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C2-Search-Netlas - Search For C2 Servers Based On Netlas

By: Zion3R

C2 Search Netlas is a Java utility designed to detect Command and Control (C2) servers using the Netlas API. It provides a straightforward and user-friendly CLI interface for searching C2 servers, leveraging the Netlas API to gather data and process it locally.

Search for c2 servers based on netlas (8)


To utilize this terminal utility, you'll need a Netlas API key. Obtain your key from the Netlas website.

After acquiring your API key, execute the following command to search servers:

c2detect -t <TARGET_DOMAIN> -p <TARGET_PORT> -s <API_KEY> [-v]

Replace <TARGET_DOMAIN> with the desired IP address or domain, <TARGET_PORT> with the port you wish to scan, and <API_KEY> with your Netlas API key. Use the optional -v flag for verbose output. For example, to search at the IP address on port 443 using the Netlas API key 1234567890abcdef, enter:

c2detect -t -p 443 -s 1234567890abcdef


To download a release of the utility, follow these steps:

  • Visit the repository's releases page on GitHub.
  • Download the latest release file (typically a JAR file) to your local machine.
  • In a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the JAR file.
  • Execute the following command to initiate the utility:
java -jar c2-search-netlas-<version>.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>


To build and start the Docker container for this project, run the following commands:

docker build -t c2detect .
docker run -it --rm \
c2detect \
-s "your_api_key" \
-t "your_target_domain" \
-p "your_target_port" \


To use this utility, you need to have a Netlas API key. You can get the key from the Netlas website. Now you can build the project and run it using the following commands:

./gradlew build
java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help

This will display the help message with available options. To search for C2 servers, run the following command:

java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>

This will display a list of C2 servers found in the given IP address or domain.


Name Support
Metasploit โœ…
Havoc โ“
Cobalt Strike โœ…
Bruteratel โœ…
Sliver โœ…
DeimosC2 โœ…
PhoenixC2 โœ…
Empire โŒ
Merlin โœ…
Covenant โŒ
Villain โœ…
Shad0w โŒ
PoshC2 โœ…


  • โœ… - Accept/good support
  • โ“ - Support unknown/unclear
  • โŒ - No support/poor support


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please feel free to create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the License - see the LICENSE file for details.
