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How much do you count on the internet every day?

By: McAfee

Maybe you do armloads of shopping on it. Maybe you skip going to the bank because you can tackle the bulk of your finances online. And perhaps you even pay your doctor a visit with it, instead of taking a trip to their office.  

The way we use the internet has changed. We rely on it for a wealth of important things. Now more than ever, which makes Cybersecurity Awareness Month more important than ever.  

Every October, we proudly take part in Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In partnership with the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) and a host of organizations in the private sector, we shed light on an essential topic—a safer internet. 

The time of the internet as a novelty has long passed. The internet isn’t just nice. It’s essential. To the point that it’s a utility, like power or water. With that, a safe internet is a must. 

Granted, amid news of data breaches and major hacks, it might seem like the notion of a safer internet is out of your hands. After all, what can you do to make the internet a safer place? 


Extra awareness and a few straightforward actions can make your time online far safer than before. And that’s a common theme here on our blog. Even as new threats appear daily, you live in a time where you have some of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use tools to combat them—and keep yourself safe.  

With that, Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes with a quick five-step checklist you can run through. Set aside some time this month to knock out each item. You’ll find yourself much more secure from hacks, attacks, and identity theft in the wake of data breaches. 

Let’s dive in. 

1. Use strong passwords and a password manager to stay on top of them all. 

Strong, unique passwords offer another primary line of defense. Yet with all the accounts we have floating around, juggling dozens of strong and unique passwords can feel like a task. Thus the temptation to use (and re-use) simpler passwords. Hackers love this because one password can be the key to several accounts. Instead, try a password manager that can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software like ours will include a password manager. 

2. Set your apps and operating system to update automatically. 

Updates do all kinds of great things for gaming, streaming, and chatting apps—like adding more features and functionality over time. Updates do something else. They make those apps more secure. Hackers will hammer away at apps to find or create vulnerabilities, which can steal personal info or compromise the device itself. Updates will often include security improvements, in addition to performance improvements.  

For your computers and laptops: 

For your smartphones: 

For your smartphone apps: 

3. Know how you can spot a phishing attack. 

Whether they come by way of an email, text, direct message, or as bogus ads on social media and in search, phishing attacks remain popular with cybercriminals. Across their various forms, the intent remains the same—to steal personal or account info by posing as a well-known company, organization, or even someone the victim knows. And depending on the info that gets stolen, it can result in a drained bank account, a hijacked social media profile, or any number of different identity crimes.  

What makes some phishing attacks so effective is how some hackers can make the phishing emails and sites they use look like the real thing, so learning how to spot phishing attacks has become a valuable skill nowadays. Additionally, using the power of AI, McAfee Scam Protection can alert you when scam texts pop up on your device or phone. No more guessing if a text is real or not. Further, it can block risky sites if you accidentally follow a scam link in a text, email, social media, and more.

Some signs of a phishing attack include: 

  • Email addresses that slightly alter the address of a trusted brand name so it looks close. 
  • Awkward introductions like a “Dear Sir or Madam,” from your bank. 
  • Bad spelling and grammar, which indicates the communication is not coming from a professional organization. 
  • Poor visual design, like stretched logos, mismatched colors, and cheap stock photos. 
  • Urgent calls to action or threats that pressure you to claim a reward or pay a fine immediately followed by a link to do so. 
  • Unexpected attachments, such as a “shipping invoice” or “bills,” which hackers use to hide payloads of malware and ransomware. 

Again, this can take a sharp eye to spot. When you get emails like these, take a moment to scrutinize them and certainly don’t click on any links. 

Another way you can fight back against crooks who phish is to report them. Check out, which shares reports of phishing and other fraud with law enforcement. Taken with other reports, your info can aid an investigation and help bring charges on a cybercriminal or an organized ring.  

4. Multifactor your defense.  

Chances are you’re using multi-factor authentication (MFA) on a few of your accounts already, like with your bank or financial institutions. MFA provides an additional layer of protection that makes it much more difficult for a hacker or bad actor to compromise your accounts even if they know your password and username. It’s common nowadays, where an online account will ask you to use an email or a text to your smartphone to as part of your logon process. If you have MFA as an option when logging into your accounts, strongly consider using it. 

5. Clean up your personal data online.  

How did that scammer get your email address or phone number in the first place? Good chance they bought it off a data broker. 

Data brokerages make up a multi-billion-dollar business worldwide. They gather and sort data linked with millions of people globally—and then sell it. To anyone. That could be advertisers, private investigators, and potential employers. That list includes hackers and scammers as well. With your data, they can skim for your contact info so they can hit you with spammy emails, calls, and texts. Worse yet, they can use that info to help them commit identity theft. 

Good thing you can get your info removed from those sites. And a service like our Personal Data Cleanup can do the heavy lifting for you. It scans some of the riskiest data broker sites and shows you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites. With select products, we can even manage the removal for you. ​ 

It’s true, you can make the internet a safer place. 

How much time do you spend on the internet each day? Between work, home, and the phone you carry around, it’s around 6.5 hours a day on average. You spend plenty of time on the internet. And important time too as you shop, bank, and tend to your health online. 

Taking a few moments this month to shore up your security will make that time safer. Despite what you might have thought, you’re more in control of that than you think.

The post How much do you count on the internet every day? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

4 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Cybersecurity

By: McAfee

Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month!  

Every October, the National Cybersecurity Alliance selects a theme around which to publish extensive awareness resources and practical tips to help you improve your cybersecurity.1 This year’s theme is “It’s easy to stay safe online.” With the number of cyberthreats and breaches dominating the headlines, it can seem like a Herculean task to cover all your bases; however, with just four easy habits, you can actually protect yourself against a large percentage of these threats!  

Don’t be scared of hackers, phishers, or cybercriminals this month. Leave that to the ghosts, ghouls, and your upcoming holiday social calendar. 

1. Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is an excellent way to frustrate cybercriminals attempting to break into your online accounts. MFA means that you need more than a username and password to log in, such as a one-time code sent to by email, text, or through an authentication app or a face or fingerprint scan. This adds an extra layer of security, because a thief would have to have access to your device, your email, or be able to trick a biometric reader to get into your online account.  

Most online sites offer the option to turn on MFA. While it may add an extra few seconds to the login process, it’s well worth it. Username and password combinations can be up for sale on the dark web following a breach. With these in hand, a cybercriminal could then help themselves to your online bank account, online medical records, and possibly your identity. When an account is secured with MFA, a criminal may quickly move on to another target that’s easier to crack. 

2. Using Strong Passwords and Password Managers

Most sites won’t even let you proceed with creating an account if you don’t have a strong enough password. A strong password is one with a mix of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. What also makes for an excellent password is one that’s unique. Reusing passwords can be just as risky as using “password123” or your pet’s name plus your birthday as a password. A reused password can put all your online accounts at risk, due to a practice called credential stuffing. Credential stuffing is a tactic where a cybercriminal attempts to input a stolen username and password combination in dozens of random websites and to see which doors it opens. 

Remembering a different password for each of your online accounts is almost an impossible task. Luckily, password managers make it so you only have to remember one password ever again! Password managers, like the one available in McAfee+. safeguard all your passwords in one secure desktop extension or cellphone app that you can use anywhere. McAfee+ is secured with one of the most secure encryption algorithms available, and multifactor authentication is always standard. 

It’s best to create passwords or passphrases that have a secret meaning that only you know. Stay away from using significant dates, names, or places, because those are easier to guess. You can also leave it up to your password manager to randomly generate a password for you. The resulting unintelligible jumble of numbers, letters, and symbols is virtually impossible for anyone to guess. 

3. Updating Software

Software update notifications always seem ping on the outskirts of your desktop and mobile device at the most inconvenient times. What’s more inconvenient though is having your device hacked. Another easy tip to improve your cybersecurity is to update your device software whenever upgrades are available. Most software updates include security patches that smart teams have created to foil cybercriminals. The more outdated your apps or operating system is, the more time criminals have had to work out ways to infiltrate them. 

Consider enabling automatic updates on all your devices. Many major updates occur in the early hours of the morning, meaning that you’ll never know your devices were offline. You’ll just wake up to new, secure software! 

4. Recognizing and Reporting Phishing

You’ve likely already experienced a phishing attempt, whether you were aware of it or not. Phishing is a common tactic used to eke personal details from unsuspecting or trusting people. Phishers often initiate contact through texts, emails, or social media direct messages, and they aim to get enough information to hack into your online accounts or to impersonate you.  

Luckily, it’s usually easy to identify a phisher. Here are a few tell-tale signs for be on the lookout for: 

  • Poor spelling or grammar 
  • Links to suspicious-looking URLs 
  • A tone of urgency, fear, anger, or pleas for sympathy 
  • Requests for banking or personal details, passwords, or money wires 

Never engage with a phishing attempt. Do not forward the message or respond to them and never click on any links included in their message. The links could direct to malicious sites that could infect your device with malware or spyware.  

Before you delete the message, block the sender, mark the message as junk, and report the phisher. Reporting can go a long way toward hopefully preventing the phisher from targeting someone else. 

Great Habits With a Side of Cybersecurity Tools 

The best complement to your newfound excellent cyberhabits is a toolbelt of excellent services to patch any holes in your defense. McAfee+ includes all the services you need to boost your peace of mind about your online identity and privacy. You can surf public Wi-Fis safely with its secure VPN, protect your device with antivirus software, scan risky sites for your personally identifiable information, and more! 

This October, make a commitment to improving your cybersecurity with the guidance of the National Cybersecurity Alliance and McAfee. 

1National Cybersecurity Alliance, “Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

The post 4 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Cybersecurity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

See Yourself in Cyber – Five Quick Ways You Can Quickly Get Safer Online

By: McAfee

With “See Yourself in Cyber” as the theme for this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the focus is on you with a look at several quick ways you can quickly get safer online. 

Now in its 21st year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month marks a long-standing collaboration between the U.S. government and private industry. It’s aim, empower people to protect themselves from digital forms of crime. And that stands as a good reminder. Phishing attacks, malware, and the other threats we regularly talk about in our blog are indeed forms of crime. And where there’s crime, there’s a person behind it. 

It can be easy to lose sight of that, particularly as the crook on the other end of the attack is hiding behind a computer. Cybercrime can feel anonymous that way, yet it’s anything but. Whether a single bad actor or as part of a large crime organization, people power cybercrime. 

Yet just as you secure your home to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a criminal, you can also secure your digital life to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of cybercriminal. 

Shore up your security, easily. 

You have plenty of places where you can start, and they’re all good ones. Even a handful of the simplest measures can significantly decrease your risk. Better yet, several take far less time to put into place than you might think, while yet more work automatically once you implement them—making them a sort of “set it and forget it” security measure. 

With that, this five-step list can get you going: 

1) Use strong passwords and a password manager to stay on top of them all 

Strong, unique passwords offer another primary line of defense. Yet with all the accounts we have floating around, juggling dozens of strong and unique passwords can feel like a task—thus the temptation to use (and re-use) simpler passwords. Hackers love this because one password can be the key to several accounts. Instead, try a password manager that can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one, and McAfee also offers a free service with True Key. 

2) Set your apps and operating system to update automatically 

Updates do all kinds of great things for gaming, streaming, and chatting apps, like add more features and functionality over time. Updates do something else—they make those apps more secure. Hackers will hammer away at apps to find or create vulnerabilities, which can steal personal info or compromise the device itself. Updates will often include security improvements, in addition to performance improvements.  

For your computers and laptops: 

For your smartphones: 

For your smartphone apps: 

3) Take care of your browser too! 

Often overlooked is the humble browser. Yet if you think about it, the browser is one of the apps we use most often. Particularly on our desktops. It takes us shopping, to shows, the bank, and even work. Hackers realize that, which is why they love targeting browsers. Whether it’s through vulnerabilities in the code that runs the browser, injecting malicious code into a browser session, or any one of several other attack vectors, hackers will try to find a way to compromise computers via the browser. 

One of the best ways to keep your browser safe is to keep it updated. By updating your browser, you’ll get the latest in features and functionality in addition to security fixes that can prevent attacks from hackers. It’s a straightforward process, and this article will show you can set your browser to automatically update. 

4) Know how you can spot a phishing attack 

Whether they come by way of an email, text, direct message, or as bogus ads on social media and in search, phishing attacks remain popular with cybercriminals. Across their various forms, the intent remains the same—to steal personal or account information by posing as a well-known company, organization, or even someone the victim knows. And depending on the information that gets stolen, it can result in a drained bank account, a hijacked social media profile, or any number of different identity crimes. What makes some phishing attacks so effective is how some hackers can make the phishing emails and sites they use look like the real thing, so learning how to spot phishing attacks has become a valuable skill nowadays. Additionally, comprehensive online protection software will include web protection that can spot bogus links and sites and warn you away from them, even if they look legit. 

Some signs of a phishing attack include: 

Email addresses that slightly alter the address of a trusted brand name so it looks close at first glance. 

  • Awkward introductions like a “Dear Sir or Madam,” from your bank. 
  • Bad spelling and grammar, which indicate the communication is not coming from a professional organization. 
  • Poor visual design, like stretched logos, mismatched colors, and cheap stock photos. 
  • Urgent calls to action or threats that pressure you to claim a reward or pay a fine immediately followed by a link to do so. 
  • Unexpected attachments, such as a “shipping invoice” or “bills,” which hackers use to hide payloads of malware and ransomware. 

Again, this can take a sharp eye to spot. When you get emails like these, take a moment to scrutinize them and certainly don’t click on any links. 

Another way you can fight back against crooks who phish is to report them. Check out, which shares reports of phishing and other fraud with law enforcement. Taken together with other reports, your information can aid an investigation and help bring charges on a cybercriminal or an organized ring.  

5) Multifactor your defense  

Chances are you’re using multi-factor authentication (MFA) on a few of your accounts already, like with your bank or financial institutions. MFA provides an additional layer of protection that makes it much more difficult for a hacker or bad actor to compromise your accounts even if they know your password and username. It’s quite common nowadays, where an online account will ask you to use an email or a text to your smartphone to as part of your logon process. If you have MFA as an option when logging into your accounts, strongly consider using it. 

Keep going! 

This list can get you started, and you can take even more steps now that you’re rolling. Keep dropping by our blog for more ways you can make yourself safer, such as on social media, your smartphone, in app stores, and more. Visit us any time! 

The post See Yourself in Cyber – Five Quick Ways You Can Quickly Get Safer Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.
