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How to Protect Your Personal Data

All your online activity creates a trail of data. And that data tells a story. The story of you. 

The websites, apps, and services you use throughout the day all collect data. They may collect data about your behaviors, interests, and purchases—along with what you’re doing, for how long, and where, largely without your knowledge. They may also collect personal information, information you provide, such as health records, your Social Security Number, banking info, your driver’s license number, and more. This can include further health data, such as the kind that gets tracked from a smartwatch or wearable device. 

“So what?” 

I’ve heard plenty of people say exactly that about data collection. And plenty of others simply resign themselves to the reality of data collection. “What’s out there is already out there.” They feel like there’s not much they can do about it. If anything at all. And does it really matter? 

It absolutely matters. 

That is, it matters if you hate spam calls and texts. If you’re worried about identity theft. If you’re worried that practically anyone can purchase a detailed picture of your personal information from an online data broker and use it as they like. 

Indeed, your data tells the story of you. And plenty of others are interested in your story. Businesses and advertisers for one, so they can market to the most targeted of your needs and interests. Yet also hackers, scammers, spammers, and thieves—and in extreme cases, stalkers as well. 

While it’s true that you cannot control how each byte of data about you and your family is shared and processed, you’re not helpless! In many cases, you can control how you share your data by taking a few steps. Your data is precious, and you deserve to be selective about who you share it with. 

That’s the reason you’ve seen McAfee roll out so many protections for your privacy and identity, with several more to come. While there are so many tools for data collection today, so are the tools for you to take control. 

Looking at our own McAfee+ online protection plans, they offer you identity theft and fraud protections such as Personal Data Cleanup, identity monitoring, along with credit monitoring, a VPN that can help keep your online activity more private, $1M in identity theft coverage and support from an identity restoration specialist … the list goes on. These are tools everyone can benefit from in the face of the current threats out there.  

The evolution of McAfee+ reflects the nature of online threats today. Increasingly, the target is you—your privacy, your identity, and all the things that they unlock.  

Three things you can do right now that help make you more private online 

1) Use a complete security platform that includes a VPN, password manager, and web protection 

Another simple yet powerful step is to protect your devices with comprehensive online protection software. This will help defend you against the latest virus, malware, spyware, and ransomware attacks plus further shield your privacy, and minimize web tracking (think advertisers) with a VPN. In addition to this, it will also create and store strong, unique passwords, and offer web protection that can help steer you clear of sketchy websites that may try to steal your data. 

2) Review your privacy settings for the devices, platforms, and apps you use 

Start with the devices and apps you use most. Different devices and apps will have their own privacy settings, so give them a look and see what your options are. You may be surprised to find how you can limit which information advertisers can use to serve up ads to you. You may find that some apps have GPS tracking turned on, even though they don’t need it to function. All of this adds up to data that companies may collect, share, or resell—depending on their privacy policy. Again, start with the devices and apps you use most then expand from there. It’s also a good opportunity to delete apps you don’t use anymore—along with the data associated with them. 

3) Clean up the personal data posted about you online  

One major privacy leak comes at the hands of online data brokers, companies that collect and resell volumes of exacting personal information about millions of people. In fact, they make up a multi-billion-dollar industry that spans worldwide. Additionally, there are so-called “White Pages” and “people finder” sites that post information like names, addresses, and other public records that anyone can access. With all this information collected in a central location that’s easily searched and accessed, these sites can be an ideal resource for hackers, spammers, and thieves. McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup can help you take control. It scans high-risk data broker sites and lets you know which ones are selling your data, and depending on your McAfee+ plan, it can remove it for you too. 

Yes, you can take control of your privacy 

Yet you can take even more control of your privacy. As part of our McAfee Safety Series, we have an entire guide dedicated to the topic of online privacy, the McAfee Digital Privacy Guide. It shows you ways that you can take control of your digital privacy, insight into what information you may be creating, and how you may be passing it along—whether you know it or not. 

In all, your privacy is your own. We believe that what you share and don’t share, who you share it with and who you don’t, and for what reason … should be your decision.  

It’s your story. Take control. And we’re here to help. 

The post How to Protect Your Personal Data appeared first on McAfee Blog.

3 Tools to Round Out Your Privacy Protection Toolbox

By: McAfee

It’s common practice to pull down the window shades at night. Homeowners invest in high fences. You may even cover the PIN pad when you type in your secret four-digit code at ATMs. Privacy is key to going about your daily life comfortably in your surroundings. Why shouldn’t privacy also extend to your digital surroundings?  

This Data Privacy Day, round out your privacy protection toolbox with McAfee’s help so you can live your best online life safely.  

Connect All Your Devices to a VPN 

An easy way to instantly boost the privacy of your every online move is to always connect to a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN scrambles your connected device’s internet session, meaning that it’s impossible for a cybercriminal to eavesdrop on your online comings and goings. VPNs are especially crucial for when you connect to public Wi-Fi networks or networks for which you cannot vouch for their security. Cybercriminals often lurk on public Wi-Fi networks at hotels, coffee shops, and libraries and pounce on users who connect their devices without the protection of a VPN. 

Digital privacy not only implies remaining hidden from nefarious eyes, but also from the prying eyes of pesky advertisers. A VPN can assist with that too! When you have a VPN enabled, it confuses advertisers and targeted ads. The less information they have, the more privately you can surf online. 

Know Where You Stand 

To improve your online privacy, it’s important to first know how safe you currently are. When you can identify your weakest digital privacy habits, you can make targeted improvements to them. Luckily, McAfee Protection Score can help you do just that! Protection Score is a helpful privacy tool that rates your current digital safety. Then, based on your score, the tool offers suggestions on how to boost your score. 

For instance, Protection Score searches for your personally identifiable information (PII) on the dark web. If it finds a copy of your government ID or your financial records on a dubious site, your score will tank. While it may be alarming to have a low Protection Score, you can feel good that you’re making positive waves, hopefully before a cybercriminal takes advantage of your PII and uses it to steal your identity.  

There are several easy ways to boost your score that require very little effort but have a huge payoff. Connecting to a VPN and running an antivirus scan on your device are just two things you can do and each only takes a few seconds. Changing your habits and turning your online safety around doesn’t have to be overwhelming! In some cases, there are services that’ll even do the work for you, like the service we’ll talk about next. 

Clean Up After Your Bad Digital Habits 

To round out your privacy protection toolbox, consider signing up for McAfee Personal Data Cleanup. This service is a great companion to Protection Score. While Protection Score identifies all the areas where you can improve your security, Personal Data Cleanup is a service that will remove your information from the web’s riskiest sites.  

Did you know that, on average, a person has their PII for sale on 31 sites? Plus, 95% of people haven’t even given their permission and have their personal information for sale on data brokerage sites. Data brokerage sites are legal and anyone can buy your information. Online advertisers are the usual clients, but a cybercriminal can jump in and buy valuable PII, as well. 

Deck Out Your Protection Toolbox With McAfee+ Ultimate 

You should care about data privacy every day not just when the calendar reminds you on Data Privacy Day. Take the steps and invest in the right solutions to shore up your online defenses. McAfee+ Ultimate is an all-in-one service that includes unlimited VPN, Protection Score, a full-service Personal Data Cleanup, and 13 other high-quality identity, privacy, and device security tools.  

Live your online life more confidently with McAfee, knowing that cybercriminals are less likely to slip by and damage your credit, identity, or online reputation. 

The post 3 Tools to Round Out Your Privacy Protection Toolbox appeared first on McAfee Blog.
