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Descope Handles Authentication So Developers Don't Have To

Developers don't have to build authentication and user management from scratch, and can devote their energies to the core functions of the application, instead.

GPT Emerges as Key AI Tech for Security Vendors

Orca Security is one of the companies integrating conversational AI technology into its products.

Growing Reliance on Cloud Brings New Security Challenges

With organizations expanding their cloud operations, cloud security is imperative to protect applications and data.

Researchers Uncover Mysterious 'Metador' Cyber-Espionage Group

Researchers from SentinelLabs laid out what they know about the attackers and implored the researcher community for help in learning more about the shadowy group.

Tackling the Cybersecurity Workforce Challenge With Apprentices

One of the announcements out of the National Cyber Workforce and Education Summit on July 19 was the 120-day Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Sprint.

Reducing Risk With Zero Trust

Zero trust isn’t just about authentication. Organizations can combine identity data with business awareness to address issues such as insider threat.

Security Lessons From Protecting Live Events

Security defenders working for large venues and international events need to be able to move at machine speed because they have a limited time to detect and recover from attacks. The show must go on, always.

Harnessing AI to Proactively Thwart Threats

By using artificial intelligence to predict how an attacker would carry out their attack, we can deploy defenses and preemptively shut down vulnerable entry points.

For Ransomware, Speed Matters

Someone interested in putting together a ransomware campaign has to consider several factors. The LockBit group touts its speed over competing families to attract potential buyers for its ransowmare-as-a-service.

Hunting for Threats Using Network Traffic Flows

SeclarityIO's NetworkSage platform analyzes network traffic data to identify attacks before they become real problems.

New Open Source Project Brings Consistent Identity Access to Multicloud

Hexa and IDQL allow organizations using cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform to apply consistent access policy across all applications, regardless of environment.

Passwords: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

For most of us, passwords are the most visible security control we deal with on a regular basis, but we are not very good at it.

Microsoft, Apple, and Google Promise to Expand Passwordless Features

The passwordless future just became closer to reality, as Microsoft, Apple, and Google pledge to make the standard possible across operating systems and browsers.

GitHub to Developers: Turn on 2FA or Lose Access

All active GitHub users who contribute code will be required to enable at least one form of two-factor authentication by the end of 2023. Expands Computer Vision Capabilities for Better Building Security

The AI startup releases new threat signatures to expand the computer vision platform’s ability to identify potential physical security incidents from camera feeds.

A Peek into Visa's AI Tools Against Fraud

Visa has invested heavily in data analytics and artificial intelligence over the past five years to secure the movement of money and keep fraud rates low.

Doppler Takes on Secrets Management

The startup is the latest company to try to solve the problem of organizing and sharing secrets.

Fortress Tackles Supply Chain Security, One Asset at a Time

Fortress Information Security will expand its Asset to Vendor Library to include hardware bill of materials and software bill of materials information.

Microsoft Launches Purview Platform to Govern, Protect, and Manage Sensitive Data

The rebranded Microsoft Purview platform integrates Microsoft 365 Compliance and Azure Purview, and adds new capabilities and products to help manage data no matter where it resides.

Microsoft Plans Windows Auto-Update Service for Enterprises

Starting in July, the Windows Autopatch service will automatically patch all software bugs, including security updates, for Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 customers, Microsoft says.

Google, GitHub Collaboration Focuses on Securing Code Build Processes

The software supply chain security tool from GitHub and Google uses GitHub Actions and Sigstore to generate a "tamper-proof" record describing where, when, and how the software is produced.
