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Ars0N-Framework - A Modern Framework For Bug Bounty Hunting

By: Zion3R — May 31st 2024 at 12:30

Howdy! My name is Harrison Richardson, or rs0n (arson) when I want to feel cooler than I really am. The code in this repository started as a small collection of scripts to help automate many of the common Bug Bounty hunting processes I found myself repeating. Over time, I built a simple web application with a MongoDB connection to manage my findings and identify valuable data points. After 5 years of Bug Bounty hunting, both part-time and full-time, I'm finally ready to package this collection of tools into a proper framework.

The Ars0n Framework is designed to provide aspiring Application Security Engineers with all the tools they need to leverage Bug Bounty hunting as a means to learn valuable, real-world AppSec concepts and make 💰 doing it! My goal is to lower the barrier of entry for Bug Bounty hunting by providing easy-to-use automation tools in combination with educational content and how-to guides for a wide range of Web-based and Cloud-based vulnerabilities. In combination with my YouTube content, this framework will help aspiring Application Security Engineers to quickly and easily understand real-world security concepts that directly translate to a high paying career in Cyber Security.

In addition to using this tool for Bug Bounty Hunting, aspiring engineers can also use this Github Repository as a canvas to practice collaborating with other developers! This tool was inspired by Metasploit and designed to be modular in a similar way. Each Script (Ex: or is basically an algorithm that runs the Modules (Ex: or in a specific patter for a desired result. Because of this design, the community is free to build new Scripts to solve a specific use-case or Modules to expand the results of these Scripts. By learning the code in this framework and using Github to contribute your own code, aspiring engineers will continue to learn real-world skills that can be applied on the first day of a Security Engineer I position.

My hope is that this modular framework will act as a canvas to help share what I've learned over my career to the next generation of Security Engineers! Trust me, we need all the help we can get!!

Quick Start

Paste this code block into a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.4 to download, install, and run the latest stable Alpha version of the framework:

sudo apt update && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
tar -xzvf ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
rm ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
cd ars0n-framework

Download Latest Stable ALPHA Version

tar -xzvf ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
rm ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz


The Ars0n Framework includes a script that installs all the necessary tools, packages, etc. that are needed to run the framework on a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.4.

Please note that the only supported installation of this framework is on a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.3. If you choose to try and run the framework outside of a clean Kali install, I will not be able to help troubleshoot if you have any issues.


This video shows exactly what to expect from a successful installation.

If you are using an ARM Processor, you will need to add the --arm flag to all Install/Run scripts

./ --arm

You will be prompted to enter various API keys and tokens when the installation begins. Entering these is not required to run the core functionality of the framework. If you do not enter these API keys and tokens at the time of installation, simply hit enter at each of the prompts. The keys can be added later to the ~/.keys directory. More information about how to add these keys manually can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this README.

Run the Web Application (Client and Server)

Once the installation is complete, you will be given the option to run the application by entering Y. If you choose not the run the application immediately, or if you need to run the application after a reboot, simply navigate to the root directly and run the bash script.


If you are using an ARM Processor, you will need to add the --arm flag to all Install/Run scripts

./ --arm

Core Modules

The Ars0n Framework's Core Modules are used to determine the basic scanning logic. Each script is designed to support a specific recon methodology based on what the user is trying to accomplish.


At this time, the Wildfire script is the most widely used Core Module in the Ars0n Framework. The purpose of this module is to allow the user to scan multiple targets that allow for testing on any subdomain discovered by the researcher.

How it works:

  1. The user adds root domains through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that they wish to scan for hidden subdomains
  2. Wildfire sorts each of these domains based on the last time they were scanned to ensure the domain with the oldest data is scanned first
  3. Wildfire scans each of the domains using the Sub-Modules based on the flags provided by the user.

Most Wildfire scans take between 8 and 48 hours to complete against a single domain if all Sub-Modules are being run. Variations in this timing can be caused by a number of factors, including the target application and the machine running the framework.

Also, please note that most data will not show in the GUI until the scan has completed. It's best to try and run the scan overnight or over a weekend, depending on the number of domains being scanned, and return once the scan has complete to move from Recon to Enumeration.

Running Wildfire:

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Wildfire can be run from the GUI using the Wildfire button on the dashboard. Once clicked, the front-end will use the checkboxes on the screen to determine what flags should be passed to the scanner.

Please note that running scans from the GUI still has a few bugs and edge cases that haven't been sorted out. If you have any issues, you can simply run the scan form the CLI.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

All Core Modules for The Ars0n Framework are stored in the /toolkit directory. Simply navigate to the directory and run with the necessary flags. At least one Sub-Module flag must be provided.

python3 --start --cloud --scan


Unlike the Wildfire module, which requires the user to identify target domains to scan, the Slowburn module does that work for you. By communicating with APIs for various bug bounty hunting platforms, this script will identify all domains that allow for testing on any discovered subdomain. Once the data has been populated, Slowburn will randomly choose one domain at a time to scan in the same way Wildfire does.

Please note that the Slowburn module is still in development and is not considered part of the stable alpha release. There will likely be bugs and edge cases encountered by the user.

In order for Slowburn to identify targets to scan, it must first be initialized. This initialization step collects the necessary data from various API's and deposits them into a JSON file stored locally. Once this initialization step is complete, Slowburn will automatically begin selecting and scanning one target at a time.

To initalize Slowburn, simply run the following command:

python3 --initialize

Once the data has been collected, it is up to the user whether they want to re-initialize the tool upon the next scan.

Remember that the scope and targets on public bug bounty programs can change frequently. If you choose to run Slowburn without initializing the data, you may be scanning domains that are no longer in scope for the program. It is strongly recommended that Slowburn be re-initialized each time before running.

If you choose not to re-initialize the target data, you can run Slowburn using the previously collected data with the following command:



The Ars0n Framework's Sub-Modules are designed to be leveraged by the Core Modules to divide the Recon & Enumeration phases into specific tasks. The data collected in each Sub-Module is used by the others to expand your picture of the target's attack surface.


Fire-Starter is the first step to performing recon against a target domain. The goal of this script is to collect a wealth of information about the attack surface of your target. Once collected, this data will be used by all other Sub-Modules to help the user identify a specific URL that is potentially vulnerable.

Fire-Starter works by running a series of open-source tools to enumerate hidden subdomains, DNS records, and the ASN's to identify where those external entries are hosted. Currently, Fire-Starter works by chaining together the following widely used open-source tools:

  • Amass
  • Sublist3r
  • Assetfinder
  • Get All URL's (GAU)
  • Certificate Transparency Logs (CRT)
  • Subfinder
  • ShuffleDNS
  • GoSpider
  • Subdomainizer

These tools cover a wide range of techniques to identify hidden subdomains, including web scraping, brute force, and crawling to identify links and JavaScript URLs.

Once the scan is complete, the Dashboard will be updated and available to the user.

Most Sub-Modules in The Ars0n Framework requre the data collected from the Fire-Starter module to work. With this in mind, Fire-Starter must be included in the first scan against a target for any usable data to be collected.


Coming soon...


Fire-Scanner uses the results of Fire-Starter and Fire-Cloud to perform Wide-Band Scanning against all subdomains and cloud services that have been discovered from previous scans.

At this stage of development, this script leverages Nuclei almost exclusively for all scanning. Instead of simply running the tool, Fire-Scanner breaks the scan down into specific collections of Nuclei Templates and scans them one by one. This strategy helps ensure the scans are stable and produce consistent results, removes any unnecessary or unsafe scan checks, and produces actionable results.


The vast majority of issues installing and/or running the Ars0n Framework are caused by not installing the tool on a clean installation of Kali Linux.

It is important to remember that, at its core, the Ars0n Framework is a collection of automation scripts designed to run existing open-source tools. Each of these tools have their own ways of operating and can experience unexpected behavior if conflicts emerge with any existing service/tool running on the user's system. This complexity is the reason why running The Ars0n Framework should only be run on a clean installation of Kali Linux.

Another very common issue users experience is caused by MongoDB not successfully installing and/or running on their machine. The most common manifestation of this issue is the user is unable to add an initial FQDN and simply sees a broken GUI. If this occurs, please ensure that your machine has the necessary system requirements to run MongoDB. Unfortunately, there is no current solution if you run into this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coming soon...

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Moniorg - Tool That Leverages Crt.Sh Website To Monitor Domains Of A Target

By: Zion3R — September 11th 2023 at 11:30

By looking through CT logs an attacker can gather a lot of information about organization's infrastructure i.e. internal domains,email addresses in a completly passive manner.

moniorg leverage certificate transparency logs to monitor for newly issued domains based on organization field in their SSL certificate .


git clone


  • Python version used : Python 3.x.
  • moniorg depends on few modules to run:
pip install os sys termcolor difflib json argparse
  • To run the tool in VPS mode and continiously keep monitoring the organization you need free slack workspace , once you get it add the Incoming Webhook URL to the file in the variable named posting_webhook .
    Set up incoming webhooks for slack


usage: [-h] [-a ADD] [-g GET] [-l] [-m MONITOR] [-v] orgname
Short form Long form Description
-h --help Show help message and exit
-a --add Add organization name to be monitored
-m --monitor Monitor and see newly added domains
-g --get Get a list of domains based on orgname that you are monitoring
-l --list List organization names you are monitoring
-v --vps Running moniorg in vps mode and send slack notification whenever a new domain is found (this option should be used along with -m)

Examples :

Adding an organization name to the monitoring list :

python3 -a "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

To see the domains gathered :

python3 -g "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

[+] below is the list of domains of the company ...

To see if new domain is added :

python3 -m "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

Got Nothing !


moniorg depends on website to find new domains and sometimes looks like is timing out when the list of domain is huge . You just have to retry .

Read more

Discovering domains like never before

Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part I
Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part II

Feedback and issues?

If you have a feedback or issue feel free to open it in the issues section .

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

NimPlant - A Light-Weight First-Stage C2 Implant Written In Nim

By: (Unknown) — March 20th 2023 at 11:30

By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten), with special thanks to some awesome folks:

  • Fabian Mosch (@S3cur3Th1sSh1t) for sharing dynamic invocation implementation in Nim and the Ekko sleep mask function
  • snovvcrash (@snovvcrash) for adding the initial version of execute-assembly & self-deleting implant option
  • Furkan Göksel (@frkngksl) for his work on NiCOFF and Guillaume Caillé (@OffenseTeacher) for the initial implementation of inline-execute
  • Kadir Yamamoto (@yamakadi) for the design work, initial Vue.JS front-end and rusty nimplant, part of an older branch (unmaintained)
  • Mauricio Velazco (@mvelazco), Dylan Makowski (@AnubisOnSec), Andy Palmer (@pivotal8ytes), Medicus Riddick (@retsdem22), Spencer Davis (@nixbyte), and Florian Roth (@cyb3rops), for their efforts in testing the pre-release and contributing detections

Feature Overview

  • Lightweight and configurable implant written in the Nim programming language
  • Pretty web GUI that will make you look cool during all your ops
  • Encryption and compression of all traffic by default, obfuscates static strings in implant artefacts
  • Support for several implant types, including native binaries (exe/dll), shellcode or self-deleting executables
  • Wide selection of commands focused on early-stage operations including local enumeration, file or registry management, and web interactions
  • Easy deployment of more advanced functionality or payloads via inline-execute, shinject (using dynamic invocation), or in-thread execute-assembly
  • Support for operations on any platform, implant only targeting x64 Windows for now
  • Comprehensive logging of all interactions and file operations
  • Much, much more, just see below :)



  • Install Nim and Python3 on your OS of choice (installation via choosenim is recommended, as apt doesn't always have the latest version).
  • Install required packages using the Nimble package manager (cd client; nimble install -d).
  • Install requirements.txt from the server folder (pip3 install -r server/requirements.txt).
  • If you're on Linux or MacOS, install the mingw toolchain for your platform (brew install mingw-w64 or apt install mingw-w64).

Getting Started


Before using NimPlant, create the configuration file config.toml. It is recommended to copy config.toml.example and work from there.

An overview of settings is provided below.

Category Setting Description
server ip The IP that the C2 web server (including API) will listen on. Recommended to use, only use when you have setup proper firewall or routing rules to protect the C2.
server port The port that the C2 web server (including API) will listen on.
listener type The listener type, either HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS options configured below.
listener sslCertPath The local path to a HTTPS certificate file (e.g. requested via LetsEncrypt CertBot or self-signed). Ignored when listener type is 'HTTP'.
listener sslKeyPath The local path to the corresponding HTTPS certificate private key file. Password will be prompted when running the NimPlant server if set. Ignored when listener type is 'HTTP'.
listener hostname The listener hostname. If not empty (""), NimPlant will use this hostname to connect. Make sure you are properly routing traffic from this host to the NimPlant listener port.
listener ip The listener IP. Required even if 'hostname' is set, as it is used by the server to register on this IP.
listener port The listener port. Required even if 'hostname' is set, as it is used by the server to register on this port.
listener registerPath The URI path that new NimPlants will register with.
listener taskPath The URI path that NimPlants will get tasks from.
listener resultPath The URI path that NimPlants will submit results to.
nimplant riskyMode Compile NimPlant with support for risky commands. Operator discretion advised. Disabling will remove support for execute-assembly, powershell, shell and shinject.
nimplant sleepMask Whether or not to use Ekko sleep mask instead of regular sleep calls for Nimplants. Only works with regular executables for now!
nimplant sleepTime The default sleep time in seconds for new NimPlants.
nimplant sleepJitter The default jitter in percent for new NimPlants.
nimplant killDate The kill date for Nimplants (format: yyyy-MM-dd). Nimplants will exit if this date has passed.
nimplant userAgent The user-agent used by NimPlants. The server also uses this to validate NimPlant traffic, so it is recommended to choose a UA that is inconspicuous, but not too prevalent.


Once the configuration is to your liking, you can generate NimPlant binaries to deploy on your target. Currently, NimPlant supports .exe, .dll, and .bin binaries for (self-deleting) executables, libraries, and position-independent shellcode (through sRDI), respectively. To generate, run python compile followed by your preferred binaries (exe, exe-selfdelete, dll, raw, or all) and, optionally, the implant type (nim, or nim-debug). Files will be written to client/bin/.

You may pass the rotatekey argument to generate and use a new XOR key during compilation.


  • NimPlant only supports x64 at this time!
  • The entrypoint for DLL files is Update, which is triggered by DllMain for all entrypoints. This means you can use e.g. rundll32 .\NimPlant.dll,Update to trigger, or use your LOLBIN of choice to sideload it (may need some modifications in client/NimPlant.nim)
PS C:\NimPlant> python .\ compile all

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** **(## ##
######## ( ********
# ######## ******** *
.### ***
.######## ********
#### ### *** ****
######### ### *** *********
####### #### ## ** **** *******
##### ## * ** *****
###### #### ##*** **** .******
############### ***************
########## **********
_ _ _ ____ _ _
| \ | (_)_ __ ___ | _ \| | __ _ _ __ | |_
| \| | | '_ ` _ \| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \| __|
| |\ | | | | | | | __/| | (_| | | | | |_
|_| \_|_|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\__ ,_|_| |_|\__|

A light-weight stage 1 implant and C2 based on Nim and Python
By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)

Compiling .exe for NimPlant
Compiling self-deleting .exe for NimPlant
Compiling .dll for NimPlant
Compiling .bin for NimPlant

Done compiling! You can find compiled binaries in 'client/bin/'.

Compilation with Docker

The Docker image chvancooten/nimbuild can be used to compile NimPlant binaries. Using Docker is easy and avoids dependency issues, as all required dependencies are pre-installed in this container.

To use it, install Docker for your OS and start the compilation in a container as follows.

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src/np -w /usr/src/np chvancooten/nimbuild python3 compile all


Once you have your binaries ready, you can spin up your NimPlant server! No additional configuration is necessary as it reads from the same config.toml file. To launch a server, simply run python server (with sudo privileges if running on Linux). You can use the console once a Nimplant checks in, or access the web interface at http://localhost:31337 (by default).


  • If you are running your NimPlant server externally from the machine where binaries are compiled, make sure that both config.toml and .xorkey match. If not, NimPlant will not be able to connect.
  • The web frontend or API do not support authentication, so do NOT expose the frontend port to any untrusted networks without a secured reverse proxy!
  • If NimPlant cannot connect to a server or loses connection, it will retry 5 times with an exponential backoff time before attempting re-registration. If it fails to register 5 more times (same backoff logic), it will kill itself. The backoff triples the sleep time on each failed attempt. For example, if the sleep time is 10 seconds, it will wait 10, then 30 (3^1 * 10), then 90 (3^2 * 10), then 270 (3^3 * 10), then 810 seconds before giving up (these parameters are hardcoded but can be changed in client/NimPlant.nim).
  • Logs are stored in the server/logs directory. Each server instance creates a new log folder, and logs are split per console/nimplant session. Downloads and uploads (including files uploaded via the web GUI) are stored in the server/uploads and server/downloads directories respectively.
  • Nimplant and server details are stored in an SQLite database at server/nimplant.db. This data is also used to recover Nimplants after a server restart.
  • Logs, uploaded/downloaded files, and the database can be cleaned up by running with the cleanup flag. Caution: This will purge everything, so make sure to back up what you need first!
PS C:\NimPlant> python .\ server     

* *(# #
** **(## ##
######## ( ********
# ######## ******** *
.### ***
.######## ********
#### ### *** ****
######### ### *** *********
####### #### ## ** **** *******
##### ## * ** *****
###### #### ##*** **** .******
############### ***************
########## **********
_ _ _ ____ _ _
| \ | (_)_ __ ___ | _ \| | __ _ _ __ | |_
| \| | | '_ ` _ \| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \| __|
| |\ | | | | | | | __/| | (_| | | | | |_
|_| \_|_|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\__ ,_|_| |_|\__|

A light-weight stage 1 implant and C2 written in Nim and Python
By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)

[06/02/2023 10:47:23] Started management server on
[06/02/2023 10:47:23] Started NimPlant listener on CTRL-C to cancel waiting for NimPlants.

This will start both the C2 API and management web server (in the example above at and the NimPlant listener (in the example above at Once a NimPlant checks in, you can use both the web interface and the console to send commands to NimPlant.

Available commands are as follows. You can get detailed help for any command by typing help [command]. Certain commands denoted with (GUI) can be configured graphically when using the web interface, this can be done by calling the command without any arguments.

Command arguments shown as [required] <optional>.
Commands with (GUI) can be run without parameters via the web UI.

cancel Cancel all pending tasks.
cat [filename] Print a file's contents to the screen.
cd [directory] Change the working directory.
clear Clear the screen.
cp [source] [destination] Copy a file or directory.
curl [url] Get a webpage remotely and return the results.
download [remotefilepath] <localfilepath> Download a file from NimPlant's disk to the NimPlant server.
env Get environment variables.
execute-assembly (GUI) <BYPASSAMSI=0> <BLOCKETW=0> [localfilepath] <arguments> Execute .NET assembly from memory. AMSI/ETW patched by default. Loads the CLR.
exit Exit the server, killing all NimPlants.
getAv List Antivirus / EDR products on target using WMI.
getDom Get the domain the target is joined to.
getLocalAdm List local administrators on the target using WMI.
getpid Show process ID of the currently selected NimPlant.
getprocname Show process name of the currently selected NimPlant.
help <command> Show this help menu or command-specific help.
hostname Show hostname of the currently selected NimPlant.
inline-execute (GUI) [localfilepath] [entrypoint] <arg1 type1 arg2 type2..> Execute Beacon Object Files (BOF) from memory.
ipconfig List IP address information of the currently selected NimPlant.
kill Kill the currently selected NimPlant.
list Show list of active NimPlants.
listall Show list of all NimPlants.
ls <path> List files and folders i n a certain directory. Lists current directory by default.
mkdir [directory] Create a directory (and its parent directories if required).
mv [source] [destination] Move a file or directory.
nimplant Show info about the currently selected NimPlant.
osbuild Show operating system build information for the currently selected NimPlant.
powershell <BYPASSAMSI=0> <BLOCKETW=0> [command] Execute a PowerShell command in an unmanaged runspace. Loads the CLR.
ps List running processes on the target. Indicates current process.
pwd Get the current working directory.
reg [query|add] [path] <key> <value> Query or modify the registry. New values will be added as REG_SZ.
rm [file] Remove a file or directory.
run [binary] <arguments> Run a binary from disk. Returns output but blocks NimPlant while running.
screenshot Take a screenshot of the user's screen.
select [id] Select another NimPlant.
shell [command] Execute a shell command.
shinject (GUI) [targetpid] [localfilepath] Load raw shellcode from a file and inject it into the specified process's memory space using dynamic invocation.
sleep [sleeptime] <jitter%> Change the sleep time of the current NimPlant.
upload (GUI) [localfilepath] <remotefilepath> Upload a file from the NimPlant server to the victim machine.
wget [url] <remotefilepath> Download a file to disk remotely.
whoami Get the user ID that NimPlant is running as.

Using Beacon Object Files (BOFs)

NOTE: BOFs are volatile by nature, and running a faulty BOF or passing wrong arguments or types WILL crash your NimPlant session! Make sure to test BOFs before deploying!

NimPlant supports the in-memory loading of BOFs thanks to the great NiCOFF project. Running a bof requires a local compiled BOF object file (usually called something like bofname.x64.o), an entrypoint (commonly go), and a list of arguments with their respective argument types. Arguments are passed as a space-seperated arg argtype pair.

Argument are given in accordance with the "Zzsib" format, so can be either string (alias: z), wstring (or Z), integer (aliases: int or i), short (s), or binary (bin or b). Binary arguments can be a raw binary string or base64-encoded, the latter is recommended to avoid bad characters.

Some examples of usage (using the magnificent TrustedSec BOFs [1, 2] as an example) are given below. Note that inline-execute (without arguments) can be used to configure the command graphically in the GUI.

# Run a bof without arguments
inline-execute ipconfig.x64.o go

# Run the `dir` bof with one wide-string argument specifying the path to list, quoting optional
inline-execute dir.x64.o go "C:\Users\victimuser\desktop" Z

# Run an injection BOF specifying an integer for the process ID and base64-encoded shellcode as bytes
# Example shellcode generated with the command: msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=thread -f base64

# Depending on the BOF, sometimes argument parsing is a bit different using NiCOFF
# Make sure arguments are passed as expected by the BOF (can usually be retrieved from .CNA or BOF source)
# An example:
inline-execute enum_filter_driver.x64.o go # CRASHES - default null handling does not work
inline-execute enum_filter_driver.x64.o go "" z # OK - arguments are passed as expected

Push Notifications

By default, NimPlant support push notifications via the notify_user() hook defined in server/util/ By default, it implements a simple Telegram notification which requires the TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID and TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN environment variables to be set before it will fire. Of course, the code can be easily extended with one's own push notification functionality. The notify_user() hook is called when a new NimPlant checks in, and receives an object with NimPlant details, which can then be pushed as desired.

Building the frontend

As a normal user, you shouldn't have to modify or re-build the UI that comes with Nimplant. However, if you so desire to make changes, install NodeJS and run an npm install while in the ui directory. Then run ui/ This will take care of pulling the packages, compiling the Next.JS frontend, and placing the files in the right location for the Nimplant server to use them.

A word on production use and OPSEC

NimPlant was developed as a learning project and released to the public for transparency and educational purposes. For a large part, it makes no effort to hide its intentions. Additionally, protections have been put in place to prevent abuse. In other words, do NOT use NimPlant in production engagements as-is without thorough source code review and modifications! Also remember that, as with any C2 framework, the OPSEC fingerprint of running certain commands should be considered before deployment. NimPlant can be compiled without OPSEC-risky commands by setting riskyMode to false in config.toml.


There are many reasons why Nimplant may fail to compile or run. If you encounter issues, please try the following (in order):

  • Ensure you followed the steps as described in the 'Installation' section above, double check that all dependencies are installed and the versions match
  • Ensure you followed the steps as described in the 'Compilation' section above, and that you have used the chvancooten/nimbuild docker container to rule out any dependency issues
  • Check the logs in the server/logs directory for any errors
  • Try the nim-debug compilation mode to compile with console and debug messages (.exe only) to see if any error messages are returned
  • Try compiling from another OS or with another toolchain to see if the same error occurs
  • If all of the above fails, submit an issue. Make sure to include the appropriate build information (OS, nim/python versions, dependency versions) and the outcome of the troubleshooting steps above. Incomplete issues may be closed without notice.

☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

Privacy’s impact continues to grow, but more remains to be done

By: Robert Waitman — January 24th 2023 at 12:40

As part of Cisco’s recognition of International Data Privacy Day, today we released the Cisco 2023 Data Privacy Benchmark Study, our sixth annual review of key privacy issues and their impact on business. Drawing on responses from more than 3100 organizations in 26 geographies, the findings show that organizations continue to prioritize and get attractive returns from their privacy investments, while integrating privacy into many of their most important processes, including sales motions, management metrics, and employee responsibilities.

Privacy Investment is Very Attractive

Nearly all organizations have recognized the importance of privacy to their business. Ninety-four percent (94%) of respondents said their customers wouldn’t buy from them if their data was not properly protected, and 95% said privacy has become a business imperative.

Even in a difficult economic environment, the average privacy spend in 2022 was $2.7 Million, up 125% from 3 years ago. Estimated benefits from privacy rose to $3.4 Million with significant gains across all organization sizes. The average organization is getting benefits of 1.8 times spending, meaning they get $180 of benefit for each $100 invested in privacy. Thirty-six percent (36%) of organizations are getting returns at least twice their spending with many getting returns upwards of 3 or 5 times.

Privacy Further Integrated into Organizational Skills and Responsibilities

More organizations are recognizing that everyone across the organization plays a vital role in protecting personal data. Ninety-five percent (95%) of survey respondents said that “all of their employees” need to know how to protect data privacy. Among the security professionals who completed our survey, one-third (33%) included data privacy in their top three areas of responsibility.

Another important indication of privacy’s importance to the organization is the use of privacy metrics. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of organizations said they are reporting one or more privacy-related metrics to the Board of Directors. The average number of privacy metrics was 3.1, which is up from 2.6 in last year’s survey. The most-reported metrics include the status of any data breaches, impact assessments, and incident response.

Privacy legislation continues to be very well-received around the world. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of all corporate respondents said privacy laws have had a positive impact, and only 6% indicated that the laws have had a negative impact.

Organizations Not Fully Aligned with Consumers Regarding Data and Building Trust

Ninety-six percent (96%) of organizations said they have an ethical obligation to treat data properly. However, when it comes to earning and building customer trust, their priorities are not fully consistent with those of consumers. Transparency – providing easily accessible and clear information about how their data is being used – was the top priority (39%) for respondents in the consumer survey, well ahead of not selling personal information or complying with privacy laws. Yet, when asked what builds trust for consumers, organizations in the Benchmark Survey selected compliance over transparency. It seems consumers consider legal compliance to be a “given” with transparency more of a differentiator.

This disconnect can also be seen when it comes to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Ninety-six percent (96%) of organizations in our survey believe they have processes already in place to meet the responsible and ethical standards that customers expect. Yet, the majority of consumers don’t see it that way. As reported in our 2022 Consumer Privacy Survey, 65% already have lost trust in organizations over their AI practices. Fortunately, organizations may be starting to get the message that they aren’t doing enough. Ninety-two percent (92%) of respondents said that when it comes to AI applications, their organization needs to be doing more to reassure customers that their data is only being used for intended and legitimate purposes.

Global Providers Viewed as Safer than Local Providers

Many governments and organizations are putting in place data localization requirements, which forces data to be kept within a country or region. The vast majority (88%) of survey respondents believe that their data would be inherently safer if it is only stored locally. Remarkably, 90% also said that a global provider, operating at scale, can better protect the data compared to local providers. When viewing these two statements together, it seems that while organizations would ideally like to keep their data local, they still prefer and trust a global provider over a local provider. Of course, if they can get both — a local instance set up by a global provider — they would presumably like that even better.


This research suggests that organizations should continue to build and apply privacy capabilities into their operations and solutions, particularly among engineering, IT and security professionals, and those who work with personal data. Transparency is particularly important to customers, and organizations need to do more to reassure customers on how their data is being used, especially when applying and using AI and automated decision-making. Finally, organizations should consider the consequences of data localization requirements and recognize that these add cost and may degrade functionality, privacy, and security.

To learn more, check out the Cisco 2023 Data Privacy Benchmark Study, Infographic, and our Principles for Responsible AI.

Also, the new Cisco 2022 Purpose Report (Power section) and the Cisco ESG Reporting Hub (Integrity and Trust section) to see how trustworthiness, transparency, and accountability are key to Cisco’s approach to security, privacy, and trust.

All this and more can be found on the Cisco Trust Center.

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Whids - Open Source EDR For Windows

By: (Unknown) — October 27th 2022 at 11:30


EDR with artifact collection driven by detection. The detection engine is built on top of a previous project Gene specially designed to match Windows events against user defined rules.

What do you mean by "artifact collection driven by detection" ?

It means that an alert can directly trigger some artifact collection (file, registry, process memory). This way you are sure you collected the artifacts as soon as you could (near real time).

All this work has been done on my free time in the hope it would help other people, I hope you will enjoy it. Unless I get some funding to further develop this project, I will continue doing so. I will make all I can to fix issues in time and provide updates. Feel free to open issues to improve that project and keep it alive.


  • Provide an Open Source EDR to the community
  • Make transparency on the detection rules to make analysts understand why a rule triggered
  • Offer powerful detection primitives though a flexible rule engine
  • Optimize Incident Response processes by drastically reducing the time between detection and artifact collection


NB: the EDR agent can be ran standalone (without being connected to an EDR manager)


  • Open Source
  • Relies on Sysmon for all the heavy lifting (kernel component)
  • Very powerful but also customizable detection engine
  • Built by an Incident Responder for all Incident Responders to make their job easier
  • Low footprint (no process injection)
  • Can co-exist with any antivirus product (advised to run it along with MS Defender)
  • Designed for high throughput. It can easily enrich and analyze 4M events a day per endpoint without performance impact. Good luck to achieve that with a SIEM.
  • Easily integrable with other tools (Splunk, ELK, MISP ...)
  • Integrated with ATT&CK framework


  • Only works on Windows
  • Detection limited to what is available in Windows event logs channels ETW providers/sessions (already a lot in there)
  • No process instrumentation (it is also a strength as it depends on the point of view)
  • No GUI yet (will develop one if requested by the community)
  • No support for ETW (available in beta)
  • Tell me if you notice others ...



  1. Install Sysmon
  2. Configure Sysmon
    • You can find optimized Sysmon configurations here
    • Logging any ProcessCreate and ProcessTerminate is mandatory
  3. Take note of the path to your Sysmon binary because you will need it later on

NB: event filtering can be done at 100% with Gene rules so do not bother creating a complicated Sysmon configuration.

Pre-Installation Recommendations

In order to get the most of WHIDS you might want to improve your logging policy.

  • Enable Powershell Module Logging
  • Audit Service Creation: gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Advanced Audit Policy Configuration\System Audit Policies\System\Audit Security System Extension -> Enable
  • Enable File System Audit. Sysmon only provides FileCreate events when new files are created, so if you want/need to log other kind of accesses (Read, Write, ...) you need to enable FS Auditing.
    1. gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Advanced Audit Policy Configuration\System Audit Policies\Object Access\Audit File System -> Enable
    2. Right Click Any Folder -> Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Auditing -> Add
      1. Select a principal (put here the name of the user/group you want the audit for). Put group Everyone if you want to log access from any user.
      2. Apply this to is used to select the scope of this audit policy starting from the folder you have selected
      3. Basic permissions select the kinds of accesses you want the logs to be generated for
      4. Validate
    3. File System auditing logs will appear in the Security log channel
  • If you want an antivirus to run on your endpoints, keep Microsoft Defender, first because it is a good AV but also because it logs alerts in a dedicated log channel Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational monitored by the EDR.

EDR Endpoint agent (Whids.exe)

This section covers the installation of the agent on the endpoint.

  1. Download and extract the latest WHIDS release
  2. Run manage.bat as administrator
  3. Launch installation by selecting the appropriate option
  4. Verify that files have been created at the installation directory
  5. Edit configuration file by selecting the appropriate option in manage.bat or using your preferred text editor
  6. Skip this if running with a connection to a manager, because rules will be updated automatically. If there is nothing in the rules directory the tool will be useless, so make sure there are some gene rules in there. Some rules are packaged with WHIDS and you will be prompted to choose if you want to install those or not. If you want the last up to date rules, you can get those here (take the compiled ones)
  7. Start the services from appropriate option in manage.bat or just reboot (preferred option otherwise some enrichment fields will be incomplete leading to false alerts)
  8. If you configured a manager do not forget to run it in order to receive alerts and dumps

NB: At installation time the Sysmon service will be made dependent of WHIDS service so that we are sure the EDR runs before Sysmon starts generating some events.

EDR Manager

The EDR manager can be installed on several platforms, pre-built binaries are provided for Windows, Linux and Darwin.

  1. Create TLS certificate if needed for HTTPS connections
  2. Create a configuration file (there is a command line argument to generate a basic config)
  3. Run the binary

Configuration Examples

Please visit doc/

Further Documentation

Known Issues

  • Does not work properly when ran from a network share mapped as a network drive (this case prevent whids to identify itself and thus generate some noise). Example: if \\vbox\test is mounted as Z: drive, running Z:\whids.exe won't work while running \\vbox\test\whids.exe actually would.

Roadmap until next release

  • find a new name to the project because we all agree it sucks
  • better sysmon integration (config, deployment, update)
  • endpoint configuration from manager
  • tooling management (update, install), like OSQuery
  • code refactoring and optimization
  • implement a performance monitor
  • get rid of any on-disk configuration
  • implement IOC management capabilities
  • ETW support
  • automatic documentation (OpenAPI) and testing of manager's API
  • provide endpoint system information in manager
  • implement actionable rules
  • provide canary file management
  • builtin commands to be executed by endpoints
  • provide Incident Response reports about endpoints
  • overall manager API improvement
  • provide event streams so that a client can receive events in realtime
  • standardize HTTP headers
  • provide a python library to interact with EDR manager (



  • New Administrative HTTP API with following features:
    • Manage endpoints (list, create, delete)
    • Get basic statistics about the manager
    • Execute commands on endpoints and get results
      • Can drop files prior to execution, to execute binaries/scripts not present on endpoint. Dropped files are deleted after command was ran.
      • Can retrieve files (post command execution), to retrieve results of the command
    • Collect files from endpoints for forensic purposes
    • Contain / Uncontain endpoints by restricting any network traffic except communication to the manager.
    • Query endpoints logs
    • Query endpoints alerts
    • Pivot on a timestamp and retrieve logs/alerts around that time pivot
    • Access endpoint report
      • Scoring (relative to each environment) allowing to sort endpoints and spot the ones behaving differently from the others.
      • Alerts / TTPs observed on a given time frame
    • Manage rules (list, create, update, save, delete)
  • Integration with Sysmon v12 and v13
    • Integrate ClipboardData events
      • Put the content of the clipboard data inside the event to allow creating rule on the content of the clipboard
    • Integrate ProcessTampering events
      • Enrich event with a diffing score between .text section on disk and in memory
  • Implemented certificate pinning on client to enhance security of the communication channel between endpoints and management server
  • Log filtering capabilities, allowing one to collect contextual events. Log filtering is achieved by creating Gene filtering rules (c.f. Gene Documentation).
  • Configuration files in TOML format for better readability
  • Better protection of the installation directory

Related Work


Github: Website: Twitter:@tines_io

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Data Transparency and its Impact on Customer Trust

By: Robert Waitman — October 11th 2022 at 12:00

How do organizations earn and build trust when it comes to the personal data that customers share with them? Customers certainly expect these organizations to comply with all privacy laws that are now in place in more than 130 countries. Customers also expect them not to sell personal data without consent and to try to avoid data breaches that could expose personal data. While these actions are necessary, organizations still need to do more when it comes to customer trust. According to our latest research, consumers’ top priority is, in fact, for organizations to be more transparent about how they use personal data.

The Cisco 2022 Consumer Privacy Survey, released today, explores what organizations can do to earn and build trust with customers, the actions individuals are taking to protect their data, the impact of privacy laws around the world, and some of the benefits and costs of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data localization requirements. The report, our fourth annual look at consumer privacy issues, draws on anonymous responses from 2600 adults in 12 countries.

Here are some highlights from the survey:

  1. Consumers chose ‘data transparency’ as the top thing organizations can do to build trust regarding how personal data is used and protected. At 39%, data transparency was selected almost twice as much as ‘refraining from selling personal information’ (21%) or ‘complying with all privacy laws’ (20%).
  2. More consumers are taking action to protect their personal data. Results showed that 37% have stopped using a company or provider over their data practices, with 24% having exercised their Data Subject Access Rights to inquire about the data companies have about them, and 14% having requested changes or deletions to that data.
  3. When it comes to applying and using AI, consumers are supportive, but very concerned with today’s practices. While 43% say AI can be useful in improving our lives and 54% are even willing to share their anonymized personal data to improve AI products, 60% are concerned about how businesses are using AI today. In fact, 65% say they have already lost trust in organizations due to their AI practices.
  4. Consumers continue to strongly support their nation’s privacy laws, as they want their government to take a leading role in protecting personal privacy. On average, 61% felt these laws are having a positive impact, whereas only 3% believe they are having a negative impact. Awareness of these laws continues to be a challenge as only 43% say they are aware of their country’s privacy laws.
  5. Consumers are evenly split on the value of data localization requirements that add cost to the products and services they buy, with 41% in favor and 41% against. Interestingly, in 9 of the 12 countries surveyed, more respondents were against data localization than in favor.

Check out the associated infographic that provides visual and easily consumable descriptions of the key data.

At Cisco, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Privacy continues to be a high priority for consumers, and organizations need to do their part to protect personal data and build consumer confidence in how this data is being used. Some recommendations for organizations include:

  • Investing in transparency. Show your customers where they can find your company’s privacy policies and tell them in easy-to-understand ways exactly how you use their data (see, for example, Cisco’s in Privacy Data Sheets and Data Maps) as this is critical for earning and building their trust.
  • Helping to ensure your customers are aware of relevant privacy laws and their rights. Individuals who know about these protections are more likely to trust organizations with their personal data and have confidence that their data is protected.
  • Adopting measures to ensure responsible use of data. While misuse of personal data in AI can erode consumer trust, some positive steps to apply and use it responsibly include implementing an AI governance framework, providing transparency on how personal data is used in any AI application, and enabling customers to opt out of the specific application.
  • Evaluating the costs and legal alternatives, if any, to data localization requirements. These requirements may not be worth their cost to many consumers, and it is still unclear if they contribute to greater safety and privacy.

Privacy remains a critical element of trust. Consumers want more transparency and control of their personal data, especially as we continue to see innovations in technology. As we are now in the midst of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the US and other countries around the world, it’s a great time to learn more and join in activities and discussions that advance cybersecurity.

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Demonstrating Trust and Transparency in Mergers and Acquisitions

By: Jason Button — October 3rd 2022 at 12:00

Jason Button is a director at Cisco and leads the company’s Security and Trust Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) team. He was formerly the director of IT at Duo Security, a company Cisco acquired in 2018, making him uniquely positioned to lend his expertise to the M&A process. This blog is the second in a series focused on M&A cybersecurity, following Jacob Bolotin’s post on Managing Cybersecurity Risk in M&A.

Demonstrating Trust and Transparency in Mergers and Acquisitions 

All good relationships are built on trust. Add in transparency, and the union becomes even more substantial. “Trust and transparency underpin everything we do,” says Button, “Cisco takes security, trust, and transparency very seriously, and it’s part of our team’s fabric.”

When Cisco acquires a company, the Security and Trust M&A team looks at not only what they can offer in the way of security but also what unique qualities the acquired company brings to Cisco. These qualities might be related to security, but they’re also found in the acquired company’s culture, technical knowledge, and processes.

In all acquisitions, the M&A team needs to move fast. In fact, the Cisco team is committed to pushing even faster as long as they never compromise on security. Around 2020, Button and his team began taking stock of how it does things. They evaluated everything from the ground up, willing to tease out what is working and toss out what isn’t.

The team is also on a trajectory of identifying how it can digitize and automate security.

“If we were going to do things differently, we needed to be bold about it,” says Mohammad Iqbal, information security architect in the Security and Trust M&A team. One of the changes Iqbal proposed to his colleagues is to ensure that an acquired company is integrated into Cisco’s critical security controls within three months after the acquisition deal closes.

Focus on Non-Integrated Risks

To successfully meet the three-month target, the M&A team works closely with the acquired company to identify and address all non-integrated risks (NIRs) that Cisco inherits from an acquisition and encompass:

  • Visibility to get the acquired company integrated into the governance process; includes risk assessments and familiarity with all the players involved in the acquisition
  • Vulnerability management to identify and remediate vulnerabilities. Where do the acquisition’s crown jewels reside? What does the external attack surface look like? Has it been patched?
  • Security operations to determine such functions as identity, administrative access, multifactor authentication, and basic monitoring.

NIRs are a subset of eight security domains, or operating norms, that align with Cisco’s security and trust objectives and top priorities of the larger security community (Figure 1). The M&A team’s focus on NIRs steers the due diligence conversation away from identifying the acquisition’s security deficiencies and towards understanding the inherent risks associated with the acquisition and measuring the security liability.

“Acquisitions are coming in with these risks, and so we must address NIRs early when we’re signing non-disclosure agreements. In doing so, we help put these companies in a position to integrate successfully with all the security domains. And this integration should be done in the shortest time possible within a year of close,” Iqbal says.

Figure 1. Cisco’s Eight Security Domains

Building trust and being transparent early on is critical so the acquired company knows what’s expected of them and is ready to accomplish its three-month and first-year goals.

“I wish this type of conversation was offered to me when Cisco acquired Duo,” Button says. “Being on the Duo side of that deal, I would’ve been able to say with confidence, ‘OK, I get it. I know what’s expected of me. I know where to go. I know what I need to do with my team.’”

“We have a limited time window to make sure an acquisition company is heading down the right route. We want to get in there early and quickly and make it easy,” adds Button.

Time Is of the Essence

Reducing the manual intervention required by the acquired company is integral to helping the acquisition meet the three-month goal. Here’s where automation can play a significant role and the M&A team is looking toward innovation.

“We’re working on bringing in automated processes to lessen the burden on the acquired company,” says Iqbal. The M&A team realizes that much of the automation can be applied in instrumenting the security controls and associated APIs to help the team move beyond what they have already assessed at acquisition day 0 and gain the visibility they need to get the acquired company to its three-month goal. For example, they can automate getting the acquired company on Cisco’s vulnerability scans, using internal tools, or attaining administrative access privileges.

So, Iqbal, Button, and the rest of the team are working on automating processes—developing the appropriate architecture pipeline and workflows—that help acquired companies integrate critical security controls. While the ability to automate integration with security controls is not novel, the innovation that the M&A team brings to the table is the ability to position an acquired target to integrate with security controls in the most expedited way possible.

Automation in Discovery

As with due diligence, the M&A team strives to complete the discovery phase before the acquisition deal close. Here’s another step where digitization and automation can simplify and shorten processes. Take the acquisition company questionnaire, for instance.

“Instead of asking dozens of questions, we could give the company an audit script to run in their environment,” Iqbal says. “Then, all they have to do is give us the results.”

Also, the questionnaire can be dynamically rendered through a dashboard, improving the user experience, and shortening completion time. For example, the number of questions about containers could automatically retract if the acquired company uses Azure Kubernetes Service.

After the Close

Many teams within Cisco compete for an acquired company’s time before and after an acquisition deal closes. The acquired company is pulled in several different directions. That’s why the Security and Trust M&A team doesn’t stop looking for ways to digitize and automate security processes after the close—to continue to help make the acquired company’s transition more manageable.

“If we can make processes simple, people will use them and see the value in them within days, not weeks or quarters,” says Button.

“The majority of companies we acquire are smaller,” Button says. “They don’t have large security teams. We want them to tap our plethora of security experts. We want to enable an acquired company to apply Cisco’s ability to scale security at their company. Again, we want things to be simple for them.”

The M&A team helps facilitate simplicity by telling a consistent story (maintaining consistent messaging unique to the acquired company) to all the groups at Cisco involved in the acquisition, including M&A’s extended Security and Trust partners such as corporate security, IT, and supply chain. Because each group deals with different security aspects of the integration plan, it’s essential that everyone is on the same page and understands the changes, improvements, and benefits of the acquisition that are relevant to them. Maintaining a consistent message can go a long way toward reducing complexity.

It’s All About Balance

The human element can easily get overlooked throughout an acquisition’s myriad business, technical, and administrative facets. Balancing the human aspect with business goals and priorities is essential to Button and the entire Security and Trust M&A team. They want to bring the human connection to the table. In this way, trust and transparency are on their side.

“Emotions can run the gamut in an acquisition. Some people will be happy. Others will be scared. If you don’t make a human connection, you’ll lose so much value in the acquisition,” Button says. “You can lose people, skillsets, efforts. If we don’t make that human connection, then we lose that balance, and we won’t be off to a great start.”

One way the M&A team helps maintain that balance is by embracing the things that make the acquired company unique. “It’s vital to identify those things early on so we can protect and nurture them,” says Button.

He also wants to remind companies that they don’t have to be experts at everything asked of them during acquisition. “Cisco has been here for a while. We have entire teams within M&A that are dedicated to doing one thing. We can help acquired companies find out where they’re struggling. We can handle the things they don’t want to deal with.”

“M&A is complex, but complexity is off the chart when you talk about M&A and security. Our team won’t be successful if we can’t find a way to make things easier for the acquired company. They need to understand where they’re headed and why,” Button says. “It’s up to us to motivate them towards a successful outcome.”

Related Blogs

Managing Cybersecurity Risk in M&A


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