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Before yesterdayThe Hacker News

Hackers Using CAPTCHA Bypass Tactics in Freejacking Campaign on GitHub

A South Africa-based threat actor known as Automated Libra has been observed employing CAPTCHA bypass techniques to create GitHub accounts in a programmatic fashion as part of a freejacking campaign dubbed PURPLEURCHIN. The group "primarily targets cloud platforms offering limited-time trials of cloud resources in order to perform their crypto mining operations," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42

The FBI's Perspective on Ransomware

Ransomware: contemporary threats, how to prevent them and how the FBI can help In April 2021, Dutch supermarkets faced a food shortage. The cause wasn't a drought or a sudden surge in the demand for avocados. Rather, the reason was a ransomware attack. In the past years, companies, universities, schools, medical facilities and other organizations have been targeted by ransomware threat actors,

Russian Hackers Targeted Petroleum Refinery in NATO Country During Ukraine War

The Russia-linked Gamaredon group attempted to unsuccessfully break into a large petroleum refining company within a NATO member state earlier this year amid the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. The attack, which took place on August 30, 2022, is just one of multiple intrusions orchestrated by the advanced persistent threat (APT) that's attributed to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).

Researchers Detail New Attack Method to Bypass Popular Web Application Firewalls

A new attack method can be used to circumvent web application firewalls (WAFs) of various vendors and infiltrate systems, potentially enabling attackers to gain access to sensitive business and customer information. Web application firewalls are aΒ key line of defenseΒ to help filter, monitor, and block HTTP(S) traffic to and from a web application, and safeguard against attacks such as cross-site

Researchers Detail OriginLogger RAT β€” Successor to Agent Tesla Malware

Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 has detailed the inner workings of a malware calledΒ OriginLogger, which has been touted as a successor to the widely used information stealer and remote access trojan (RAT) known asΒ Agent Tesla. A .NET based keylogger and remote access, Agent Tesla has had a long-standing presence in the threat landscape, allowing malicious actors to gain remote access to targeted

Chinese Hackers Target Government Officials in Europe, South America, and Middle East

A Chinese hacking group has been attributed to a new campaign aimed at infecting government officials in Europe, the Middle East, and South America with a modular malware known as PlugX. Cybersecurity firm Secureworks said it identified the intrusions in June and July 2022, once again demonstrating the adversary's continued focus on espionage against governments around the world. "PlugX is

New Air-Gap Attack Uses MEMS Gyroscope Ultrasonic Covert Channel to Leak Data

A novel data exfiltration technique has been found to leverage a covert ultrasonic channel to leak sensitive information from isolated, air-gapped computers to a nearby smartphone that doesn't even require a microphone to pick up the sound waves. DubbedΒ GAIROSCOPE, the adversarial model is the latest addition to a long list ofΒ acoustic, electromagnetic, optical, and thermal approachesΒ devised by

CISA Warns of Active Exploitation of Palo Alto Networks' PAN-OS Vulnerability

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on MondayΒ addedΒ a security flaw impacting Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS to itsΒ Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. The high-severity vulnerability, tracked asΒ CVE-2022-0028Β (CVSS score: 8.6), is a URL filtering policy misconfiguration that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to