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How to Beat Robocallers at Their Game

By: Jasdev Dhaliwal — February 2nd 2024 at 11:39

Some scams make a telltale sound—rinnng, rinnng! Yup, the dreaded robocall. But you can beat them at their game.   

Maybe it’s a call about renewing an extended warranty on your car (one you don’t have). Or maybe the robocaller offers up a debt relief service with a shockingly low rate. Calls like these can get annoying real quick. And they can also be scams. 

In the U.S., unwanted calls rank as the top consumer complaint reported to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Partly because scammers have made good use of spoofing technologies that serve up phony caller ID numbers. As a result, that innocent-looking phone number might not be innocent at all.  

Whether the voice on the other end of the smartphone is recorded or an actual person, the intent behind the call is likely the same—to scam you out of your personal information, money, or both. Callers such as these might impersonate banks, government agencies, insurance companies, along with any number of other organizations. Anything that gives them an excuse to demand payment, financial information, or ID numbers.  

And some of those callers can sound rather convincing. Others, well, they’ll just get downright aggressive or threatening. One of the most effective tools these scam calls use is a sense of urgency and fear, telling you that there’s a problem right now and they need your information immediately to resolve whatever bogus issue they’ve come up with. That right there is a sign you should take pause and determine what’s really happening before responding or taking any action.  

Avoid and stop robocalls with these tips  

Whatever form these unwanted calls take, there are things you can do to protect yourself and even keep you from getting them in the first place. These tips will get you started:  

1) Don’t pick up—and if you do, don’t say “yes”  

This straightforward piece of advice can actually get a little tricky. We mentioned spoofing, and certain forms of it can get rather exact. Sophisticated spoofing can make a call appear to come from someone you know. Yet more run-of-the-mill spoofing will often use a form of “neighbor spoofing.” The scammers will use a local area code or the same prefix of your phone number to make it seem more familiar. In short, you might answer one of these calls by mistake. If you do answer, never say “yes.” Similarly sophisticated scammers will record a victim’s voice for use in other scams. That can include trying to hack into credit card accounts by using the company’s phone tree. Recordings of slightly longer lengths can also lead to voice cloning using AI-driven tools. In fact, three seconds of audio is all it takes in some cases to clone a voice with up to 70% accuracy. 

2) Use your phone’s and carrier’s call blocking features  

Apple and Android phones have features you can enable to silence calls from unknown numbers. Apple explains call silencing here, and Android users can silence spam calls as well. Note that these settings might silence calls you otherwise might want to take. Think about when your doctor’s office calls or the shop rings you with word that your car is ready. Cell phone carriers offer blocking and filtering services as well. Carriers often offer this as a basic service by default. Yet if you’re unsure if you’re covered, contact your carrier.  

3) Don’t return calls from unknown numbers  

So, let’s say you let an unknown call go through to voicemail. The call sounds like it’s from a bank or business with news of an urgent matter. If you feel the need to confirm, get a legitimate customer service number from a statement, bill, or website of the bank or business in question so you can verify the situation for yourself. Calling back the number captured by your phone or left in a voicemailcan play right into the hands of a scammer.  

4) Don’t give in to pressure  

As you can see, scammers love to play the role of an imposter and will tell you there’s something wrong with your taxes, your account, or your bank statement. Some of them can be quite convincing, so if you find yourself in a conversation where you don’t feel comfortable with what’s being said or how it’s being said, hang up and follow up the bank or business as called out above. In all, look out for pressure or scare tactics and keep your info to yourself.    

5) Sign up for your national do not call registry  

Several nations provide such a service, effectively a list that legitimate businesses and telemarketers will reference before making their calls. While this might not prevent scammers from ringing you up, it can cut down on unsolicited calls in general. For example, the U.S., Canada, and the UK each offer do not call registries.  

6) Clean up your personal data online 

Scammers and spammers got your number somehow. Good chance they got it from a data broker site. Data brokers collect and sell personal information of thousands and even millions of individuals. They gather them from public sources, public records, and from third parties as well—like data gathered from smartphone apps and shopping habits from supermarket club cards. And for certain, phone numbers are often in that mix. Our Personal Data Cleanup can help. It scans some of the riskiest data broker sites and shows you which ones are selling your personal info. From there, it guides you through the removal process and can even manage the removal for you in select plans.  ​ 

What about call blocker apps? 

Hop onto the app stores out there and you’ll find several call blocking apps, for free or at low cost. While these apps can indeed block spam calls, they might have privacy issues. Which is ironic when you’re basically trying to protect your privacy with these apps in the first place. 

These apps might collect information, such as your contact list, usage data, and other information about your phone. As with any app, the key resides in the user agreement. It should tell you what information the app might collect and why. It should also tell you if this information is shared with or sold to third parties.  

What’s at risk? Should the app developers get hit with a data breach, that information could end up in the wild. In cases where information is sold to analytics companies, the information might end up with online data brokers. 

Pay particularly close attention to free apps. How are they making their money? There’s a fine chance that data collection and sale might generate their profits. At some expense to your privacy. 

Given that your privacy is at stake, proceed with caution if you consider this route. 

Blocking scammers and their calls 

A quieter phone is a happy phone, at least when it comes to annoying robocalls. 

While blocking 100% of them remains an elusive goal, you can reduce them greatly with the steps mentioned here. Thankfully, businesses, legislators, and regulatory agencies have taken steps to make it tougher for scammers to make their calls. A combination of technology and stiffer penalties has seen to that. Taken all together, these things work in your favor and can help you beat robocallers at their game.  

The post How to Beat Robocallers at Their Game appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Social Engineering—The Scammer’s Secret Weapon

By: Jasdev Dhaliwal — June 19th 2023 at 12:16

Social engineering. It’s a con game. And a con game by any other name stings just as badly. 

Like any form of con, social engineering dupes their victims by playing on their emotions. Fear, excitement, and surprise. And they prey on human nature as well. The desire to help others, recognizing authority, and even the dream of hitting it big in the lottery. All of this comes into play in social engineering. 

By design, the scammers who employ social engineering do so in an attempt to bilk people out of their personal information, their money, or both. More broadly, they’re designed to give scammers access—to a credit card, bank account, proprietary company information, and even physical access to a building or restricted space in the case of tailgating attacks. In this way, social engineering is an attack technique rather than a specific type of attack.  

Several types of attacks employ social engineering: 

  • Phishing scams 
  • Romance scams 
  • Imposter scams 
  • Phony sweepstakes scams  
  • Employment scams 
  • Tax scams 
  • Social media scams 
  • Tech support scams 

The list goes on. Yet those are among the top attacks that use social engineering as a means of hoodwinking their victims. It’s a scammer’s secret weapon. Time and time again, we’ve seen just how effective it can be. 

So while many bad actors turn to social engineering tricks to do their dirty work, they share several common characteristics. That makes them easy to spot. If you know what you’re looking for. 

How to spot social engineering 

1) You receive an urgent or threatening message. 

An overexcited or aggressive tone in an email, text, DM, or any kind of message you receive should put up a big red flag. Scammers use these scare tactics to get you to act without thinking things through first.  

Common examples include imposter scams. The scammer will send a text or email that looks like it comes from someone you know. And they’ll say they’re in a jam of some sort, like their car has broken down in the middle of nowhere, or that they have a medical emergency and to go to urgent care. In many of these cases, scammers will quickly ask for money. 

Another classic is the tax scam, where a scammer poses as a tax agent or representative. From there, they bully money out of their victims with threats of legal action or even arrest. Dealing with an actual tax issue might be uncomfortable, but a legitimate tax agent won’t threaten you like that. 

2) You get an incredible offer. Too incredible. 

You’ve won a sweepstakes! (That you never entered.) Get a great deal on this hard-to-find item! (That will never ship after you’ve paid for it.) Scammers will concoct all kinds of stories to separate you from your personal information. 

The scammers behind bogus prizes and sweepstakes will ask you for banking information or sometimes even your tax ID number to pay out your winnings. Winnings you’ll never receive, of course. The scammer wants that information to raid your accounts and commit all kinds of identity theft.  

Those great deals? The scammers might not ship them at all. They’ll drain your credit or debit card instead and leave you tapping your foot by your mailbox. Sometimes, the scammers might indeed ship you something after all—a knock-off item. One possibly made with child labor. 

3) Something about that message looks odd. 

Scammers will often pose as people you know. That can include friends, family members, co-workers, bosses, vendors or clients at work, and so on. And when they do, something about the message you get will seem a bit strange. 

For starters, the message might not sound like it came from them. What they say and how they say it seems off or out of character. It might include links or attachments you didn’t expect to get. Or the message might come to you via a DM sent from a “new” account they set up. In the workplace, you might get a message from your boss instructing you to pay someone a large sum from the company account.  

These are all signs that something scammy might be afoot. You’ll want to follow up with these people in person or with a quick phone call just to confirm. Reach them in any way other than by replying to the message you received. Even if it looks like a legitimate account. There’s the chance their account was hacked. 

Preventing social engineering con games 

How do scammers know how to reach you in the first place? And how do they seem to know just enough about you to cook up a convincing story? Clever scammers have resources, and they’ll do their homework. You can give them far less to work with by taking the following steps. 

1. Clean up your personal data online.

Online data brokers hoard all kinds of personal information about individuals. And they’ll sell it to anyone. That includes scammers. Data brokers gather it from multiple sources, such as public records and third parties that have further information like browsing histories and shopping histories (think your supermarket club card). With that information, a scammer can sound quite convincing—like they know you in some way or where your interests lie. You can get this information removed so scammers can’t get their hands on it. Our Personal Data Cleanup scans some of the riskiest data broker sites and shows you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites and with select products, it can even manage the removal for you. ​

2. Set your social media accounts to private.

Needless to say, social media says a lot about you and what you’re into. You already know that because you put a part of yourself out there with each post—not to mention a record of the groups, pages, and things that you follow or like. All this provides yet more grist for a scammer’s mill when it comes time for them to concoct their stories. Setting your accounts to private takes your posts out of the public eye, and the eye of potential scammers too. This can help reduce your risk of getting conned.

3. Confirm before you click. Better yet, type in addresses yourself.

Scammers throw all kinds of bogus links at people in the hope they’ll click and wind up on their scammy websites. They’ll also send attachments loaded with malware—a payload that contains ransomware, spyware, or viruses. If you get a message about one of your accounts, a shipment, or anything that involves your personal or financial info, confirm the sender. Did the message come from a legitimate address or account? Or was the address spoofed or the account a fake? For example, some scammers create social media accounts to pose as the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS doesn’t contact people through social media. If you have a concern about a message or account, visit the site in question by typing it in directly instead of clicking on the link in the message. Access your information from there or call their customer service line.

4. Use strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication.

The combination of these two things makes it tough for scammers to crack your accounts. Even if they somehow get hold of your password, they can’t get into your account without the multifactor authentication number (usually sent to your phone in some form). A password manager as part of comprehensive online protection software can help you create and securely store those strong, unique passwords. Also, never give your authentication number to anyone after you receive it. Another common scammer trick is to masquerade as a customer service rep and ask you to send that number to them.

5. Slow down. View messages skeptically.

This is the one piece of advice scammers don’t want you to have, let alone follow. They count on you getting caught up in the moment—the emotion of it all. Once again, emotions, urgency, and human nature are all key components in any social engineering con. The moment you stop and think about the message, what it’s asking of you, and the way it’s asking you for it, will often quickly let you know that something is not quite right. Follow up. A quick phone call or face-to-face chat can help you from getting conned. 

The post Social Engineering—The Scammer’s Secret Weapon appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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McAfee 2023 Consumer Mobile Threat Report

By: McAfee — February 27th 2023 at 14:00

Smartphones put the proverbial world in the palm of your hand—you pay with it, play with it, keep in touch with it, and even run parts of your home with it. No wonder hackers and scammers have made smartphones a target. A prime one. 

Each year, our Consumer Mobile Threat Report uncovers trends in mobile threats, which detail tricks that hackers and scammers have turned to, along with ways you can protect yourself from them. For 2023, the big trend is apps. Malicious apps, more specifically.  

Malicious and fake apps 

Malicious apps often masquerade as games, office utilities, and communication tools. Yet now with the advent of a ChatGPT AI chatbot and the DALL-E 2 AI image generator, yet more AI-related malicious apps have cropped up to cash in on the buzz. 

And money is what it’s all about. Hackers and scammers generally want your money, or they want your data and personal info that they can turn into money. Creating fraudulent ads, stealing user credentials, or skimming personal information are some of the most common swindles that these apps try. Much of this can happen in the background, often without victims knowing it. 

How do these apps end up on people’s phones? Sometimes they’re downloaded from third-party app stores, which may not have a rigorous review process in place to spot malicious apps—or the third-party store may be a front for distributing malware-laden apps. 

They also find their way into legitimate app stores, like Apple’s App Store and Google Play. While these stores indeed have review processes in place to weed out malicious apps, hackers and scammers have found workarounds. Sometimes they upload an app that’s initially clean and then push the malware to users as part of an update. Other times, they embed the malicious code so that it only triggers once it’s run in certain countries. They will also encrypt bad code in the app that they submit, which can make it difficult for stores to sniff out.  

In all, our report cites several primary ways how hackers and scammers are turning to apps today: 

  • Sliding into your DMs: 6.2% of threats that McAfee identified on Google during 2022 were in the communication category, mainly malware masqueraded as SMS and messaging apps. But even legitimate communication apps can create an opportunity for scammers. They will use fraudulent messages to trick consumers into clicking on a malicious link, trying to get them to share login credentials, account numbers, or personal information. While these messages sometimes contain spelling or grammar errors or use odd phrasing, the emergence of AI tools like ChatGPT can help scammers clean up their spelling and grammar mistakes, making it tougher to spot scam messages by mistakes in the content. The severity of these Communication threats is also evident in the volume of adults (66%) who have been messaged by a stranger on social media, with 55% asked to transfer money. 
  • Taking advantage of Bring Your Own Device policies: 23% of threats that McAfee identified were in the app category of tools. Work-related apps for mobile devices are great productivity boosters—categories like PDF editors, VPNs, messaging managers, document scanners, battery boosters, and memory cleaners. These types of apps are targeted for malware because people expect the app to require permissions on their phone. Scammers will set up the app to ask for permissions to storage, messaging, calendars, contacts, location, and even system settings, which scammers to retrieve all sorts of work-related information.  
  • Targeting teens and tween gamers with phones: 9% of threats that McAfee identified were casual, arcade, and action games. Malicious apps often target things that children and teens like, such as gaming, making videos, and managing social media. The most common types of threats detected within the gaming category in 2022 were aggressive adware—apps that display excessive advertisements while using the app and even when you’re not using it. It’s important to make sure that kids’ phones are either restricted from downloading new apps, or that they’re informed and capable of questioning suspicious apps and identifying fraudulent ones. 

How you can avoid downloading malicious and fake apps 

For starters, stick with legitimate apps stores like Google Play and Apple’s App Store, which have measures in place to review and vet apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure. And for the malicious apps that sneak past these processes, Google and Apple are quick to remove malicious apps once discovered, making their stores that much safer. 

1) Review with a critical eye.

As with so many attacks, hackers rely on people clicking links or tapping “download” without a second thought. Before you download, take time to do some quick research. That may uncover some signs that the app is malicious. Check out the developer—have they published several other apps with many downloads and good reviews? A legit app typically has quite a few reviews, whereas malicious apps may have only a handful of (phony) five-star reviews. Lastly, look for typos and poor grammar in both the app description and screenshots. They could be a sign that a hacker slapped the app together and quickly deployed it. 

2) Go with a strong recommendation.

Yet better than combing through user reviews yourself is getting a recommendation from a trusted source, like a well-known publication or from app store editors themselves. In this case, much of the vetting work has been done for you by an established reviewer. A quick online search like “best fitness apps” or “best apps for travelers” should turn up articles from legitimate sites that can suggest good options and describe them in detail before you download. 

3) Keep an eye on app permissions.

Another way hackers weasel their way into your device is by getting permissions to access things like your location, contacts, and photos—and they’ll use sketchy apps to do it. So, check and see what permissions the app is requesting. If it’s asking for way more than you bargained for, like a simple game wanting access to your camera or microphone, it may be a scam. Delete the app and find a legitimate one that doesn’t ask for invasive permissions like that. If you’re curious about permissions for apps that are already on your phone, iPhone users can learn how to allow or revoke app permission here, and Android can do the same here. 

4) Protect your smartphone with security software.

With all that we do on our phones, it’s important to get security software installed on them, just like we install it on our computers and laptops. Whether you go with comprehensive online protection software that secures all your devices or pick up an app in Google Play or Apple’s App Store, you’ll have malware, web, and device security that’ll help you stay safe on your phone.  

5) Update your phone’s operating system.

Together with installing security software, keeping your phone’s operating system up to date can help to keep you protected from most malware. Updates can fix vulnerabilities that hackers rely on to pull off their malware-based attacks—it’s another tried and true method of keeping yourself safe and your phone running great too. 

Protecting yourself while using apps 

Who can you trust? As for scammers who use legitimate communications apps to lure in their victims, McAfee’s Mobile Research team recommends the following: 

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited emails, texts, or direct messages and think twice before you click on any links. 
  • Ensure that your mobile device is protected with security solutions that includes features to monitor and block potentially malicious links, such as the web protection found in our own online protection software. 
  • Remember that most of these scams work because the scammer creates a false sense of urgency or preys on a heightened emotional state. Pause before you rush to interact with any message that is threatening or urgent, especially if it is from an unknown or unlikely sender. 
  • If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Whether it’s a phony job offer, a low price on an item that’s usually expensive, a stranger promising romance, or winnings from a lottery you never entered, scammers will weave all kinds of stories to steal your money and your personal information. 

Get the full story with our Consumer Mobile Threat Report 

The complete report uncovers yet more mobile trends, such as the top mobile malware groups McAfee identified in 2022, predictions for the year ahead, ways you can keep your children safer on their phones, and ways you can keep yourself safer when you use your phone for yourself and for work.  

The full report is free, and you can download it here. 

The post McAfee 2023 Consumer Mobile Threat Report appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Are You Getting Caught by Click Bait?

By: Toni Birdsong — February 17th 2023 at 15:00

It all feels so harmless. Who isn’t even alittle curious which celebrity is their look-a-like or what ’80s song best matches their personality? While some of these fun little quizzes and facial recognition-type games that pop up on social media are advertiser-generated and harmless, others have been carefully designed to steal your data.

According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) consumers need to beware with the IQ tests, quizzes that require you to trade information. Depending on the goal of the scam, one click could result in a new slew of email or text spam, malicious data mining, or even a monthly charge on your phone bill.


Besides the spammy quizzes, scammers also use click bait, that are headlines designed to get your click and your data. Such headlines often promise juicy info on celebrities and may even legitimate human interest stories that claim, “and you won’t believe what happened next.” While some of those headlines are authored by reputable companies simply trying to sell products and compete for clicks, others are data traps that chip away at your privacy.

The best defense against click bait is knowledge. Similar to the plague of fake news circulating online, click bait is getting more sophisticated and deceptive in appearance, which means that users must be even more sophisticated in understanding how to sidestep these digital traps.

5 Tips to Help You Tame Your Clicks

  1. Just say no, help others do the same. Scammers understand human digital behavior and design quizzes they know will get a lot of shares. “Fun” and “wow!” easily goes viral. Refuse to pass on the information and when you see it, call it out like blogger David Neilsen did (right). A scammers goal is access to your data and access to your social pages, which gives them access to your friend’s data. If you want to find out which Harry Potter character you are most like, just know you will pay with your privacy — so just practice saying no.
  2. Vet your friends. Gone are the days of hundreds of thousands of “friends and followers” to affirm our social worth. With every unknown friend you let into your digital circle, you increase your chances of losing more privacy. Why take the risk? Also, take a closer look at who is sharing a contest, quiz, or game. A known friend may have been hacked. Go through their feed to see if there’s anything askew with the account.
  3. Beware of click jacking. This malicious technique tricks a web user into clicking on something different from what the user perceives they are clicking on, which could result in revealing confidential information or a scammer taking control of their computer.
  4. Be aware of ‘Like Farming’ scams. Quizzes can be part of a scam called “Like Farming.” In this scenario, scammers create a piece of legitimate content, then swap it out for something else less desirable once the post has gone viral.
  5. Adjust your settings. Since these quizzes mainly show up on Facebook, start adjusting your settings there. You will be prompted from your Settings to select/deselect the level of permissions that exist. This is one easy way to stop the madness. Another way is to go to the actual post/quiz and click on the downward facing arrow to the top right of the post. Tell Facebook to block these types of ads or posts, or if you are sure it’s a scam, report the post.
  6. Value your online time. Click bait is an epic waste of time. When a headline or quiz teases users to click without giving much information about will follow, those posts get a lot more clicks, which moves them up the Facebook food chain. Keep in mind click bait is a trap that A) tricks you B) wastes valuable time and C) edges out content from your friends and Facebook pages that you actually want to see.

Our digital landscape is peppered with fake news and click bait, which makes it difficult to build trust with individuals and brands who have legitimate messages and products to share. As you become savvy to the kinds of data scams, your discernment and ability to hold onto your clicks will become second nature. Continue to have fun, learn, connect, but guard your heart with every click. Be sure to keep yor devices protected while you do!

The post Are You Getting Caught by Click Bait? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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WhatsApp goes after Chinese password scammers via US court

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S3 Ep89: Sextortion, blockchain blunder, and an OpenSSL bugfix [Podcast + Transcript]

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