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SafeLine - Serve As A Reverse Proxy To Protect Your Web Services From Attacks And Exploits

By: Zion3R

SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.

A web application firewall helps protect web apps by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It typically protects web apps from attacks such as SQL injection, XSS, code injection, os command injection, CRLF injection, ldap injection, xpath injection, RCE, XXE, SSRF, path traversal, backdoor, bruteforce, http-flood, bot abused, among others.

How It Works

By deploying a WAF in front of a web application, a shield is placed between the web application and the Internet. While a proxy server protects a client machine's identity by using an intermediary, a WAF is a type of reverse-proxy, protecting the server from exposure by having clients pass through the WAF before reaching the server.

A WAF protects your web apps by filtering, monitoring, and blocking any malicious HTTP/S traffic traveling to the web application, and prevents any unauthorized data from leaving the app. It does this by adhering to a set of policies that help determine what traffic is malicious and what traffic is safe. Just as a proxy server acts as an intermediary to protect the identity of a client, a WAF operates in similar fashion but acting as an reverse proxy intermediary that protects the web app server from a potentially malicious client.

its core capabilities include:

  • Defenses for web attacks
  • Proactive bot abused defense
  • HTML & JS code encryption
  • IP-based rate limiting
  • Web Access Control List


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List of the main features as follows:

  • Block Web Attacks
  • It defenses for all of web attacks, such as SQL injection, XSS, code injection, os command injection, CRLF injection, XXE, SSRF, path traversal and so on.
  • Rate Limiting
  • Defend your web apps against DoS attacks, bruteforce attempts, traffic surges, and other types of abuse by throttling traffic that exceeds defined limits.
  • Anti-Bot Challenge
  • Anti-Bot challenges to protect your website from bot attacks, humen users will be allowed, crawlers and bots will be blocked.
  • Authentication Challenge
  • When authentication challenge turned on, visitors need to enter the password, otherwise they will be blocked.
  • Dynamic Protection
  • When dynamic protection turned on, html and js codes in your web server will be dynamically encrypted by each time you visit.

Tinyfilemanager-Wh1Z-Edition - Effortlessly Browse And Manage Your Files With Ease Using Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition], A Compact Single-File PHP File Manager

By: Zion3R

Introducing Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition], the compact and efficient solution for managing your files and folders with enhanced privacy and security features. Gone are the days of relying on external resources โ€“ I've stripped down the code to its core, making it truly lightweight and perfect for deployment in environments without internet access or outbound connections.

Designed for simplicity and speed, Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition] retains all the essential functionalities you need for storing, uploading, editing, and managing your files directly from your web browser. With a single-file PHP setup, you can effortlessly drop it into any folder on your server and start organizing your files immediately.

What sets Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition] apart is its focus on privacy and security. By removing the reliance on external domains for CSS and JS resources, your data stays localized and protected from potential vulnerabilities or leaks. This makes it an ideal choice for scenarios where data integrity and confidentiality are paramount, including RED TEAMING exercises or restricted server environments.

  • PHP 5.5.0 or higher.
  • Fileinfo, iconv, zip, tar and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.

How to use

Download ZIP with latest version from master branch.

Simply transfer the "tinyfilemanager-wh1z.php" file to your web hosting space โ€“ it's as easy as that! Feel free to rename the file to whatever suits your needs best.

The default credentials are as follows: admin/WH1Z@1337 and user/WH1Z123.

:warning: Caution: Before use, it is imperative to establish your own username and password within the $auth_users variable. Passwords are encrypted using password_hash().

โ„น๏ธ You can generate a new password hash accordingly: Login as Admin -> Click Admin -> Help -> Generate new password hash

:warning: Caution: Use the built-in password generator for your privacy and security. ๐Ÿ˜‰

To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false.

:loudspeaker: Key Features
  • :cd: Open Source, lightweight, and incredibly user-friendly
  • :iphone: Optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless touch experience
  • :information_source: Core functionalities including file creation, deletion, modification, viewing, downloading, copying, and moving
  • :arrow_double_up: Efficient Ajax Upload functionality, supporting drag & drop, URL uploads, and multiple file uploads with file extension filtering
  • :file_folder: Intuitive options for creating both folders and files
  • :gift: Capability to compress and extract files (zip, tar)
  • :sunglasses: Flexible user permissions system, based on session and user root folder mapping
  • :floppy_disk: Easy copying of direct file URLs for streamlined sharing
  • :pencil2: Integration with Cloud9 IDE, offering syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages and a selection of 35+ themes
  • :page_facing_up: Seamless integration with Google/Microsoft doc viewer for previewing various file types such as PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT/etc. Files up to 25 MB can be previewed using the Google Drive viewer
  • :zap: Backup functionality, IP blacklist/whitelist management, and more
  • :mag_right: Powerful search capabilities using datatable js for efficient file filtering
  • :file_folder: Ability to exclude specific folders and files from the listing
  • :globe_with_meridians: Multi-language support (32+ languages) with a built-in translation feature, requiring no additional files
  • :bangbang: And much more...

License, Credit
  • Available under the GNU license
  • Original concept and development by
  • CDN Used - jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Highlight js, ace js, DropZone js, and DataTable js
  • To report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue

SecuSphere - Efficient DevSecOps

By: Zion3R

SecuSphere is a comprehensive DevSecOps platform designed to streamline and enhance your organization's security posture throughout the software development life cycle. Our platform serves as a centralized hub for vulnerability management, security assessments, CI/CD pipeline integration, and fostering DevSecOps practices and culture.

Centralized Vulnerability Management

At the heart of SecuSphere is a powerful vulnerability management system. Our platform collects, processes, and prioritizes vulnerabilities, integrating with a wide array of vulnerability scanners and security testing tools. Risk-based prioritization and automated assignment of vulnerabilities streamline the remediation process, ensuring that your teams tackle the most critical issues first. Additionally, our platform offers robust dashboards and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track and monitor vulnerability status in real-time.

Seamless CI/CD Pipeline Integration

SecuSphere integrates seamlessly with your existing CI/CD pipelines, providing real-time security feedback throughout your development process. Our platform enables automated triggering of security scans and assessments at various stages of your pipeline. Furthermore, SecuSphere enforces security gates to prevent vulnerable code from progressing to production, ensuring that security is built into your applications from the ground up. This continuous feedback loop empowers developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.

Comprehensive Security Assessment

SecuSphere offers a robust framework for consuming and analyzing security assessment reports from various CI/CD pipeline stages. Our platform automates the aggregation, normalization, and correlation of security findings, providing a holistic view of your application's security landscape. Intelligent deduplication and false-positive elimination reduce noise in the vulnerability data, ensuring that your teams focus on real threats. Furthermore, SecuSphere integrates with ticketing systems to facilitate the creation and management of remediation tasks.

Cultivating DevSecOps Practices

SecuSphere goes beyond tools and technology to help you drive and accelerate the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices within your organization. Our platform provides security training and awareness for developers, security, and operations teams, helping to embed security within your development and operations processes. SecuSphere aids in establishing secure coding guidelines and best practices and fosters collaboration and communication between security, development, and operations teams. With SecuSphere, you'll create a culture of shared responsibility for security, enabling you to build more secure, reliable software.

Embrace the power of integrated DevSecOps with SecuSphere โ€“ secure your software development, from code to cloud.

๏ŒŸ Features

  • Vulnerability Management: Collect, process, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities from a centralized platform, integrating with various vulnerability scanners and security testing tools.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Integration: Provide real-time security feedback with seamless CI/CD pipeline integration, including automated security scans, security gates, and a continuous feedback loop for developers.
  • Security Assessment: Analyze security assessment reports from various CI/CD pipeline stages with automated aggregation, normalization, correlation of security findings, and intelligent deduplication.
  • DevSecOps Practices: Drive and accelerate the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices within your team. Benefit from our security training, secure coding guidelines, and collaboration tools.

Dashboard and Reporting

SecuSphere offers built-in dashboards and reporting capabilities that allow you to easily track and monitor the status of vulnerabilities. With our risk-based prioritization and automated assignment features, vulnerabilities are efficiently managed and sent to the relevant teams for remediation.

API and Web Console

SecuSphere provides a comprehensive REST API and Web Console. This allows for greater flexibility and control over your security operations, ensuring you can automate and integrate SecuSphere into your existing systems and workflows as seamlessly as possible.

For more information please refer to our Official Rest API Documentation

Integration with Ticketing Systems

SecuSphere integrates with popular ticketing systems, enabling the creation and management of remediation tasks directly within the platform. This helps streamline your security operations and ensure faster resolution of identified vulnerabilities.

Security Training and Awareness

SecuSphere is not just a tool, it's a comprehensive solution that drives and accelerates the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices. We provide security training and awareness for developers, security, and operations teams, and aid in establishing secure coding guidelines and best practices.

User Guide

Get started with SecuSphere using our comprehensive user guide.

๏’ป Installation

You can install SecuSphere by cloning the repository, setting up locally, or using Docker.

Clone the Repository

$ git clone


Local Setup

Navigate to the source directory and run the Python file:

$ cd src/
$ python

Dockerfile Setup

Build and run the Dockerfile in the cicd directory:

$ # From repository root
$ docker build -t secusphere:latest .
$ docker run secusphere:latest

Docker Compose

Use Docker Compose in the ci_cd/iac/ directory:

$ cd ci_cd/iac/
$ docker-compose -f secusphere.yml up

Pull from Docker Hub

Pull the latest version of SecuSphere from Docker Hub and run it:

$ docker pull securityuniversal/secusphere:latest
$ docker run -p 8081:80 -d secusphere:latest

Feedback and Support

We value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible experience with SecuSphere. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please create an issue in this repository or contact our support team.


We welcome contributions to SecuSphere. If you're interested in improving SecuSphere or adding new features, please read our contributing guide.
