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How to Protect Your Social Media Passwords with Multi-factor Verification

By: Jasdev Dhaliwal — November 22nd 2024 at 13:50

Two-step verification, two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication…whatever your social media platform calls it, it’s an excellent way to protect your accounts.

There’s a good chance you’re already using multi-factor verification with your other accounts — for your bank, your finances, your credit card, and any number of things. The way it requires an extra one-time code in addition to your login and password makes life far tougher for hackers.

It’s increasingly common to see nowadays, where all manner of online services only allow access to your accounts after you’ve provided a one-time passcode sent to your email or smartphone. That’s where two-step verification comes in. You get sent a code as part of your usual login process (usually a six-digit number), and then you enter that along with your username and password.

Some online services also offer the option to use an authenticator app, which sends the code to a secure app rather than via email or your smartphone. Authenticator apps work much in the same way, yet they offer three unique features:

  • They keep the authentication code local to your device, rather than sending it unencrypted over email or text.
  • This makes it more secure than email- and text-based authentication because they can be intercepted.
  • It can also provide codes for multiple accounts, not just your social media account.

Google, Microsoft, and others offer authenticator apps if you want to go that route. You can get a good list of options by checking out the “editor’s picks” at your app store or in trusted tech publications.

Whichever form of authentication you use, always keep that secure code to yourself. It’s yours and yours alone. Anyone who asks for that code, say someone masquerading as a customer service rep, is trying to scam you. With that code, and your username/password combo, they can get into your account.

Before we talk about multi-factor verification, let’s talk about passwords

Passwords and two-step verification work hand-in-hand to keep you safer. Yet not any old password will do. You’ll want a strong, unique password. Here’s how that breaks down:

  • Strong: A combination of at least 12 uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Hacking tools look for word and number patterns. By mixing the types of characters, you break the pattern and keep your account safe.
  • Unique: Every one of your accounts should have its own password. Yes, all. And if that sounds like a lot of work, a password manager can do the work for you. It creates strong, unique passwords and stores them securely.

Now, with strong passwords in place, you can get to setting up multi-factor verification on your social media accounts.

Multi-factor authentication for Facebook

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right, then click  Settings and Privacy.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Accounts Center, then click Password and Security.
  4. Click Two-factor authentication, then click on the account that you’d like to update.
  5. Choose the security method you want to add and follow the on-screen instructions.

When you set up two-factor authentication on Facebook, you’ll be asked to choose one of three security methods:

  • Tapping your security key on a compatible device.
  • Login codes from a third-party authentication app.
  • Text message (SMS) codes from your mobile phone.

And here’s a link to the company’s full walkthrough:

Multi-factor authentication for Instagram

  1. Click More in the bottom left, then click Settings.
  2. Click See more in Accounts Center, then click Password and Security.
  3. Click Two-factor authentication, then select an account.
  4. Choose the security method you want to add and follow the on-screen instructions.

When you set up two-factor authentication on Instagram, you’ll be asked to choose one of three security methods: an authentication app, text message, or WhatsApp.

And here’s a link to the company’s full walkthrough:

Multi-factor authentication for WhatsApp

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap Account > Two-step verification > Turn on or Set up PIN.
  3. Enter a six-digit PIN of your choice and confirm it.
  4. Provide an email address you can access or tap Skip if you don’t want to add an email address. (Adding an email address lets you reset two-step verification as needed, which further protects your account.
  5. Tap Next.
  6. Confirm the email address and tap Save or Done.

And here’s a link to the company’s full walkthrough:

Multi-factor authentication for YouTube (and other Google accounts)

  1. Open your Google Account.
  2. In the navigation panel, select Security.
  3. Under “How you sign in to Google,” select 2-Step VerificationGet started.
  4. Follow the on-screen steps.

And here’s a link to the company’s full walkthrough:

Multi-factor authentication for TikTok

1. TapProfileat the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap the Menu button at the top.
3. Tap Settings and Privacy, then Security.
4. Tap 2-step verification and choose at least two verification methods: SMS (text), email, and authenticator app.
5. Tap Turn on to confirm.

And here’s a link to the company’s full walkthrough:

The post How to Protect Your Social Media Passwords with Multi-factor Verification appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Could Your Social Media History Come Back to Bite You?

By: Toni Birdsong — September 18th 2024 at 11:00
Getting caught in a social media faux pas seems to be the new normal. It’s not uncommon for old social media posts from celebrities, influencers, and politicians to resurface and spark public outcry. They find themselves under fire for past comments or behaviors that, viewed through today’s lens, were deemed offensive or inappropriate.

In our fast-moving digital world, today’s conversations can take on new meanings years down the line. Then you might find yourself explaining posts that no longer reflect who you are.

This reality makes it crucial to start a conversation in your family about social media archives. Teens and tweens are constantly posting, snapping, tweeting, and commenting every day. According to the latest research, 97% of teens go online daily, with many saying they are “almost constantly” connected.

With so much activity, it’s just a matter of time before some questionable content resurfaces, potentially compromising a job, scholarship, or personal relationship. Old social posts don’t just haunt celebrities; in today’s digital culture, everyone’s online activity is open to scrutiny.

Eight tips for smarter posting

1. Vet your content. Ask yourself some key questions: Is there anything in this post or comment that could hurt me in the future? Does this post defame a specific race, religion, or lifestyle? Is this content contributing to the conversation or just noise?

2. Be Careful with Humor: Not everyone shares your sense of humor. What seems funny today could be viewed differently in the future. Just look at how comedians and public figures are often held accountable for jokes or comments made years ago.

3. Don’t pick at it—purge it. No doubt, people change. You may not be the 20-something hothead who began tweeting or blogging nearly a decade ago, but your archives are still out and say otherwise. In her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, some of which we can apply here.  1) Don’t analyze everything and just pair down — purge. 2) Get rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy for you 3) Don’t ask yourself what you like about a photo or post, ask yourself  ‘Why should this stay?’ 4) Keep only the content that makes you happy or inspires you. Chop everything else.

4. Use X’s advanced search. Some of us have tweeted out several novels worth of content. Who has time to go through that? Twitter has advanced search features that will help you quickly find questionable tweets. Just go to and enter keywords and phrases, along with your user account name. This search will help isolate tweets that could be compromising.

5. Am I being true to who I am? Most tweens and teens are not asking themselves this question, but we can still encourage our kids to engage in this specific self-reflection. Encourage young publishers to think about what message and image they hope to project to go through their archives with that in mind. Encourage them to review everything about their profiles from their bio to the kinds of movies and books they’ve called out, to their Facebook groups. Ask: Is this still who you are? Are these still the interests you’d like to project?

6. Delete immediately:

  • Inactive social media accounts
  • Provocative or inappropriate photographs, videos, or posts
  • Posts or photos that include drinking or using drugs
  • Discriminatory comments related to race, religion, gender, etc.
  • Content that complains about a previous employer or colleague
  • Posts that are overly cynical, grumpy, or mean

7. Review likes and post privacy settings. Even the posts of others (that are marked public) that you like or comment on will show up on Google, which means others could judge you guilty by association. It may be time-consuming, but you can clean up your Facebook ‘like’ history in the Activity Log. If you want to share but still limit who can view your posts, McAfee’s Social Privacy Manager helps you adjust your social media privacy settings based on how public or private you want to be online.

8. Google yourself. See what comes up. Be sure to check images, videos, news, and more tabs. You just never know what content will make it into remote circles. If you find something surprising, contact the site host and request they remove the content.

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Sharing Isn’t Always Caring: Tips to Help Protect Your Online Privacy

By: Jasdev Dhaliwal — July 12th 2024 at 13:00

When it comes to protecting your privacy, take a close look at your social media use—because sharing can quickly turn into oversharing.

The term “oversharing” carries several different definitions. Yet in our case here, oversharing means saying more than one should to more people than they should. Consider the audience you have across your social media profiles. Perhaps you have dozens, if not hundreds of friends and followers. All with various degrees of closeness and familiarity. Who among them can you absolutely trust with the information you share?

And you might be sharing more than you think. Posts have a way of saying more than one thing, like:

“This is the pool at the rental home I’m staying at this week. Amazing!” Which also tells everyone, “My home is empty for the next few days.”

“I can’t start my workday without a visit to my favorite coffee shop.” Which also says, “If you ever want to track me down in person, you can find me at this location practically any weekday morning.”

One can quickly point to other examples of oversharing. Unintentional oversharing at that.

A first-day-of-school picture can tell practical strangers which elementary school your children attend, say if the picture includes the school’s reader board in it. A snapshot of you joking around with a co-worker might reveal a glimpse of company information. Maybe because of what’s written on the whiteboard behind the two of you. And in one extreme example, there’s the case of an assault on a pop star. Her attacker tracked her down through her selfie, determining her location through the reflection in her eyes.

The list goes on.

That’s not to say “don’t post.” More accurately, it’s “consider what you’re posting and who gets to see it.” You have control over what you post, and to some degree, who gets to see those posts. That combination is key to your privacy—and the privacy of others too.

Three simple steps for protecting your privacy on social media

1) Be more selective with your settings: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others give you the option of making your profile and posts visible to friends only. Choosing this setting keeps the broader internet from seeing what you’re doing, saying, and posting—not to mention your relationships and likes. Taking a “friends only” approach to your social media profiles can help protect your privacy because that gives a possible scammer or stalker much less material to work with. Yet further, some platforms allow you to create sub-groups of friends and followers. With a quick review of your network, you can create a sub-group of your most trusted friends and restrict your posts to them as needed.

2) Say “no” to strangers bearing friend requests: Be critical of the invitations you receive. Out-and-out strangers might be more than just a stranger. They might be a fake account designed to gather information on users for purposes of fraud. There are plenty of fake accounts too. In fact, in Q1 of 2023 alone, Facebook took action on 426 million fake accounts. Reject such requests.

3) Consider what you post: Think about posting those vacation pictures after you get back so people don’t know you’re away when you’re away. Also, consider if your post pinpoints where you are or where you go regularly. Do you want people in your broader network to know that? Closely review the pics you take and see if there’s any revealing information in the background. If so, you can crop it out (think notes on a whiteboard, reflections in a window, or revealing location info). Further, ask anyone you want to include in their post for their permission. In all, consider their privacy too.

Further ways to make yourself more private online

While we’re on the topic, you can take a few other steps that can make you more private online. In addition to your social media usage, other steps can help keep more of your private and personal information with you—where it belongs:

  • Skip the online quizzes: Which superhero are you? “What’s your spooky Halloween name?” or “What’s your professional wrestler name?” You’ve probably seen quizzes like these crop up in your feed sometimes. Shadily, these quizzes might ask for the name of the street you grew up on, your birthdate, your favorite song, and maybe the name of a beloved first pet. Of course, these are pieces of personal information, sometimes the answer to commonly used security questions by banks and other financial institutions. (Like, what was the model of your first car?) With this info in hand, a hacker could attempt to gain access to your accounts. Needless to say, skip the quizzes.
  • Clean up your personal data trail: When was the last time you Googled yourself? The results might reveal all kinds of things, like your estimated income, the names and ages of your children, what you paid for your home, and, sometimes, your purchasing habits. Who’s collecting and posting this information about you? Online data brokers gather information from all manner of public records. Beyond that, they’ll also gather information from app developers, loyalty cards, and other companies that track your web browsing. Data brokers will sell this info to anyone. Advertisers, background checkers, telemarketers, and scammers too. Data brokers don’t discriminate. Yet you can clean up that information with a Personal Data Cleanup like ours. It scans some of the riskiest data broker sites for your personal info and helps manage the removal for you. ​
  • Spend time online more privately with a VPN: A VPN creates an encrypted “tunnel” that shields your activity from cybercriminals so what you do online remains anonymous.​ It helps make you anonymous to advertisers and other trackers too. By encrypting your web traffic requests, a VPN can hide your search habits and history from those who might use that info as part of building a profile of you—whether that’s for targeted ads or data collection that they might sell to brokers for profit. Comprehensive online protection software like ours includes one.

More privacy partly comes down to you

Granted, “social” is arguably the opposite of “private.” Using social media involves sharing, by its very definition. Yet any oversharing can lead to privacy issues.

Maybe you want close friends to know what’s going on, but what about that so-so acquaintance deep in your friends list? How well do you really know them? And to what extent do you want them to know exacting details about where you are, where your kids go to school, and so on? Those are questions you ultimately must answer, and ultimately have some control over depending on what you share on social media.

Also important to consider is this: if you post anything on the internet, consider it front-page news. Even with social media privacy settings in place, there’s no guarantee that someone won’t copy your posts or pics and pass them along to others.

The flipside to the topic of social media and privacy is the platform you’re using. It’s no secret that social media companies gather hosts of personal information about their users in exchange for free use of their platforms. Certainly, that’s a topic unto itself. We cover what social media companies know about you in this article here—along with a few steps that can help you limit what they know as well.

When it comes to your privacy and social media, it depends largely on how you use it. How you use various privacy and audience settings offers one way to manage it. The other is you and the information you put out there for others to see.

The post Sharing Isn’t Always Caring: Tips to Help Protect Your Online Privacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How Teens Date in the Digital Age

By: Alex Merton-McCann — June 20th 2024 at 12:44

Falling in love in the internet age is a whole different ball game to the social-media-free ’70s, ’80s and ’90s. Awkward calls on the home phone, sending cards in the mail, and making mixtapes were all key relationship milestones back in the days of roller skates. But fast forward to the new millennium and dating is a whole different sport.

No longer are teens relying on their friends and family for introductions to new love interests, it’s all doable online thanks to the plethora of available dating apps and social media platforms. So it’s no surprise that research confirms that meeting online has officially displaced the traditional ways romantic partnerships were formed.

But how does it actually work? How do teens really connect online? Is it just about the dating apps? What about Instagram? Don’t they also use messaging apps to meet? And what does ‘benching’ and ‘beta-testing’ mean?

Ah, yes I know it can feel overwhelming but don’t stress – I got you! I’ve put together all the key information you need to know if you have kids who are starting their online dating journey.

  1. It’s Not Just About Dating Apps

When many of us think about online dating, we think about the major dating apps like Tinder and Bumble however that’s actually not where it all happens. In fact, many teens inform me that it really is all about Instagram, Snapchat, and increasingly, TikTok. I am reliably informed that these social media platforms give you a more authentic understanding of someone – great! But, in my opinion, there are potential safety issues with using social media to attract a mate. Particularly, if you have a young, inexperienced teen on your hands.

In order for people to be able to follow you on these platforms (and send you messages), you need to have your profile set to public. So, if you have a young, naïve teen who has their social media accounts set to public to ramp up their love life, then I consider this to be a safety concern. They can receive messages from anyone which is not ideal.

  1. Relationships Develop Online – Even If They First Meet In Person

In 2024, chances are your teens will not meet a potential mate in real life (IRL) – it all happens online. But even on the rare chance they do first meet in person, or they eyeball someone they fancy across the school playground, the relationship will develop online. That’s where the magic happens!

So instead of multiple landline telephone calls to friends to ‘suss out’ their crush, they spend multiple hours researching their crush online. They’ll check out and dissect their photos and posts, find all their social media accounts, and then, depending on their level of courage, they may follow all their accounts. Colloquially, this is often referred to as ‘social media stalking’.

  1. Liking Posts and Commenting Is How To Get Noticed

Once they’ve built up the courage, teens may start liking the posts of their crush. Some may even go back over old social media posts and photos from several years back to demonstrate their level of interest. This is known as ‘deepliking’. Some teens think this is an effective strategy, others consider this to be off-putting – each to their own!! But the goal here is to put yourself on the radar of your crush.

Now, once the ‘likes’ have gathered some momentum, the teen may decide it’s time to ‘slide into their crush’s DM’s’. Ah – there’s that expression. All it really means is that your teen will send a direct message to their love interest – usually on a social media app such as Instagram or TikTok.

But they may not even need to ‘slide into the DM’s’. I am reliably informed that if you like a few posts of a potential love interest and then, they like a few of yours, you’re flirting and there’s definitely a spark!! The love interest may then just be the one initiating interest.

  1. Be Prepared For A Lot Of Messaging

Now, if there is a spark and the crush has replied, the next phase is messaging – and a lot of it! Potentially 1000’s of messages. I have first-hand experience of paying a telephone bill for someone (no names) who was super smitten with a girl in the days before unlimited data. All I can say is ouch!!!

Now this messaging may take place on a social media app, a messaging app such as WhatsApp, Messenger, or even via text. Or possibly even a combination of them all!! The key here is to keep the messaging going to suss out whether there is a vibe!

But the messaging stage is where it can get messy and confusing. It’s not unusual for teens to be messaging with several potential love interests at once – essentially keeping their options open. Some refer to this as ‘beta-testing’, I would refer to it as disrespectful and probably exhausting – but hey, I’m old school! But this is often a reality for many teens, and it can be quite demoralising to feel like you’re being ‘managed’.

  1. Let’s Make It Instagram Official

Now, this is a big moment. When your teen and their crush have decided they are exclusive and officially a thing, the next step is to let the world know and make it official. So, they may choose to update their status on their social media platforms to ‘in a relationship’. But if they are after a softer launch, they may simply post a pic of each other, or even together.

  1. Is Sexting Really a Thing?

Believe it or not, some teens may never actually meet in real life (IRL) but still be in a relationship. If this is the case then it’s more likely that sexting will be part of the relationship. Research shows that 1 in 3 Aussie teens (aged 14 to 17) have some experience with sexting ie sending, receiving, being asked, and asking for nude pics however I think in reality, it is likely more – not everyone answers surveys honestly!

So, yes sexting does happen and while I wish it just didn’t, we can’t put our heads in the sand. So, I encourage all parents to remind their kids that once they send an image they lose control of it, that not all relationships last forever, and that they should never be coerced into doing something they are not comfortable with. Stay tuned for further posts with more sexting tips!

  1. Some Good Things Will Come To An End

At the risk of being a cynic, chances are your child’s teen relationships will probably not last a lifetime. So, how do you break up when you’re a digital native?

Well, before the break-up phase, ‘benching’ can occur. This happens when one partner no longer wants to meet up with the other in person. It may also be the moment when your teen’s messages are no longer returned – this is called LOR – left on read. Most of us would call this ghosting. But regardless of what you call it, it’s not a nice feeling.

Call me old fashioned but I am a big fan of breaking up with your love in person and my boys know that. Tapering off contact or telling someone that the relationship is over via text is disrespectful, in my opinion.

  1. Picking Up The Pieces

Helping kids through heartache is tough – I’ve been there!! If your teen is finding life post-relationship hard, why don’t you suggest they delete their social media apps for a week or 2? It’s hard to move on from someone when you are still receiving messages and/or seeing their notifications. It may even be worth unfriending or unfollowing the ex as well.

So, even though the landscape has changed, and the mixtapes have gone, please don’t forget that dating and romance can be super tricky when you are a teen. Not only are you dealing with matters of the heart but in the world’s biggest public forum – the internet. So be kind, gentle, and supportive! And be grateful for the simplicity of the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s.

Alex xx

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What to Do If Your Email Is Hacked

By: Alex Merton-McCann — May 22nd 2024 at 13:00

I think I could count on my hand the people I know who have NOT had their email hacked. Maybe they found a four-leaf clover when they were kids!

Email hacking is one of the very unfortunate downsides of living in our connected, digital world. And it usually occurs as a result of a data breach – a situation that even the savviest tech experts find themselves in.

What Is A Data Breach?

In simple terms, a data breach happens when personal information is accessed, disclosed without permission, or lost. Companies, organisations, and government departments of any size can be affected. Data stolen can include customer login details (email addresses and passwords), credit card numbers, identifying IDs of customers e.g. driver’s license numbers and/or passport numbers, confidential customer information, company strategy, or even matters of national security.

Data breaches have made headlines, particularly over the last few years. When the Optus and Medibank data breaches hit the news in 2022 affecting almost 10 million Aussies a piece, we were all shaken. But then when Aussie finance company Latitude, was affected in 2023 with a whopping 14 million people from both Australia and New Zealand affected, it almost felt inevitable that by now, most of us would have been impacted.

But these were the data breaches that grabbed our attention. The reality is that data breaches have been happening for years. In fact, the largest data breach in Australian history actually happened in May 2019 to the online design site Canva which affected 137 million users globally including many Aussies.

So, in short – it can happen to anyone, and the chances are you may have already been affected.

But Why Should I Worry? I Have Nothing Valuable in My Email

The sole objective of a hacker is to get their hands on your data. And any information that you share in your email account can be very valuable to them. But why do they want your data, you ask? It’s simple really – so they can cash in! Some will keep the juicy stuff for themselves – passwords or logins to government departments or large companies they may want to ’target’ with the aim of extracting valuable data and/or funds. But the more sophisticated ones will sell your details including name, telephone, email address, and credit card details, and cash in on the Dark Web. They often do this in batches. Some experts believe they can get as much as AU$250 for a full set of details including credit cards. So, you can see why they’d be interested in you!

The other reason why hackers will be interested in your email address and password is that many of us re-use these login details across our other online accounts too. So, once they’ve got their hands on your email credentials then they may be able to access your online banking and investment accounts – the possibilities are endless if you are using the same login credentials everywhere. So, you can see why I harp on about using a unique password for every online account!

How Big Is the Problem?

There is a plethora of statistics on just how big this issue is – all of them concerning.

According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, there were over 16,000 reports of identity theft in 2022.

The Department of Home Affairs and Stay Smart Australia reports that cybercrime costs Australian businesses $29 billion a year with the average business spending around $275,000 to remedy a data breach

And although there has been a slight reduction in Aussies falling for phishing scams in recent years (down from 2.7% in 2020/1 to 2.5% in 2022/3), more Australians are falling victim to card fraud scams with a total of $2.2 billion lost in 2023.

But regardless of which statistic you choose to focus on, we have a big issue on our hands!

So, What Do I Do If My Email Is Hacked?

If you find yourself a victim of email hacking there are a few very important steps you need to take and the key is to take them FAST!!

  1. Change Your Password

This is the very first thing you must do to ensure the hacker can’t get back into your account. It is essential that your new password is complex and totally unrelated to previous passwords. Always use at least 8-10 characters with a variety of upper and lower case and throw in some symbols and numbers. I really like the idea of a crazy, nonsensical sentence – easier to remember and harder to crack! But, better still, get yourself a password manager that will create a password that no human would be capable of creating.

If you find the hacker has locked you out of your account by changing your password, you will need to reset the password by clicking on the ‘Forgot My Password’ link.

  1. Change Any Other Accounts with the Same Password

This is time-consuming but essential. Ensure you change any other accounts that use the same username and password as your compromised email. Hackers love the fact that many people still use the same logins for multiple accounts, so it is guaranteed they will try your info in other email applications and sites such as PayPal, Amazon, Netflix – you name it!

Once the dust has settled, please review your password strategy for all your online accounts. A best practice is to ensure every online account has its own unique and complex password.

  1. Let Your Email Contacts Know

A big part of the hacker’s strategy is to ‘get their claws’ into your address book with the aim of hooking others as well. Send a message to all your email contacts as soon as possible so they know to avoid opening any emails (most likely loaded with malware) that have come from you.

  1. Commit to Multi-factor Authentication

Yes, multi-factor authentication (or 2-factor authentication) adds another step to your login but it also adds another layer of protection. Enabling this will mean that in addition to your password, you will need a special one-time use code to log in. This can be sent to your mobile phone or alternatively, it may be generated via an authenticator app. So worthwhile!

  1. Check Your Email Settings

It is not uncommon for hackers to modify your email settings so that a copy of every email you receive is automatically forwarded to them. Not only can they monitor your logins for other sites, but they’ll keep a watchful eye over any particularly juicy personal information. So, check your mail forwarding settings to ensure no unexpected email addresses have been added.

Don’t forget to check your email signature to ensure nothing spammy has been added. Also, ensure your ‘reply to’ email address is actually yours! Hackers have been known to create an email address here that looks similar to yours – when someone replies, it goes straight to their account, not yours!

  1. Scan Your Computer for Malware and Viruses

This is essential also. If you find anything, please ensure it is addressed, and then change your email password again. And if you don’t have it – please invest. Comprehensive security software will provide you with a digital shield for your online life. McAfee+ lets you protect all your devices – including your smartphone – from viruses and malware. It also contains a password manager to help you remember and generate unique passwords for all your accounts.

  1. Consider Creating a New Email Address

If you have been hacked several times and your email provider isn’t mitigating the amount of spam you are receiving, then consider starting afresh but don’t delete your email address. Many experts warn against deleting email accounts as most email providers will recycle your old email address. This could mean a hacker could spam every site they can find with a ‘forgot my password’ request and try to impersonate you – identity theft!

Your email is an important part of your online identity so being vigilant and addressing any fallout from hacking is essential for your digital reputation. And even though it may feel that ‘getting hacked’ is inevitable, you can definitely reduce your risk by installing some good quality security software on all your devices. Comprehensive security software such as McAfee+ will alert you when visiting risky websites, warn you when a download looks ‘dodgy’, and will block annoying and dangerous emails with anti-spam technology.

It makes sense really – if you don’t receive the ‘dodgy’ phishing email – you can’t click on it! Smart!

And finally, don’t forget that hackers love social media – particularly those of us who overshare on it. So, before you post details of your adorable new kitten, remember it may just provide the perfect clue for a hacker trying to guess your email password!

Till next time


The post What to Do If Your Email Is Hacked appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How to Protect Yourself on Social Networks

By: Jasdev Dhaliwal — July 3rd 2024 at 13:00

There are now over 5 billion active social media users worldwide, representing 62.3% of the global population. While social networks serve as valuable tools for staying connected with loved ones and documenting life events, the ease of sharing information raises concerns. With a mere few clicks, posts and messages can inadvertently divulge significant personal details, potentially compromising privacy and leaving individuals vulnerable to identity theft. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure you’ve got the know-how to keep your privacy protected while using these platforms.

To empower you in this digital age, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide featuring ten essential tips to fortify your online security and preserve your privacy on social networks:

  1. Remember the internet is permanent: Assume that once you put information on the site, it stays there forever. Even if you delete the account, you don’t know if someone has already printed or copied your text or photos off of it.
  2. Be selective when accepting a friend: Do you really know that their profile is real and not fake? Only “friend” people you know in the real world.
  3. Exercise caution when clicking on links: Even if a friend shares a link, be cautious. Hackers prey on social networks because you are more likely to click on something from your friends. Be wary of offers with the word “free” in them. Something that sounds too good to be true usually.
  4. Manage your privacy settings: Make sure that you are only sharing information with friends and family and check them regularly in case there are any changes. McAfee+ Social Privacy Manager can help you easily adjust more than 100 privacy settings across your social media accounts in just a few clicks.
  5. Be aware of the fact that the information you share on one social network may be linked to another: For instance, depending on your settings, a photo you post to Instagram Stories may automatically be posted to your Facebook profile.
  6. Don’t reveal personal information: Be suspicious of anyone who asks for your personal information online and never share your home address, phone number, Social Security number, or other personal identifying information.
  7. Turn off the GPS function on your smartphone camera: If you plan to share images online, make sure that you turn off the GPS on your device to keep your exact location private.
  8. Don’t enable auto login: Make sure that you don’t have your apps set to automatically log you in and that you don’t have your computer’s browser “remember” your login and password. That way if someone does get access to your devices, they can’t automatically access your social sites.
  9. Change your passwords frequently: Choose hard-to-guess passwords that are at least eight characters long and a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, and change them regularly. Also, make sure you use different passwords for each account. A strong password generator can help you create a secure password.
  10. Close old accounts that you don’t use anymore: Don’t risk leaving personal data in an old account, such as a MySpace page you haven’t used in years, or on an online dating site you no longer need. Instead, close the accounts you don’t use and delete as much personal information from them as possible.

Whether you’re a seasoned social media user or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, these strategies will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to safeguard your online identity effectively. With the added support of McAfee+, you can ensure an extra layer of security to keep your online presence more secure and private through advanced privacy features, 24/7 identity monitoring and alerts, and real-time protection against viruses, hackers, and risky links.

The post How to Protect Yourself on Social Networks appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Parents: Are Your Kids Ignoring the Danger of Dating Apps?

By: McAfee — November 1st 2023 at 13:00

Technology has permeated almost every aspect of our lives, including our romantic involvements. This is especially evident in the increasing prevalence of dating apps among teenagers. While these platforms can offer exciting opportunities for meeting new people and exploring romantic interests, they also present a considerable risk, especially to a vulnerable age group.

As a parent, you might feel caught in a dilemma. On one hand, you want to respect your teen’s privacy and independence. On the other, you worry about the potential dangers lurking behind these digital platforms. This article aims to shed light on the risks associated with teenage use of dating apps and offers practical advice on how to navigate this tricky territory.

The Appeal of Dating Apps for Teens

Before we delve into the potential harm associated with dating apps, it’s important to comprehend why they are increasingly popular among teenagers. Essentially, these platforms provide an easy and convenient way for teens to connect with others, particularly during a pandemic when physical interactions are limited.

Moreover, dating apps may seem enticing due to their perceived freedom and anonymity. They allow teens to explore their own identities and relationships without the immediate scrutiny or judgment inherent in offline social settings. Such apps also hold the promise of romance and excitement, feeding into the natural curiosity and development of adolescents.

The Dangers of Dating Apps

While dating apps can help in forging connections, they also have a darker side that cannot be ignored. One of the main issues is that they often cater to an adult audience, exposing teenagers to mature content and interactions they might not be equipped to handle. This could include explicit sexual content, cyberbullying, or even predatory behavior.

Further, many apps do not verify users’ ages, making it easy for older individuals to interact with younger users – a practice that can potentially lead to grooming and exploitation. While some might argue that ‘age is just a number,’ when it comes to online safety, even a few years can make a significant difference. A 19-year-old chatting with a 14-year-old might not seem like a big deal, but when you factor in the vast differences in maturity and life experience, the dynamic becomes more concerning.

Dig Deeper: AI Goes Dating: McAfee Study Shows 1 in 3 Men Plan to Use Artificial Intelligence to Write Love Letters this Valentine’s Day

The Implications of Online Privacy and Data Security

In addition to the immediate dangers of inappropriate content and interactions, the use of dating apps also raises serious concerns about online privacy and data security. These platforms usually require a significant amount of personal information from users — everything from their name and location to personal preferences and pictures.

This data can be misused, leading to identity theft, online stalking, or other forms of cybercrime. Also, once information is shared online, it becomes almost impossible to completely erase it. A seemingly innocent picture or remark can resurface years later, potentially affecting future career prospects or personal relationships.

How to Protect Your Kids Against the Dangers of Dating Apps

Dating apps have become increasingly prevalent, opening up new avenues for meeting people. While these platforms can be a way to connect, they also pose potential dangers, especially for young users. As a parent, it’s crucial to be proactive in safeguarding your kids from the risks associated with dating apps. This guide will provide you with essential tips and insights on how to protect your children and educate them about responsible online behavior, ensuring their safety in the world of digital dating:

Navigate the Digital Landscape Through Communication

Confronting your teen about the risks of dating apps can be a daunting task, especially if you are met with resistance or the classic “You just don’t understand” retort. So, how can you approach this subject effectively? One of the most crucial steps is to maintain open lines of communication.

Encourage your teen to share their experiences online, and assure them that they can come to you with their concerns or fears without judgment. Regularly discussing online safety might seem repetitive, but it is a crucial aspect of ensuring your child is well-equipped to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.

Remember, banning or strictly controlling internet use might seem like the easiest solution, but it can backfire by causing your teen to become more secretive or rebellious. Instead, strive to cultivate an environment where your teen feels comfortable discussing their online activities, helping them understand the potential risks and consequences.

McAfee Pro Tip: Balancing screen time and healthy device use is a constant challenge for parents. While devices connect kids to identity and peer acceptance, they also open the door to issues like cyberbullying, predators, risky behavior, and self-image struggles. We advise you to find and identify the right time to implement parental controls. 

Teach responsible Online Behavior

The next step after open communication is teaching responsible online behavior. It is essential to educate our children on the basic principles of online safety. This includes understanding privacy settings, the dangers of sharing personal information, and the importance of reporting any suspicious activity.

Moreover, explaining the permanence of internet actions can help teens grasp the seriousness of their online conduct. Highlight real-life examples of individuals who have faced the consequences due to inappropriate online behavior to drive your points home.

Be Informed and Updated

If your child is using or is interested in using dating apps, it’s crucial to do your homework. Familiarize yourself with the apps they are using or are curious about – download them, explore their interfaces, and understand their privacy settings. This will help you create a natural dialogue about their usage and will empower you to offer guidance on their functionality and potential risks. For instance, some apps may have location-sharing features that might be dangerous, while others might have robust reporting systems against harassment or bullying.

Then, open a conversation about these apps. Discuss the benefits and dangers of using them, reinforcing the principles of responsible online behavior. This discussion should cover what information should never be shared (like home address or school location), the importance of reporting inappropriate behavior, and the potential emotional implications of engaging romantically with strangers online. By maintaining an approachable and non-judgmental attitude, your teen is more likely to listen and take your advice seriously.

Dig Deeper: New Global McAfee Cyberbullying Report Reveals Children Now Regularly Face Threats of Racism and Physical Harm Online

Implement Safety Measures

While education and open conversation are the foundation of promoting online safety, sometimes, they might not be enough. In such cases, it might become necessary to put certain restrictions in place, which can be done in collaboration with your teen. These could include setting time limits for app usage, employing parental control software, or checking the age restrictions for each app. You could also encourage your teen to only use apps with verified users.

However, these restrictions should not be imposed without discussion. It is important to involve your teen in the decision-making process, explaining your concerns and hearing their point of view. By treating them as partners in their online safety, you not only empower them to make wise decisions but also foster a sense of responsibility towards their online behavior.

Building Resilience

Finally, building resilience in your teenager is an invaluable tool in navigating the online world. Dating apps can amplify feelings of rejection, comparison, and inadequacy. Regularly reminding them that their online interactions do not define their worth can help cultivate a healthy online attitude. You should reassure them that it’s okay to turn down advances or stop conversations that make them feel uncomfortable.

Encouraging them to keep their real-world connections strong and to participate in offline activities can also help in grounding their sense of self-worth outside of the digital realm. This resilience will not only safeguard them within the online dating scene but is a life skill that can be applied in all aspects of their lives.

Dig Deeper: A Safer Internet for You, Your Family, and Others Too

Final Thoughts

As parents, we find ourselves in uncharted territories, navigating a digital landscape that we did not experience in our adolescence. But with open communication, education, implementing safety measures, and building resilience, we can help our teens explore these platforms safely. Remember, the goal is not to control every aspect of their online life but to guide and empower them to make responsible choices. After all, we are not just raising children, but future adults. It might seem daunting and even overwhelming at times, but together, we can equip them with the tools they need to stay safe in the online world.

Ensuring your child’s online safety is vital, and McAfee is here to help you safeguard them against the dangers of social media platforms and dating apps. Empower yourself with online safety – opt for McAfee for a more secure and protected online experience.

The post Parents: Are Your Kids Ignoring the Danger of Dating Apps? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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What is Social Engineering?

By: McAfee — November 21st 2023 at 14:00

In the realm of cybersecurity, there is one vulnerability that is often overlooked – the human element. While firewalls, encryption, and other security measures can protect our data to a certain extent, the most sophisticated systems can still be breached by clever manipulations of human psychology. This is where the concept of Social Engineering comes in. Through this article, we aim to provide an overview of social engineering, why it is important, and how it is employed.

Social Engineering in Cybersecurity

Social Engineering, in a cybersecurity context, refers to the techniques used by cybercriminals to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information that can be used for fraudulent purposes. It is essentially an act of tricking people so that they give away their personal information such as passwords, bank account numbers, social security numbers, or other valuable data. This is often achieved not through technical means, but through human interactions.

Because most people are not aware that they are being targeted until it’s too late, social engineering is considered one of the biggest threats to cybersecurity. The success of a social engineering attack relies heavily on the ability to make the target believe that the attacker is someone they can trust or someone who has a legitimate reason for needing the information being sought. It exploits the natural tendency of a person to trust others and to want to help others, especially those who appear to be in a position of authority or in distress.

Types of Social Engineering Attacks

There are various types of social engineering attacks, each of which uses different tactics to trick victims. From sophisticated email scams to personalized impersonation, the variety of approaches underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of these deceptive tactics to fortify defenses against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Let’s take a look at some of the most common types of social engineering attacks today:


  • Utilizes deceptive emails to appear as trustworthy sources.
  • Targets a broad audience with the goal of extracting personal information.
  • Often includes links to fraudulent websites that further facilitate data theft.

Spear Phishing:

  • Elevates the sophistication by tailoring emails to specific individuals or companies.
  • Leverages in-depth research on the target to enhance the credibility of the deception.
  • It can involve personalized content, making it harder for individuals to discern the scam.


  • Constructs a fabricated scenario (pretext) to manipulate victims into divulging information.
  • Frequently involves assuming false identities, such as co-workers, police officers, or bank officials.
  • The attacker establishes trust by initially impersonating someone familiar or authoritative.

Vishing (Voice Phishing):

  • Exploits voice communication through phone calls or voice messages.
  • Often impersonates reputable entities, such as banks, to extract sensitive information verbally.

Dig Deeper: Artificial Imposters—Cybercriminals Turn to AI Voice Cloning for a New Breed of Scam


  • Tempts victims with enticing offers or false promises.
  • Lures individuals into revealing personal information or downloading malicious content.

Quid Pro Quo:

  • Involves offering something valuable in return for information.
  • Attackers may provide a service or benefit to coerce individuals into disclosing sensitive data.


  • Assumes the identity of trusted figures, such as colleagues or IT support.
  • Exploits the trust associated with familiar roles to deceive and extract information.

Dig Deeper: Fighting Mobile Phone Impersonation and Surveillance

Watering Hole Attacks:

  • Targets specific websites frequented by a particular group or organization.
  • Injects malware into these websites, compromising the devices of unsuspecting visitors.

Understanding the intricacies of these social engineering tactics is crucial for individuals and organizations alike, empowering them to recognize and thwart these manipulative strategies in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

The Psychology of Social Engineering

At its core, social engineering is about exploiting the human element of security. It takes advantage of our ingrained behaviors and tendencies to trust and to want to be helpful. For instance, most people will not suspect a friendly phone call or an email from a co-worker to be a potential threat. As such, cybercriminals use these characteristics to their advantage in executing their attacks.

Psychology plays a crucial role in successful social engineering attacks. By understanding and manipulating human emotions such as fear, curiosity, greed, and the desire to help others, cybercriminals can more effectively trick their victims into falling for their scams. For example, they may send an email posing as the victim’s bank, warning of suspicious account activity and prompting them to verify their account credentials. In fear of losing their hard-earned savings, the victim is likely to comply, thus giving the attacker what they want.

Dig Deeper: Social Engineering—The Scammer’s Secret Weapon

Prevention Techniques Against Social Engineering

In dealing with social engineering, awareness is the first line of defense. Individuals and businesses should ensure that they are familiar with the various types of social engineering attacks and how they operate. They should learn to recognize the common signs of these attacks, such as emails containing spelling and grammatical errors, or emails requesting urgent action or confidential information.

Strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication can also serve as deterrents to social engineering attacks. It’s crucial to regularly update and secure your systems, use encryption for sensitive data, and always verify the identity of individuals before divulging any personal or sensitive information. Additionally, organizations should hold regular training sessions to teach employees about social engineering tactics and how to respond to potential threats. It’s better to be safe than sorry – when in doubt, don’t give it out.

Dig Deeper: Protect Your Digital Life: Why Strong Passwords Matter

The Consequences of Social Engineering

The consequences of falling victim to a social engineering attack can be devastating. Personal consequences may include financial loss, identity theft, and damage to personal reputation. Businesses that fall victim to such attacks can suffer damage to their brand reputation, financial loss from theft or fines due to non-compliance with data protection laws, and loss of customer trust.

Moreover, the information obtained through social engineering attacks can be used for further attacks, making the problem even more severe. For instance, a cybercriminal who has obtained someone’s email password can use it to send out phishing emails to the victim’s contacts, thus spreading the attack even further. The ripple effect of social engineering can therefore, lead to widespread damage, affecting not just individuals, but also the organizations they are a part of.

McAfee Pro Tip: Modern social engineering campaigns bear a striking resemblance to authentic communications from reputable organizations. Meticulously crafted, these campaigns may have grammatical correctness and seamlessly blend into plausible scenarios. Despite their polished appearance, their underlying objective remains consistent – the acquisition of sensitive information. Protect your personal data and identity with McAfee+ to avoid the consequences of social engineering.

Final Thoughts

It is clear that social engineering poses a significant risk to cybersecurity. This form of manipulation exploits the human vulnerability to trust and help others, leading to the disclosure of confidential information that can be used for fraudulent purposes. Despite advances in technology and security protections, this threat remains prevalent due to the human factor.

Individuals and organizations must stay educated and vigilant against these attacks. Only through awareness and adequate protective measures can the risk of social engineering be mitigated. By understanding the psychology of these attacks, recognizing the common signs, and employing prevention techniques, one can create a strong first line of defense against social engineering. In the realm of cybersecurity, every person should remember that they could potentially be the weakest link, but with adequate precautions, they can also be the strongest asset.

The post What is Social Engineering? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Valentine’s Alert: Don’t Let Scammers Break Your Heart or Your Bank Account

By: McAfee — February 9th 2024 at 13:02

As with any major holiday or special occasion, Valentine’s Day is unfortunately not immune to scammers looking for an opportunity to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Their deceitful acts can break hearts and bank accounts. In this article, we spotlight some common Valentine’s Day scams, offer tips on how to protect yourself and navigate this romantic day with confidence and caution.

The Unromantic Side of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a time when love is in the air. It’s a time to express your feelings for that special someone in your life, or perhaps even embark on a new romantic journey. But while you’re busy planning that perfect dinner or choosing the ideal gift, there’s an unromantic side to the day that you should be aware of – the potential for scams.

Scammers, always looking for new ways to trick people into parting with their money, use the heightened emotions of Valentine’s Day to their advantage. They prey on the unwary, the love-struck, and even the lonely – anyone who might let their guard down in the quest for love or the pursuit of the perfect gift. And in our increasingly digital world, these unscrupulous individuals have more ways than ever to reach potential victims.

Dig Deeper: AI Goes Dating: McAfee Study Shows 1 in 3 Men Plan to Use Artificial Intelligence to Write Love Letters this Valentine’s Day

Recognizing Common Valentine’s Day Scams

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and that’s certainly true when it comes to protecting yourself from scams. By understanding the types of scams that are common around Valentine’s Day, you can be better prepared to spot them – and avoid falling victim.

One of the most common Valentine’s Day scams is the romance scam. Scammers, often posing as potential love interests on dating websites or social media, manipulate victims into believing they are in a romantic relationship. Once they have gained their victim’s trust, they ask for money – perhaps to pay for a flight so they can meet in person, or because of a sudden personal crisis. These scams can be emotionally devastating, and they can also result in significant financial loss.

Dig Deeper: Fraudulent Adult Dating Services Turn 10 Years Old, Still Evolving

Another popular scam around Valentine’s Day involves online shopping. With many people seeking the perfect gift for their loved ones, scammers set up fake websites that appear to sell everything from jewelry to concert tickets. After making a purchase, the unsuspecting victim either receives a counterfeit product or, in some cases, nothing at all. Additionally, these sites may be designed to steal credit card information or other personal data.

Phishing scams are also common. In these scams, victims receive emails that appear to be from a legitimate company – perhaps a florist or a candy company – asking them to confirm their account information or to click on a link. The goal is to steal sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or login credentials.

How to Keep Your Heart and Your Wallet Safe

While the existence of these scams is unquestionably concerning, the good news is that there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Valentine’s Day should be a celebration of love, not a source of stress and worry.

One of the most important is to be aware that these scams exist and to be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar people or websites. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

When shopping online, make sure the website you are using is secure, and consider using a credit card, which offers greater protection against fraud compared to other forms of payment. Be wary of emails from unknown sources, especially those that ask for personal information or urge you to click on a link.

For shopping scams, it’s recommended to do research on any unfamiliar online retailer before making a purchase. Look for reviews or complaints about the retailer on independent consumer websites. If the website is offering items at a price that seems too good to be true, it likely is. Also, consider the website’s URL. A URL that begins with ‘https://’ indicates that the website encrypts user information, making it safer to input sensitive information than on websites with ‘http://’ URLs.

Forewarned is forearmed, and having advanced strategies to detect and avoid scams is also a strong line of defense. When it comes to online dating, be sure to thoroughly vet any potential romantic interests. This involves doing a reverse image search of profile photos, which can quickly reveal if a picture has been stolen from another online source. Additionally, be aware of red flags such as overly-flattering messages or requests to move the conversation to a private email or messaging app.

McAfee Pro Tip: If you’re considering using one of these for a bit of dating beyond a dating app or simply to stay connected with family and friends, the key advice is to do your homework. Look into their security measures and privacy policies, especially because some have faced security issues recently. For more information, take a look at this article on video conferencing to ensure you can keep hackers and uninvited guests away when you’re chatting.

How to Report a Scam and What to Do If You Fall Victim to One

If you come across a scam or fall victim to one, it’s crucial to report it to the appropriate authorities. This helps law enforcement track down scammers and alert others to the scam. In the U.S., you can report scams to the Federal Trade Commission through their website. If the scam involves a financial transaction, also report it to your bank or credit card company. They may be able to help recover your funds or prevent further losses.

Additionally, take steps to protect yourself after falling victim to a scam. This could involve changing passwords, monitoring your financial accounts for unusual activity, or even freezing your credit. It can also be beneficial to alert your friends and family to the scam, both to protect them and to gain their support and assistance in dealing with the aftermath of the scam.

Dig Deeper: How To Report An Online Scam

Don’t Let Scammers Ruin Your Valentine’s Day

The unfortunate reality is that scammers are ever-present and always looking for new ways to exploit unsuspecting victims. However, by being informed, cautious, and proactive, you can significantly decrease your chances of falling victim to a Valentine’s Day scam. Whether you’re looking for love or shopping for the perfect gift, remember to always prioritize your safety and security.

And if you do encounter a scam, take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone and there are resources available to help. McAfee’s blogs and reports are just some of them. By reporting scams to the authorities, you’re doing your part to help stop scammers in their tracks and protect others from falling victim. Remember, Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love, not for worrying about scammers. Stay safe, stay informed, and don’t let a scammer ruin your Valentine’s Day.

Remember to always stay vigilant. Protect your heart and your bank account, and make sure your Valentine’s Day is filled with love and happiness, not regret and frustration. Don’t let scammers break your heart or your bank account – on Valentine’s Day or on any other day.

The post Valentine’s Alert: Don’t Let Scammers Break Your Heart or Your Bank Account appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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End the Hate: 10 Ways to Stand Up and Help Stomp Out Bullying

By: McAfee — October 11th 2023 at 14:00

Bullying is a pervasive problem in our society, occurring in schools, workplaces, online, and even within families. It can cause immense physical and emotional pain, leading to decreased self-esteem, increased anxiety, and even suicide in extreme cases. Given its severe potential consequences, it’s critical for every one of us to take steps to end the hate and stomp out bullying.

This article explores 10 ways in which you can stand up against bullying, ranging from individual actions to community-based initiatives. Remember, each effort counts. Together, we can create a world where respect, kindness, and acceptance rule over hate and intimidation.

Understanding Bullying

Before we delve into the various ways to combat bullying, it’s important to first understand what it is. The World Health Organization defines bullying as “repeated exposure to negative actions from one or more individuals.” These actions may involve physical aggression, verbal abuse, intentional exclusion, public humiliation, or harmful manipulation.

Understanding the nature and effects of bullying is the first step in combating it. Recognizing the signs of bullying is essential in identifying victims or perpetrators. Those who are bullied often exhibit signs such as unexplained injuries, poor performance or attendance at school or work, changes in eating habits, or sudden loss of friends. On the other hand, those who bully often exhibit increased aggression, difficulty accepting responsibility for their actions, and a constant need to dominate or control others.

1. Educate Yourself

Education is a powerful tool in the fight against bullying. By educating yourself about different forms of bullying, its impact, and why it happens, you can better understand the reasons behind these harmful behaviors and approaches to address them. Learn about not just physical and verbal bullying, but also cyberbullying, sexual bullying, prejudicial bullying, and relational aggression.

There are plenty of resources available that can help increase your understanding of bullying. Anti-bullying organizations offer detailed information on different types of bullying, how to identify them, and ways to prevent them. Books and documentaries can also provide personal narratives and insights into the effects of bullying, giving you a deeper understanding of its impact on individuals.

2. Awareness-raise

After educating yourself about bullying, the next step is to raise awareness. By spreading the word about bullying and its harmful effects, you can bring this issue to the forefront of more people’s minds. This can be achieved through discussions, presentations, social media campaigns, or organizing events focused on bullying prevention.

Bullying often thrives on silence and ignorance. By bringing the issue to light, you empower victims, bystanders, and even bullies to change their behaviors and attitudes. Remember, change starts with awareness. The more people know about the issue, the more they can do to help combat it.

Dig Deeper: What You Do Now To Protect Your Child From Cyberbullying

3. Showcase Empathy

Empathy is a powerful weapon against bullying. By empathizing with the victim, you are not only providing emotional support but also validating their feelings and experiences. It can help them feel less isolated and more confident to stand up against the bully.

Showing empathy also extends to those who bully. It’s essential to understand that bullies often act out due to their own difficulties. Demonstrating empathy doesn’t mean condoning their actions, but rather understanding their problems and helping them seek the needed support. It also means helping them realize the harm they’re causing and encouraging them to change their patterns of behavior.

Dig Deeper: Digital Strategies to Safeguard Your Child from Upsetting and Violent Content Online

4. Be a Good Role Model

Good behavior is often emulated. Thus, being a good role model can have a significant effect on how others treat people around them. Show respect, kindness, and understanding in your everyday interactions, and stand up against any form of intimidation or humiliation you witness.

If you’re in a position of authority (like a parent, teacher, or manager), your role modeling has an even greater impact. Show how conflicts can be resolved calmly and respectfully, and do not tolerate any form of bullying. This not only creates a positive environment but also teaches others about the importance of respectful interactions.

Dig Deeper: Helping Kids Think Critically About Influencers They Follow Online

5. Encourage Open and Honest Communication

Encouraging open and honest communication can empower victims and bystanders to speak up against bullying. Many times, children and even adults are afraid to express their feelings or fear being dismissed or ridiculed. By promoting a safe and open communication environment, you can help them voice their concerns and experiences without fear of judgment or backlash.

Remember, communication goes both ways. While it’s important to encourage victims and bystanders to speak up, it’s equally crucial for parents, teachers, and friends to listen actively and offer support, guidance, and intervention if necessary.

6. Stand Up and Speak Out

Don’t be a silent bystander. If you witness bullying, stand up and speak out against it. Bystander intervention can make a significant difference, as it can deter the bully and comfort the victim. It can also encourage other bystanders to take action. But always ensure your own safety before intervening. If you fear a violent reaction, you should report the incident to a trusted adult or authority figure instead.

Speaking out against bullying also means challenging discrimination and prejudice whenever you encounter them. Whether it’s racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of bias, these attitudes often underpin bullying behavior. By challenging them, you’re helping to create a more inclusive and respectful society.

Dig Deeper: Instagram Takes Huge Step to Filter Bullies, Become a Kinder Social Hub

7. Reach Out to Victims

If you know someone who is a victim of bullying, reach out to them. Let them know that they’re not alone and that you’re there to support them. Encourage them to report the bullying, and offer to accompany them if they’re anxious about doing so. You can also help by listening to their experiences, validating their feelings, and providing advice or resources for coping with bullying.

Remember, bullying can have a deep psychological impact on its victims. They may be struggling with issues like anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. So, your support can make a real difference to their mental well-being. If you’re worried about a victim’s mental health, urge them to seek help from a mental health professional.

8. Report Bullying Incidents

If you witness or experience bullying, report it to a trusted adult or authority figure. This could be a teacher, school principal, HR manager, or police officer, depending on the context. Many victims of bullying fear retaliation and so, don’t report their experiences. However, reporting can initiate the process of addressing the issue and holding the bully accountable.

When reporting bullying, it’s important to be specific about what happened. Include details like who was involved, when and where it occurred, what was said or done, and whether there were any witnesses. If the bullying is happening online, take screenshots as evidence. Remember, your report can help protect not only you but also other potential victims.

9. Support Anti-Bullying Organizations and Programs

There are many organizations and programs dedicated to preventing bullying and supporting victims. You can support these initiatives in various ways, such as by donating money or time, participating in their events, or spreading the word about their work. By doing so, you can contribute to their efforts to create a bully-free world.

These anti-bullying organizations and programs often provide resources for education, prevention, and intervention, as well as support services for victims. Their work is crucial in raising awareness about bullying, teaching people how to stand up against it, and giving victims the help they need to recover.

Here are some notable anti-bullying organizations and programs:

10. Practice Self-Care

If you’re a victim of bullying, it’s essential to practice self-care. Bullying can take a toll on your mental and physical health, but taking care of yourself can help you cope with its effects. This could involve activities like exercising, meditating, journaling, or spending time with loved ones. It could also involve seeking help from a mental health professional.

Self-care is equally important for those supporting victims. Standing up against bullying is a daunting task, and it can leave you feeling stressed or overwhelmed. So, make sure to take care of your own well-being too. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Final Thoughts

Bullying is a grave issue that affects countless individuals worldwide. Its impacts can be devastating, leading to physical, emotional, and psychological harm. However, each one of us can play a crucial role in combating bullying. By educating ourselves, raising awareness, demonstrating empathy, being good role models, encouraging communication, standing up against bullying, reaching out to victims, reporting incidents, supporting anti-bullying initiatives, and practicing self-care, we can contribute to creating a world free from bullying. Remember, every effort counts. Together, with McAfee, we can end the hate and stomp out bullying.

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5 Ways to Safeguard Your Child’s Instagram Bio

By: McAfee — November 8th 2023 at 08:07

Keeping your child safe online is a growing concern for many parents. Instagram, a popular social media platform among tweens and teens, is no exception. Despite privacy settings that can effectively limit who sees your child’s posts, their Instagram bio nonetheless remains public by default. This leaves an opening through which those with ill intentions can glean personal information about your child. However, there are ways you can help safeguard your child’s Instagram bio and enhance their online safety. Here are 5 tips to consider:

1. Approve Your Child’s Profile Picture

The first step towards protecting your child’s online identity on Instagram starts with their profile picture. This image is the face your child presents to the world, and unfortunately, it can sometimes attract unwanted attention. As such, it’s crucial that you approve your child’s profile picture. Make sure that the photo does not in any way make your child look older than their age. For instance, if your child is 13, their photos should reflect their age and not make them look 20.

Moreover, it’s important to ensure that their chosen profile picture is not suggestive or revealing. It’s worth noting that what may seem normal to your child might come off as suggestive to others. As a parent, you need to hold your ground and make the final decision on what constitutes an appropriate profile picture.

Dig Deeper: McAfee Survey: Parents Share Pictures of Their Kids Online, Despite Understanding the Risks Involved

2. Edit Bio or Omit Entirely

Another critical step to safeguarding your child’s Instagram bio is to carefully oversee its contents. While it’s tempting for your child to share personal information such as their age, hometown, school, favorite sports team, etc., these can potentially serve as breadcrumbs for predators. By piecing together these nuggets of data, it’s easy for individuals with ill intentions to form a complete picture of your child’s life. Therefore, it’s best to either completely omit these details or edit the bio in a way that it does not divulge any personal information.

Teach your child about digital privacy and the dangers of sharing too much online. Explain that while it may seem like sharing a tidbit about their favorite band or TV show is harmless when combined with other pieces of information, it can end up providing a clear window into their personal life.

Dig Deeper: Oversharing: Are You Ignoring Your Child’s Privacy When You Post Online?

3. Do not Allow Links in Bio

Often, Instagram users will add a link to their bio that directs to another social media platform, an email address, or some other online platform. While this might seem like a simple way of connecting different aspects of their online presence, it can, unfortunately, also provide potential predators with additional ways to access your child’s personal information.

Therefore, do not allow your child to include any links in their Instagram bio. By limiting the information available about your child online, you make it harder for anyone to trace or track them, thereby enhancing their online safety.

4. Turn off Geo-Tagging/Location-based Services for Instagram

The Geo-Tagging feature on Instagram allows users to add their exact location to their posts. While this might seem like a fun and harmless feature to your child, it can unfortunately put them at risk. Predators can use this feature to track your child’s routines, activities, and even their real-world location. This is why it’s crucial to turn off Geo-Tagging/Location-based services on your child’s Instagram account.

Dig Deeper: What Are the Risks of Geo-Location?

Teach your child that it’s not safe to share their location online. Make sure they understand that leaving the location feature enabled can potentially allow strangers to figure out where they live, go to school, or hang out. You can turn off this feature by going to the settings in the Instagram app and turning off the location services. Remind your child not to manually add their location to posts. If they need to share their location, they should do it privately and only with trusted friends or family.

5. Let Them See You Monitoring

One of the most effective ways to ensure your child’s online safety is to stay involved and keep a close eye on their online activity. While this might seem like an invasion of your child’s privacy, it’s crucial to remember that as a parent, your number one priority is keeping your child safe. Let them know that you’ll be checking their Instagram account regularly, and make sure they’re aware of the potential risks they face online.

Studies show that about 50% of teens would change their online behavior knowing their parents are watching. Digital safeguards are an essential part of maintaining online safety. Make it a regular habit to browse your child’s Instagram and monitor their posts, their followers, and the people they follow. This can help you to quickly pick up on anything suspicious and take necessary action.

McAfee Pro Tip: Although parental controls can play a significant role in nurturing positive online behaviors, it’s vital for these tools to work in tandem with a devoted and actively involved parent who is enthusiastic about guiding their children through the digital world. Explore how parental controls can contribute to the development of healthy habits.

Final Thoughts

Ensuring your child’s online safety requires a combination of education, open discussion, and vigilant monitoring. Profile pictures should be age-appropriate, and their bio free from personal details or links. Location services should be switched off for Instagram to avoid sharing real-world locations. Finally, a regular check of their Instagram account helps to keep a tab on their online activity. Remember, safeguarding your child’s Instagram bio is not about controlling them but rather, it’s about protecting them from potential online threats.

By taking these steps to safeguard your child’s Instagram bio, you not only protect them but also teach them the importance of online safety and the steps they can take themselves. In the age of growing digital threats, it is crucial to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting our children online.

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Why Taking Your Teen’s Phone Away Doesn’t Work Anymore

By: McAfee — October 25th 2023 at 12:00

If you are the parent of a tween or teen, you know the challenge of setting and following through with consequences. You’ve worked hard to establish ground rules, but human nature and the sometimes rocky road to maturity guarantees your child will push, step, and even leap outside the agreed-upon lines. If you are like many parents, your first instinct is to restrict the thing they love the most, which is communication with their peers and the dependence they have on their phones.

The Loss of Family Dynamics

There are a few problems with taking away your teen’s phone, the first of which, you know well: Taking their phone is hard on you as well because you’ve become just as dependent on instant communication via the phone as they have. Too, if your teen drives a vehicle or is away from home for the day, the phone adds a layer of safety to the family dynamic.

The Alternative Communication Grid

The second hurdle — which you may or may not realize — is that with or without their phones, most teens have created an alternative communication grid that ensures there’s barely a hiccup if anyone gets a phone taken away. To clarify: This post is not an ‘us against them’ post, or an ‘outsmart them’ strategy, it’s simply a dose of reality that may influence and inform everyday parenting decisions.

Dig Deeper: Should You Use Near-Field Communications?

A few ways kids can maintain their social life without their phones include:

Laptop or PC

Because schools now require kids to be online to get assignments via internal assignment platforms and email, your child will likely ask you to log onto his or her laptop or family PC to do homework. In doing that, they will also quietly log on to their favorite apps SnapChat, Twitter, or Instagram account, and talk to friends non-stop. Solution: Monitor homework time.

McAfee Pro Tip: Our children who have grown up in the digital age are deeply immersed in smartphone culture. Even if you desire to disconnect and return to a simpler way of life, it would be quite challenging to achieve this while ensuring that your child remains academically competitive with their peers. Get smarter about phones and homework time with our tips.

Ipad and tablets

Kids will also be asked to read or do an assignment via the iPad or tablet; you can’t cut them off from learning, right? Wrong. They can again download their favorite social apps as well as chat apps they hope you know nothing about, such as Kik Messenger. Solution: Monitor homework and TV time.

Borrowed phones and iPods

I hate to make it sound like your kids are part of the teen tech mafia, but they keep their old phones for a reason. While that old iPhone and Android may be without phone service, the social and texting apps on them can still be used—and you can bet they are. Solution: 1) If you are restricting your smartphone, you need to take away the iPod (music) as well 2) Be upfront. Ask your kids if they’ve borrowed a phone 3) Check backpacks for rogue phones. 

Dig Deeper: The Privacy Problems with Mobile Messaging Apps

Game Systems and TV

Gaming systems have chat and messaging that kids use all the time. In addition, social media and television are now overlapping, so all of the apps you get on your phone can be easily accessed via most TVs. Solution: 1) Go to the network settings on your TV and password protect it 2) Monitor media 3) Take away all media in addition to the phone.

Dig Deeper: How To Get Your Head Around Your Kids’ Online Gaming Life

Private Messaging

Everything seems quiet on the posting front. You’ve checked, and your child is not posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, and you have their phone, so Snapchat is out, right? Not so much. If your kids are logging on to their apps via any of the devices listed above, chances are they know better than to post in the public stream. What they will be doing is using the private messaging of Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat (accessed via other devices) as an alternative way to text and communicate without feeling the loss of their personal smartphone.

Alternative Discipline Approaches

So what’s the alternative to taking your child’s tech as a consequence? If you know the loopholes listed above, tech restriction is still an option (even though your child will be clearly annoyed with your roadblocks). If your child is over 16 and loves the freedom of driving, that restriction is always an excellent option.

Experts agree: Strong ground rules and equally strong communication provide the best discipline. If family rules are vague or brought up only when your child messes up (i.e., grades, responsibilities, or behavior), he or she will have a tough time staying on track. Look for empowering opportunities for your child to take responsibility for his or her mistakes.

Empowering Responsibility

In truth, the only way to ensure appropriate behavior both online and offline is to teach your kids about personal responsibility. This is the key aspect of parenting that sets your child up for success in the real world. The ability to manage themselves, especially when it comes to online activities, is an invaluable life skill that they will bring with them into adulthood. The best way to teach responsibility is to model it. Show them through your actions and decisions that you are worthy of their respect, and they will follow suit.

Teens need to be taught how to behave responsibly online, how to protect their privacy, avoid scams, and how to deal with cyberbullying. They need to understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior online. One good way to teach them about cyber ethics is to have regular discussions about these topics. Create an open environment where they feel comfortable to share their experiences and concerns. Then, guide them on how to respond appropriately to these situations.

The Importance of Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship between parent and child. As a parent, it’s important to create an atmosphere of trust, openness, and respect. Regular discussions about proper digital etiquette and responsible internet behavior are key. Make time to discuss what your teen is doing online, who they are communicating with, and what type of content they are sharing. Be open about your expectations and why they are in place. If they understand why the rules exist, they will be more likely to follow them.

Consistent communication also enables you to keep up with the rapidly changing digital landscape teens navigate daily. By maintaining an open dialogue, you will be more attuned to the latest apps, games, and social media platforms your teen is using. This way, you can stay informed about developments that might affect your teens’ online safety.

Dig Deeper: 10 Easy Ways to Build Up Your Family’s Online Security

The Power of Trust

Trust is a two-way street. While it’s important that your child trusts you as a parent, it’s equally important for you to demonstrate trust in them. This means giving them some level of freedom and privacy online, while also making it clear that you expect them to act responsibly. Trusting your teens to make good decisions online shows them respect which encourages them to validate your trust.

However, trust is not about blind faith. It’s about setting boundaries and expectations and then allowing your teen to prove they can stay within those boundaries. When trust is breached, it’s important to discuss why it happened, the consequences, and how it can be rebuilt. Trust building is a process, and it takes time and consistency.

Final Thoughts

Managing your teen’s digital life can be challenging, but with open communication, respect, trust and a strong focus on personal responsibility, you can navigate this digital world together. Ultimately, the goal isn’t to control your teen’s every online interaction. Rather, it’s to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape safely and responsibly. Removing a teen’s phone may seem like an easy solution, but it’s far more effective to guide them toward responsible digital citizenship.

Take the step to safeguard your teen’s digital journey today, and empower them to thrive in the digital age, all while providing you with the control and confidence you need as a parent. Explore McAfee’s parental controls now and create a secure and nurturing digital environment for your teens.

The post Why Taking Your Teen’s Phone Away Doesn’t Work Anymore appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Keeping Virtual Play Dates, Hangouts, and Video Chats Safe for Everyone

By: McAfee — October 18th 2023 at 16:00

Given the climate surrounding COVID-19, many of us have had to substitute in-person social interactions with virtual communication. For parents, this includes organizing virtual playdates, hangouts, and video chats for their kids. While this provides an excellent solution for children to continue interacting with their peers, it has also opened up a new avenue for potential risks and dangers. It is imperative to ensure these virtual platforms are safe for all involved. In this article, we will provide some essential strategies for maintaining a secure and enjoyable online social environment for everyone.

The Rise of Tech and Cyber Crimes

The advent of technology has significantly transformed the way we communicate and interact with each other. However, as with any great invention, it also comes with potential risks and dangers, especially for kids who may not fully comprehend the implications of their online activities. With cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content being just a few of the digital risks, it is crucial to establish robust safety measures when kids engage in online social activities such as virtual playdates, hangouts, and video chats.

In this article, we will explore the different ways parents and caregivers can keep these activities secure and fun. By understanding the risks involved, staying informed on the latest developments in online safety, and taking actionable steps, everyone can navigate the digital world safely and confidently.

How to Keep Everyone Safe from the Dangers of Virtual Communication

Navigating the potential pitfalls of online interaction requires proactive measures and informed strategies. Let’s take a look at these tips on how to safeguard everyone from the inherent dangers of virtual communication, promoting a secure and positive digital experience for all.

Awareness and Understanding of Potential Risks

The first step in ensuring a safe online environment for children is understanding the potential risks and how they can be mitigated. Internet safety is not just about blocking and filtering inappropriate content; it’s also about educating ourselves and our children on how to behave responsibly online and understanding the potential repercussions of our digital footprint.

Online activities, especially those involving video chats, can expose children to various risks, including cyberbullying, identity theft, and exposure to inappropriate content. These risks can have devastating consequences on a child’s mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being. As such, it is vital for parents and caregivers to have regular conversations about these potential dangers with their children. It’s also crucial to ensure that children feel comfortable expressing any concerns or reporting any uncomfortable situations they encounter online.

Dig Deeper: Messenger Rooms: New Video Chat Option is Fun But Has Risks

Choosing the Right Platforms and Tools

The market is flooded with countless communication platforms, each with its features, safety measures, and potential loopholes. As a parent, choosing the right tool for your child’s online activities can be quite overwhelming. Not all platforms are created equal, and while some prioritize user safety and provide robust parental controls, others may not provide the same level of security.

When choosing a platform for your child’s virtual playdates or hangouts, consider aspects like age restrictions, privacy settings, and whether the platform allows parental controls. Additionally, evaluate the platform’s reputation regarding safety – a quick internet search can provide insights into any security issues or breaches the platform may have had in the past. Remember, the goal is to create a safe and enjoyable online experience for children. 

Implementing Privacy Settings and Parental Controls

One of the essential ways to ensure online safety for kids is by properly setting up privacy settings and parental controls on the communication tools they use. These settings can limit what information is shared and with whom, restrict access to certain content, and even set time limits for usage. Parental controls are a fantastic way of managing and monitoring your child’s online activities without being overly intrusive.

However, it’s important to note that these controls and settings are not foolproof. They should be used in conjunction with open communication and education about online safety. It’s essential to explain to children why these measures are in place, rather than just imposing them. They are more likely to follow these guidelines if they understand their purpose. 

McAfee Pro Tip: Parental controls are effective in monitoring children, but nothing beats proactive digital parenting. Managing digital parenting doesn’t need to be daunting, especially when you approach it step by step. Know how parental controls and digital parenting can help create good habits.

Building Guidelines for Safe Online Communication

Establishing clear guidelines for online communications is another critical aspect of ensuring a secure online environment for kids. These guidelines should be age-appropriate and cover aspects like sharing personal information, accepting friend requests, and how to behave respectfully online.

It’s also important to educate kids on the permanence of their online activities. Once something is shared online, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to completely remove it. They should understand the potential impact of their online behavior on their future, such as college admissions or job opportunities. Encouraging safe and responsible online behavior can go a long way in mitigating many of the potential risks associated with online communication.

Dig Deeper: Teens’ Online Behavior Can Get Them in Trouble

Following Virtual Playdates Etiquettes

In addition to safety measures, it’s also important to establish some etiquette for virtual playdates to ensure they are enjoyable and respectful for everyone involved. These guidelines should include respecting others’ time, muting when not speaking to avoid background noise, and understanding when to use the chat feature versus when to speak up.

It’s also important to discuss how to handle disagreements or misunderstandings that may arise during these virtual gatherings. Encourage kids to express themselves respectfully and listen to others’ perspectives. Remind them that it’s okay to disagree with someone but that it should be done in a respectful and kind manner.

Monitoring Screen Time

Depending on the age of your child, you may need to monitor the amount of time they spend on virtual activities. It’s easy for kids to lose track of time when they are engrossed in a fun virtual playdate or hangout. Setting and enforcing time limits can help prevent screen addiction and ensure your child has a balanced life with ample time for physical activities, schoolwork, and offline social interactions.

To make this process easier, you can use the built-in screen time management features available on most devices or utilize third-party apps that provide more detailed monitoring and control. Talk to your child about the importance of balancing online and offline activities. Make sure they understand that these limits are set out of concern for their well-being, not as a form of punishment.

Teaching Kids to Treat Others Respectfully

Just like offline interactions, teaching kids to be respectful in their digital communications is crucial. They should understand that the same rules of kindness and respect apply, whether they’re interacting with others face-to-face or through a screen. Cyberbullying is a significant concern for many parents, and teaching children to treat others respectfully can help mitigate this risk.

Encourage your child to empathize with others by imagining how they would feel if the roles were reversed. Foster an online culture of acceptance, understanding, and respect by setting a positive example through your own online interactions. Remember, kids often emulate the behavior they see around them.

Dig Deeper: 5 Digital Family Values to Embrace to Make the Internet a Better Place

Promoting Open Communication

Open communication is the key to any successful relationship, and this holds true for your relationship with your child. Encourage them to talk to you about their online experiences, both good and bad. This can help you identify any potential problems before they escalate and provide guidance on how to handle various situations.

Ensure your child feels comfortable coming to you with any issues or concerns they may have. Make it clear that you’re there to help, not to chastise them for making mistakes. Remember, the online world can be a confusing and intimidating place for kids, and they need to know they have a trusted adult to turn to when they need help navigating it.

Staying Up-to-Date with the Latest Online Safety Tips

The online world is constantly evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest safety tips is crucial. Regularly check reliable online safety resources and learn about the latest threats, trends, and best practices. This can help you prepare for and mitigate potential risks before they impact your child.

Consider joining online communities where parents share tips and advice about online safety. These platforms can be a great source of information and support as you navigate the digital world with your child. Remember, knowledge is power, and the more informed you are, the better you can protect your child.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, ensuring online safety during virtual playdates, hangouts, and video chats involves a combination of selecting the right communication platforms, using privacy settings and parental controls, establishing guidelines for online communications, and promoting open, respectful interactions. As parents and caregivers, it’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive in teaching our children about online safety.

However, it’s equally important to remember that our ultimate goal isn’t to eliminate all online risks but to create a balance where our kids can enjoy the benefits of the virtual world while being mindful of its potential pitfalls. By employing the strategies discussed in this article, you can provide a safe and enjoyable online environment for your child, fostering their growth and development while ensuring their safety.

The post Keeping Virtual Play Dates, Hangouts, and Video Chats Safe for Everyone appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How Extremist Groups Target Teens Online

By: McAfee — November 4th 2023 at 14:00
is roblox safe for kids?

With the reality of the digital age, the internet has become a vital part of our daily lives. While it offers immense benefits, the online world also has its potential risks. One such alarming issue involves extremist groups targeting impressionable teenagers online. An example of this is the Orlando nightclub massacre, where the gunman was believed to have been radicalized online. This guide aims to shed light on how these extremist groups operate and provide helpful measures for parents to protect their children.

Understanding The Online Influence of Extremist Groups

According to experts, extremist groups approach their targets subtly, often presenting their ideologies as non-threatening at first. These manipulations are not limited to only social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, but can be encountered in various forms like pop-up ads, hashtags, blog posts, and even videos. Extremist content is widespread online, and it has become increasingly crucial to educate your family about these threats.

Influence from these groups does not happen overnight. It often starts with behavioral changes. Common signs that a teen may be exposed to extremist ideologies include physical changes, sudden interest in fundamental values, increasingly critical towards the U.S., or constantly praising extremist violence in the news. These changes may seem minor at first, but they can lead to sinister results if left unchecked.

Strategies Employed by Extremist Groups Online

ISIS, among other extremist groups, has used the internet extensively for propaganda and recruitment. Their online presence is state-of-the-art and their recruitment methods are sophisticated. They primarily target impressionable teens and young adults who are often at the peak of their emotional turmoil and rebellion. They capitalize on the young person’s desire for acceptance, camaraderie and the urge to act out.

Extremist ideology is presented in a way that validates and glorifies this rebellion, treating it as an act of bravery. These groups lure in both males and females with promises of material rewards, eternal favor, adventure, and even heroism. All these appeal to the human desire for acceptance and significance, making it more appealing for impressionable youths.

Defending Against Online Extremism

The Family Institute for Online Safety (FOSI) released a report entitled “Violent Extremism: The New Online Safety Discussion”. It highlighted the ongoing threat of online extremism and the potential exposure of children to extremist content. The report recommends proactive measures such as awareness, education, and collaboration among government, community leaders, and social media companies to keep families safe from these threats.

Parents play a critical role in curbing this menace. They need to discuss current world events and the reliability of online content their children might encounter online. They should help their children develop critical thinking skills about the content they consume online, understand the motivations behind posted content and the potential manipulation involved.

Monitoring Your Child’s Online Activity

As a parent, it is important to observe your child’s online behavior. This does not imply invading their privacy but rather maintaining open communication about their online activities. As recommended by the FOSI report, parents should be aware of the sites their children visit and the content they consume. Encourage your child to discuss questionable content or unusual interactions they encounter online. This open communication helps build trust and promotes a safer online environment.

Teaching your children about digital footprint is also essential. Explain how their online behavior can have real-life consequences. This can range from damaging their reputation to attracting unwanted attention from malicious figures, such as those from extremist groups. Encourage them to think twice before posting or responding to content online, and remind them that nothing they do online is truly hidden or erased.

Dig Deeper: 6 Tips to Help Protect and Improve Your Child’s Online Reputation

Online Resources for Parents

There are numerous online resources available to assist parents in mitigating the influence of online extremism on their children. These include guides on dealing with tragedy and resources to help identify and address childhood depression. Utilizing these resources can equip parents with the knowledge to address difficult situations appropriately and limit the impact on their child’s mental health. Here are some sources you might want to check out: 

  • Educational Websites: Resources like those provided by the FOSI, including studies and actionable advice, can help parents stay informed about the current behaviors and trends of online extremists. Websites like Common Sense Media and NetSmartz also offer comprehensive educational materials, including articles, videos, and lesson plans, to help parents and educators address online safety and digital literacy with children. Keeping abreast of these trends enables parents to better recognize potential threats and intervene before their children are influenced by extremist propaganda.
  • Parental Control Software: McAfee’s comprehensive parental control software offers parents a multifaceted solution to ensure the online safety of their children. With these tools, parents can actively monitor and manage their child’s internet activities, enabling them to set restrictions on certain websites or content deemed inappropriate. 
  • Online Safety Workshops: Many organizations and schools host workshops and webinars on online safety and digital literacy. These can provide parents with practical strategies and expert insights.
  • Mental Health Support: Accessing online platforms like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or Crisis Text Line can help parents understand and address the mental health challenges their children may face as a result of online experiences.
  • Social Media Guides: Given the central role of social media in many children’s lives, parents can also find guides from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat on how to ensure a safer and more positive online experience.

Dig Deeper: Does Your Child Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Social Media?

  • Counseling Services: If parents observe concerning changes in their child’s behavior or mental health, it’s important to connect with school counselors, therapists, or psychologists who specialize in youth mental health and digital well-being.
  • Community Support: Local parent groups or online communities dedicated to online safety and parenting can provide a sense of solidarity and practical advice from other parents who have faced similar challenges.

Final Thoughts

The digital age brings with it immense benefits and potential risks. Online extremism is a real threat, but proactive and involved parenting can help minimize its influence on our children. By staying informed about extremist tactics, maintaining open dialogue with our children about their online activities, and utilizing available resources, we can help ensure their online safety. After all, armed with knowledge and understanding, we are well-equipped to face, address, and overcome these challenges.

Improve yours and your children’s understanding of the online world with the help of McAfee. Whether it’s through educational content, parental control solutions, or security features, McAfee empowers both parents and children to make informed decisions, practice responsible online behavior, and stay safe in an ever-evolving digital landscape. 

The post How Extremist Groups Target Teens Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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A Detailed Guide on Cyberbullying

By: McAfee — September 17th 2023 at 13:00

Unfortunately, cyberbullying has become a prevalent and emerging threat in our digital age. This type of bullying, carried out through computers and similar technologies, including cell phones, often involves harmful or intimidating comments and public posts created with malevolent intent to humiliate the victim. It’s a phenomenon that doesn’t only affect adults but is incredibly common among young people. As a result, it’s crucial to understand how to help your children navigate and mitigate this pervasive, especially now that they can leave digital footprints anywhere and encounter people with bad intentions.

The Uniqueness of Cyberbullying

One of the distinguishing factors of cyberbullying is that, unlike traditional in-person bullying, it doesn’t simply end when the bully is out of sight. Today, bullies can virtually pursue their victims everywhere through technology. This implies that bullying can transpire without the victim’s immediate consciousness, and due to the extensive reach of social media, the bullying can be witnessed by a significantly larger audience than the conventional school playground. 

Bearing in mind the challenges in getting a cyberbully to cease their harmful behavior, the most effective strategy is to educate your children about safe online habits to prevent such situations from arising in the first place. 

Dig Deeper: More Dangers of Cyberbullying Emerge—Our Latest Connected Family Report

Types of Cyberbullies

Evolved from the classic schoolyard bullies of old, these cyberbullies can take various forms depending on their attack vector and intent. In fact, there are said to be four types of cyberbullies: the Vengeful Angel, the Power Hungry Cyberbully, Revenge of the Nerds/Inadvertent Cyberbully, and Mean Girls. The Vengeful Angel bullies in order to protect the weak/other victims and often takes action to protect a loved one or friend. The Power Hungry archetype, however, is just a nasty, unkind person who wants to display dominance and control over others. Then there’s the Inadvertent Cyberbully, who are usually the ones getting bullied online or in real life and are typically trying to enact some form of justice or revenge anonymously from the web. Mean Girls are the opposite – and take their online actions in order to impress a group of friends or gain social status.

Cyberbullying Methods

Not only is there a variety in the kinds of bullies across the web, but also many types of cyberbullying techniques these meanies use to bother their victims. First and foremost, there’s harassment, which involves repeated, offensive messages sent to a victim by a bully on some type of online medium. These messages can be rude, personal, and even threatening, with one recent example emerging between two wives of professional hockey players. Similar to harassment is Flaming – an online fight conducted via emails, social media messages, chat rooms, you name it.

Then there are very targeted attacks, named Exclusion and Outing. With Exclusion, cyberbullies select one individual to single out. Exclusion is a popular method, with examples everywhere, from high students in Iowa to well-known celebrities. With Outing, these harassers share private information, photos, and videos of a single person to humiliate them online. There’s also the anonymous angle, AKA Masquerading, where a cyberbully creates a fake online identity to belittle, harass, and degrade their victim – which a nurse in New Zealand was a victim of for a whopping five years.

Cyberbullying Prevention Tips

Parents should inform their children that their online activities will be monitored using parental control software. Explaining how this software works and how it can protect them is essential. This policy should be well established before your child gets their phone or computer. 

Furthermore, parents should discuss cyberbullying with their children and help them understand how it happens. This discussion should take place before your child gets their devices. Before a child gets their own digital devices, they must disclose their passwords to their parents. Parents can reassure them that these passwords will only be used during emergencies. 

Setting Conditions for Device Ownership

A condition set before children get their own digital devices is that they should consent to instructions on smart online habits. Importantly, they must understand that once something is posted online, it stays there forever. 

Another essential guideline for owning a device is that children should be cautious about their personal information. They should be advised not to publicly share their cell phone number and email address and should never disclose their passwords, even to close friends. 

Dig Deeper: 8 Signs It May Be Time for Parental Controls

Role-Playing for Cyberbullying

Once your child obtains their digital devices, engaging in role-playing exercises with them is suggested. This allows parents to simulate scenarios where the child might encounter a cyberbully, teaching them appropriate responses. This exercise can also provide a safe space for your child to practice dealing with cyberbullying tactics and learn to act assertively without resorting to aggression or submission. 

In this role-playing activity, parents should encourage their children to report any bullying incidents, even if it is simulated or perceived as insignificant. This activity not only cultivates resilience but also reassures children that they won’t be blamed or punished for being a victim of cyberbullying. 

Maintaining Awareness of Online Activities

Parents must maintain vigilance regarding their child’s internet activities despite all preventive measures. Regular check-ins and encouraging open communication about their online experiences can create a strong bond of trust between parents and children. Assure them they can approach you without fear if they are bullied online. Encourage them to share any suspicious interactions and reassure them that they won’t be in trouble for reporting cyberbullying incidents.

If possible, try to familiarise yourself with the social media platforms that your children are using. Understanding these platforms can provide insight into their online experience and potential risks. Such knowledge can be valuable when initiating discussions about cyberbullying, providing tangible examples and relatable scenarios.

McAfee Pro Tip: Get McAfee’s parental control to safeguard your children against online threats and cyberbullying. With its features, you can actively supervise your kids’ online interactions, establish usage time restrictions, and prevent exposure to inappropriate content. This reassures you that your children can explore the online realm while enjoying a layer of protection. 

Importance of Staying Updated & Educated

Cyberbullying is a complex issue that evolves with the rapid advancements of technology and social media platforms. Therefore, parents must stay updated about the latest forms of cyberbullying and the newest safety settings available on various platforms. Parents should also regularly educate themselves about digital safety and responsible internet usage and share this information with their children to boost their awareness and readiness.

Parents and children can attend webinars, workshops, and seminars about cyberbullying and online safety. Learning together provides a good bonding exercise and ensures that both parties are on the same page. Schools and local community centers often offer resources and programs for cyberbullying awareness and prevention.

Dig Deeper: Cyberbullying’s Impact on Both Society and Security

Next Steps for Both Parents and Kids

Typically, cyberbullying is common among teens navigating the trials and tribulations of middle and high school. But that doesn’t mean it’s exclusive to teens, and that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps parents and kids alike can do to stop cyberbullying in its tracks.

If you’re the subject of cyberbullying, the first thing you need to do is block the bully. Then, make sure you collect evidence – take screenshots, print the proof, and do whatever you can to have material to back up your claim. It depends on the type of cyberbullying at work, but you can also use the internet to your advantage and look up relevant resources to aid with your issue.

If you’re a parent, the most important thing is communication. Make yourself available as a resource and remind your kids that they can tell you anything happening in their online world. Beyond that, continuously weave cybersecurity into your family discussions. Remind kids of the simple steps to be safe online, and ensure they know when to flag a cyberbully or online scheme.

There are also technical avenues you can take to protect your kid online. Look into solutions that will help you monitor your family’s online interactions, such as McAfee Safe Family. This solution, for instance, can help you set rules and time limits for apps and websites and see what your kids are up to at a glance. Of course, these solutions are not the be-all and end-all for stopping cyberbullying, but they can help.

Now, there’s still a lot more research that has to be done to understand the cyberbullying problem society is faced with fully. So, as this problem continues to evolve, so must the research, solutions, and regulations that will be created to combat the issue. With the right proactive action, people everywhere can stand up to cyberbullies.

Dig Deeper: Cyberbullying – How Parents Can Minimize Impact On Kids

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, cyberbullying is a pressing issue that requires continuous attention and education. By teaching your children what it is and how it happens, setting up rules for responsible device usage, conducting role-play exercises together, and staying informed about their online activities, you can better equip them to navigate the digital world safely. Remember, the ultimate goal is not to control your child’s online activities but to empower them with the tools and understanding necessary to protect themselves online.

The post A Detailed Guide on Cyberbullying appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Could Your Kids Spot an Online Predator?

By: McAfee — September 17th 2023 at 13:00

Despite the extensive media coverage and awareness campaigns, it’s harrowing to admit that children, particularly vulnerable teenagers, are still targeted by online predators. This is not a matter exclusive to the “other” kids – it affects everyone, and young individuals’ innocent and accepting nature often leads them into the dangerous trap of these predators.

As parents, caregivers, and mentors, it’s our responsibility to educate and guide our children about the virtual perils that lurk within their screens. An essential part of this is continuous communication, ensuring they understand the gravity of the situation and can recognize the deceptive tactics employed by these predators.

The Tragic Tale of Nicole Lovell

A heartbreaking example of how these predators operate is the story of Nicole Lovell, a 13-year-old girl who made headlines not long ago. Nicole met David Eisenhauer, an engineering student from Virginia Tech, through the messaging app Kik. Their relations initially seemed harmless, characterized by playful flirtations and shared stories. However, their friendship took a horrific turn when they decided to meet in person, leading to Nicole’s tragic demise. Her body was found shortly after their encounter.

David exhibited no signs of having a ‘dark side,’ an aspect that made their meeting seem all the more innocent. This incident is a stark reminder that anyone can fall prey to such predators, regardless of their background or circumstances. This is why discussing and dissecting such incidents with our children is crucial to teaching them the harsh realities of the digital world.

Recognizing the Traits of Online Predators

Identifying an online predator’s markers is a critical aspect of child safety education. More often than not, these individuals are cunning and mentally unbalanced and spend a significant amount of their time seeking and ‘grooming’ their prospective victims online. The ultimate goal of these predators is to exploit children, either by convincing them to send inappropriate photos or by meeting them in person.

Initiating a continuous dialogue with your children about these predators is crucial. Make them aware of the tactics these individuals employ, such as appearing overly friendly or empathetic. Let them know that predators will go to any length to appear younger and more relatable.

Dig Deeper: Reports of Online Predators on the Rise. How to Keep Your Kids Safe

Starting the Conversation with Kids

Addressing such a sensitive issue with your children can be challenging but necessary. Start by discussing cases like Nicole’s, focusing not only on the tragic outcome but also on the lead-up events and why she may have developed such a strong online connection. Discussing how innocent online friendships can spiral into dangerous situations can be an excellent eye-opener for your kids.

It’s crucial to teach your kids to look out for strangers who are “too friendly” or excessively understanding. Tell them that predators keep themselves updated with the latest movies, music, and trends to seem younger and easily start conversations with children. Remember, predators will say anything to appear more youthful than they actually are.

Red Flags and Warning Signs 

You don’t always know what your children are doing online. Their digital footprints could be anywhere. That’s why it is imperative to understand the red flags and warning signs that may signal a hazardous online interaction, especially when they already encounter a predator, and you’re still in the shadow. 

  • Identifying Suspicious Behavior in Online Contacts: Your children should be cautious if someone they’re communicating with online excessively flatters them, evades questions about their identity, provides inconsistent information, or repeatedly pushes boundaries. Isolation attempts, where the contact discourages your child from discussing the interaction with others or emphasizes secrecy, should raise concerns. 
  • Recognizing Signs of Manipulation and Coercion: Online predators often employ manipulative tactics to gain control over their targets. Your child should be aware of emotional manipulation, blackmail, and threats, all signs of coercion. Predators may work to build false trust by pretending to be the only one who cares about or understands the child. If the contact insists on secrecy, isolates your child from real-world activities, or uses emotional manipulation, it’s crucial for your child to recognize these tactics and take them seriously. And you, as a parent, should acknowledge your child’s behavior when they’re being emotionally manipulated. 
  • Understanding When to Seek Help or Report Concerning Interactions: Open communication is crucial to your child’s safety. Encourage them to talk to you about any concerns regarding their online interactions. Help your child trust their instincts; if something doesn’t feel right or makes them uncomfortable, they should share those feelings with a trusted adult. Ensure they know how to report concerning interactions on the platforms they use and don’t hesitate to involve law enforcement if you suspect contact with an online predator. In some cases, seeking professional help may also be necessary to support your child’s recovery from a traumatic online experience. Building a foundation of trust and proactive communication is essential for online safety.

Teaching Kids to Guard their Online Presence

Reinforcing the importance of online privacy is a crucial step in protecting your kids from virtual predators. Teach your children that personal information such as their full name, address, school, and phone number should never be shared online. They must also understand that specific images and details about their life can also reveal too much to an online predator. Remind them to limit geotagged photos as this can expose their location, and also to strictly control who is able to view their social media accounts.

Dig Deeper: Why You Should Think Before Geotagging that Selfie

Explain to your kids the dangers of accepting friend requests or communicating with strangers online. Make them aware that individuals posing as children or teenagers could be adults with malicious intent. Reinforce that anyone who asks them to keep a conversation secret or requests for personal information or inappropriate content is a potential danger, and they should inform you immediately if this occurs.

Dig Deeper: Making Online Safety a Priority for Our Tech-Savvy Children

Implementing Online Safety Measures

As parents, we must stay informed about our children’s online activities, which goes far beyond just asking them about it. This can involve regularly reviewing their social media profiles and friends lists and ensuring they only interact with people they know personally. Familiarize yourself with the platforms and apps your children use to comprehend their functionalities and potential risks better. 

Creating house rules regarding internet use can be an effective measure to ensure online safety. This could involve having specific periods when the internet can be used, limiting the time spent online, and setting out where internet-access devices can be used. For instance, allowing internet use only in common areas instead of bedrooms can be a good practice. It is essential to have ongoing dialogues about these rules and their reasons so your children can understand and appreciate their importance.

Final Thoughts

In an age where the online world is a significant part of our children’s lives, online safety education is essential. It’s crucial that, as parents, caregivers, and mentors, we take proactive steps to protect our children from the pervasive threat of online predators. This means having open and ongoing conversations about the real dangers that can lurk behind a screen, teaching kids to guard their online presence, and implementing online safety measures. Together, we can ensure the internet becomes safer for our children to learn, explore, and connect with others. Protect your whole family with McAfee+ Family plans.

The post Could Your Kids Spot an Online Predator? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Help Kids Steer Clear of Cyberbullies During Summer Break

By: McAfee — September 7th 2023 at 14:00

As we all look forward to the sunshine and freedom of summer, it’s important to remember that not all elements of the school year disappear with the ringing of the final bell. In our increasingly digital age, cyberbullying has become a pervasive issue that can affect kids even during their summer break. This guide will help parents understand the issue, recognize the signs, and provide practical strategies to protect their kids from cyberbullies.

The Reality of Summer Cyberbullying

Summer break should be a time of fun-filled days, exploration, relaxation, and a break from the rigors of the school year. However, with the increase in leisure time comes a corresponding increase in screen time, and, unfortunately, this often results in an uptick in instances of cyberbullying. As the McAfee survey in 2014 revealed, 87% of teenagers reported witnessing cyberbullying, a significant increase from the previous year. The reasons for being targeted varied, with appearance, race, religion, and sexual orientation all cited as factors. Given this reality, parents must remain vigilant during the summer months. Keeping an eye on your child’s online activities, encouraging open communication, and intervening when necessary can make the difference between a summer of fun and one of fear and isolation. → Dig Deeper: More Dangers of Cyberbullying Emerge—Our Latest Connected Family Report

Things Not to Do

When confronted with bullying, our instinctive reactions aren’t always the best. Here are three things you should avoid doing when addressing cyberbullying:

  • Telling your child to ignore the bullying. The nature of social media can amplify the impact of bullying, making it impossible to overlook simply.
  • Blaming the child for being bullied. Even if your child made poor decisions or inadvertently instigated the situation, nobody deserves to be bullied.
  • Encouraging physical retaliation. Fighting back can escalate the situation and put your child in physical or legal danger.

3 Ways to Avoid Bullying Online

Prevention is the best cure, and there are several proactive steps you can take to minimize the risk of your child being cyberbullied:

  • Make profiles and photos private. Insist on privacy settings for all social profiles. This confines your child’s online circles to known friends, reducing the likelihood of cyberbullying.

Dig Deeper: Protecting Your Privacy on Social Media

  • Avoid risky apps. Certain apps, like, Kik Messenger, and Yik Yak, are associated with higher rates of cyberbullying due to their allowance of anonymous interaction. Ensure these are off-limits for your child.

Dig Deeper: Beware of Malicious Mobile Apps

  • Don’t invite criticism. The online culture often encourages kids to seek approval through “likes” or “ranks” of their photos. Discuss the risks involved in this behavior and remind your child of their worth outside these superficial metrics.

3 Things to Do if Bullied Online

Despite taking precautions, there may be instances where cyberbullying can’t be immediately prevented. In such situations, it is crucial to know what steps to take to mitigate the impact and bring the bullying to an end:

  • Tell someone. It’s important for the child to confide in a trusted adult, somebody who can help manage the situation appropriately. Encourage open communication from the start. Many times, kids withhold information about bullying, allowing it to escalate unchecked. Monitor your child’s online behavior discreetly, paying attention to the tone and content of their interactions. It’s also crucial to provide emotional support and reassurance to children who are being targeted, as they may be suffering from fear, embarrassment, or feelings of isolation.
  • Save the evidence. Make sure to keep a record of bullying incidents – texts, emails, social media posts, or screenshot conversations. These might provide valuable information to address the situation and serve as evidence if the need to report to authorities arises.
  • Report serious incidents to the police. If cyberbullying escalates to the point where it includes threats, intimidation, or any form of sexual exploitation, it’s time to involve the authorities. Report the situation to the police and specific social networks where bullying occurs. Websites such as provide comprehensive resources to understand your rights better and get the help you need.

Supporting Your Child

Addressing the issue of cyberbullying can be a complex task. The emotional wounds inflicted by this abuse can be deep and long-lasting. Therefore, it’s indispensable that your child feels supported and understood. Maintain an open line of communication with your child, creating a secure and trusting environment where they can comfortably express their feelings and fears. It might also be beneficial to seek professional help when dealing with cases of severe bullying. Therapy or counseling can provide your child with effective coping strategies, helping them regain their confidence and self-esteem. McAfee Pro Tip: While numerous aspects of the digital world remain beyond our control, one aspect where we wield significant influence is our commitment to protecting the well-being of our family members in both the digital and mental realms. Mental health always matters. Find ways to support your child online and offline.

Teaching Empathy and Respect Online

Preventing cyberbullying starts at home. By teaching our children the values of empathy and respect, we can contribute to a more positive online culture. Incorporate digital citizenship lessons into your everyday conversations, emphasizing the importance of treating others kindly offline and online. Teach your children to think before they post and remind them that behind every screen, there’s a real person who can be hurt by their words. Building respect and empathy can discourage cyberbullying and inspire children to stand against it. → Dig Deeper: Cyberbullying’s Impact on Both Society and Security


Parenting in the digital age brings with it new challenges and responsibilities. Cyberbullying is a significant issue that requires our attention and vigilance, especially during the summer when screen time increases. Equip your child with the right tools to protect themselves online, foster open communication at all times, and support them in the face of adversity. Remember, the goal is for our children to enjoy their digital interactions and have a safe, enjoyable summer free from the threat of cyberbullying. Improve your family’s digital habits, privacy, and safety with McAfee’s Parental Controls. This security tool allows parents to oversee device usage, establish screen time restrictions, and even track the locations of their children.

The post Help Kids Steer Clear of Cyberbullies During Summer Break appeared first on McAfee Blog.
