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The US Wants to Integrate the Commercial Space Industry With Its Military to Prevent Cyber Attacks

As more and more infrastructure is deployed in space, the risk of cyber attacks increases. The US military wants to team up with the private sector to protect assets everyone relies on.

Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

Two satellites will engage in a β€œrealistic threat response scenario” when Victus Haze gets underway.

The 4 Big Questions the Pentagon’s New UFO Report Fails to Answer

The Pentagon says it’s not hiding aliens, but it stops notably short of saying what it is hiding. Here are the key questions that remain unansweredβ€”some answers could be weirder than UFOs.

Here’s the Proof There’s No Government Alien Conspiracy Around Roswell

Roswell, New Mexico, remains synonymous with the β€œdiscovery” of alien life on Earthβ€”and a US government coverup. But history shows the reality may be far less out of this worldβ€”and still fascinating.