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JA4+ - Suite Of Network Fingerprinting Standards

By: Zion3R — May 25th 2024 at 12:30

JA4+ is a suite of network Fingerprinting methods that are easy to use and easy to share. These methods are both human and machine readable to facilitate more effective threat-hunting and analysis. The use-cases for these fingerprints include scanning for threat actors, malware detection, session hijacking prevention, compliance automation, location tracking, DDoS detection, grouping of threat actors, reverse shell detection, and many more.

Please read our blogs for details on how JA4+ works, why it works, and examples of what can be detected/prevented with it:
JA4+ Network Fingerprinting (JA4/S/H/L/X/SSH)
JA4T: TCP Fingerprinting (JA4T/TS/TScan)

To understand how to read JA4+ fingerprints, see Technical Details

This repo includes JA4+ Python, Rust, Zeek and C, as a Wireshark plugin.

JA4/JA4+ support is being added to:
GoLang (JA4X)
Netresec's CapLoader
NetworkMiner">Netresec's NetworkMiner
ntop's ntopng
ntop's nDPI
Team Cymru
Censys's Netryx">Cloudflare
with more to be announced...


Application JA4+ Fingerprints
Chrome JA4=t13d1516h2_8daaf6152771_02713d6af862 (TCP)
JA4=q13d0312h3_55b375c5d22e_06cda9e17597 (QUIC)
JA4=t13d1517h2_8daaf6152771_b0da82dd1658 (pre-shared key)
JA4=t13d1517h2_8daaf6152771_b1ff8ab2d16f (no key)
IcedID Malware Dropper JA4H=ge11cn020000_9ed1ff1f7b03_cd8dafe26982
IcedID Malware JA4=t13d201100_2b729b4bf6f3_9e7b989ebec8
Sliver Malware JA4=t13d190900_9dc949149365_97f8aa674fd9
Cobalt Strike JA4H=ge11cn060000_4e59edc1297a_4da5efaf0cbd
SoftEther VPN JA4=t13d880900_fcb5b95cb75a_b0d3b4ac2a14 (client)
Qakbot JA4X=2bab15409345_af684594efb4_000000000000
Pikabot JA4X=1a59268f55e5_1a59268f55e5_795797892f9c
Darkgate JA4H=po10nn060000_cdb958d032b0
LummaC2 JA4H=po11nn050000_d253db9d024b
Evilginx JA4=t13d191000_9dc949149365_e7c285222651
Reverse SSH Shell JA4SSH=c76s76_c71s59_c0s70
Windows 10 JA4T=64240_2-1-3-1-1-4_1460_8
Epson Printer JA4TScan=28960_2-4-8-1-3_1460_3_1-4-8-16

For more, see ja4plus-mapping.csv
The mapping file is unlicensed and free to use. Feel free to do a pull request with any JA4+ data you find.




Recommended to have tshark version 4.0.6 or later for full functionality. See:

Download the latest JA4 binaries from: Releases.

JA4+ on Ubuntu

sudo apt install tshark
./ja4 [options] [pcap]

JA4+ on Mac

1) Install Wireshark which will install tshark 2) Add tshark to $PATH

ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/tshark
./ja4 [options] [pcap]

JA4+ on Windows

1) Install Wireshark for Windows from which will install tshark.exe
tshark.exe is at the location where wireshark is installed, for example: C:\Program Files\Wireshark\thsark.exe
2) Add the location of tshark to your "PATH" environment variable in Windows.
(System properties > Environment Variables... > Edit Path)
3) Open cmd, navigate the ja4 folder

ja4 [options] [pcap]


An official JA4+ database of fingerprints, associated applications and recommended detection logic is in the process of being built.

In the meantime, see ja4plus-mapping.csv

Feel free to do a pull request with any JA4+ data you find.

JA4+ Details

JA4+ is a set of simple yet powerful network fingerprints for multiple protocols that are both human and machine readable, facilitating improved threat-hunting and security analysis. If you are unfamiliar with network fingerprinting, I encourage you to read my blogs releasing JA3 here, JARM here, and this excellent blog by Fastly on the State of TLS Fingerprinting which outlines the history of the aforementioned along with their problems. JA4+ brings dedicated support, keeping the methods up-to-date as the industry changes.

All JA4+ fingerprints have an a_b_c format, delimiting the different sections that make up the fingerprint. This allows for hunting and detection utilizing just ab or ac or c only. If one wanted to just do analysis on incoming cookies into their app, they would look at JA4H_c only. This new locality-preserving format facilitates deeper and richer analysis while remaining simple, easy to use, and allowing for extensibility.

For example; GreyNoise is an internet listener that identifies internet scanners and is implementing JA4+ into their product. They have an actor who scans the internet with a constantly changing single TLS cipher. This generates a massive amount of completely different JA3 fingerprints but with JA4, only the b part of the JA4 fingerprint changes, parts a and c remain the same. As such, GreyNoise can track the actor by looking at the JA4_ac fingerprint (joining a+c, dropping b).

Current methods and implementation details:
| Full Name | Short Name | Description | |---|---|---| | JA4 | JA4 | TLS Client Fingerprinting
| JA4Server | JA4S | TLS Server Response / Session Fingerprinting | JA4HTTP | JA4H | HTTP Client Fingerprinting | JA4Latency | JA4L | Latency Measurment / Light Distance | JA4X509 | JA4X | X509 TLS Certificate Fingerprinting | JA4SSH | JA4SSH | SSH Traffic Fingerprinting | JA4TCP | JA4T | TCP Client Fingerprinting | JA4TCPServer | JA4TS | TCP Server Response Fingerprinting | JA4TCPScan | JA4TScan | Active TCP Fingerprint Scanner

The full name or short name can be used interchangeably. Additional JA4+ methods are in the works...

To understand how to read JA4+ fingerprints, see Technical Details


JA4: TLS Client Fingerprinting is open-source, BSD 3-Clause, same as JA3. FoxIO does not have patent claims and is not planning to pursue patent coverage for JA4 TLS Client Fingerprinting. This allows any company or tool currently utilizing JA3 to immediately upgrade to JA4 without delay.

JA4S, JA4L, JA4H, JA4X, JA4SSH, JA4T, JA4TScan and all future additions, (collectively referred to as JA4+) are licensed under the FoxIO License 1.1. This license is permissive for most use cases, including for academic and internal business purposes, but is not permissive for monetization. If, for example, a company would like to use JA4+ internally to help secure their own company, that is permitted. If, for example, a vendor would like to sell JA4+ fingerprinting as part of their product offering, they would need to request an OEM license from us.

All JA4+ methods are patent pending.
JA4+ is a trademark of FoxIO

JA4+ can and is being implemented into open source tools, see the License FAQ for details.

This licensing allows us to provide JA4+ to the world in a way that is open and immediately usable, but also provides us with a way to fund continued support, research into new methods, and the development of the upcoming JA4 Database. We want everyone to have the ability to utilize JA4+ and are happy to work with vendors and open source projects to help make that happen.

ja4plus-mapping.csv is not included in the above software licenses and is thereby a license-free file.


Q: Why are you sorting the ciphers? Doesn't the ordering matter?
A: It does but in our research we've found that applications and libraries choose a unique cipher list more than unique ordering. This also reduces the effectiveness of "cipher stunting," a tactic of randomizing cipher ordering to prevent JA3 detection.

Q: Why are you sorting the extensions?
A: Earlier in 2023, Google updated Chromium browsers to randomize their extension ordering. Much like cipher stunting, this was a tactic to prevent JA3 detection and "make the TLS ecosystem more robust to changes." Google was worried server implementers would assume the Chrome fingerprint would never change and end up building logic around it, which would cause issues whenever Google went to update Chrome.

So I want to make this clear: JA4 fingerprints will change as application TLS libraries are updated, about once a year. Do not assume fingerprints will remain constant in an environment where applications are updated. In any case, sorting the extensions gets around this and adding in Signature Algorithms preserves uniqueness.

Q: Doesn't TLS 1.3 make fingerprinting TLS clients harder?
A: No, it makes it easier! Since TLS 1.3, clients have had a much larger set of extensions and even though TLS1.3 only supports a few ciphers, browsers and applications still support many more.

JA4+ was created by:

John Althouse, with feedback from:

Josh Atkins
Jeff Atkinson
Joshua Alexander
Joe Martin
Ben Higgins
Andrew Morris
Chris Ueland
Ben Schofield
Matthias Vallentin
Valeriy Vorotyntsev
Timothy Noel
Gary Lipsky
And engineers working at GreyNoise, Hunt, Google, ExtraHop, F5, Driftnet and others.

Contact John Althouse at for licensing and questions.

Copyright (c) 2024, FoxIO

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Malvertising Campaign Distributing PikaBot Disguised as Popular Software

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The malware loader known as PikaBot is being distributed as part of a malvertising campaign targeting users searching for legitimate software like AnyDesk. "PikaBot was previously only distributed via malspam campaigns similarly to QakBot and emerged as one of the preferred payloads for a threat actor known as TA577," Malwarebytes' Jérôme Segura said. The malware family,
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Tell Me Your Secrets Without Telling Me Your Secrets

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New Flaws in Fingerprint Sensors Let Attackers Bypass Windows Hello Login

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Skyhook - A Round-Trip Obfuscated HTTP File Transfer Setup Built To Bypass IDS Detections

By: Zion3R — September 29th 2023 at 11:30

Skyhook is a REST-driven utility used to smuggle files into and out of networks defended by IDS implementations. It comes with a pre-packaged web client that uses a blend of React, vanilla JS, and web assembly to manage file transfers.

Key Links


  • Round trip file content obfuscation
  • User-configurable obfuscation chaining
  • Self-signed and Lets Encrypt certificate procurement methods
  • Embedded web applications for both configuration and file transfers.
  • Server fingerprinting resiliency techniques:
    • Encrypted loaders capable of dynamically encrypting interface files as the file transfer interface is rendered
    • API and web resource path randomization

Brief Description

Note: See the user documentation for more thorough discussion of Skyhook and how it functions.

Skyhook's file transfer server seamlessly obfuscates file content with a user-configured series of obfuscation algorithms prior to writing the content to response bodies. Clients, which are configred with the same obfuscation algorithms, deobfuscate the file content prior to saving the file to disk. A file streaming technique is used to manage the HTTP transactions in a chunked manner, thus facilitating large file transfers.


subgraph sg-cloudfront[Cloudfront CDN]

subgraph sg-vps[VPS]
subgraph sg-skyhook[Skyhook Servers]
admin-listener(Admin Server<br>45000/tls)
transfer-listener(Transfer Server<br>45001/tls)

config-file(Config File<br>/var/skyroot/config.yml)

admin-listener -..->|Reads &<br>Manages| config-file

transfer-listener -..->|Serves From &<br>Writes Cleartext<br>Files To| webroot

op-browser(Operator<br>Web Browser) -->|Administration<br>Traffic| admin-listener
op-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

subgraph sg-corp[Corporate Environment]
subgraph sg-compromised[Beachhead Host]
comp-browser(Web Browser) -->|Reads &<b r>Writes| cleartext-file(Cleartext Files)

comp-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| cf-listener <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

A Brief Example

For example, here is a working obfuscation configuration:

And here is the file transfer interface. Clicking "Download" results in the file being retrieved in chunks that are encrypted with the chain of obfuscation methods configured above.

JavaScript deobfuscates the file before prompting the user to save it to disk.

Below is a request stemming from a download being inspected with Burp. Key elements of the transaction are encrypted to evade detection.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Sets New Rules for Developers to Prevent Fingerprinting and Data Misuse

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Apple has announced plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting later this year with the release of iOS 17, iPadOS 17, macOS Sonoma, tvOS 17, and watchOS 10 to prevent their abuse for data collection. "This will help ensure that apps only use these APIs for their intended purpose," the company said in a statement. "As part of this process, you'll need
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The Power of Browser Fingerprinting: Personalized UX, Fraud Detection, and Secure Logins

By: The Hacker News — June 23rd 2023 at 10:50
The case for browser fingerprinting: personalizing user experience, improving fraud detection, and optimizing login security Have you ever heard of browser fingerprinting? You should! It's an online user identification technique that collects information about a visitor's web browser and its configuration preferences to associate individual browsing sessions with a single website visitor.  With
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New BrutePrint Attack Lets Attackers Unlock Smartphones with Fingerprint Brute-Force

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Researchers have discovered an inexpensive attack technique that could be leveraged to brute-force fingerprints on smartphones to bypass user authentication and seize control of the devices. The approach, dubbed BrutePrint, bypasses limits put in place to counter failed biometric authentication attempts by weaponizing two zero-day vulnerabilities in the smartphone fingerprint authentication (SFA
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Fingerprintx - Standalone Utility For Service Discovery On Open Ports!

By: (Unknown) — March 31st 2023 at 11:30

fingerprintx is a utility similar to httpx that also supports fingerprinting services like as RDP, SSH, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Kafka, etc. fingerprintx can be used alongside port scanners like Naabu to fingerprint a set of ports identified during a port scan. For example, an engineer may wish to scan an IP range and then rapidly fingerprint the service running on all the discovered ports.


  • Fast fingerprinting of exposed services
  • Application layer service discovery
  • Plays nicely with other command line tools
  • Automatic metadata collection from identified services

Supported Protocols:



From Github

go install

From source (go version > 1.18)

$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# with go version > 1.18
$ go build ./cmd/fingerprintx
$ ./fingerprintx -h


$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# build
docker build -t fingerprintx .

# and run it
docker run --rm fingerprintx -h
docker run --rm fingerprintx -t --json


fingerprintx -h

The -h option will display all of the supported flags for fingerprintx.

fingerprintx [flags]
Requires a host and port number or ip and port number. The port is assumed to be open.
fingerprintx -t
fingerprintx -l input-file.txt
fingerprintx --json -t,

--csv output format in csv
-f, --fast fast mode
-h, --help help for fingerprintx
--json output format in json
-l, --list string input file containing targets
-o, --output string output file
-t, --targets strings target or comma separated target list
-w, --timeout int timeout (milliseconds) (default 500)
-U, --udp run UDP plugins
-v, --verbose verbose mode

The fast mode will only attempt to fingerprint the default service associated with that port for each target. For example, if is the input, only the https plugin would be run. If https is not running on, there will be NO output. Why do this? It's a quick way to fingerprint most of the services in a large list of hosts (think the 80/20 rule).

Running Fingerprintx

With one target:

$ fingerprintx -t

By default, the output is in the form: SERVICE://HOST:PORT. To get more detailed service output specify JSON with the --json flag:

$ fingerprintx -t --json
{"ip":"","port":8000,"service":"http","transport":"tcp","metadata":{"responseHeaders":{"Content-Length":["1154"],"Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"],"Date":["Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:23:18 GMT"],"Server":["SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"]},"status":"200 OK","statusCode":200,"version":"SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"}}

Pipe in output from another program (like naabu):

$ naabu -silent 2>/dev/null | fingerprintx

Run with an input file:

$ cat input.txt | fingerprintx

# or if you prefer
$ fingerprintx -l input.txt

With more metadata output:

Why Not Nmap?

Nmap is the standard for network scanning. Why use fingerprintx instead of nmap? The main two reasons are:

  • fingerprintx works smarter, not harder: the first plugin run against a server with port 8080 open is the http plugin. The default service approach cuts down scanning time in the best case. Most of the time the services running on port 80, 443, 22 are http, https, and ssh -- so that's what fingerprintx checks first.
  • fingerprintx supports json output with the --json flag. Nmap supports numerous output options (normal, xml, grep), but they are often hard to parse and script appropriately. fingerprintx supports json output which eases integration with other tools in processing pipelines.


  • Why do you have a third_party folder that imports the Go cryptography libraries?
    • Good question! The ssh fingerprinting module identifies the various cryptographic options supported by the server when collecting metadata during the handshake process. This makes use of a few unexported functions, which is why the Go cryptography libraries are included here with an export.go file.
  • Fingerprintx is not designed to identify open ports on the target systems and assumes that every target:port input is open. If none of the ports are open there will be no output as there are no services running on the targets.
  • How does this compare to zgrab2?
    • The zgrab2 command line usage (and use case) is slightly different than fingerprintx. For zgrab2, the protocol must be specified ahead of time: echo | zgrab2 http -p 8000, which assumes you already know what is running there. For fingerprintx, that is not the case: echo | fingerprintx. The "application layer" protocol scanning approach is very similar.


fingerprintx is the work of a lot of people, including our great intern class of 2022. Here is a list of contributors so far:

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Kscan - Simple Asset Mapping Tool

By: (Unknown) — January 18th 2023 at 11:30

0 Disclaimer (The author did not participate in the XX action, don't trace it)

  • This tool is only for legally authorized enterprise security construction behaviors and personal learning behaviors. If you need to test the usability of this tool, please build a target drone environment by yourself.

  • When using this tool for testing, you should ensure that the behavior complies with local laws and regulations and has obtained sufficient authorization. Do not scan unauthorized targets.

We reserve the right to pursue your legal responsibility if the above prohibited behavior is found.

If you have any illegal behavior in the process of using this tool, you shall bear the corresponding consequences by yourself, and we will not bear any legal and joint responsibility.

Before installing and using this tool, please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions.

Unless you have fully read, fully understood and accepted all the terms of this agreement, please do not install and use this tool. Your use behavior or your acceptance of this Agreement in any other express or implied manner shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.

1 Introduction

 _   __
|#| /#/ Lightweight Asset Mapping Tool by: kv2
|#|/#/ _____ _____ * _ _
|#.#/ /Edge/ /Forum| /#\ |#\ |#|
|##| |#|___ |#| /###\ |##\|#|
|#.#\ \#####\|#| /#/_\#\ |#.#.#|
|#|\#\ /\___|#||#|____/#/###\#\|#|\##|
|#| \#\\#####/ \#####/#/ \#\#| \#|

Kscan is an asset mapping tool that can perform port scanning, TCP fingerprinting and banner capture for specified assets, and obtain as much port information as possible without sending more packets. It can perform automatic brute force cracking on scan results, and is the first open source RDP brute force cracking tool on the go platform.

2 Foreword

At present, there are actually many tools for asset scanning, fingerprint identification, and vulnerability detection, and there are many great tools, but Kscan actually has many different ideas.

  • Kscan hopes to accept a variety of input formats, and there is no need to classify the scanned objects before use, such as IP, or URL address, etc. This is undoubtedly an unnecessary workload for users, and all entries can be normal Input and identification. If it is a URL address, the path will be reserved for detection. If it is only IP:PORT, the port will be prioritized for protocol identification. Currently Kscan supports three input methods (-t,--target|-f,--fofa|--spy).

  • Kscan does not seek efficiency by comparing port numbers with common protocols to confirm port protocols, nor does it only detect WEB assets. In this regard, Kscan pays more attention to accuracy and comprehensiveness, and only high-accuracy protocol identification , in order to provide good detection conditions for subsequent application layer identification.

  • Kscan does not use a modular approach to do pure function stacking, such as a module obtains the title separately, a module obtains SMB information separately, etc., runs independently, and outputs independently, but outputs asset information in units of ports, such as ports If the protocol is HTTP, subsequent fingerprinting and title acquisition will be performed automatically. If the port protocol is RPC, it will try to obtain the host name, etc.

3 Compilation Manual

Compiler Manual

4 Get started

Kscan currently has 3 ways to input targets

  • -t/--target can add the --check parameter to fingerprint only the specified target port, otherwise the target will be port scanned and fingerprinted
IP address:
IP address range:
URL address:
File address: file:/tmp/target.txt
  • --spy can add the --scan parameter to perform port scanning and fingerprinting on the surviving C segment, otherwise only the surviving network segment will be detected
[Empty]: will detect the IP address of the local machine and detect the B segment where the local IP is located
[all]: All private network addresses (192.168/172.32/10, etc.) will be probed
IP address: will detect the B segment where the specified IP address is located
  • -f/--fofa can add --check to verify the survivability of the retrieval results, and add the --scan parameter to perform port scanning and fingerprint identification on the retrieval results, otherwise only the fofa retrieval results will be returned
fofa search keywords: will directly return fofa search results

5 Instructions

usage: kscan [-h,--help,--fofa-syntax] (-t,--target,-f,--fofa,--spy) [-p,--port|--top] [-o,--output] [-oJ] [--proxy] [--threads] [--path] [--host] [--timeout] [-Pn] [-Cn] [-sV] [--check] [--encoding] [--hydra] [hydra options] [fofa options]

optional arguments:
-h , --help show this help message and exit
-f , --fofa Get the detection object from fofa, you need to configure the environment variables in advance: FOFA_EMAIL, FOFA_KEY
-t , --target Specify the detection target:
IP address:
IP address segment:, subnet mask less than 12 is not recommended
IP address range:
URL address:
File address: file:/tmp/target.txt
--spy network segment detection mode, in this mode, the internal network segment reachable by the host will be automatically detected. The acceptable parameters are:
(empty), 192, 10, 172, all, specified IP address (the IP address B segment will be detected as the surviving gateway)
--check Fingerprinting the target address, only port detection will not be performed
--scan will perform port scanning and fingerprinting on the target objects provided by --fofa and --spy
-p , --port scan the specified port, TOP400 will be scanned by default, support: 80, 8080, 8088-8090
-eP, --excluded-port skip scanning specified ports,support:80,8080,8088-8090
-o , --output save scan results to file
-oJ save the scan results to a file in json format
-Pn After using this parameter, intelligent survivability detection will not be performed. Now intelligent survivability detection is enabled by default to improve efficiency.
-Cn With this parameter, the console output will not be colored.
-sV After using this parameter, all ports will be probed with full probes. This parameter greatly affects the efficiency, so use it with caution!
--top Scan the filtered common ports TopX, up to 1000, the default is TOP400
--proxy set proxy (socks5|socks4|https|http)://IP:Port
--threads thread parameter, the default thread is 100, the maximum value is 2048
--path specifies the directory to request access, only a single directory is supported
--host specifies the header Host value for all requests
--timeout set timeout
--encoding Set the terminal output encoding, which can be specified as: gb2312, utf-8
--match returns the banner to the asset for retrieval. If there is a keyword, it will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed
--hydra automatic blasting support protocol: ssh, rdp, ftp, smb, mysql, mssql, oracle, postgresql, mongodb, redis, all are enabled by default
hydra options:
--hydra-user custom hydra blasting username: username or user1,user2 or file:username.txt
--hydra-pass Custom hydra blasting password: password or pass1,pass2 or file:password.txt
If there is a comma in the password, use \, to escape, other symbols do not need to be escaped
--hydra-update Customize the user name and password mode. If this parameter is carried, it is a new mode, and the user name and password will be added to the default dictionary. Otherwise the default dictionary will be replaced.
--hydra-mod specifies the automatic brute force cracking module: rdp or rdp, ssh, smb
fofa options:
--fofa-syntax will get fofa search syntax description
--fofa-size will set the number of entries returned by fofa, the default is 100
--fofa-fix-keyword Modifies the keyword, and the {} in this parameter will eventually be replaced with the value of the -f parameter

The function is not complicated, the others are explored by themselves

6 Demo

6.1 Port Scan Mode

6.2 Survival network segment detection

6.3 Fofa result retrieval

6.4 Brute-force cracking

6.5 CDN identification
