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Pyrit - The Famous WPA Precomputed Cracker

By: Zion3R

Pyrit allows you to create massive databases of pre-computed WPA/WPA2-PSK authentication phase in a space-time-tradeoff. By using the computational power of Multi-Core CPUs and other platforms through ATI-Stream,Nvidia CUDA and OpenCL, it is currently by far the most powerful attack against one of the world's most used security-protocols.

WPA/WPA2-PSK is a subset of IEEE 802.11 WPA/WPA2 that skips the complex task of key distribution and client authentication by assigning every participating party the same pre shared key. This master key is derived from a password which the administrating user has to pre-configure e.g. on his laptop and the Access Point. When the laptop creates a connection to the Access Point, a new session key is derived from the master key to encrypt and authenticate following traffic. The "shortcut" of using a single master key instead of per-user keys eases deployment of WPA/WPA2-protected networks for home- and small-office-use at the cost of making the protocol vulnerable to brute-force-attacks against it's key negotiation phase; it allows to ultimately reveal the password that protects the network. This vulnerability has to be considered exceptionally disastrous as the protocol allows much of the key derivation to be pre-computed, making simple brute-force-attacks even more alluring to the attacker. For more background see this article on the project's blog (Outdated).

The author does not encourage or support using Pyrit for the infringement of peoples' communication-privacy. The exploration and realization of the technology discussed here motivate as a purpose of their own; this is documented by the open development, strictly sourcecode-based distribution and 'copyleft'-licensing.

Pyrit is free software - free as in freedom. Everyone can inspect, copy or modify it and share derived work under the GNU General Public License v3+. It compiles and executes on a wide variety of platforms including FreeBSD, MacOS X and Linux as operation-system and x86-, alpha-, arm-, hppa-, mips-, powerpc-, s390 and sparc-processors.

Attacking WPA/WPA2 by brute-force boils down to to computing Pairwise Master Keys as fast as possible. Every Pairwise Master Key is 'worth' exactly one megabyte of data getting pushed through PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1. In turn, computing 10.000 PMKs per second is equivalent to hashing 9,8 gigabyte of data with SHA1 in one second.

These are examples of how multiple computational nodes can access a single storage server over various ways provided by Pyrit:

  • A single storage (e.g. a MySQL-server)
  • A local network that can access the storage-server directly and provide four computational nodes on various levels with only one node actually accessing the storage server itself.
  • Another, untrusted network can access the storage through Pyrit's RPC-interface and provides three computional nodes, two of which actually access the RPC-interface.

What's new

  • Fixed #479 and #481
  • Pyrit CUDA now compiles in OSX with Toolkit 7.5
  • Added use_CUDA and use_OpenCL in config file
  • Improved cores listing and managing
  • limit_ncpus now disables all CPUs when set to value <= 0
  • Improve CCMP packet identification, thanks to yannayl

See CHANGELOG file for a better description.

How to use

Pyrit compiles and runs fine on Linux, MacOS X and BSD. I don't care about Windows; drop me a line (read: patch) if you make Pyrit work without copying half of GNU ... A guide for installing Pyrit on your system can be found in the wiki. There is also a Tutorial and a reference manual for the commandline-client.

How to participate

You may want to read this wiki-entry if interested in porting Pyrit to new hardware-platform. Contributions or bug reports you should [submit an Issue] (

Above - Invisible Network Protocol Sniffer

By: Zion3R

Invisible protocol sniffer for finding vulnerabilities in the network. Designed for pentesters and security engineers.

Above: Invisible network protocol sniffer
Designed for pentesters and security engineers

Author: Magama Bazarov, <>
Pseudonym: Caster
Version: 2.6
Codename: Introvert


All information contained in this repository is provided for educational and research purposes only. The author is not responsible for any illegal use of this tool.

It is a specialized network security tool that helps both pentesters and security professionals.


Above is a invisible network sniffer for finding vulnerabilities in network equipment. It is based entirely on network traffic analysis, so it does not make any noise on the air. He's invisible. Completely based on the Scapy library.

Above allows pentesters to automate the process of finding vulnerabilities in network hardware. Discovery protocols, dynamic routing, 802.1Q, ICS Protocols, FHRP, STP, LLMNR/NBT-NS, etc.

Supported protocols

Detects up to 27 protocols:

MACSec (802.1X AE)
EAPOL (Checking 802.1X versions)
ARP (Passive ARP, Host Discovery)
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol)
LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
802.1Q Tags (VLAN)
S7COMM (Siemens)
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus)
STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
HSRP (Host Standby Redundancy Protocol)
GLBP (Gateway Load Balancing Protocol)
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
LLMNR (Link Local Multicast Name Resolution)
NBT-NS (NetBIOS Name Service)
MDNS (Multicast DNS)
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol v6)
ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol v6)
SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol)
MNDP (MikroTik Neighbor Discovery Protocol)

Operating Mechanism

Above works in two modes:

  • Hot mode: Sniffing on your interface specifying a timer
  • Cold mode: Analyzing traffic dumps

The tool is very simple in its operation and is driven by arguments:

  • Interface: Specifying the network interface on which sniffing will be performed
  • Timer: Time during which traffic analysis will be performed
  • Input: The tool takes an already prepared .pcap as input and looks for protocols in it
  • Output: Above will record the listened traffic to .pcap file, its name you specify yourself
  • Passive ARP: Detecting hosts in a segment using Passive ARP
usage: [-h] [--interface INTERFACE] [--timer TIMER] [--output OUTPUT] [--input INPUT] [--passive-arp]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--interface INTERFACE
Interface for traffic listening
--timer TIMER Time in seconds to capture packets, if not set capture runs indefinitely
--output OUTPUT File name where the traffic will be recorded
--input INPUT File name of the traffic dump
--passive-arp Passive ARP (Host Discovery)

Information about protocols

The information obtained will be useful not only to the pentester, but also to the security engineer, he will know what he needs to pay attention to.

When Above detects a protocol, it outputs the necessary information to indicate the attack vector or security issue:

  • Impact: What kind of attack can be performed on this protocol;

  • Tools: What tool can be used to launch an attack;

  • Technical information: Required information for the pentester, sender MAC/IP addresses, FHRP group IDs, OSPF/EIGRP domains, etc.

  • Mitigation: Recommendations for fixing the security problems

  • Source/Destination Addresses: For protocols, Above displays information about the source and destination MAC addresses and IP addresses



You can install Above directly from the Kali Linux repositories

caster@kali:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install above


caster@kali:~$ sudo apt-get install python3-scapy python3-colorama python3-setuptools
caster@kali:~$ git clone
caster@kali:~$ cd Above/
caster@kali:~/Above$ sudo python3 install


# Install python3 first
brew install python3
# Then install required dependencies
sudo pip3 install scapy colorama setuptools

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd Above/
sudo python3 install

Don't forget to deactivate your firewall on macOS!

Settings > Network > Firewall

How to Use

Hot mode

Above requires root access for sniffing

Above can be run with or without a timer:

caster@kali:~$ sudo above --interface eth0 --timer 120

To stop traffic sniffing, press CTRL + ะก

WARNING! Above is not designed to work with tunnel interfaces (L3) due to the use of filters for L2 protocols. Tool on tunneled L3 interfaces may not work properly.


caster@kali:~$ sudo above --interface eth0 --timer 120

[+] Start sniffing...

[*] After the protocol is detected - all necessary information about it will be displayed
[+] Detected SSDP Packet
[*] Attack Impact: Potential for UPnP Device Exploitation
[*] Tools: evil-ssdp
[*] SSDP Source IP:
[*] SSDP Source MAC: 02:10:de:64:f2:34
[*] Mitigation: Ensure UPnP is disabled on all devices unless absolutely necessary, monitor UPnP traffic
[+] Detected MDNS Packet
[*] Attack Impact: MDNS Spoofing, Credentials Interception
[*] Tools: Responder
[*] MDNS Spoofing works specifically against Windows machines
[*] You cannot get NetNTLMv2-SSP from Apple devices
[*] MDNS Speaker IP: fe80::183f:301c:27bd:543
[*] MDNS Speaker MAC: 02:10:de:64:f2:34
[*] Mitigation: Filter MDNS traffic. Be careful with MDNS filtering

If you need to record the sniffed traffic, use the --output argument

caster@kali:~$ sudo above --interface eth0 --timer 120 --output above.pcap

If you interrupt the tool with CTRL+C, the traffic is still written to the file

Cold mode

If you already have some recorded traffic, you can use the --input argument to look for potential security issues

caster@kali:~$ above --input ospf-md5.cap


caster@kali:~$ sudo above --input ospf-md5.cap

[+] Analyzing pcap file...

[+] Detected OSPF Packet
[+] Attack Impact: Subnets Discovery, Blackhole, Evil Twin
[*] Tools: Loki, Scapy, FRRouting
[*] OSPF Area ID:
[*] OSPF Neighbor IP:
[*] OSPF Neighbor MAC: 00:0c:29:dd:4c:54
[!] Authentication: MD5
[*] Tools for bruteforce: Ettercap, John the Ripper
[*] OSPF Key ID: 1
[*] Mitigation: Enable passive interfaces, use authentication
[+] Detected OSPF Packet
[+] Attack Impact: Subnets Discovery, Blackhole, Evil Twin
[*] Tools: Loki, Scapy, FRRouting
[*] OSPF Area ID:
[*] OSPF Neighbor IP:
[*] OSPF Neighbor MAC: 00:0c:29:43:7b:fb
[!] Authentication: MD5
[*] Tools for bruteforce: Ettercap, John the Ripper
[*] OSPF Key ID: 1
[*] Mitigation: Enable passive interfaces, use authentication

Passive ARP

The tool can detect hosts without noise in the air by processing ARP frames in passive mode

caster@kali:~$ sudo above --interface eth0 --passive-arp --timer 10

[+] Host discovery using Passive ARP

[+] Detected ARP Reply
[*] ARP Reply for IP:
[*] MAC Address: 00:00:0c:07:ac:c8
[+] Detected ARP Reply
[*] ARP Reply for IP:
[*] MAC Address: 00:0c:29:c5:82:81


I wrote this tool because of the track "A View From Above (Remix)" by KOAN Sound. This track was everything to me when I was working on this sniffer.

Espionage - A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite For Automated MiTM Attacks

By: Zion3R

Espionage is a network packet sniffer that intercepts large amounts of data being passed through an interface. The tool allows users to to run normal and verbose traffic analysis that shows a live feed of traffic, revealing packet direction, protocols, flags, etc. Espionage can also spoof ARP so, all data sent by the target gets redirected through the attacker (MiTM). Espionage supports IPv4, TCP/UDP, ICMP, and HTTP. Espionag e was written in Python 3.8 but it also supports version 3.6. This is the first version of the tool so please contact the developer if you want to help contribute and add more to Espionage. Note: This is not a Scapy wrapper, scapylib only assists with HTTP requests and ARP.


1: git clone
2: cd Espionage
3: sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirments.txt
4: sudo python3 --help


  1. sudo python3 --normal --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 1 will execute a clean packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided. Replace wlan0 with whatever your network interface is.
  2. sudo python3 --verbose --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 2 will execute a more detailed (verbose) packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided.
  3. sudo python3 --normal --iface wlan0
    Command 3 will still execute a clean packet sniff however, it will not save the data to a pcap file. Saving the sniff is recommended.
  4. sudo python3 --verbose --httpraw --iface wlan0
    Command 4 will execute a verbose packet sniff and will also show raw http/tcp packet data in bytes.
  5. sudo python3 --target <target-ip-address> --iface wlan0
    Command 5 will ARP spoof the target ip address and all data being sent will be routed back to the attackers machine (you/localhost).
  6. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --onlyhttp
    Command 6 will only display sniffed packets on port 80 utilizing the HTTP protocol.
  7. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --onlyhttpsecure
    Command 7 will only display sniffed packets on port 443 utilizing the HTTPS (secured) protocol.
  8. sudo python3 --iface wlan0 --urlonly
    Command 8 will only sniff and return sniffed urls visited by the victum. (works best with sslstrip).

  9. Press Ctrl+C in-order to stop the packet interception and write the output to file.


usage: [-h] [--version] [-n] [-v] [-url] [-o] [-ohs] [-hr] [-f FILENAME] -i IFACE

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version returns the packet sniffers version.
-n, --normal executes a cleaner interception, less sophisticated.
-v, --verbose (recommended) executes a more in-depth packet interception/sniff.
-url, --urlonly only sniffs visited urls using http/https.
-o, --onlyhttp sniffs only tcp/http data, returns urls visited.
-ohs, --onlyhttpsecure
sniffs only https data, (port 443).
-hr, --httpraw displays raw packet data (byte order) recieved or sent on port 80.

(Recommended) arguments for data output (.pcap):
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
name of file to store the output (make extension '.pcap').

(Required) arguments required for execution:
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
specify network interface (ie. wlan0, eth0, wlan1, etc.)

(ARP Spoofing) required arguments in-order to use the ARP Spoofing utility:
-t TARGET, --target TARGET

A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite for Automated MiTM Attacks (6)


A simple medium writeup can be found here:
Click Here For The Official Medium Article

Ethical Notice

The developer of this program, Josh Schiavone, written the following code for educational and ethical purposes only. The data sniffed/intercepted is not to be used for malicous intent. Josh Schiavone is not responsible or liable for misuse of this penetration testing tool. May God bless you all.


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Josh Schiavone

PacketSpy - Powerful Network Packet Sniffing Tool Designed To Capture And Analyze Network Traffic

By: Zion3R

PacketSpy is a powerful network packet sniffing tool designed to capture and analyze network traffic. It provides a comprehensive set of features for inspecting HTTP requests and responses, viewing raw payload data, and gathering information about network devices. With PacketSpy, you can gain valuable insights into your network's communication patterns and troubleshoot network issues effectively.


  • Packet Capture: Capture and analyze network packets in real-time.
  • HTTP Inspection: Inspect HTTP requests and responses for detailed analysis.
  • Raw Payload Viewing: View raw payload data for deeper investigation.
  • Device Information: Gather information about network devices, including IP addresses and MAC addresses.


git clone


PacketSpy requires the following dependencies to be installed:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started

To get started with PacketSpy, use the following command-line options:

root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 --help                          
usage: [-h] [-t TARGET_IP] [-g GATEWAY_IP] [-i INTERFACE] [-tf TARGET_FIND] [--ip-forward] [-m METHOD]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET_IP, --target TARGET_IP
Target IP address
Gateway IP address
Interface name
-tf TARGET_FIND, --targetfind TARGET_FIND
Target IP range to find
--ip-forward, -if Enable packet forwarding
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
Limit sniffing to a specific HTTP method


  1. Device Detection
root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 -tf -i eth0

Device discovery
Ip Address Mac Address
************************************** 52:54:00:12:35:00 52:54:00:12:35:00 08:00:27:78:66:95 08:00:27:65:96:cd 08:00:27:2f:64:fe

  1. Man-in-the-Middle Sniffing
root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 -t -g -i eth0
******************* started sniff *******************

HTTP Request:
Method: b'POST'
Host: b''
Path: b'/userinfo.php'
Source IP:
Source MAC: 08:00:27:04:e8:82
Protocol: HTTP
User-Agent: b'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0'

Raw Payload:

HTTP Response:
Status Code: b'302'
Content Type: b'text/html; charset=UTF-8'


Https work still in progress


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PacketSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PacketSpy, please feel free to contact me:


PacketSpy is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

TrafficWatch - TrafficWatch, A Packet Sniffer Tool, Allows You To Monitor And Analyze Network Traffic From PCAP Files

By: Zion3R

TrafficWatch, a packet sniffer tool, allows you to monitor and analyze network traffic from PCAP files. It provides insights into various network protocols and can help with network troubleshooting, security analysis, and more.

  • Protocol-specific packet analysis for ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, and NetBIOS.
  • Packet filtering based on protocol, source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, and more.
  • Summary statistics on captured packets.
  • Interactive mode for in-depth packet inspection.
  • Timestamps for each captured packet.
  • User-friendly colored output for improved readability.
  • Python 3.x
  • scapy
  • argparse
  • pyshark
  • colorama

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd TrafficWatch
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 --help

Packet Sniffer Tool

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Path to the .pcap file to analyze
Filter by specific protocol
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
Number of packets to display

To analyze packets from a PCAP file, use the following command:

python -f path/to/your.pcap

To specify a protocol filter (e.g., HTTP) and limit the number of displayed packets (e.g., 10), use:

python -f path/to/your.pcap -p HTTP -c 10

  • -f or --file: Path to the PCAP file for analysis.
  • -p or --protocol: Filter packets by protocol (ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, NetBIOS).
  • -c or --count: Limit the number of displayed packets.

Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to TrafficWatch, please follow our contribution guidelines.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Dosinator, please feel free to contact me:

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for considering supporting me! Your support enables me to dedicate more time and effort to creating useful tools like DNSWatch and developing new projects. By contributing, you're not only helping me improve existing tools but also inspiring new ideas and innovations. Your support plays a vital role in the growth of this project and future endeavors. Together, let's continue building and learning. Thank you!"ย 
