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BounceBack - Stealth Redirector For Your Red Team Operation Security

By: Zion3R

BounceBack is a powerful, highly customizable and configurable reverse proxy with WAF functionality for hiding your C2/phishing/etc infrastructure from blue teams, sandboxes, scanners, etc. It uses real-time traffic analysis through various filters and their combinations to hide your tools from illegitimate visitors.

The tool is distributed with preconfigured lists of blocked words, blocked and allowed IP addresses.

For more information on tool usage, you may visit project's wiki.


  • Highly configurable and customizable filters pipeline with boolean-based concatenation of rules will be able to hide your infrastructure from the most keen blue eyes.
  • Easily extendable project structure, everyone can add rules for their own C2.
  • Integrated and curated massive blacklist of IPv4 pools and ranges known to be associated with IT Security vendors combined with IP filter to disallow them to use/attack your infrastructure.
  • Malleable C2 Profile parser is able to validate inbound HTTP(s) traffic against the Malleable's config and reject invalidated packets.
  • Out of the box domain fronting support allows you to hide your infrastructure a little bit more.
  • Ability to check the IPv4 address of request against IP Geolocation/reverse lookup data and compare it to specified regular expressions to exclude out peers connecting outside allowed companies, nations, cities, domains, etc.
  • All incoming requests may be allowed/disallowed for any time period, so you may configure work time filters.
  • Support for multiple proxies with different filter pipelines at one BounceBack instance.
  • Verbose logging mechanism allows you to keep track of all incoming requests and events for analyzing blue team behaviour and debug issues.


BounceBack currently supports the following filters:

  • Boolean-based (and, or, not) rules combinations
  • IP and subnet analysis
  • IP geolocation fields inspection
  • Reverse lookup domain probe
  • Raw packet regexp matching
  • Malleable C2 profiles traffic validation
  • Work (or not) hours rule

Custom rules may be easily added, just register your RuleBaseCreator or RuleWrapperCreator. See already created RuleBaseCreators and RuleWrapperCreators

Rules configuration page may be found here.


At the moment, BounceBack supports the following protocols:

  • HTTP(s) for your web infrastructure
  • DNS for your DNS tunnels
  • Raw TCP (with or without tls) and UDP for custom protocols

Custom protocols may be easily added, just register your new type in manager. Example proxy realizations may be found here.

Proxies configuration page may be found here.


Just download latest release from release page, unzip it, edit config file and go on.

If you want to build it from source, install goreleaser and run:

goreleaser release --clean --snapshot

APCLdr - Payload Loader With Evasion Features

Payload Loader With Evasion Features.


  • no crt functions imported
  • indirect syscalls using HellHall
  • api hashing using CRC32 hashing algorithm
  • payload encryption using rc4 - payload is saved in .rsrc
  • Payload injection using APC calls - alertable thread
  • Payload execution using APC - alertable thread
  • Execution delation using MsgWaitForMultipleObjects - edit this
  • the total size is 8kb + the payload size
  • compatible with LLVM (clang-cl) Option


  • Use Builder to update the file, that'll be the encrypted payload to be saved in the .rsrc section of the loader
  • Compile as x64 Release


  • Change Linker>SubSystem from /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS to /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
  • Set the loader in debug mode (uncomment this)
  • build as release as well

Thanks For:

Tested with cobalt strike && Havoc on windows 10

RDPHijack-BOF - Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) That Uses WinStationConnect API To Perform Local/Remote RDP Session Hijacking

Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) that uses WinStationConnect API to perform local/remote RDP session hijacking. With a valid access token / kerberos ticket (e.g., golden ticket) of the session owner, you will be able to hijack the session remotely without dropping any beacon/tool on the target server.

To enumerate sessions locally/remotely, you could use Quser-BOF.


Usage: bof-rdphijack [your console session id] [target session id to hijack] [password|server] [argument]

Command Description
-------- -----------
password Specifies the password of the user who owns the session to which you want to connect.
server Specifies the remote server that you want to perform RDP hijacking.

Sample usage
Redirect session 2 to session 1 (require SYSTEM privilege):
bof-rdphijack 1 2

Redirect session 2 to session 1 with password of the user who owns the session 2 (require high integrity beacon):
bof-rdphijack 1 2 password P@ssw0rd123

Redirect session 2 to session 1 for a remote server (require token/ticket of the user who owns the session 2):
bof-rdphijack 1 2 server SQL01.lab.internal




