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☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Facad1ng - The Ultimate URL Masking Tool - An Open-Source URL Masking Tool Designed To Help You Hide Phishing URLs And Make Them Look Legit Using Social Engineering Techniques

By: Zion3R β€” October 24th 2023 at 11:30

Facad1ng is an open-source URL masking tool designed to help you Hide Phishing URLs and make them look legit using social engineering techniques.

Your phishing link:

Give any custom URL:

Phishing keyword: anything-u-want


# Get 4 masked URLs like this from different URL-shortener

  • URL Masking: Facad1ng allows users to mask URLs with a custom domain and optional phishing keywords, making it difficult to identify the actual link.

  • Multiple URL Shorteners: The tool supports multiple URL shorteners, providing flexibility in choosing the one that best suits your needs. Currently, it supports popular services like TinyURL, osdb, dagd, and clckru.

  • Input Validation: Facad1ng includes robust input validation to ensure that URLs, custom domains, and phishing keywords meet the required criteria, preventing errors and enhancing security.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Its simple and intuitive interface makes it accessible to both novice and experienced users, eliminating the need for complex command-line inputs.

  • Open Source: Being an open-source project, Facad1ng is transparent and community-driven. Users can contribute to its development and suggest improvements.

git clone
cd Facad1ng
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

PYPI Installation :

pip install Facad1ng

Facad1ng <your-phishing-link> <any-custom-domain> <any-phishing-keyword>
Example: Facad1ng accout-login

import subprocess

# Define the command to run your Facad1ng script with arguments
command = ["python3", "-m", "Facad1ng.main", "", "", "login"]

# Run the command
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

# Wait for the process to complete and get the output
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

# Print the output and error (if any)

# Check the return code to see if the process was successful
if process.returncode == 0:
print("Facad1ng completed successfully.")
print("Facad1ng encountered an error.")

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Evil QR - Proof-of-concept To Demonstrate Dynamic QR Swap Phishing Attacks In Practice

By: Zion3R β€” August 23rd 2023 at 12:30

Toolkit demonstrating another approach of a QRLJacking attack, allowing to perform remote account takeover, through sign-in QR code phishing.

It consists of a browser extension used by the attacker to extract the sign-in QR code and a server application, which retrieves the sign-in QR codes to display them on the hosted phishing pages.

Watch the demo video:

Read more about it on my blog:


The parameters used by Evil QR are hardcoded into extension and server source code, so it is important to change them to use custom values, before you build and deploy the toolkit.

parameter description default value
API_TOKEN API token used to authenticate with REST API endpoints hosted on the server 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
QRCODE_ID QR code ID used to bind the extracted QR code with the one displayed on the phishing page 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
BIND_ADDRESS IP address with port the HTTP server will be listening on
API_URL External URL pointing to the server, where the phishing page will be hosted

Here are all the places in the source code, where the values should be modified:




You can load the extension in Chrome, through Load unpacked feature:

Once the extension is installed, make sure to pin its icon in Chrome's extension toolbar, so that the icon is always visible.


Make sure you have Go installed version at least 1.20.

To build go to /server directory and run the command:




chmod 700

Built server binaries will be placed in the ./build/ directory.


  1. Run the server by running the built server binary: ./server/build/evilqr-server
  2. Open any of the supported websites in your Chrome browser, with installed Evil QR extension:
  1. Make sure the sign-in QR code is visible and click the Evil QR extension icon in the toolbar. If the QR code is recognized, the icon should light up with colors.
  2. Open the server's phishing page URL: (default)


Evil QR is made by Kuba Gretzky (@mrgretzky) and it's released under MIT license.

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

TLDHunt - Domain Availability Checker

By: Zion3R β€” May 12th 2023 at 12:30

TLDHunt is a command-line tool designed to help users find available domain names for their online projects or businesses. By providing a keyword and a list of TLD (top-level domain) extensions, TLDHunt checks the availability of domain names that match the given criteria. This tool is particularly useful for those who want to quickly find a domain name that is not already taken, without having to perform a manual search on a domain registrar website.

For red teaming or phishing purposes, this tool can help you to find similar domains with different extensions from the original domain.


This tool is written in Bash and the only dependency required is whois. Therefore, make sure that you have installed whois on your system. In Debian, you can install whois using the following command:

sudo apt install whois -y

How It Works?

To detect whether a domain is registered or not, we search for the words "Name Server" in the output of the WHOIS command, as this is a signature of a registered domain. If you have a better signature or detection method, please feel free to submit a pull request.

Domain Extension List

You can use your custom tlds.txt list, but make sure that it is formatted like this:


How to Use

Γ’ΕΎΕ“  TLDHunt ./
_____ _ ___ _ _ _
|_ _| | | \| || |_ _ _ _| |_
| | | |__| |) | __ | || | ' \ _|
|_| |____|___/|_||_|\_,_|_||_\__|
Domain Availability Checker

Keyword is required.
Usage: ./ -k <keyword> [-e <tld> | -E <exts>] [-x]
Example: ./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

Example of TLDHunt usage:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

You can add -x flag to print only Not Registered domain. Example:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt -x


☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Squarephish - An advanced phishing tool that uses a technique combining the OAuth Device code authentication flow and QR codes

By: (Unknown) β€” December 21st 2022 at 13:30

SquarePhish is an advanced phishing tool that uses a technique combining the OAuth Device code authentication flow and QR codes.

See PhishInSuits for more details on using OAuth Device Code flow for phishing attacks.

_____ _____ _ _ _
/ ____| | __ \| | (_) | |
| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___| |__) | |__ _ ___| |__
\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \ ___/| '_ \| / __| '_ \
____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ | | | | | \__ \ | | |
|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|_| |_| |_|_|___/_| |_|
| |
| | /(
| O |/ (
|> |\ ( v0.1.0
|_________| \(

usage: [-h] {email,server} ...

SquarePhish -- v0.1.0

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

email send a malicious QR Code ema il to a provided victim
server host a malicious server QR Codes generated via the 'email' module will
point to that will activate the malicious OAuth Device Code flow

Attack Steps

An attacker can use the email module of SquarePhish to send a malicious QR code email to a victim. The default pretext is that the victim is required to update their Microsoft MFA authentication to continue using mobile email. The current client ID in use is the Microsoft Authenticator App.

By sending a QR code first, the attacker can avoid prematurely starting the OAuth Device Code flow that lasts only 15 minutes.

The victim will then scan the QR code found in the email body with their mobile device. The QR code will direct the victim to the attacker controlled server (running the server module of SquarePhish), with a URL paramater set to their email address.

When the victim visits the malicious SquarePhish server, a background process is triggered that will start the OAuth Device Code authentication flow and email the victim a generated Device Code they are then required to enter into the legitimate Microsoft Device Code website (this will start the OAuth Device Code flow 15 minute timer).

The SquarePhish server will then continue to poll for authentication in the background.

[2022-04-08 14:31:51,962] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:31:57,185] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:02,372] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:07,516] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:12,847] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:17,993] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:23,169] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...
[2022-04-08 14:32:28,492] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Polling for user authentication...

The victim will then visit the Microsoft Device Code authentication site from either the link provided in the email or via a redirect from visiting the SquarePhish URL on their mobile device.

The victim will then enter the provided Device Code and will be prompted for consent.

After the victim authenticates and consents, an authentication token is saved locally and will provide the attacker access via the defined scope of the requesting application.

[2022-04-08 14:32:28,796] [info] [minnow@square.phish] Token info saved to minnow@square.phish.tokeninfo.json

The current scope definition:

"scope": ".default offline_access profile openid"


!IMPORTANT: Before using either module, update the required information in the settings.config file noted with Required.

Email Module

Send the target victim a generated QR code that will trigger the OAuth Device Code flow.

usage: email [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--debug] [-e EMAIL]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
squarephish config file [Default: settings.config]

--debug enable server debugging

-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
victim email address to send initial QR code email to

Server Module

Host a server that a generated QR code will be pointed to and when requested will trigger the OAuth Device Code flow.

usage: server [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--debug]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
squarephish config file [Default: settings.config]

--debug enable server debugging


All of the applicable settings for execution can be found and modified via the settings.config file. There are several pieces of required information that do not have a default value that must be filled out by the user: SMTP_EMAIL, SMTP_PASSWORD, and SQUAREPHISH_SERVER (only when executing the email module). All configuration options have been documented within the settings file via in-line comments.

Note: The SQUAREPHISH_ values present in the 'EMAIL' section of the configuration should match the values set when running the SquarePhish server.

Custom Pretexts

Currently, the pre-defined pretexts can be found in the pretexts folder.

To write custom pretexts, use the existing template via the pretexts/iphone/ folder. An email template is required for both the initial QR code email as well as the follow up device code email.

Important: When writing a custom pretext, note the existence of %s in both pretext templates. This exists to allow SquarePhish to populate the correct data when generating emails (QR code data and/or device code value).


There are several HTTP response headers defined in the file. These headers are defined to override any existing Flask response header values and to provide a more 'legitimate' response from the server. These header values can be modified, removed and/or additional headers can be included for better OPSEC.

"vary": "Accept-Encoding",
"server": "Microsoft-IIS/10.0",
"tls_version": "tls1.3",
"content-type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
"x-appversion": "1.0.8125.42964",
"x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
"x-ua-compatible": "IE=Edge;chrome=1",
"x-xss-protection": "1; mode=block",
"x-content-type-options": "nosniff",
"strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000",

☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

XLL_Phishing - XLL Phishing Tradecraft

By: (Unknown) β€” September 16th 2022 at 11:30

With Microsoft's recent announcement regarding the blocking of macros in documents originating from the internet (email AND web download), attackers have began aggressively exploring other options to achieve user driven access (UDA). There are several considerations to be weighed and balanced when looking for a viable phishing for access method:

  1. Complexity - The more steps that are required on the user's part, the less likely we are to be successful.
  2. Specificity - Are most victim machines susceptible to your attack? Is your attack architecture specific? Does certain software need to be installed?
  3. Delivery - Are there network/policy mitigations in place on the target network that limit how you could deliver your maldoc?
  4. Defenses - Is application whitelisting enforced?
  5. Detection - What kind of AV/EDR is the client running?

These are the major questions, however there are certainly more. Things get more complex as you realize that these factors compound each other; for example, if a client has a web proxy that prohibits the download of executables or DLL's, you may need to stick your payload inside a container (ZIP, ISO, etc). Doing so can present further issues down the road when it comes to detection. More robust defenses require more complex combinations of techniques to defeat.

This article will be written with a fictional target organization in mind; this organization has employed several defensive measures including email filtering rules, blacklisting certain file types from being downloaded, application whitelisting on endpoints, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as an EDR solution.

Real organizations may employ none of these, some, or even more defenses which can simplify or complicate the techniques outlined in this research. As always, know your target.

What are XLL's?

XLL's are DLL's, specifically crafted for Microsoft Excel. To the untrained eye they look a lot like normal excel documents.

XLL's provide a very attractive option for UDA given that they are executed by Microsoft Excel, a very commonly encountered software in client networks; as an additional bonus, because they are executed by Excel, our payload will almost assuredly bypass Application Whitelisting rules because a trusted application (Excel) is executing it. XLL's can be written in C, C++, or C# which provides a great deal more flexibility and power (and sanity) than VBA macros which further makes them a desirable choice.

The downside of course is that there are very few legitimate uses for XLL's, so it SHOULD be a very easy box to check for organizations to block the download of that file extension through both email and web download. Sadly many organizations are years behind the curve and as such XLL's stand to be a viable method of phishing for some time.

There are a series of different events that can be used to execute code within an XLL, the most notable of which is xlAutoOpen. The full list may be seen here:

Upon double clicking an XLL, the user is greeted by this screen:

This single dialog box is all that stands between the user and code execution; with fairly thin social engineering, code execution is all but assured.

Something that must be kept in mind is that XLL's, being executables, are architecture specific. This means that you must know your target; the version of Microsoft Office/Excel that the target organization utilizes will (usually) dictate what architecture you need to build your payload for.

There is a pretty clean break in Office versions that can be used as a rule of thumb:

Office 2016 or earlier: x86

Office 2019 or later: x64

It should be noted that it is possible to install the other architecture for each product, however these are the default architectures installed and in most cases this should be a reliable way to make a decision about which architecture to roll your XLL for. Of course depending on the delivery method and pretexting used as part of the phishing campaign, it is possible to provide both versions and rely on the victim to select the appropriate version for their system.


The XLL payload that was built during this research was based on this project by edparcell. His repository has good instructions on getting started with XLL's in Visual Studio, and I used his code as a starting point to develop a malicious XLL file.

A notable deviation from his repository is that should you wish to create your own XLL project, you will need to download the latest Excel SDK and then follow the instructions on the previously linked repo using this version as opposed to the 2010 version of the SDK mentioned in the README.


Delivery of the payload is a serious consideration in context of UDA. There are two primary methods we will focus on:

  1. Email Attachment
  2. Web Delivery

Email Attachment

Either via attaching a file or including a link to a website where a file may be downloaded, email is a critical part of the UDA process. Over the years many organizations (and email providers) have matured and enforced rules to protect users and organizations from malicious attachments. Mileage will vary, but organizations now have the capability to:

  1. Block executable attachments (EXE, DLL, XLL, MZ headers overall)
  2. Block containers like ISO/IMG which are mountable and may contain executable content
  3. Examine zip files and block those containing executable content
  4. Block zip files that are password protected
  5. More

Fuzzing an organization's email rules can be an important part of an engagement, however care must always be taken so as to not tip one's hand that a Red Team operation is ongoing and that information is actively being gathered.

For the purposes of this article, it will be assumed that the target organization has robust email attachment rules that prevent the delivery of an XLL payload. We will pivot and look at web delivery.

Web Delivery

Email will still be used in this attack vector, however rather than sending an attachment it will be used to send a link to a website. Web proxy rules and network mitigations controlling allowed file download types can differ from those enforced in regards to email attachments. For the purposes of this article, it is assumed that the organization prevents the download of executable files (MZ headers) from the web. This being the case, it is worth exploring packers/containers.

The premise is that we might be able to stick our executable inside another file type and smuggle it past the organization's policies. A major consideration here is native support for the file type; 7Z files for example cannot be opened by Windows without installing third party software, so they are not a great choice. Formats like ZIP, ISO, and IMG are attractive choices because they are supported natively by Windows, and as an added bonus they add very few extra steps for the victim.

The organization unfortunately blocks ISO's and IMG's from being downloaded from the web; additionally, because they employ Data Loss Prevention (DLP) users are unable to mount external storage devices, which ISO's and IMG's are considered.

Luckily for us, even though the organization prevents the download of MZ-headered files, it does allow the download of zip files containing executables. These zip files are actively scanned for malware, to include prompting the user for the password for password-protected zip files; however because the executable is zipped it is not blocked by the otherwise blanket deny for MZ files.

Zip files and execution

Zip files were chosen as a container for our XLL payload because:

  1. They are natively compatible with Windows
  2. They are allowed to be downloaded from the internet by the organization
  3. They add very little additional complexity to the attack

Conveniently, double clicking a ZIP file on Windows will open that zip file in File Explorer:


Less conveniently, double clicking the XLL file from the zipped location triggers Windows Defender; even using the stock project from edparcell that doesn't contain any kind of malicious code.


Looking at the Windows Defender alert we see it is just a generic "Wacatac" alert:

However there is something odd; the file it identified as malicious was in c:\users\user\Appdata\Local\Temp\, not C:\users\user\Downloads\ZippedXLL\ where we double clicked it. Looking at the Excel instance in ProcessExplorer shows that Excel is actually running the XLL from appdata\local\temp, not from the ZIP file that it came in:


This appears to be a wrinkle associated with ZIP files, not XLL's. Opening a TXT file from within a zip using notepad also results in the TXT file being copied to appdata\local\temp and opened from there. While opening a text file from this location is fine, Defender seems to identify any sort of actual code execution in this location as malicious.

If a user were to extract the XLL from the ZIP file and then run it, it will execute without any issue; however there is no way to guarantee that a user does this, and we really can't roll the dice on popping AV/EDR should they not extract it. Besides, double clicking the ZIP and then double clicking the XLL is far simpler and a victim is far more prone to complete those simple actions than go to the trouble of extracting the ZIP.

This problem caused me to begin considering a different payload type than XLL; I began exploring VSTO's, which are Visual Studio Templates for Office. I highly encourage you to check out that article.

VSTO's ultimately call a DLL which can either be located locally with the .XLSX that initiates everything, or hosted remotely and downloaded by the .XLSX via http/https. The local option provides no real advantages (and in fact several disadvantages in that there are several more files associated with a VSTO attack), and the remote option unfortunately requires a code signing certificate or for the remote location to be a trusted network. Not having a valid code signing cert, VSTO's do not mitigate any of the issues in this scenario that our XLL payload is running into.

We really seem to be backed into a corner here. Running the XLL itself is fine, however the XLL cannot be delivered by itself to the victim either via email attachment or web download due to organization policy. The XLL needs to be packaged inside a container, however due to DLP formats like ISO, IMG, and VHD are not viable. The victim needs to be able to open the container natively without any third party software, which really leaves ZIP as the option; however as discussed, running the XLL from a zipped folder results in it being copied and ran from appdata\local\temp which flags AV.

I spent many hours brain storming and testing things, going down the VSTO rabbit hole, exploring all conceivable options until I finally decided to try something so dumb it just might work.

This time I created a folder, placed the XLL inside it, and then zipped the folder:


Clicking into the folder reveals the XLL file:

Double clicking the XLL shows the Add-In prompt from Excel. Note that the XLL is still copied to appdata\local\temp, however there is an additional layer due to the extra folder that we created:


Clicking enable executes our code without flagging Defender:

Nice! Code execution. Now what?


The pretexting involved in getting a victim to download and execute the XLL will vary wildly based on the organization and delivery method; themes might include employee salary data, calculators for compensation based on skillset, information on a project, an attendee roster for an event, etc. Whatever the lure, our attack will be a lot more effective if we actually provide the victim with what they have been promised. Without follow through, victims may become suspicious and report the document to their security teams which can quickly give the attacker away and curtail access to the target system.

The XLL by itself will just leave a blank Excel window after our code is done executing; it would be much better for us to provide the Excel Spreadsheet that the victim is looking for.

We can embed our XLSX as a byte array inside the XLL; when the XLL executes, it will drop the XLSX to disk beside the XLL after which it will be opened. We will name the XLSX the same as the XLL, the only difference being the extension.

Given that our XLL is written in C, we can bring in some of the capabilities from a previous writeup I did on Payload Capabilities in C, namely Self-Deletion. Combining these two techniques results in the XLL being deleted from disk, and the XLSX of the same name being dropped in it's place. To the undiscerning eye, it will appear that the XLSX was there the entire time.

Unfortunately the location where the XLL is deleted and the XLSX dropped is the appdata\temp\local folder, not the original ZIP; to address this we can create a second ZIP containing the XLSX alone and also read it into a byte array within the XLL. On execution in addition to the aforementioned actions, the XLL could try and locate the original ZIP file in c:\users\victim\Downloads\ and delete it before dropping the second ZIP containing just the XLSX in it's place. This could of course fail if the user saved the original ZIP in a different location or under a different name, however in many/most cases it should drop in the user's downloads folder automatically.

This screenshot shows in the lower pane the temp folder created in appdata\local\temp containing the XLL and the dropped XLSX, while the top pane shows the original File Explorer window from which the XLL was opened. Notice in the lower pane that the XLL has size 0. This is because it deleted itself during execution, however until the top pane is closed the XLL file will not completely disappear from the appdata\local\temp location. Even if the victim were to click the XLL again, it is now inert and does not really exist.

Similarly, as soon as the victim backs out of the opened ZIP in File Explorer (either by closing it or navigating to a different folder), should they click again they will now find that the test folder contains importantdoc.xlsx; so the XLL has been removed and replaced by the harmless XLSX in both locations that it existed on disk.

This GIF demonstrates the download and execution of the XLL on an MDE trial VM. Note that for some reason Excel opens two instances here; on my home computer it only opened one, so not quite sure why that differs.


As always, we will ask "What does MDE see?"

A quick screenshot dump to prove that I did execute this on target and catch a beacon back on TestMachine11:


First off, zero alerts:

What does the timeline/event log capture?

Yikes. Truth be told I have no idea where the keylogging, encrypting, and decrypting credentials alerts are coming from as my code doesn't do any of that. Our actions sure look suspicious when laid out like this, but I will again comment on just how much data is collected by MDE on a single endpoint, let alone hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands that an organization may have hooked into the EDR. So long as we aren't throwing any actual alerts, we are probably ok.

Code Sample

The moment most have probably been waiting for, I am providing a code sample of my developed XLL runner, limited to just those parts discussed here in the Tradecraft section. It will be on the reader to actually get the code into an XLL and implement it in conjunction with the rest of their runner. As always, do no harm, have permission to phish an organization, etc.

Compiling and setup

I have included the source code for a program that will ingest a file and produce hex which can be copied into the byte arrays defined in the snippet. Use this on the the XLSX you wish to present to the user, as well as the ZIP file containing the folder which contains that same XLSX and store them in their respective byte arrays. Compile this code using:

gcc -o ingestfile ingestfile.c

I had some issues getting my XLL's to compile using MingW on a kali machine so thought I would post the commands here:


x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc snippet.c 2013_Office_System_Developer_Resources/Excel2013XLLSDK/LIB/x64/XLCALL32.LIB -o importantdoc.xll -s -Os -DUNICODE -shared -I 2013_Office_System_Developer_Resources/Excel2013XLLSDK/INCLUDE/


i686-w64-mingw32-gcc snippet.c 2013_Office_System_Developer_Resources/Excel2013XLLSDK/LIB/XLCALL32.LIB -o HelloWorldXll.xll -s -DUNICODE -Os -shared -I 2013_Office_System_Developer_Resources/Excel2013XLLSDK/INCLUDE/ 

After you compile you will want to make a new folder and copy the XLL into that folder. Then zip it using:

zip -r <myzipname>.zip <foldername>/

Note that in order for the tradecraft outlined in this post to work, you are going to need to match some variables in the code snippet to what you name the XLL and the zip file.


With the dominance of Office Macro's coming to a close, XLL's present an attractive option for phishing campaigns. With some creativity they can be used in conjunction with other techniques to bypass many layers of defenses implemented by organizations and security teams. Thank you for reading and I hope you learned something useful!
