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NimGetSyscallStub - Get Fresh Syscalls From A Fresh Ntdll.Dll Copy

By: (Unknown) โ€” September 21st 2022 at 11:30

Get fresh Syscalls from a fresh ntdll.dll copy. This code can be used as an alternative to the already published awesome tools NimlineWhispers and NimlineWhispers2 by @ajpc500 or ParallelNimcalls.

The advantage of grabbing Syscalls dynamically is, that the signature of the Stubs is not included in the file and you don't have to worry about changing Windows versions.

To compile the shellcode execution template run the following:

nim c -d:release ShellcodeInject.nim

The result should look like this:

โ˜ โ˜† โœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

NimGetSyscallStub - Get Fresh Syscalls From A Fresh Ntdll.Dll Copy

By: (Unknown) โ€” August 13th 2022 at 12:30

Get fresh Syscalls from a fresh ntdll.dll copy. This code can be used as an alternative to the already published awesome tools NimlineWhispers and NimlineWhispers2 by @ajpc500 or ParallelNimcalls.

The advantage of grabbing Syscalls dynamically is, that the signature of the Stubs is not included in the file and you don't have to worry about changing Windows versions.

To compile the shellcode execution template run the following:

nim c -d:release ShellcodeInject.nim

The result should look like this:
