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iLeakage: New Safari Exploit Impacts Apple iPhones and Macs with A- and M-Series CPUs

By: Newsroom — October 26th 2023 at 16:49
A group of academics has devised a novel side-channel attack dubbed iLeakage that exploits a weakness in the A- and M-series CPUs running on Apple iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices, enabling the extraction of sensitive information from the Safari web browser. "An attacker can induce Safari to render an arbitrary webpage, subsequently recovering sensitive information present within it using
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

iOS Zero-Day Attacks: Experts Uncover Deeper Insights into Operation Triangulation

By: Newsroom — October 24th 2023 at 08:37
The TriangleDB implant used to target Apple iOS devices packs in at least four different modules to record microphone, extract iCloud Keychain, steal data from SQLite databases used by various apps, and estimate the victim's location. The new findings come from Kaspersky, which detailed the great lengths the adversary behind the campaign, dubbed Operation Triangulation, went to conceal and cover
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Patch Tuesday, October 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — October 10th 2023 at 22:51

Microsoft today issued security updates for more than 100 newly-discovered vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system and related software, including four flaws that are already being exploited. In addition, Apple recently released emergency updates to quash a pair of zero-day bugs in iOS.

Apple last week shipped emergency updates in iOS 17.0.3 and iPadOS 17.0.3 in response to active attacks. The patch fixes CVE-2023-42724, which attackers have been using in targeted attacks to elevate their access on a local device.

Apple said it also patched CVE-2023-5217, which is not listed as a zero-day bug. However, as Bleeping Computer pointed out, this flaw is caused by a weakness in the open-source “libvpx” video codec library, which was previously patched as a zero-day flaw by Google in the Chrome browser and by Microsoft in Edge, Teams, and Skype products. For anyone keeping count, this is the 17th zero-day flaw that Apple has patched so far this year.

Fortunately, the zero-days affecting Microsoft customers this month are somewhat less severe than usual, with the exception of CVE-2023-44487. This weakness is not specific to Windows but instead exists within the HTTP/2 protocol used by the World Wide Web: Attackers have figured out how to use a feature of HTTP/2 to massively increase the size of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and these monster attacks reportedly have been going on for several weeks now.

Amazon, Cloudflare and Google all released advisories today about how they’re addressing CVE-2023-44487 in their cloud environments. Google’s Damian Menscher wrote on Twitter/X that the exploit — dubbed a “rapid reset attack” — works by sending a request and then immediately cancelling it (a feature of HTTP/2). “This lets attackers skip waiting for responses, resulting in a more efficient attack,” Menscher explained.

Natalie Silva, lead security engineer at Immersive Labs, said this flaw’s impact to enterprise customers could be significant, and lead to prolonged downtime.

“It is crucial for organizations to apply the latest patches and updates from their web server vendors to mitigate this vulnerability and protect against such attacks,” Silva said. In this month’s Patch Tuesday release by Microsoft, they have released both an update to this vulnerability, as well as a temporary workaround should you not be able to patch immediately.”

Microsoft also patched zero-day bugs in Skype for Business (CVE-2023-41763) and Wordpad (CVE-2023-36563). The latter vulnerability could expose NTLM hashes, which are used for authentication in Windows environments.

“It may or may not be a coincidence that Microsoft announced last month that WordPad is no longer being updated, and will be removed in a future version of Windows, although no specific timeline has yet been given,” said Adam Barnett, lead software engineer at Rapid7. “Unsurprisingly, Microsoft recommends Word as a replacement for WordPad.”

Other notable bugs addressed by Microsoft include CVE-2023-35349, a remote code execution weakness in the Message Queuing (MSMQ) service, a technology that allows applications across multiple servers or hosts to communicate with each other. This vulnerability has earned a CVSS severity score of 9.8 (10 is the worst possible). Happily, the MSMQ service is not enabled by default in Windows, although Immersive Labs notes that Microsoft Exchange Server can enable this service during installation.

Speaking of Exchange, Microsoft also patched CVE-2023-36778,  a vulnerability in all current versions of Exchange Server that could allow attackers to run code of their choosing. Rapid7’s Barnett said successful exploitation requires that the attacker be on the same network as the Exchange Server host, and use valid credentials for an Exchange user in a PowerShell session.

For a more detailed breakdown on the updates released today, see the SANS Internet Storm Center roundup. If today’s updates cause any stability or usability issues in Windows, will likely have the lowdown on that.

Please consider backing up your data and/or imaging your system before applying any updates. And feel free to sound off in the comments if you experience any difficulties as a result of these patches.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

PEACHPIT: Massive Ad Fraud Botnet Powered by Millions of Hacked Android and iOS

By: Newsroom — October 9th 2023 at 16:07
An ad fraud botnet dubbed PEACHPIT leveraged an army of hundreds of thousands of Android and iOS devices to generate illicit profits for the threat actors behind the scheme. The botnet is part of a larger China-based operation codenamed BADBOX, which also entails selling off-brand mobile and connected TV (CTV) devices on popular online retailers and resale sites that are backdoored with an 
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Rolls Out Security Patches for Actively Exploited iOS Zero-Day Flaw

By: Newsroom — October 5th 2023 at 03:42
Apple on Wednesday rolled out security patches to address a new zero-day flaw in iOS and iPadOS that it said has come under active exploitation in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2023-42824, the kernel vulnerability could be abused by a local attacker to elevate their privileges. The iPhone maker said it addressed the problem with improved checks. "Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Apple Zero-Days Exploited to Target Egyptian ex-MP with Predator Spyware

By: THN — September 23rd 2023 at 06:12
The three zero-day flaws addressed by Apple on September 21, 2023, were leveraged as part of an iPhone exploit chain in an attempt to deliver a spyware strain called Predator targeting former Egyptian member of parliament Ahmed Eltantawy between May and September 2023. "The targeting took place after Eltantawy publicly stated his plans to run for President in the 2024 Egyptian elections," the
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Rushes to Patch 3 New Zero-Day Flaws: iOS, macOS, Safari, and More Vulnerable

By: THN — September 22nd 2023 at 02:11
Apple has released yet another round of security patches to address three actively exploited zero-day flaws impacting iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and Safari, taking the total tally of zero-day bugs discovered in its software this year to 16. The list of security vulnerabilities is as follows - CVE-2023-41991 - A certificate validation issue in the Security framework that could allow a
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Microsoft Uncovers Flaws in ncurses Library Affecting Linux and macOS Systems

By: THN — September 14th 2023 at 14:07
A set of memory corruption flaws have been discovered in the ncurses (short for new curses) programming library that could be exploited by threat actors to run malicious code on vulnerable Linux and macOS systems. "Using environment variable poisoning, attackers could chain these vulnerabilities to elevate privileges and run code in the targeted program's context or perform other malicious
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Adobe, Apple, Google & Microsoft Patch 0-Day Bugs

By: BrianKrebs — September 12th 2023 at 22:36

Microsoft today issued software updates to fix at least five dozen security holes in Windows and supported software, including patches for two zero-day vulnerabilities that are already being exploited. Also, Adobe, Google Chrome and Apple iOS users may have their own zero-day patching to do.

On Sept. 7, researchers at Citizen Lab warned they were seeing active exploitation of a “zero-click,” zero-day flaw to install spyware on iOS devices without any interaction from the victim.

“The exploit chain was capable of compromising iPhones running the latest version of iOS (16.6) without any interaction from the victim,” the researchers wrote.

According to Citizen Lab, the exploit uses malicious images sent via iMessage, an embedded component of Apple’s iOS that has been the source of previous zero-click flaws in iPhones and iPads.

Apple says the iOS flaw (CVE-2023-41064) does not seem to work against devices that have its ultra-paranoid “Lockdown Mode” enabled. This feature restricts non-essential iOS features to reduce the device’s overall attack surface, and it was designed for users concerned that they may be subject to targeted attacks. Citizen Lab says the bug it discovered was being exploited to install spyware made by the Israeli cyber surveillance company NSO Group.

This vulnerability is fixed in iOS 16.6.1 and iPadOS 16.6.1. To turn on Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, go to Settings, then Privacy and Security, then Lockdown Mode.

Not to be left out of the zero-day fun, Google acknowledged on Sept. 11 that an exploit for a heap overflow bug in Chrome is being exploited in the wild. Google says it is releasing updates to fix the flaw, and that restarting Chrome is the way to apply any pending updates. Interestingly, Google says this bug was reported by Apple and Citizen Lab.

On the Microsoft front, a zero-day in Microsoft Word is among the more concerning bugs fixed today. Tracked as CVE-2023-36761, it is flagged as an “information disclosure” vulnerability. But that description hardly grasps at the sensitivity of the information potentially exposed here.

Tom Bowyer, manager of product security at Automox, said exploiting this vulnerability could lead to the disclosure of Net-NTLMv2 hashes, which are used for authentication in Windows environments.

“If a malicious actor gains access to these hashes, they can potentially impersonate the user, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems,” Bowyer said, noting that CVE-2023-36761 can be exploited just by viewing a malicious document in the Windows preview pane. “They could also conduct pass-the-hash attacks, where the attacker uses the hashed version of a password to authenticate themselves without needing to decrypt it.”

The other Windows zero-day fixed this month is CVE-2023-36802. This is an “elevation of privilege” flaw in the “Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy,” which is built into Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server versions. Microsoft says an attacker who successfully exploits the bug can gain SYSTEM level privileges on a Windows computer.

Five of the flaws Microsoft fixed this month earned its “critical” rating, which the software giant reserves for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware or malcontents with little or no interaction by Windows users.

According to the SANS Internet Storm Center, the most serious critical bug in September’s Patch Tuesday is CVE-2023-38148, which is a weakness in the Internet Connection Sharing service on Windows. Microsoft says an unauthenticated attacker could leverage the flaw to install malware just sending a specially crafted data packet to a vulnerable Windows system.

Finally, Adobe has released critical security updates for its Adobe Reader and Acrobat software that also fixes a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-26369). More details are at Adobe’s advisory.

For a more granular breakdown of the Windows updates pushed out today, check out Microsoft Patch Tuesday by Morphus Labs. In the meantime, consider backing up your data before updating Windows, and keep an eye on for reports of any widespread problems with any of the updates released as part of September’s Patch Tuesday.

Update: Mozilla also has fixed zero-day flaw in Firefox and Thunderbird, and the Brave browser was updated as well. It appears the common theme here is any software that uses a code library called “libwebp,” and that this vulnerability is being tracked as CVE-2023-4863.

“This includes Electron-based applications, for example – Signal,” writes “Electron patched the vulnerability yesterday. Also, software like Honeyview (from Bandisoft) released an update to fix the issue. CVE-2023-4863 was falsely marked as Chrome-only by Mitre and other organizations that track CVE’s and 100% of media reported this issue as “Chrome only”, when it’s not.”

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Beware: MetaStealer Malware Targets Apple macOS in Recent Attacks

By: THN — September 12th 2023 at 06:13
A new information stealer malware called MetaStealer has set its sights on Apple macOS, making the latest in a growing list of stealer families focused on the operating system after MacStealer, Pureland, Atomic Stealer, and Realst. "Threat actors are proactively targeting macOS businesses by posing as fake clients in order to socially engineer victims into launching malicious payloads,"
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Google Rushes to Patch Critical Chrome Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild - Update Now

By: THN — September 12th 2023 at 05:15
Google on Monday rolled out out-of-band security patches to address a critical security flaw in its Chrome web browser that it said has been exploited in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2023-4863, the issue has been described as a case of heap buffer overflow that resides in the WebP image format that could result in arbitrary code execution or a crash. Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Rushes to Patch Zero-Day Flaws Exploited for Pegasus Spyware on iPhones

By: THN — September 8th 2023 at 03:11
Apple on Thursday released emergency security updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS to address two zero-day flaws that have been exploited in the wild to deliver NSO Group's Pegasus mercenary spyware. The issues are described as below - CVE-2023-41061 - A validation issue in Wallet that could result in arbitrary code execution when handling a maliciously crafted attachment. CVE-2023-41064
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Mac Users Beware: Malvertising Campaign Spreads Atomic Stealer macOS Malware

By: THN — September 7th 2023 at 15:08
A new malvertising campaign has been observed distributing an updated version of a macOS stealer malware called Atomic Stealer (or AMOS), indicating that it’s being actively maintained by its author. An off-the-shelf Golang malware available for $1,000 per month, Atomic Stealer first came to light in April 2023. Shortly after that, new variants with an expanded set of information-gathering
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

WiFi-Pineapple-MK7_REST-Client - WiFi Hacking Workflow With WiFi Pineapple Mark VII API

By: Zion3R — September 4th 2023 at 11:30


Author:: TW-D

Version:: 1.3.7

Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2022 TW-D

License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby


Requires:: Ruby >= 2.7.0p0 and Pineapple Mark VII >= 2.1.0-stable

Installation (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian)::

  • sudo apt-get install build-essential curl g++ ruby ruby-dev

  • sudo gem install net-ssh rest-client tty-progressbar


Library allowing the automation of active or passive attack operations.

Note : "Issues" and "Pull Request" are welcome.


In "./payloads/" directory, you will find :

COMMAND and CONTROL Author Usage
Hak5 Key Croc - Real-time recovery of keystrokes from a keyboard TW-D (edit) ruby ./hak5_key-croc.rb
Maltronics WiFi Deauther - Spam beacon frames TW-D (edit) ruby ./maltronics_wifi-deauther.rb
DEFENSE Author Usage
Hak5 Pineapple Spotter TW-D with special thanks to @DrSKiZZ, @cribb-it, @barry99705 and @dark_pyrro (edit) ruby ./hak5-pineapple_spotter.rb
DoS Author Usage
Deauthentication of clients available on the access points TW-D (edit) ruby ./deauthentication-clients.rb
Evil WPA Access Point TW-D (edit) ruby ./evil-wpa_access-point.rb
Fake Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./fake_access-points.rb
Mass Handshakes TW-D (edit) ruby ./mass-handshakes.rb
Rogue Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./rogue_access-points.rb
Twin Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./twin_access-points.rb
GENERAL Author Usage
System Status, Disk Usage, ... TW-D (edit) ruby ./dashboard-stats.rb
Networking Interfaces TW-D (edit) ruby ./networking-interfaces.rb
System Logs TW-D (edit) ruby ./system-logs.rb
RECON Author Usage
Access Points and Clients on 2.4GHz and 5GHz (with a supported adapter) TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_clients_5ghz.rb
Access Points and Clients TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_clients.rb
MAC Addresses of Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_mac-addresses.rb
Tagged Parameters of Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_tagged-parameters.rb
Access Points and Wireless Network Mapping with WiGLE TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_wigle.rb
MAC Addresses of Clients TW-D (edit) ruby ./clients_mac-addresses.rb
OPEN Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./open_access-points.rb
WEP Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wep_access-points.rb
WPA Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa_access-points.rb
WPA2 Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa2_access-points.rb
WPA3 Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa3_access-points.rb
Continuous Recon on 2.4GHz and 5GHz (with a supported adapter) TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon_5ghz.rb [CTRL+c]
Continuous Recon for Handshakes Capture TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon_handshakes.rb [CTRL+c]
Continuous Recon TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon.rb [CTRL+c]

Payload skeleton for development

# Title: <TITLE>
# Description: <DESCRIPTION>
# Author: <AUTHOR>
# Version: <VERSION>
# Category: <CATEGORY>
# ======================


system_authentication = = "<PINEAPPLE-IP-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.port = 1471
system_authentication.mac = "<PINEAPPLE-MAC-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.password = "<ROOT-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD>"

if (system_authentication.login)

led =


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]



Note : Don't hesitate to take inspiration from the payloads directory.

System modules

Authentication accessors/method

system_authentication = = (string) "<PINEAPPLE-IP-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.port = (integer) 1471
system_authentication.mac = (string) "<PINEAPPLE-MAC-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.password = (string) "<ROOT-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD>"


LED methods

led =


Pineapple Modules


Notifications method

dashboard_notifications =


Stats method

dashboard_stats =



System method

logging_system =



Clients methods

pineap_clients =

pineap_clients.kick( (string) mac )

EvilWPA accessors/method

evil_wpa =

evil_wpa.ssid = (string default:'PineAP_WPA')
evil_wpa.bssid = (string default:'00:13:37:BE:EF:00')
evil_wpa.auth = (string default:'psk2+ccmp')
evil_wpa.password = (string default:'pineapplesareyummy')
evil_wpa.hidden = (boolean default:false)
evil_wpa.enabled = (boolean default:false)
evil_wpa.capture_handshakes = (boolean default:false)

Filtering methods

pineap_filtering =

pineap_filtering.client_filter( (string) 'allow' | 'deny' )
pineap_filtering.add_client( (string) mac )
pineap_filtering.ssid_filter( (string) 'allow' | 'deny' )

Impersonation methods

pineap_impersonation =

pineap_impersonation.add_ssid( (string) ssid )

OpenAP method

open_ap =


Settings accessors/method

pineap_settings =

pineap_settings.enablePineAP = (boolean default:true)
pineap_settings.autostartPineAP = (boolean default:true)
pineap_settings.armedPineAP = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.ap_channel = (string default:'11')
pineap_settings.karma = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.logging = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.connect_notifications = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.disconnect_notifications = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.capture_ssids = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.beacon_responses = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.broadcast_ssid_pool = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.broadcast_ssid_pool_random = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.pineap_mac = (string default:system_authentication.mac)
pineap_settings.target_mac = (string default:'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')< br/>pineap_settings.beacon_response_interval = (string default:'NORMAL')
pineap_settings.beacon_interval = (string default:'NORMAL')


Handshakes methods

recon_handshakes =

recon_handshakes.start( (object) ap )
recon_handshakes.output() (object) handshake, (string) destination )

Scanning methods

recon_scanning =

recon_scanning.start( (integer) scan_time )
recon_scanning.start_continuous( (boolean) autoHandshake )
recon_scanning.output( (integer) scanID )
recon_scanning.tags( (object) ap )
recon_scanning.deauth_ap( (object) ap )
recon_scanning.delete( (integer) scanID )


Networking methods

settings_networking =

settings_networking.client_scan( (string) interface )
settings_networking.client_connect( (object) network, (string) interface )
settings_networking.client_disconnect( (string) interface )
settings_networking.recon_interface( (string) interface )

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Chinese-Speaking Cybercriminals Launch Large-Scale iMessage Smishing Campaign in U.S.

By: THN — September 4th 2023 at 05:30
A new large-scale smishing campaign is targeting the U.S. by sending iMessages from compromised Apple iCloud accounts with an aim to conduct identity theft and financial fraud. “The Chinese-speaking threat actors behind this campaign are operating a package-tracking text scam sent via iMessage to collect personally identifying information (PII) and payment credentials from victims, in the
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Variant of XLoader macOS Malware Disguised as 'OfficeNote' Productivity App

By: THN — August 22nd 2023 at 07:05
A new variant of an Apple macOS malware called XLoader has surfaced in the wild, masquerading its malicious features under the guise of an office productivity app called "OfficeNote." "The new version of XLoader is bundled inside a standard Apple disk image with the name OfficeNote.dmg," SentinelOne security researchers Dinesh Devadoss and Phil Stokes said in a Monday analysis. "The application
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Apple iOS 16 Exploit Enables Stealthy Cellular Access Under Fake Airplane Mode

By: THN — August 17th 2023 at 14:26
Cybersecurity researchers have documented a novel post-exploit persistence technique on iOS 16 that could be abused to fly under the radar and maintain access to an Apple device even when the victim believes it is offline. The method "tricks the victim into thinking their device's Airplane Mode works when in reality the attacker (following successful device exploit) has planted an artificial
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Sets New Rules for Developers to Prevent Fingerprinting and Data Misuse

By: THN — July 29th 2023 at 05:30
Apple has announced plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting later this year with the release of iOS 17, iPadOS 17, macOS Sonoma, tvOS 17, and watchOS 10 to prevent their abuse for data collection. "This will help ensure that apps only use these APIs for their intended purpose," the company said in a statement. "As part of this process, you'll need
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

S3 Ep145: Bugs With Impressive Names!

By: Paul Ducklin — July 27th 2023 at 16:47
Fascinating fun (with a serious and educational side) - listen now! Full transcript available inside.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Rust-based Realst Infostealer Targeting Apple macOS Users' Cryptocurrency Wallets

By: THN — July 26th 2023 at 07:08
A new malware family called Realst has become the latest to target Apple macOS systems, with a third of the samples already designed to infect macOS 14 Sonoma, the upcoming major release of the operating system. Written in the Rust programming language, the malware is distributed in the form of bogus blockchain games and is capable of "emptying crypto wallets and stealing stored password and
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

macOS Under Attack: Examining the Growing Threat and User Perspectives

By: The Hacker News — July 25th 2023 at 11:24
As the number of people using macOS keeps going up, so does the desire of hackers to take advantage of flaws in Apple's operating system.  What Are the Rising Threats to macOS? There is a common misconception among macOS fans that Apple devices are immune to hacking and malware infection. However, users have been facing more and more dangers recently. Inventive attackers are specifically
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Rolls Out Urgent Patches for Zero-Day Flaws Impacting iPhones, iPads and Macs

By: THN — July 25th 2023 at 03:36
Apple has rolled out security updates to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Safari to address several security vulnerabilities, including one actively exploited zero-day bug in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2023-38606, the shortcoming resides in the kernel and permits a malicious app to modify sensitive kernel state potentially. The company said it was addressed with improved state management. "
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Apple ships that recent “Rapid Response” spyware patch to everyone, fixes a second zero-day

By: Paul Ducklin — July 24th 2023 at 23:18
Another month, another patch for in-the-wild iPhone malware (and a whole lot more).

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Apple Threatens to Pull iMessage and FaceTime from U.K. Amid Surveillance Demands

By: THN — July 22nd 2023 at 05:36
Apple has warned that it would rather stop offering iMessage and FaceTime services in the U.K. than bowing down to government pressure in response to new proposals that seek to expand digital surveillance powers available to state intelligence agencies. The development, first reported by BBC News, makes the iPhone maker the latest to join the chorus of voices protesting against forthcoming
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Apple & Microsoft Patch Tuesday, July 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — July 11th 2023 at 22:55

Microsoft Corp. today released software updates to quash 130 security bugs in its Windows operating systems and related software, including at least five flaws that are already seeing active exploitation. Meanwhile, Apple customers have their own zero-day woes again this month: On Monday, Apple issued (and then quickly pulled) an emergency update to fix a zero-day vulnerability that is being exploited on MacOS and iOS devices.

On July 10, Apple pushed a “Rapid Security Response” update to fix a code execution flaw in the Webkit browser component built into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS Ventura. Almost as soon as the patch went out, Apple pulled the software because it was reportedly causing problems loading certain websites. MacRumors says Apple will likely re-release the patches when the glitches have been addressed.

Launched in May, Apple’s Rapid Security Response updates are designed to address time-sensitive vulnerabilities, and this is the second month Apple has used it. July marks the sixth month this year that Apple has released updates for zero-day vulnerabilities — those that get exploited by malware or malcontents before there is an official patch available.

If you rely on Apple devices and don’t have automatic updates enabled, please take a moment to check the patch status of your various iDevices. The latest security update that includes the fix for the zero-day bug should be available in iOS/iPadOS 16.5.1, macOS 13.4.1, and Safari 16.5.2.

On the Windows side, there are at least four vulnerabilities patched this month that earned high CVSS (badness) scores and that are already being exploited in active attacks, according to Microsoft. They include CVE-2023-32049, which is a hole in Windows SmartScreen that lets malware bypass security warning prompts; and CVE-2023-35311 allows attackers to bypass security features in Microsoft Outlook.

The two other zero-day threats this month for Windows are both privilege escalation flaws. CVE-2023-32046 affects a core Windows component called MSHTML, which is used by Windows and other applications, like Office, Outlook and Skype. CVE-2023-36874 is an elevation of privilege bug in the Windows Error Reporting Service.

Many security experts expected Microsoft to address a fifth zero-day flaw — CVE-2023-36884 — a remote code execution weakness in Office and Windows.

“Surprisingly, there is no patch yet for one of the five zero-day vulnerabilities,” said Adam Barnett, lead software engineer at Rapid7. “Microsoft is actively investigating publicly disclosed vulnerability, and promises to update the advisory as soon as further guidance is available.”

Barnett notes that Microsoft links exploitation of this vulnerability with Storm-0978, the software giant’s name for a cybercriminal group based out of Russia that is identified by the broader security community as RomCom.

“Exploitation of CVE-2023-36884 may lead to installation of the eponymous RomCom trojan or other malware,” Barnett said. “[Microsoft] suggests that RomCom / Storm-0978 is operating in support of Russian intelligence operations. The same threat actor has also been associated with ransomware attacks targeting a wide array of victims.”

Microsoft’s advisory on CVE-2023-36884 is pretty sparse, but it does include a Windows registry hack that should help mitigate attacks on this vulnerability. Microsoft has also published a blog post about phishing campaigns tied to Storm-0978 and to the exploitation of this flaw.

Barnett said it’s while it’s possible that a patch will be issued as part of next month’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft Office is deployed just about everywhere, and this threat actor is making waves.

“Admins should be ready for an out-of-cycle security update for CVE-2023-36884,” he said.

Microsoft also today released new details about how it plans to address the existential threat of malware that is cryptographically signed by…wait for it….Microsoft.

In late 2022, security experts at Sophos, Trend Micro and Cisco warned that ransomware criminals were using signed, malicious drivers in an attempt to evade antivirus and endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools.

In a blog post today, Sophos’s Andrew Brandt wrote that Sophos identified 133 malicious Windows driver files that were digitally signed since April 2021, and found 100 of those were actually signed by Microsoft. Microsoft said today it is taking steps to ensure those malicious driver files can no longer run on Windows computers.

As KrebsOnSecurity noted in last month’s story on malware signing-as-a-service, code-signing certificates are supposed to help authenticate the identity of software publishers, and provide cryptographic assurance that a signed piece of software has not been altered or tampered with. Both of these qualities make stolen or ill-gotten code-signing certificates attractive to cybercriminal groups, who prize their ability to add stealth and longevity to malicious software.

Dan Goodin at Ars Technica contends that whatever Microsoft may be doing to keep maliciously signed drivers from running on Windows is being bypassed by hackers using open source software that is popular with video game cheaters.

“The software comes in the form of two software tools that are available on GitHub,” Goodin explained. “Cheaters use them to digitally sign malicious system drivers so they can modify video games in ways that give the player an unfair advantage. The drivers clear the considerable hurdle required for the cheat code to run inside the Windows kernel, the fortified layer of the operating system reserved for the most critical and sensitive functions.”

Meanwhile, researchers at Cisco’s Talos security team found multiple Chinese-speaking threat groups have repurposed the tools—one apparently called “HookSignTool” and the other “FuckCertVerifyTimeValidity.”

“Instead of using the kernel access for cheating, the threat actors use it to give their malware capabilities it wouldn’t otherwise have,” Goodin said.

For a closer look at the patches released by Microsoft today, check out the always-thorough Patch Tuesday roundup from the SANS Internet Storm Center. And it’s not a bad idea to hold off updating for a few days until Microsoft works out any kinks in the updates: usually has the lowdown on any patches that may be causing problems for Windows users.

And as ever, please consider backing up your system or at least your important documents and data before applying system updates. If you encounter any problems with these updates, please drop a note about it here in the comments.

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Apple silently pulls its latest zero-day update – what now?

By: Paul Ducklin — July 11th 2023 at 15:21
Previously, we said "do it today", but now we're forced back on: "Do not delay; do it as soon as Apple and your device will let you."

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Apple Issues Urgent Patch for Zero-Day Flaw Targeting iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari

By: THN — July 11th 2023 at 04:08
Apple has released Rapid Security Response updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address a zero-day flaw that it said has been actively exploited in the wild. The WebKit bug, cataloged as CVE-2023-37450, could allow threat actors to achieve arbitrary code execution when processing specially crafted web content. The iPhone maker said it addressed the issue with improved checks
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Urgent! Apple fixes critical zero-day hole in iPhones, iPads and Macs

By: Paul Ducklin — July 10th 2023 at 23:12
Don't delay, do it today. This is a code-implantation bug in WebKit that attackers already know how to exploit.

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Beware: New 'RustBucket' Malware Variant Targeting macOS Users

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — July 1st 2023 at 05:58
Researchers have pulled back the curtain on an updated version of an Apple macOS malware called RustBucket that comes with improved capabilities to establish persistence and avoid detection by security software. "This variant of RustBucket, a malware family that targets macOS systems, adds persistence capabilities not previously observed," Elastic Security Labs researchers said in a report
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S3 Ep141: What was Steve Jobs’s first job?

By: Paul Ducklin — June 29th 2023 at 16:58
Latest episode - listen now! (Full transcript inside.)

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Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Falls Victim to JokerSpy macOS Backdoor Attack

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — June 26th 2023 at 12:36
An unknown cryptocurrency exchange located in Japan was the target of a new attack earlier this month to deploy an Apple macOS backdoor called JokerSpy. Elastic Security Labs, which is monitoring the intrusion set under the name REF9134, said the attack led to the installation of Swiftbelt, a Swift-based enumeration tool inspired by an open-source utility called SeatBelt. JokerSky was first
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

SMS Phishers Harvested Phone Numbers, Shipment Data from UPS Tracking Tool

By: BrianKrebs — June 22nd 2023 at 19:11

The United Parcel Service (UPS) says fraudsters have been harvesting phone numbers and other information from its online shipment tracking tool in Canada to send highly targeted SMS phishing (a.k.a. “smishing”) messages that spoofed UPS and other top brands. The missives addressed recipients by name, included details about recent orders, and warned that those orders wouldn’t be shipped unless the customer paid an added delivery fee.

In a snail mail letter sent this month to Canadian customers, UPS Canada Ltd. said it is aware that some package recipients have received fraudulent text messages demanding payment before a package can be delivered, and that it has been working with partners in its delivery chain to try to understand how the fraud was occurring.

The recent letter from UPS about SMS phishers harvesting shipment details and phone numbers from its website.

“During that review, UPS discovered a method by which a person who searched for a particular package or misused a package look-up tool could obtain more information about the delivery, potentially including a recipient’s phone number,” the letter reads. “Because this information could be misused by third parties, including potentially in a smishing scheme, UPS has taken steps to limit access to that information.”

The written notice goes on to say UPS believes the data exposure “affected packages for a small group of shippers and some of their customers from February 1, 2022 to April 24, 2023.”

As early as April 2022, KrebsOnSecurity began receiving tips from Canadian readers who were puzzling over why they’d just received one of these SMS phishing messages that referenced information from a recent order they’d legitimately placed at an online retailer.

In March, 2023, a reader named Dylan from British Columbia wrote in to say he’d received one of these shipping fee scam messages not long after placing an order to buy gobs of building blocks directly from The message included his full name, phone number, and postal code, and urged him to click a link to mydeliveryfee-ups[.]info and pay a $1.55 delivery fee that was supposedly required to deliver his Legos.

“From searching the text of this phishing message, I can see that a lot of people have experienced this scam, which is more convincing because of the information the phishing text contains,” Dylan wrote. “It seems likely to me that UPS is leaking information somehow about upcoming deliveries.”

Josh is a reader who works for a company that ships products to Canada, and in early January 2023 he inquired whether there was any information about a breach at UPS Canada.

“We’ve seen many of our customers targeted with a fraudulent UPS text message scheme after placing an order,” Josh said. “A link is provided (often only after the customer responds to the text) which takes you to a captcha page, followed by a fraudulent payment collection page.”

Pivoting on the domain in the smishing message sent to Dylan shows the phishing domain shared an Internet host in Russia [91.215.85-166] with nearly two dozen other smishing related domains, including upsdelivery[.]info, legodelivery[.]info, adidascanadaltd[.]com, crocscanadafee[.]info, refw0234apple[.]info, vista-printcanada[.]info and telus-ca[.]info.

The inclusion of big-name brands in the domains of these UPS smishing campaigns suggests the perpetrators had the ability to focus their lookups on UPS customers who had recently ordered items from specific companies.

Attempts to visit these domains with a web browser failed, but loading them in a mobile device (or in my case, emulating a mobile device using a virtual machine and Developer Tools in Firefox) revealed the first stage of this smishing attack. As Josh mentioned, what first popped up was a CAPTCHA; after the visitor solved the CAPTCHA, they were taken through several more pages that requested the user’s full name, date of birth, credit card number, address, email and phone number.

A smishing website targeting Canadians who recently purchased from Adidas online. The site would only load in a mobile browser.

In April 2022, KrebsOnSecurity heard from Alex, the CEO of a technology company in Canada who asked to leave his last name out of this story. Alex reached out when he began receiving the smishing messages almost immediately after ordering two sets of Airpods directly from Apple’s website.

What puzzled Alex most was that he’d instructed Apple to send the Airpods as a gift to two different people, and less than 24 hours later the phone number he uses for his Apple account received two of the phishing messages, both of which contained salutations that included the names of the people for whom he’d bought Airpods.

“I’d put the recipient as different people on my team, but because it was my phone number on both orders I was the one getting the texts,” Alex explained. “That same day, I got text messages referring to me as two different people, neither of whom were me.”

Alex said he believes UPS Canada either doesn’t fully understand what happened yet, or it is being coy about what it knows. He said the wording of UPS’s response misleadingly suggests the smishing attacks were somehow the result of hackers randomly looking up package information via the company’s tracking website.

Alex said it’s likely that whoever is responsible figured out how to query the UPS Canada website for only pending orders from specific brands, perhaps by exploiting some type of application programming interface (API) that UPS Canada makes or made available to its biggest retail partners.

“It wasn’t like I put the order through [on] and some days or weeks later I got a targeted smishing attack,” he said. “It was more or less the same day. And it was as if [the phishers] were being notified the order existed.”

The letter to UPS Canada customers does not mention whether any other customers in North America were affected, and it remains unclear whether any UPS customers outside of Canada may have been targeted.

In a statement provided to KrebsOnSecurity, Sandy Springs, Ga. based UPS [NYSE:UPS] said the company has been working with partners in the delivery chain to understand how that fraud was being perpetrated, as well as with law enforcement and third-party experts to identify the cause of this scheme and to put a stop to it.

“Law enforcement has indicated that there has been an increase in smishing impacting a number of shippers and many different industries,” reads an email from Brian Hughes, director of financial and strategy communications at UPS.

“Out of an abundance of caution, UPS is sending privacy incident notification letters to individuals in Canada whose information may have been impacted,” Hughes said. “We encourage our customers and general consumers to learn about the ways they can stay protected against attempts like this by visiting the UPS Fight Fraud website.”

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Zero-Day Alert: Apple Releases Patches for Actively Exploited Flaws in iOS, macOS, and Safari

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — June 22nd 2023 at 06:56
Apple on Wednesday released a slew of updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and Safari browser to address a set of flaws it said were actively exploited in the wild. This includes a pair of zero-days that have been weaponized in a mobile surveillance campaign called Operation Triangulation that has been active since 2019. The exact threat actor behind the activity is not known. CVE-2023-
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Apple patch fixes zero-day kernel hole reported by Kaspersky – update now!

By: Paul Ducklin — June 22nd 2023 at 00:36
Apple didn't use the words "Triangulation Trojan", but you probably will.

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New Report Exposes Operation Triangulation's Spyware Implant Targeting iOS Devices

By: Ravie Lakshmanan — June 21st 2023 at 13:30
More details have emerged about the spyware implant that's delivered to iOS devices as part of a campaign called Operation Triangulation. Kaspersky, which discovered the operation after becoming one of the targets at the start of the year, said the malware has a lifespan of 30 days, after which it gets automatically uninstalled unless the time period is extended by the attackers. The Russian