Resource for learning Intel ASM

ETW and AMSI Bypass

Implementing ASM in C Code with GCC


Cobalt Strike C2 Profiles

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

LOLSpoof - An Interactive Shell To Spoof Some LOLBins Command Line

By: Zion3R — May 11th 2024 at 12:30

LOLSpoof is a an interactive shell program that automatically spoof the command line arguments of the spawned process. Just call your incriminate-looking command line LOLBin (e.g. powershell -w hidden -enc ZwBlAHQALQBwAHIAbwBjAGUA....) and LOLSpoof will ensure that the process creation telemetry appears legitimate and clear.


Process command line is a very monitored telemetry, being thoroughly inspected by AV/EDRs, SOC analysts or threat hunters.


  1. Prepares the spoofed command line out of the real one: lolbin.exe " " * sizeof(real arguments)
  2. Spawns that suspended LOLBin with the spoofed command line
  3. Gets the remote PEB address
  4. Gets the address of RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS struct
  5. Gets the address of the command line unicode buffer
  6. Overrides the fake command line with the real one
  7. Resumes the main thread

Opsec considerations

Although this simple technique helps to bypass command line detection, it may introduce other suspicious telemetry: 1. Creation of suspended process 2. The new process has trailing spaces (but it's really easy to make it a repeated character or even random data instead) 3. Write to the spawned process with WriteProcessMemory


Built with Nim 1.6.12 (compiling with Nim 2.X yields errors!)

nimble install winim

Known issue

Programs that clear or change the previous printed console messages (such as timeout.exe 10) breaks the program. when such commands are employed, you'll need to restart the console. Don't know how to fix that, open to suggestions.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

China-Linked 'Muddling Meerkat' Hijacks DNS to Map Internet on Global Scale

By: Newsroom — April 29th 2024 at 13:46
A previously undocumented cyber threat dubbed Muddling Meerkat has been observed undertaking sophisticated domain name system (DNS) activities in a likely effort to evade security measures and conduct reconnaissance of networks across the world since October 2019. Cloud security firm Infoblox described the threat actor as likely affiliated with the
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Espionage - A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite For Automated MiTM Attacks

By: Zion3R — April 25th 2024 at 12:30

Espionage is a network packet sniffer that intercepts large amounts of data being passed through an interface. The tool allows users to to run normal and verbose traffic analysis that shows a live feed of traffic, revealing packet direction, protocols, flags, etc. Espionage can also spoof ARP so, all data sent by the target gets redirected through the attacker (MiTM). Espionage supports IPv4, TCP/UDP, ICMP, and HTTP. Espionag e was written in Python 3.8 but it also supports version 3.6. This is the first version of the tool so please contact the developer if you want to help contribute and add more to Espionage. Note: This is not a Scapy wrapper, scapylib only assists with HTTP requests and ARP.


1: git clone
2: cd Espionage
3: sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirments.txt
4: sudo python3 --help


  1. sudo python3 --normal --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 1 will execute a clean packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided. Replace wlan0 with whatever your network interface is.
  2. sudo python3 --verbose --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 2 will execute a more detailed (verbose) packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided.
  3. sudo python3 --normal --iface wlan0
    Command 3 will still execute a clean packet sniff however, it will not save the data to a pcap file. Saving the sniff is recommended.
  4. sudo python3 --verbose --httpraw --iface wlan0
    Command 4 will execute a verbose packet sniff and will also show raw http/tcp packet data in bytes.
  5. sudo python3 --target <target-ip-address> --iface wlan0
    Command 5 will ARP spoof the target ip address and all data being sent will be routed back to the attackers machine (you/localhost).
  6. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --onlyhttp
    Command 6 will only display sniffed packets on port 80 utilizing the HTTP protocol.
  7. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --onlyhttpsecure
    Command 7 will only display sniffed packets on port 443 utilizing the HTTPS (secured) protocol.
  8. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --urlonly
    Command 8 will only sniff and return sniffed urls visited by the victum. (works best with sslstrip).

  9. Press Ctrl+C in-order to stop the packet interception and write the output to file.


usage: [-h] [--version] [-n] [-v] [-url] [-o] [-ohs] [-hr] [-f FILENAME] -i IFACE

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version returns the packet sniffers version.
-n, --normal executes a cleaner interception, less sophisticated.
-v, --verbose (recommended) executes a more in-depth packet interception/sniff.
-url, --urlonly only sniffs visited urls using http/https.
-o, --onlyhttp sniffs only tcp/http data, returns urls visited.
-ohs, --onlyhttpsecure
sniffs only https data, (port 443).
-hr, --httpraw displays raw packet data (byte order) recieved or sent on port 80.

(Recommended) arguments for data output (.pcap):
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
name of file to store the output (make extension '.pcap').

(Required) arguments required for execution:
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
specify network interface (ie. wlan0, eth0, wlan1, etc.)

(ARP Spoofing) required arguments in-order to use the ARP Spoofing utility:
-t TARGET, --target TARGET

A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite for Automated MiTM Attacks (6)


A simple medium writeup can be found here:
Click Here For The Official Medium Article

Ethical Notice

The developer of this program, Josh Schiavone, written the following code for educational and ethical purposes only. The data sniffed/intercepted is not to be used for malicous intent. Josh Schiavone is not responsible or liable for misuse of this penetration testing tool. May God bless you all.


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Josh Schiavone

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Darcula Phishing Network Leveraging RCS and iMessage to Evade Detection

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A sophisticated phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform called&nbsp;Darcula&nbsp;has set its sights on organizations in over 100 countries by leveraging a massive network of more than 20,000 counterfeit domains to help cyber criminals launch attacks at scale. "Using iMessage and RCS rather than SMS to send text messages has the side effect of bypassing SMS firewalls, which is being used to great
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New 'Loop DoS' Attack Impacts Hundreds of Thousands of Systems

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A novel denial-of-service (DoS) attack vector has been found to target application-layer protocols based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP), putting hundreds of thousands of hosts likely at risk. Called&nbsp;Loop DoS attacks, the&nbsp;approach&nbsp;pairs "servers of these protocols in such a way that they communicate with each other indefinitely," researchers from the CISPA Helmholtz-Center for
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New Phishing Kit Leverages SMS, Voice Calls to Target Cryptocurrency Users

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A novel phishing kit has been observed impersonating the login pages of well-known cryptocurrency services as part of an&nbsp;attack cluster codenamed CryptoChameleon that’s designed to primarily target mobile devices. “This kit enables attackers to build carbon copies of single sign-on (SSO) pages, then use a combination of email, SMS, and voice phishing to trick the target into sharing
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Signal Introduces Usernames, Allowing Users to Keep Their Phone Numbers Private

By: Newsroom — February 21st 2024 at 07:17
End-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging app Signal said it’s piloting a new feature that allows users to create unique usernames (not to be confused with profile names) and keep the phone numbers away from prying eyes. “If you use Signal, your phone number will no longer be visible to everyone you chat with by default,” Signal’s Randall Sarafa&nbsp;said. “People who have your number saved in their
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Product Explained: Memcyco's Real-Time Defense Against Website Spoofing

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Hands-On Review: Memcyco’s Threat Intelligence Solution Website impersonation, also known as brandjacking or website spoofing, has emerged as a significant threat to online businesses. Malicious actors clone legitimate websites to trick customers, leading to financial scams and data theft causing reputation damage and financial losses for both organizations and customers. The Growing Threat of
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Microsoft's Final 2023 Patch Tuesday: 33 Flaws Fixed, Including 4 Critical

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NetProbe - Network Probe

By: Zion3R — December 12th 2023 at 11:30

NetProbe is a tool you can use to scan for devices on your network. The program sends ARP requests to any IP address on your network and lists the IP addresses, MAC addresses, manufacturers, and device models of the responding devices.


  • Scan for devices on a specified IP address or subnet
  • Display the IP address, MAC address, manufacturer, and device model of discovered devices
  • Live tracking of devices (optional)
  • Save scan results to a file (optional)
  • Filter by manufacturer (e.g., 'Apple') (optional)
  • Filter by IP range (e.g., '') (optional)
  • Scan rate in seconds (default: 5) (optional)


You can download the program from the GitHub page.

$ git clone


To install the required libraries, run the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the program, use the following command:

$ python3 [-h] -t  [...] -i  [...] [-l] [-o] [-m] [-r] [-s]
  • -h,--help: show this help message and exit
  • -t,--target: Target IP address or subnet (default:
  • -i,--interface: Interface to use (default: None)
  • -l,--live: Enable live tracking of devices
  • -o,--output: Output file to save the results
  • -m,--manufacturer: Filter by manufacturer (e.g., 'Apple')
  • -r,--ip-range: Filter by IP range (e.g., '')
  • -s,--scan-rate: Scan rate in seconds (default: 5)


$ python3 -t -i eth0 -o results.txt -l

Help Menu

Scanner Tool options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t [ ...], --target [ ...] Target IP address or subnet (default: -i [ ...], --interface [ ...] Interface to use (default: None) -l, --live Enable live tracking of devices -o , --output Output file to save the results -m , --manufacturer Filter by manufacturer (e.g., 'Apple') -r , --ip-range Filter by IP range (e.g., '') -s , --scan-rate Scan rate in seconds (default: 5) " dir="auto">
$ python3 --help                      
usage: [-h] -t [...] -i [...] [-l] [-o] [-m] [-r] [-s]

NetProbe: Network Scanner Tool

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t [ ...], --target [ ...]
Target IP address or subnet (default:
-i [ ...], --interface [ ...]
Interface to use (default: None)
-l, --live Enable live tracking of devices
-o , --output Output file to save the results
-m , --manufacturer Filter by manufacturer (e.g., 'Apple')
-r , --ip-range Filter by IP range (e.g., '')
-s , --scan-rate Scan rate in seconds (default: 5)

Default Scan

$ python3 

Live Tracking

You can enable live tracking of devices on your network by using the -l or --live flag. This will continuously update the device list every 5 seconds.

$ python3 -t -i eth0 -l

Save Results

You can save the scan results to a file by using the -o or --output flag followed by the desired output file name.

$ python3 -t -i eth0 -l -o results.txt
┃ IP Address   ┃ MAC Address       ┃ Packet Size ┃ Manufacturer                 ┃
│  │ **:6e:**:97:**:28 │ 102         │ ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.        │
│  │ 00:**:22:**:12:** │ 102         │ InPro Comm                   │
│  │ **:32:**:bf:**:00 │ 102         │ Xiaomi Communications Co Ltd │
│ │ d4:**:64:**:5c:** │ 102         │ ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.        │
│ │ **:49:**:00:**:38 │ 102         │ Unknown                      │


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback about the program, please feel free to reach out to me through any of the following platforms:


This program is released under the MIT LICENSE. See LICENSE for more information.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

The Hidden Dangers of Public Wi-Fi

By: The Hacker News — August 24th 2023 at 11:33
Public Wi-Fi, which has long since become the norm, poses threats to not only individual users but also businesses. With the rise of remote work, people can now work from virtually anywhere: a cafe close to home, a hotel in a different city, or even while waiting for a plane at the airport. Next, let's explore the risks of connecting to public Wi-Fi, both for you personally and for businesses.
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

U.K. Fraudster Behind iSpoof Scam Receives 13-Year Jail Term for Cyber Crimes

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — May 22nd 2023 at 07:01
A U.K. national responsible for his role as the administrator of the now-defunct iSpoof online phone number spoofing service has been sentenced to 13 years and 4 months in prison. Tejay Fletcher, 35, of Western Gateway, London, was awarded the sentence on May 18, 2023. He pleaded guilty last month to a number of cyber offenses, including facilitating fraud and possessing and transferring
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SilentMoonwalk - PoC Implementation Of A Fully Dynamic Call Stack Spoofer

By: (Unknown) — April 9th 2023 at 12:30

PoC Implementation of a fully dynamic call stack spoofer


SilentMoonwalk is a PoC implementation of a fully dynamic call stack spoofer, implementing a technique to remove the original caller from the call stack, using ROP to desynchronize unwinding from control flow.


This PoC is the result of a joint research done on the topic of stack spoofing. The authors of the research are:

I want to stress that this work would have been impossible without the work of Waldo-IRC and Trickster0, which both contributed to the early stages of the PoC, and to the research behind the PoC.


This repository demonstrates a PoC implementation to spoof the call stack when calling arbitrary Windows APIs.

This attempt was inspired by this Twitter thread, and this Twitter thread, where sensei namazso showed and suggested to extend the stack unwinding approach with a ROP chain to both desynchronize the unwinding from real control flow and restore the original stack afterwards.

This PoC attempts to do something similar to the above, and uses a desync stack to completely hide the original call stack, also removing the EXE image base from it. Upon return, a ROP gadget is invoked to restore the original stack. In the code, this process is repeated 10 times in a loop, using different frames at each iteration, to prove stability.

Supported Modes

The tool currently supports 2 modes, where one is actually a wrong patch to a non-working pop RBP frame identified, which operates by shifting the current RSP and adding two fake frames to the call stack. As it operates using synthetic frames, I refer to this mode as "SYNTHETIC".

When selecting the frame that unwinds by popping the RBP register from the stack, the tool might select an unsuitable frame, ending up in an abruptly cut call stack, as observable below.

Synthetic Call Stack Mode

A silly solution to the problem would be to create two fake frames and link them back to the cut call stack. This would create a sort of apparently legit call stack, even without a suitable frame which unwinds calling POP RBP, but:

  • You would lose the advantage of the desync technique
  • The stack would be still unwindable
  • The resulting call stack could seem legit just on the first glance, but it would probably not pass a strict check

The result of the _synthetic spoof can be observed in the image below:

Figure 1: Windows 10 - Apparently Legit, non unwoundable call stack whereby the EXE module was completely removed (calling no parameters function getchar)

Note: This operation mode is disabled by default. To enable this mode, change the CALLSTACK_TYPE to 1

Desync Stack Mode

This mode is the right solution to the above problem, whereby the non-suitable frame is simply replaced by another, suitable one.

Figure 2: Windows 10 - Legit, unwoundable call stack whereby the EXE module was completely removed (calling 4 parameters function MessageBoxA)


In the repository, you can find also a little util to inspect runtime functions, which might be useful to analyse runtime function entries.

UnwindInspector.exe -h

Unwind Inspector v0.100000

Mandatory args:
-m <module>: Target DLL
-f <function>: Target Function
-a <function-address>: Target Function Address

Sample Output:

UnwindInspector.exe -m kernelbase -a 0x7FFAAE12182C
[*] Using function address 0x7ffaae12182c

Runtime Function (0x000000000000182C, 0x00000000000019ED)
Unwind Info Address: 0x000000000026AA88
Version: 0
Ver + Flags: 00000000
SizeOfProlog: 0x1f
CountOfCodes: 0xc
FrameRegister: 0x0
FrameOffset: 0x0
[00h] Frame: 0x741f - 0x04 - UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL (RDI, 0x001f)
[01h] Frame: 0x0015 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (RAX, 0x0015)
[02h] Frame: 0x641f - 0x04 - UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL (RSI, 0x001f)
[03h] Frame: 0x0014 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (RAX, 0x0014)
[04h] Frame: 0x341f - 0x04 - UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL (RBX, 0x001f)
[05h] Frame: 0x0012 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (RAX, 0x0012)
[06h] Frame: 0xb21f - 0x02 - UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL (R11, 0x001f)
[07h] Frame: 0xf018 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (R15, 0x0018)
[0 8h] Frame: 0xe016 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (R14, 0x0016)
[09h] Frame: 0xd014 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (R13, 0x0014)
[0ah] Frame: 0xc012 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (R12, 0x0012)
[0bh] Frame: 0x5010 - 0x00 - UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL (RBP, 0x0010)


In order to build the POC and observe a similar behaviour to the one in the picture, ensure to:

  • Disable GS (/GS-)
  • Disable Code Optimisation (/Od)
  • Disable Whole Program Optimisation (Remove /GL)
  • Disable size and speed preference (Remove /Os, /Ot)
  • Enable intrinsic if not enabled (/Oi)

Previous Work

It's worth mentioning previous work done on this topic, which built the foundation of this work.

  • Return Address Spoofing: Original technique and idea, by Namaszo. Every other PoC I'm aware of was built on top of that.
  • YouMayPasser: This amazing work by Arash is the first properly done extension of the Return Address Spoofing PoC by Namaszo.
  • VulcanRaven: A call stack spoofer that operates the spoofing by synthetically creating a Thread Stack mirroring another real call stack.
  • Unwinder: A very nice Rust PoC implementation of a call stack spoofer which operates by parsing unwind code information to replace frames in the call stack.


  • Huge shoutout to waldo-irc and trickster0, which collaborated with me on this research. I owe everything to them.
  • All the credit for the idea behind this goes to namaszo, which I personally consider a genius. He also cross checked this PoC before release, so huge thanks to him.


  • [SYNTHETIC STACK ONLY]: For a limitation in the way I'm locating the gadgets, the maximum number of arguments is 8 for now (it is TRIVIAL to modify and add more params, but I couldn't bother).
  • [DSESYNC STACK ONLY]: For a limitation in how I'm setting up the spoofer, the maximum number of supported arguments is 4 for now.
  • Testing on this one was pretty limited. There might be exceptions I'm not aware of at the moment.
  • Unwinding involving 128-bit registers was no tested.
  • Calling functions that use 128-bit registers is not officially supported.

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Serious Security: How dEliBeRaTe tYpOs might imProVe DNS security

By: Paul Ducklin — January 23rd 2023 at 17:59
It's a really cool and super-simple trick. The question is, "Will it help?"

☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

A Sneaky Ad Scam Tore Through 11 Million Phones

By: Matt Burgess — January 19th 2023 at 14:30
Some 1,700 spoofed apps, 120 targeted publishers, 12 billion false ad requests per day—Vastflux is one of the biggest ad frauds ever discovered.
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TerraLdr - A Payload Loader Designed With Advanced Evasion Features

By: (Unknown) — January 10th 2023 at 11:30

TerraLdr: A Payload Loader Designed With Advanced Evasion Features


  • no crt functions imported
  • syscall unhooking using KnownDllUnhook
  • api hashing using Rotr32 hashing algo
  • payload encryption using rc4 - payload is saved in .rsrc
  • process injection - targetting 'SettingSyncHost.exe'
  • ppid spoofing & blockdlls policy using NtCreateUserProcess
  • stealthy remote process injection - chunking
  • using debugging & NtQueueApcThread for payload execution


Thanks For:


  • "SettingSyncHost.exe" isnt found on windows 11 machine, while i didnt tested with w11, its a must to change the process name to something else before testing
  • it is possibly better to compile with "ISO C++20 Standard (/std:c++20)"


Demo (by @ColeVanlanding1) :

Tested with cobalt strike && Havoc on windows 10

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

AceLdr - Cobalt Strike UDRL For Memory Scanner Evasion

By: (Unknown) — January 8th 2023 at 11:30

A position-independent reflective loader for Cobalt Strike. Zero results from Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons, BeaconHunter, BeaconEye, Patriot, Moneta, PE-sieve, or MalMemDetect


Easy to Use

Import a single CNA script before generating shellcode.

Dynamic Memory Encryption

Creates a new heap for any allocations from Beacon and encrypts entries before sleep.

Code Obfuscation and Encryption

Changes the memory containing CS executable code to non-executable and encrypts it (FOLIAGE).

Return Address Spoofing at Execution

Certain WinAPI calls are executed with a spoofed return address (InternetConnectA, NtWaitForSingleObject, RtlAllocateHeap).

Sleep Without Sleep

Delayed execution using WaitForSingleObjectEx.

RC4 Encryption

All encryption performed with SystemFunction032.

Known Issues

  • Not compatible with loaders that rely on the shellcode thread staying alive.


This project would not have been possible without the following:

Other features and inspiration were taken from the following:

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

laZzzy - Shellcode Loader, Developed Using Different Open-Source Libraries, That Demonstrates Different Execution Techniques

By: (Unknown) — December 18th 2022 at 11:30

laZzzy is a shellcode loader that demonstrates different execution techniques commonly employed by malware. laZzzy was developed using different open-source header-only libraries.


  • Direct syscalls and native (Nt*) functions (not all functions but most)
  • Import Address Table (IAT) evasion
  • Encrypted payload (XOR and AES)
    • Randomly generated key
    • Automatic padding (if necessary) of payload with NOPS (\x90)
    • Byte-by-byte in-memory decryption of payload
  • XOR-encrypted strings
  • PPID spoofing
  • Blocking of non-Microsoft-signed DLLs
  • (Optional) Cloning of PE icon and attributes
  • (Optional) Code signing with spoofed cert

How to Use


  • Windows machine w/ Visual Studio and the following components, which can be installed from Visual Studio Installer > Individual Components:

    • C++ Clang Compiler for Windows and C++ Clang-cl for build tools

    • ClickOnce Publishing

  • Python3 and the required modules:

    • python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


(venv) PS C:\MalDev\laZzzy> python3 .\ -h

⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⠀⢀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⣿⣯ ⠀⠀⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⣠⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣧⣰⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀by: CaptMeelo⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀

usage: [-h] -s -p -m [-tp] [-sp] [-pp] [-b] [-d]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s path to raw shellcode
-p password
-m shellcode execution method (e.g. 1)
-tp process to inject (e.g. svchost.exe)
-sp process to spawn (e.g. C:\\Windows\\System32\\RuntimeBroker.exe)
-pp parent process to spoof (e.g. explorer.exe)
-b binary to spoof metadata (e.g. C:\\Windows\\System32\\RuntimeBroker.exe)
-d domain to spoof (e.g.

shellcode execution method:
1 Early-bird APC Queue (requires sacrificial proces)
2 Thread Hijacking (requires sacrificial proces)
3 KernelCallbackTable (requires sacrificial process that has GUI)
4 Section View Mapping
5 Thread Suspension
6 LineDDA Callback
7 EnumSystemGeoID Callback
8 FLS Callback
9 SetTimer
10 Clipboard


Execute and supply the necessary data.

(venv) PS C:\MalDev\laZzzy> python3 .\ -s .\calc.bin -p CaptMeelo -m 1 -pp explorer.exe -sp C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe -d -b C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe

⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⠀⢀ ⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⣰⣾⠟⠋⠙⢻⣿⠀⠀⠛⠛⢛⣿⣿⠏⠀⣠⣿⣯⣤⣤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣷⡀⠀⣰⣿⠃ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⠙⠿⣷⣦⣴⢿⣿⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀by: CaptMeelo⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀

[+] XOR-encrypting payload with
[*] Key: d3b666606468293dfa21ce2ff25e86f6

[+] AES-encrypting payload with
[*] IV: f96312f17a1a9919c74b633c5f861fe5
[*] Key: 6c9656ed1bc50e1d5d4033479e742b4b8b2a9b2fc81fc081fc649e3fb4424fec

[+] Modifying template using
[*] Technique: Early-bird APC Queue
[*] Process to inject: None
[*] Process to spawn: C:\\Windows\\System32\\RuntimeBroker.exe
[*] Parent process to spoof: svchost.exe

[+] Spoofing metadata
[*] Binary: C:\\Windows\\System32\\RuntimeBroker.exe
[*] CompanyName: Microsoft Corporation
[*] FileDescription: Runtime Broker
[*] FileVersion: 10.0.22621.608 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
[*] InternalName: RuntimeBroker.exe
[*] LegalCopyright: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[*] OriginalFilename: RuntimeBroker.exe
[*] ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
[*] ProductVersion: 10.0.22621.608

[+] Compiling project
[*] Compiled executable: C:\MalDev\laZzzy\loader\x64\Release\laZzzy.exe

[+] Signing binary with spoofed cert
[*] Domain:
[*] Version: 2
[*] Serial: 33:00:59:f8:b6:da:86:89:70:6f:fa:1b:d9:00:00:00:59:f8:b6
[*] Subject: /C=US/ST=WA/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/
[*] Issuer: /C=US/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 06
[*] Not Before: October 04 2022
[*] Not After: September 29 2023
[*] PFX file: C:\MalDev\laZzzy\output\

[+] All done!
[*] Output file: C:\MalDev\laZzzy\output\RuntimeBroker.exe

Libraries Used

Shellcode Execution Techniques

  1. Early-bird APC Queue (requires sacrificial process)
  2. Thread Hijacking (requires sacrificial process)
  3. KernelCallbackTable (requires sacrificial process that has a GUI)
  4. Section View Mapping
  5. Thread Suspension
  6. LineDDA Callback
  7. EnumSystemGeoID Callback
  8. Fiber Local Storage (FLS) Callback
  9. SetTimer
  10. Clipboard


  • Only works on Windows x64
  • Debugging only works on Release mode
  • Sometimes, KernelCallbackTable doesn't work on the first run but will eventually work afterward


☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

U.K. Police Arrest 142 in Global Crackdown on 'iSpoof' Phone Spoofing Service

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — November 25th 2022 at 06:06
A coordinated law enforcement effort has dismantled an online phone number spoofing service called iSpoof and arrested 142 individuals linked to the operation. The websites, ispoof[.]me and ispoof[.]cc, allowed the crooks to "impersonate trusted corporations or contacts to access sensitive information from victims," Europol said in a press statement. Worldwide losses exceeded €115 million ($