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Sttr - Cross-Platform, Cli App To Perform Various Operations On String

By: Zion3R

sttr is command line software that allows you to quickly run various transformation operations on the string.

// With input prompt

// Direct input
sttr md5 "Hello World"

// File input
sttr md5 file.text
sttr base64-encode image.jpg

// Reading from different processor like cat, curl, printf etc..
echo "Hello World" | sttr md5
cat file.txt | sttr md5

// Writing output to a file
sttr yaml-json file.yaml > file-output.json

:movie_camera: Demo

:battery: Installation

Quick install

You can run the below curl to install it somewhere in your PATH for easy use. Ideally it will be installed at ./bin folder

curl -sfL | sh


MacOS / Linux

curl -sS | sh


curl.exe | powershell

See here


If you are on macOS and using Homebrew, you can install sttr with the following:

brew tap abhimanyu003/sttr
brew install sttr


sudo snap install sttr

Arch Linux

yay -S sttr-bin


scoop bucket add sttr
scoop install sttr


go install


Download the pre-compiled binaries from the Release! page and copy them to the desired location.

:books: Guide

  • After installation simply run sttr command.
// For interactive menu
// Provide your input
// Press two enter to open operation menu
// Press `/` to filter various operations.
// Can also press UP-Down arrows select various operations.
  • Working with help.
sttr -h

// Example
sttr zeropad -h
sttr md5 -h
  • Working with files input.
sttr {command-name} {filename}

sttr base64-encode image.jpg
sttr md5 file.txt
sttr md-html
  • Writing output to file.
sttr yaml-json file.yaml > file-output.json
  • Taking input from other command.
curl https: // | sttr json-yaml
  • Chaining the different processor.
sttr md5 hello | sttr base64-encode

echo "Hello World" | sttr base64-encode | sttr md5

:boom: Supported Operations


  • [x] ascii85-encode - Encode your text to ascii85
  • [x] ascii85-decode - Decode your ascii85 text
  • [x] base32-decode - Decode your base32 text
  • [x] base32-encode - Encode your text to base32
  • [x] base64-decode - Decode your base64 text
  • [x] base64-encode - Encode your text to base64
  • [x] base85-encode - Encode your text to base85
  • [x] base85-decode - Decode your base85 text
  • [x] base64url-decode - Decode your base64 url
  • [x] base64url-encode - Encode your text to url
  • [x] html-decode - Unescape your HTML
  • [x] html-encode - Escape your HTML
  • [x] rot13-encode - Encode your text to ROT13
  • [x] url-decode - Decode URL entities
  • [x] url-encode - Encode URL entities


  • [x] bcrypt - Get the Bcrypt hash of your text
  • [x] md5 - Get the MD5 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha1 - Get the SHA1 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha256 - Get the SHA256 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha512 - Get the SHA512 checksum of your text


  • [x] camel - Transform your text to CamelCase
  • [x] kebab - Transform your text to kebab-case
  • [x] lower - Transform your text to lower case
  • [x] reverse - Reverse Text ( txeT esreveR )
  • [x] slug - Transform your text to slug-case
  • [x] snake - Transform your text to snake_case
  • [x] title - Transform your text to Title Case
  • [x] upper - Transform your text to UPPER CASE


  • [x] count-lines - Count the number of lines in your text
  • [x] reverse-lines - Reverse lines
  • [x] shuffle-lines - Shuffle lines randomly
  • [x] sort-lines - Sort lines alphabetically
  • [x] unique-lines - Get unique lines from list


  • [x] remove-spaces - Remove all spaces + new lines
  • [x] remove-newlines - Remove all new lines


  • [x] count-chars - Find the length of your text (including spaces)
  • [x] count-lines - Count the number of lines in your text
  • [x] count-words - Count the number of words in your text


  • [x] hex-rgb - Convert a #hex-color code to RGB
  • [x] hex-encode - Encode your text Hex
  • [x] hex-decode - Convert Hexadecimal to String


  • [x] json - Format your text as JSON
  • [x] json-escape - JSON Escape
  • [x] json-unescape - JSON Unescape
  • [x] json-yaml - Convert JSON to YAML text
  • [x] json-msgpack - Convert JSON to MSGPACK
  • [x] msgpack-json - Convert MSGPACK to JSON


  • [x] yaml-json - Convert YAML to JSON text


  • [x] markdown-html - Convert Markdown to HTML


  • [x] extract-emails - Extract emails from given text
  • [x] extract-ip - Extract IPv4 and IPv6 from your text
  • [x] extract-urls - Extract URls your text ( we don't do ping check )


  • [x] escape-quotes - escape single and double quotes from your text
  • [x] completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • [x] interactive - Use sttr in interactive mode
  • [x] version - Print the version of sttr
  • [x] zeropad - Pad a number with zeros
  • [x] and adding more....

Featured On

These are the few locations where sttr was highlighted, many thanks to all of you. Please feel free to add any blogs/videos you may have made that discuss sttr to the list.

RansomwareSim - A Simulated Ransomware

By: Zion3R


RansomwareSim is a simulated ransomware application developed for educational and training purposes. It is designed to demonstrate how ransomware encrypts files on a system and communicates with a command-and-control server. This tool is strictly for educational use and should not be used for malicious purposes.


  • Encrypts specified file types within a target directory.
  • Changes the desktop wallpaper (Windows only).
  • Creates&Delete a README file on the desktop with a simulated ransom note.
  • Simulates communication with a command-and-control server to send system data and receive a decryption key.
  • Decrypts files after receiving the correct key.


Important: This tool should only be used in controlled environments where all participants have given consent. Do not use this tool on any system without explicit permission. For more, read SECURE


  • Python 3.x
  • cryptography
  • colorama


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd RansomwareSim
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

๏“– My Book

Running the Control Server

  1. Open
  2. Start the server by running
  3. The server will listen for connections from RansomwareSim and the Decoder.

Running the Simulator

  1. Navigate to the directory containing RansomwareSim.
  2. Modify the main function in to specify the target directory and other parameters.
  3. Run to start the encryption process.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed on the console.

Running the Decoder

  1. Run after the files have been encrypted.
  2. Follow the prompts to input the decryption key.


RansomwareSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of RansomwareSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:

Padre - Blazing Fast, Advanced Padding Oracle Exploit

By: Zion3R

padre is an advanced exploiter for Padding Oracle attacks against CBC mode encryption


  • blazing fast, concurrent implementation
  • decryption of tokens
  • encryption of arbitrary data
  • automatic fingerprinting of padding oracles
  • automatic detection of cipher block length
  • HINTS! if failure occurs during operations, padre will hint you about what can be tweaked to succeed
  • supports tokens in GET/POST parameters, Cookies
  • flexible specification of encoding rules (base64, hex, etc.)



  • Fastest way is to download pre-compiled binary for your OS from Latest release

  • Alternatively, if you have Go installed, build from source:

go install

Usage scenario

If you find a suspected padding oracle, where the encrypted data is stored inside a cookie named SESS, you can use the following:

padre -u '' -cookie 'SESS=$' 'Gw3kg8e3ej4ai9wffn%2Fd0uRqKzyaPfM2UFq%2F8dWmoW4wnyKZhx07Bg=='

padre will automatically fingerprint HTTP responses to determine if padding oracle can be confirmed. If server is indeed vulnerable, the provided token will be decrypted into something like:

 {"user_id": 456, "is_admin": false}

It looks like you could elevate your privileges here!

You can attempt to do so by first generating your own encrypted data that the oracle will decrypt back to some sneaky plaintext:

padre -u '' -cookie 'SESS=$' -enc '{"user_id": 456, "is_admin": true}'

This will spit out another encoded set of encrypted data, perhaps something like below (if base64 used):


Now you can open your browser and set the value of the SESS cookie to the above value. Loading the original oracle page, you should now see you are elevated to admin level.

Impact of padding Oracles

  • disclosing encrypted session information
  • bypassing authentication
  • providing fake tokens that server will trust
  • generally, broad extension of attack surface

Full usage options

Usage: padre [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

In decrypt mode: encrypted data
In encrypt mode: the plaintext to be encrypted
If not passed, will read from STDIN

NOTE: binary data is always encoded in HTTP. Tweak encoding rules if needed (see options: -e, -r)


-u *required*
target URL, use $ character to define token placeholder (if present in URL)

Encrypt mode

Regex pattern, HTTP response bodies will be matched against this to detect padding oracle. Omit to perform automatic fingerprinting

Encoding to apply to binary data. Supported values:
b64 (standard base64) *default*
lhex (lowercase hex)

Additional replacements to apply after encoding binary data. Use odd-length strings, consiting of pairs of characters <OLD><NEW>.
If server uses base64, but replaces '/' with '!', '+' with '-', '=' with '~', then use -r "/!+-=~"

Cookie value to be set in HTTP requests. Use $ character to mark token placeholder.

String data to perform POST requests. Use $ character to mark token placeholder.

Content-Type for POST requests. If not specified, Content-Type will be determined automatically.

Block length used in cipher (use 16 for AES). Omit to perform automatic detection. Supported values:
16 *default*

Number of parallel HTTP connections established to target server [1-256]
30 *default*

HTTP proxy. e.g. use -proxy "http://localhost:8080" for Burp or ZAP

Further read

Alternative tools
