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Headerpwn - A Fuzzer For Finding Anomalies And Analyzing How Servers Respond To Different HTTP Headers

By: Zion3R β€” May 30th 2024 at 12:30


To install headerpwn, run the following command:

go install


headerpwn allows you to test various headers on a target URL and analyze the responses. Here's how to use the tool:

  1. Provide the target URL using the -url flag.
  2. Create a file containing the headers you want to test, one header per line. Use the -headers flag to specify the path to this file.

Example usage:

headerpwn -url -headers my_headers.txt
  • Format of my_headers.txt should be like below:
Proxy-Authenticate: foobar
Proxy-Authentication-Required: foobar
Proxy-Authorization: foobar
Proxy-Connection: foobar
Proxy-Host: foobar
Proxy-Http: foobar

Proxying requests through Burp Suite:

Follow following steps to proxy requests through Burp Suite:

  • Export Burp's Certificate:

    • In Burp Suite, go to the "Proxy" tab.
    • Under the "Proxy Listeners" section, select the listener that is configured for
    • Click on the "Import/ Export CA Certificate" button.
    • In the certificate window, click "Export Certificate" and save the certificate file (e.g., burp.der).
  • Install Burp's Certificate:

    • Install the exported certificate as a trusted certificate on your system. How you do this depends on your operating system.
    • On Windows, you can double-click the .cer file and follow the prompts to install it in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store.
    • On macOS, you can double-click the .cer file and add it to the "Keychain Access" application in the "System" keychain.
    • On Linux, you might need to copy the certificate to a trusted certificate location and configure your system to trust it.

You should be all set:

headerpwn -url -headers my_headers.txt -proxy


The headers.txt file is compiled from various sources, including the SecLists">Seclists project. These headers are used for testing purposes and provide a variety of scenarios for analyzing how servers respond to different headers.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Mass-Bruter - Mass Bruteforce Network Protocols

By: Zion3R β€” November 26th 2023 at 11:30

Mass bruteforce network protocols


Simple personal script to quickly mass bruteforce common services in a large scale of network.
It will check for default credentials on ftp, ssh, mysql, mssql...etc.
This was made for authorized red team penetration testing purpose only.

How it works

  1. Use masscan(faster than nmap) to find alive hosts with common ports from network segment.
  2. Parse ips and ports from masscan result.
  3. Craft and run hydra commands to automatically bruteforce supported network services on devices.


  • Kali linux or any preferred linux distribution
  • Python 3.10+
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd mass-bruter

# Install required tools for the script
apt update && apt install seclists masscan hydra

How To Use

Private ip range :,,

Save masscan results under ./result/masscan/, with the format masscan_<name>.<ext>

Ex: masscan_192.168.0.0-16.txt

Example command:

masscan -p 3306,1433,21,22,23,445,3389,5900,6379,27017,5432,5984,11211,9200,1521 | tee ./result/masscan/masscan_test.txt

Example Resume Command:

masscan --resume paused.conf | tee -a ./result/masscan/masscan_test.txt

Command Options

Bruteforce Script Options: -q, --quick Quick mode (Only brute telnet, ssh, ftp , mysql, mssql, postgres, oracle) -a, --all Brute all services(Very Slow) -s, --show Show result with successful login -f, --file-path PATH The directory or file that contains masscan result [default: ./result/masscan/] --help Show this message and exit." dir="auto">
└─# python3
Usage: [OPTIONS]

Mass Bruteforce Script

-q, --quick Quick mode (Only brute telnet, ssh, ftp , mysql,
mssql, postgres, oracle)
-a, --all Brute all services(Very Slow)
-s, --show Show result with successful login
-f, --file-path PATH The directory or file that contains masscan result
[default: ./result/masscan/]
--help Show this message and exit.

Quick Bruteforce Example:

python3 -q -f ~/masscan_script.txt

Fetch cracked credentials:

python3 -s


  • Migrate with dpl4hydra
  • Optimize the code and functions
  • MultiProcessing

Any contributions are welcomed!
