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Matano - The Open-Source Security Lake Platform For AWS

By: (Unknown) β€” October 14th 2022 at 11:30

Matano is an open source security lake platform for AWS. It lets you ingest petabytes of security and log data from various sources, store and query them in an open Apache Iceberg data lake, and create Python detections as code for realtime alerting. Matano is fully serverless and designed specifically for AWS and focuses on enabling high scale, low cost, and zero-ops. Matano deploys fully into your AWS account.


Collect data from all your sources

Matano lets you collect log data from sources using S3 or SQS based ingestion.

Ingest, transform, normalize log data

Matano normalizes and transforms your data using Vector Remap Language (VRL). Matano works with the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) by default and you can define your own schema.

Store data in S3 object storage

Log data is always stored in S3 object storage, for cost effective, long term, durable storage.

Apache Iceberg Data lake

All data is ingested into an Apache Iceberg based data lake, allowing you to perform ACID transactions, time travel, and more on all your log data. Apache Iceberg is an open table format, so you always own your own data, with no vendor lock-in.


Matano is a fully serverless platform, designed for zero-ops and unlimited elastic horizontal scaling.

Detections as code

Write Python detections to implement realtime alerting on your log data.


View the complete installation instructions.

You can install the matano CLI to deploy Matano into your AWS account, and manage your Matano deployment.


  • Docker


Matano provides a nightly release with the latest prebuilt files to install the Matano CLI on GitHub. You can download and execute these files to install Matano.

For example, to install the Matano CLI for Linux, run:

curl -OL
chmod +x
sudo ./

Getting started

Read the complete docs on getting started.


To get started with Matano, run the matano init command. Make sure you have AWS credentials in your environment (or in an AWS CLI profile).

The interactive CLI wizard will walk you through getting started by generating an initial Matano directory for you, initializing your AWS account, and deploying Matano into your AWS account.

Initial deployment takes a few minutes.


View our complete documentation.


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

ApacheTomcatScanner - A Python Script To Scan For Apache Tomcat Server Vulnerabilities

By: (Unknown) β€” September 3rd 2022 at 12:30

A python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities.


  • Multithreaded workers to search for Apache tomcat servers.
  • Multiple target source possible:
    • Retrieving list of computers from a Windows domain through an LDAP query to use them as a list of targets.
    • Reading targets line by line from a file.
    • Reading individual targets (IP/DNS/CIDR) from -tt/--target option.
  • Custom list of ports to test.
  • Tests for /manager/html access and default credentials.
  • List the CVEs of each version with the --list-cves option


You can now install it from pypiΒ with this command:

sudo python3 -m pip install apachetomcatscanner


$ ./ -h
Apache Tomcat Scanner v2.3.2 - by @podalirius_

usage: [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-C] [-T THREADS] [-s] [--only-http] [--only-https] [--no-check-certificate] [--xlsx XLSX] [--json JSON] [-PI PROXY_IP] [-PP PROXY_PORT] [-rt REQUEST_TIMEOUT] [-tf TARGETS_FILE]

A python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode. (default: False)
--debug Debug mode, for huge verbosity. (default: False)
-C, --list-cves List CVE ids affecting each version found. (default: False)
Number of threads (default: 5)
-s, --servers-only If querying ActiveDirectory, only get servers and not all computer objects. (default: False)
--only-http Scan only with HTTP scheme. (default: False, scanning with both HTTP and HTTPs)
--only-https Scan only with HTTPs scheme. (default: False, scanning with both HTTP and HTTPs)
Do not check certificate. (default: False)
--xlsx XLSX Export results to XLSX
--json JSON Export results to JSON

-PI PROXY_IP, --proxy-ip PROXY_IP
Proxy IP.
Proxy port

-tf TARGETS_FILE, --targets-file TARGETS_FILE
Path to file containing a line by line list of targets.
-tt TARGET, --target TARGET
Target IP, FQDN or CIDR
-tp TARGET_PORTS, --target-ports TARGET_PORTS
Target ports to scan top search for Apache Tomcat servers.
-ad AUTH_DOMAIN, --auth-domain AUTH_DOMAIN
Windows domain to authenticate to.
-ai AUTH_DC_IP, --auth-dc-ip AUTH_DC_IP
IP of the domain controller.
-au AUTH_USER, --auth-user AUTH_USER
Username of the domain account.
-ap AUTH_PASSWORD, --auth-password AUTH_PASSWORD
Password of the domain account.
-ah AUTH_HASH, --auth-hash AUTH_HASH
LM:NT hashes to pass the hash for this user.



You can also list the CVEs of each version with the --list-cves option:


Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.
