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SwaggerSpy - Automated OSINT On SwaggerHub

By: Zion3R β€” February 19th 2024 at 11:30

SwaggerSpy is a tool designed for automated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on SwaggerHub. This project aims to streamline the process of gathering intelligence from APIs documented on SwaggerHub, providing valuable insights for security researchers, developers, and IT professionals.

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source framework that allows developers to design, build, document, and consume RESTful web services. It simplifies API development by providing a standard way to describe REST APIs using a JSON or YAML format. Swagger enables developers to create interactive documentation for their APIs, making it easier for both developers and non-developers to understand and use the API.

About SwaggerHub

SwaggerHub is a collaborative platform for designing, building, and managing APIs using the Swagger framework. It offers a centralized repository for API documentation, version control, and collaboration among team members. SwaggerHub simplifies the API development lifecycle by providing a unified platform for API design and testing.

Why OSINT on SwaggerHub?

Performing OSINT on SwaggerHub is crucial because developers, in their pursuit of efficient API documentation and sharing, may inadvertently expose sensitive information. Here are key reasons why OSINT on SwaggerHub is valuable:

  1. Developer Oversights: Developers might unintentionally include secrets, credentials, or sensitive information in API documentation on SwaggerHub. These oversights can lead to security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access if not identified and addressed promptly.

  2. Security Best Practices: OSINT on SwaggerHub helps enforce security best practices. Identifying and rectifying potential security issues early in the development lifecycle is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of APIs.

  3. Preventing Data Leaks: By systematically scanning SwaggerHub for sensitive information, organizations can proactively prevent data leaks. This is especially crucial in today's interconnected digital landscape where APIs play a vital role in data exchange between services.

  4. Risk Mitigation: Understanding that developers might forget to remove or obfuscate sensitive details in API documentation underscores the importance of continuous OSINT on SwaggerHub. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of unintentional exposure of critical information.

  5. Compliance and Privacy: Many industries have stringent compliance requirements regarding the protection of sensitive data. OSINT on SwaggerHub ensures that APIs adhere to these regulations, promoting a culture of compliance and safeguarding user privacy.

  6. Educational Opportunities: Identifying oversights in SwaggerHub documentation provides educational opportunities for developers. It encourages a security-conscious mindset, fostering a culture of awareness and responsible information handling.

By recognizing that developers can inadvertently expose secrets, OSINT on SwaggerHub becomes an integral part of the overall security strategy, safeguarding against potential threats and promoting a secure API ecosystem.

How SwaggerSpy Works

SwaggerSpy obtains information from SwaggerHub and utilizes regular expressions to inspect API documentation for sensitive information, such as secrets and credentials.

Getting Started

To use SwaggerSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Clone the SwaggerSpy repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone
cd SwaggerSpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Usage: Run SwaggerSpy with the target search terms (more accurate with domains).
python searchterm
  1. Results: SwaggerSpy will generate a report containing OSINT findings, including information about the API, endpoints, and secrets.


SwaggerSpy is intended for educational and research purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this tool complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Contributions to SwaggerSpy are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this tool.

About the Author

SwaggerSpy is developed and maintained by Alisson Moretto (UndeadSec)

I'm a passionate cyber threat intelligence pro who loves sharing insights and crafting cybersecurity tools.


Regular Expressions Enhancement
  • [ ] Review and improve existing regular expressions.
  • [ ] Ensure that regular expressions adhere to best practices.
  • [ ] Check for any potential optimizations in the regex patterns.
  • [ ] Test regular expressions with various input scenarios for accuracy.
  • [ ] Document any complex or non-trivial regex patterns for better understanding.
  • [ ] Explore opportunities to modularize or break down complex patterns.
  • [ ] Verify the regular expressions against the latest specifications or requirements.
  • [ ] Update documentation to reflect any changes made to the regular expressions.


SwaggerSpy is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Special thanks to @Liodeus for providing project inspiration through swaggerHole.

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Antisquat - Leverages AI Techniques Such As NLP, ChatGPT And More To Empower Detection Of Typosquatting And Phishing Domains

By: Zion3R β€” January 25th 2024 at 11:30

AntiSquat leverages AI techniques such as natural language processing (NLP), large language models (ChatGPT) and more to empower detection of typosquatting and phishing domains.

How to use

  • Clone the project via git clone
  • Install all dependencies by typing pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Get a ChatGPT API key at
  • Create a file named .openai-key and paste your chatgpt api key in there.
  • (Optional) Visit and grab a GoDaddy API key. Create a file named .godaddy-key and paste your godaddy api key in there.
  • Create a file named β€˜domains.txt’. Type in a line-separated list of domains you’d like to scan.
  • (Optional) Create a file named blacklist.txt. Type in a line-separated list of domains you’d like to ignore. Regular expressions are supported.
  • Run antisquat using python3.8 domains.txt


Let’s say you’d like to run antisquat on "".

Create a file named "domains.txt", then type in Then run python3.8 domains.txt.

AntiSquat generates several permutations of the domain, iterates through them one-by-one and tries extracting all contact information from the page.

Test case:

A test case for is attached. To run it without any api keys, simply run python3.8

Here, the tool appears to have captured a test phishing site for Similar domains that may be available for sale can be captured in this way and any contact information from the site may be extracted.

If you'd like to know more about the tool, make sure to check out our blog.


To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

HTTPLoot - An Automated Tool Which Can Simultaneously Crawl, Fill Forms, Trigger Error/Debug Pages And "Loot" Secrets Out Of The Client-Facing Code Of Sites

By: (Unknown) β€” December 20th 2022 at 11:30

An automated tool which can simultaneously crawl, fill forms, trigger error/debug pages and "loot" secrets out of the client-facing code of sites.


To use the tool, you can grab any one of the pre-built binaries from the Releases section of the repository. If you want to build the source code yourself, you will need Go > 1.16 to build it. Simply running go build will output a usable binary for you.

Additionally you will need two json files (lootdb.json and regexes.json) alongwith the binary which you can get from the repo itself. Once you have all 3 files in the same folder, you can go ahead and fire up the tool.

Video demo:

Here is the help usage of the tool:

$ ./httploot --help
/ \ H T T P L O O T
( $ ) v0.1

[+] HTTPLoot by RedHunt Labs - A Modern Attack Surface (ASM) Management Company
[+] Author: Pinaki Mondal (RHL Research Team)
[+] Continuously Track Your Attack Surface using

Usage of ./httploot:
-concurrency int
Maximum number of sites to process concurrently (default 100)
-depth int
Maximum depth limit to traverse while crawling (default 3)
-form-length int
Length of the string to be randomly generated for filling form fields (default 5)
-form-string string
Value with which the tool will auto-fill forms, strings will be randomly generated if no value is supplied
-input-file string
Path of the input file conta ining domains to process
-output-file string
CSV output file path to write the results to (default "httploot-results.csv")
-parallelism int
Number of URLs per site to crawl parallely (default 15)
Whether to auto-submit forms to trigger debug pages
-timeout int
The default timeout for HTTP requests (default 10)
-user-agent string
User agent to use during HTTP requests (default "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0")
Verify SSL certificates while making HTTP requests
Allow crawling of links outside of the domain being scanned

Concurrent scanning

There are two flags which help with the concurrent scanning:

  • -concurrency: Specifies the maximum number of sites to process concurrently.
  • -parallelism: Specifies the number of links per site to crawl parallely.

Both -concurrency and -parallelism are crucial to performance and reliability of the tool results.


The crawl depth can be specified using the -depth flag. The integer value supplied to this is the maximum chain depth of links to crawl grabbed on a site.

An important flag -wildcard-crawl can be used to specify whether to crawl URLs outside the domain in scope.

NOTE: Using this flag might lead to infinite crawling in worst case scenarios if the crawler finds links to other domains continuously.

Filling forms

If you want the tool to scan for debug pages, you need to specify the -submit-forms argument. This will direct the tool to autosubmit forms and try to trigger error/debug pages once a tech stack has been identified successfully.

If the -submit-forms flag is enabled, you can control the string to be submitted in the form fields. The -form-string specifies the string to be submitted, while the -form-length can control the length of the string to be randomly generated which will be filled into the forms.

Network tuning

Flags like:

  • -timeout - specifies the HTTP timeout of requests.
  • -user-agent - specifies the user-agent to use in HTTP requests.
  • -verify-ssl - specifies whether or not to verify SSL certificates.


Input file to read can be specified using the -input-file argument. You can specify a file path containing a list of URLs to scan with the tool. The -output-file flag can be used to specify the result output file path -- which by default goes into a file called httploot-results.csv.

Further Details

Further details about the research which led to the development of the tool can be found on our RedHunt Labs Blog.

License & Version

The tool is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

Currently the tool is at v0.1.


The RedHunt Labs Research Team would like to extend credits to the creators & maintainers of shhgit for the regular expressions provided by them in their repository.

To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Octopii - An AI-powered Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Scanner

By: (Unknown) β€” November 24th 2022 at 11:30

Octopii is an open-source AI-powered Personal Identifiable Information (PII) scanner that can look for image assets such as Government IDs, passports, photos and signatures in a directory.


Octopii uses Tesseract's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Keras' Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) models to detect various forms of personal identifiable information that may be leaked on a publicly facing location. This is done in the following steps:

1. Importing and cleaning image(s)

The image is imported via OpenCV and Python Imaging Library (PIL) and is cleaned, deskewed and rotated for scanning.

2. Performing image classification and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

A directory is looped over and searched for images. These images are scanned for unique features via the image classifier (done by comparing it to a trained model), along with OCR for finding substrings within the image. This may have one of the following outcomes:

  • Best case (score >=90): The image is sent into the image classifier algorithm to be scanned for features such as an ISO/IEC 7810 card specification, colors, location of text, photos, holograms etc. If it is successfully classified as a type of PII, OCR is performed on it looking for particular words and strings as a final check. When both of these are confirmed, the result from Octopii is extremely reliable.

  • Average case (score >=50): The image is partially/incorrectly identified by the image classifier algorithm, but an OCR check finds contradicting substrings and reclassifies it.

  • Worst case (score >=0): The image is only identified by the image classifier algorithm but an OCR scan returns no results.

  • Incorrect classification: False positives due to a very small model or OCR list may incorrectly classify PIIs, giving inaccurate results.

As a final verification method, images are scanned for certain strings to verify the accuracy of the model.

The accuracy of the scan can determined via the confidence scores in output. If all the mentioned conditions are met, a score of 100.0 is returned.

To train the model, data can also be fed into the script, and the newly improved h5 file can be used.


  1. Install all dependencies via pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Install the Tesseract helper locally via sudo apt install tesseract-ocr -y (for Ubuntu/Debian).
  3. To run Octopii, type python3 <location name>, for example python3 pii_list/
python3 <location to scan> <additional flags>

Octopii currently supports local scanning and scanning S3 directories and open directory listings via their URLs.



Open-source projects like these thrive on community support. Since Octopii relies heavily on machine learning and optical character recognition, contributions are much appreciated. Here's how to contribute:

1. Fork

Fork the official repository at

2. Understand

There are 3 files in the models/ directory. - The keras_models.h5 file is the Keras h5 model that can be obtained from Google's Teachable Machine or via Keras in Python. - The labels.txt file contains the list of labels corresponding to the index that the model returns. - The ocr_list.json file consists of keywords to search for during an OCR scan, as well as other miscellaneous information such as country of origin, regular expressions etc.

Generating models via Teachable Machine

Since our current dataset is quite small, we could benefit from a large Keras model of international PII for this project. If you do not have expertise in Keras, Google provides an extremely easy to use model generator called the Teachable Machine. To use it:

  • Visit and select 'Image Project' β†’ 'Standard Image Model'.
  • A few classes are visible. Rename the class to an asset type ypu'd like to upload, such as "German Passport" or "California Driver License".
  • Add images by clicking the 'Upload' button and upload some image assets. Note: images have to be square

Tip: segregate your image assets into folders with the folder name being the same as the class name. You can then drag and drop a folder into the upload dialog.

  • Click '+ Add a class' at the bottom of the page to add more classes with data and repeat. You can make the classes more specific, such as "Goa Driver License Old Format".

Note: Only upload the same as the class name, for example, the German Passport class must have German Passport pictures. Uploading the wrong data to the wrong class will confuse the machine learning algorithms.

  • Verify the classes and images one last time. Once you're ready, click on the 'Train Model' button. You can increase the epoch size (such as 5000) to improve model accuracy.
  • To test, you can test the model by clicking the Input dropdown and selecting 'File', then uploading a sample image.
  • Once you're ready, click the 'Export Model' button. In the dialog that pops up, select the 'Tensorflow' tab (not Tensorflow.js) and select the 'Keras' radio button, then click 'Download my model' to export the newly generated model. Extract the downloaded zip file and paste the keras_model.h5 file and labels.txt file into the models/ directory in Octopii.

The images used for the model above are not visible to us since they're in a proprietary format. You can use both dummy and actual PII. Make sure they are square-ish in image size.

Updating OCR list

Once you generate models using Teachable Machine, you can improve Octopii's accuracy via OCR. To do this:

  • Open the existing ocr_list.json file. Create a JSONObject with the key having the same name as the asset class. NOTE: The key name must be exactly the same as the asset class name from Teachable Machine.
  • For the keywords, use as many unique terms from your asset as possible, such as "Income Tax Department". Store them in a JSONArray.
  • (Advanced) you can also add regexes for things like ID numbers and MRZ on passports if they are unique enough. Use to test your regexes before adding them.
  • Save/overwrite the existing ocr_list.json file.

3. Edit

You can replace each file you modify in the models/ directory after you create or edit them via the above methods.

4. Pull request

Submit a pull request from your forked repo and we'll pick it up and replace our current model with it if the changes are large enough.

Note: Please take the following steps to ensure quality

  • Make sure the model returns extremely accurate results by testing it locally first.
  • Use proper text casing for label names in both the Keras model and ocr_list.json.
  • Make sure all JSON is valid with appropriate character escapes with no duplicate keys, regexes or keywords.
  • For country names, please use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.



MIT License

(c) Copyright 2022 RedHunt Labs Private Limited

Author: Owais Shaikh
