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Before yesterdayVulnerabilities

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0814-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0814-03 - An update for.NET 6.0 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0811-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0811-03 - A security update for sudo is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0808-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0808-03 - An update for dotnet6.0 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0807-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0807-03 - An update for dotnet6.0 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0806-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0806-03 - An update for dotnet7.0 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0805-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0805-03 - An update for dotnet7.0 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0804-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0804-03 - A security update is now available for Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6 from the Customer Portal. Issues addressed include bypass, cross site scripting, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0801-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0801-03 - A new image is available for Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7, running on OpenShift Container Platform 3.10 and 3.11, and 4.3. Issues addressed include bypass, cross site scripting, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0800-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0800-03 - New Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 packages are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Issues addressed include bypass, cross site scripting, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0799-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0799-03 - New Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 packages are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Issues addressed include bypass, cross site scripting, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0798-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0798-03 - New Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 packages are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Issues addressed include bypass, cross site scripting, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0741-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0741-03 - Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.13.33 is now available with updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements. Issues addressed include denial of service and traversal vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0740-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0740-03 - Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.13.33 is now available with updates to packages and images that fix several bugs. Issues addressed include denial of service and traversal vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0735-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0735-03 - Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.14.12 is now available with updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements. Issues addressed include denial of service and traversal vulnerabilities.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6634-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6634-1 - Brennan Conroy discovered that .NET with SignalR did not properly handle malicious clients. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. Bahaa Naamneh discovered that .NET with OpenSSL support did not properly parse X509 certificates. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service.

SEC Consult SA-20240212-0 :: Multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Statamic CMS

Posted by SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab, Research via Fulldisclosure on Feb 13

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20240212-0 >
title: Multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities
product: Statamic CMS
vulnerable version: <4.46.0, <3.4.17
fixed version: >=4.46.0, >=3.4.17
CVE number: CVE-2024-24570
impact: high

Stored XSS and RCE - adaptcmsv3.0.3

Posted by Andrey Stoykov on Feb 13

# Exploit Title: Stored XSS and RCE - adaptcmsv3.0.3
# Date: 02/2024
# Exploit Author: Andrey Stoykov
# Version: 3.0.3
# Tested on: Ubuntu 22.04
# Blog:


- It was found that adaptcms v3.0.3 was vulnerable to stored cross
site scripting

- Also the application allowed the file upload functionality to upload
PHP files which resulted in remote code execution

*Stored XSS*

*Steps to Reproduce:*


OXAS-ADV-2023-0007: OX App Suite Security Advisory

Posted by Martin Heiland via Fulldisclosure on Feb 13

Dear subscribers,

We're sharing our latest advisory with you and like to thank everyone who contributed in finding and solving those
vulnerabilities. Feel free to join our bug bounty programs for OX App Suite, Dovecot and PowerDNS at YesWeHack.

This advisory has also been published at

Yours sincerely,
Martin Heiland, Open-Xchange...

Android passkeys unexpectedly deleted or useless after sync

Posted by Erik van Straten (FD) on Feb 13

Passkeys on Android are stored in Google Password Manager by default. The user cannot make their own backups of them.

Note: although the user can export a CSV file with both passkeys and passwords, the lines representing passkeys will
not contain any secrets, rendering them useless.

Also note that Google Passkey Manager appears to primarily be a CLOUD-based password manager (with copies of passwords
and passkeys usually cached...

Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in KiTTY Start Duplicated Session Hostname (CVE-2024-25003) & Username (CVE-2024-25004) Variables

Posted by Austin DeFrancesco via Fulldisclosure on Feb 13

Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in KiTTY Start Duplicated Session Hostname (CVE-2024-25003) & Username (CVE-2024-25004)







Additional Advisory


Austin A. DeFrancesco (DEFCESCO) discovered two stack-based...

Command Injection Vulnerability in KiTTY Get Remote File Through SCP Input (CVE-2024-23749)

Posted by Austin DeFrancesco via Fulldisclosure on Feb 13

Command Injection Vulnerability in KiTTY Get Remote File Through SCP Input (CVE-2024-23749)







Additional Advisory


Austin A. DeFrancesco (DEFCESCO) discovered a command injection vulnerability in KiTTY
( This vulnerability:...

Microsoft Windows Defender / Trojan.Win32/Powessere.G / Detection Mitigation Bypass Part 2.

Posted by hyp3rlinx on Feb 13

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)
[+] Website:
[+] Source:
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec


Windows Defender

[Vulnerability Type]
Windows Defender Detection Mitigation Bypass

[CVE Reference]

[Security Issue]...

Wyrestorm Apollo VX20 / Incorrect Access Control - Credentials Disclosure / CVE-2024-25735

Posted by hyp3rlinx on Feb 13

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)
[+] Website:
[+] Source:
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec


APOLLO VX20 < 1.3.58

[Vulnerability Type]
Incorrect Access Control (Credentials Disclosure)

[Affected Component]
Web interface, config...

Wyrestorm Apollo VX20 / Account Enumeration / CVE-2024-25734

Posted by hyp3rlinx on Feb 13

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)
[+] Website:
[+] Source:
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec


APOLLO VX20 < 1.3.58

[Vulnerability Type]
Account Enumeration

[CVE Reference]

[Security Issue]
An issue was discovered on WyreStorm Apollo VX20...

Wyrestorm Apollo VX20 / Incorrect Access Control - DoS / CVE-2024-25736

Posted by hyp3rlinx on Feb 13

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)
[+] Website:
[+] Source:
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec


APOLLO VX20 < 1.3.58

[Vulnerability Type]
Incorrect Access Control (DOS)

[Affected Product Code Base]
APOLLO VX20 < 1.3.58, fixed in v1.3.58


IBM i Access Client Solutions / Remote Credential Theft / CVE-2024-22318

Posted by hyp3rlinx on Feb 13

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)
[+] Website:
[+] Source:
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec


IBM i Access Client Solutions



[Vulnerability Type]
Remote Credential Theft

[CVE Reference]

[Security Issue]
IBM i...

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6633-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6633-1 - Shoham Danino, Anat Bremler-Barr, Yehuda Afek, and Yuval Shavitt discovered that Bind incorrectly handled parsing large DNS messages. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Bind to consume resources, leading to a denial of service. Elias Heftrig, Haya Schulmann, Niklas Vogel, and Michael Waidner discovered that Bind incorrectly handled validating DNSSEC messages. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Bind to consume resources, leading to a denial of service.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6632-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6632-1 - David Benjamin discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled excessively long X9.42 DH keys. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause OpenSSL to consume resources, leading to a denial of service. Bahaa Naamneh discovered that OpenSSL incorrectly handled certain malformed PKCS12 files. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause OpenSSL to crash, resulting in a denial of service.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0797-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0797-03 - Updated Satellite 6.14 packages that fixes Important security bugs and several regular bugs are now available for Red Hat Satellite. Issues addressed include HTTP request smuggling, buffer overflow, denial of service, and memory leak vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0796-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0796-03 - An update for gnutls is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 Extended Update Support.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0793-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0793-03 - Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 4.0.3 release and security update is now available. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0792-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0792-03 - Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 3.20.5 release and security update is now available. Issues addressed include a buffer overflow vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0791-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0791-03 - An update for nss is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 Extended Update Support. Issues addressed include an information leakage vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0790-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0790-03 - An update for nss is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Issues addressed include an information leakage vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0789-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0789-03 - An update for Red Hat Build of Apache Camel 4.0 for Quarkus 3.2 is now available. Issues addressed include buffer overflow and denial of service vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0786-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0786-03 - An update for nss is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Issues addressed include an information leakage vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0785-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0785-03 - An update for nss is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 Extended Update Support. Issues addressed include an information leakage vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0778-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0778-03 - An update for Jenkins and Jenkins-2-plugins is now available for OpenShift Developer Tools and Services for OCP 4.12. Issues addressed include bypass, code execution, cross site request forgery, cross site scripting, denial of service, improper authorization, information leakage, insecure permissions, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0777-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0777-03 - An update for jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins is now available for OpenShift Developer Tools and Services for OCP 4.14. Issues addressed include bypass, code execution, cross site request forgery, cross site scripting, denial of service, information leakage, and open redirection vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0776-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0776-03 - An update for jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins is now available for OpenShift Developer Tools and Services for OCP 4.13. Issues addressed include bypass, code execution, cross site scripting, and denial of service vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0775-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0775-03 - An update for jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins is now available for OpenShift Developer Tools and Services for OCP 4.11. Issues addressed include bypass, code execution, cross site scripting, deserialization, information leakage, and insecure permissions vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0774-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0774-03 - An update is now available for Red Hat Certificate System 10.4 for RHEL 8. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Moderate. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link in the References section. Issues addressed include a memory leak vulnerability.

Debian Security Advisory 5619-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 5619-1 - Two vulnerabilities were discovered in libgit2, a low-level Git library, which may result in denial of service or potentially the execution of arbitrary code.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6631-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6631-1 - Several security issues were discovered in the WebKitGTK Web and JavaScript engines. If a user were tricked into viewing a malicious website, a remote attacker could exploit a variety of issues related to web browser security, including cross-site scripting attacks, denial of service attacks, and arbitrary code execution.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6630-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6630-1 - It was discovered that Glance_store incorrectly handled logging when the DEBUG log level is enabled. A local attacker could use this issue to obtain access_key values.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0773-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0773-03 - An update for the squid:4 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Advanced Mission Critical Update Support, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Telecommunications Update Service, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Update Services for SAP Solutions. Issues addressed include buffer over-read, denial of service, and null pointer vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0772-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0772-03 - An update for the squid:4 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Advanced Update Support, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Telecommunications Update Service, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Update Services for SAP Solutions. Issues addressed include buffer over-read, denial of service, and null pointer vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0771-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0771-03 - An update for the squid:4 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Extended Update Support. Issues addressed include buffer over-read, denial of service, and null pointer vulnerabilities.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0769-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0769-03 - An update for tcpdump is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0768-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0768-03 - An update for libmaxminddb is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 202402-11

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 202402-11 - Multiple denial of service vulnerabilities have been found in libxml2. Versions greater than or equal to 2.12.5 are affected.

[webapps] Splunk 9.0.4 - Information Disclosure

Splunk 9.0.4 - Information Disclosure

[dos] VIMESA VHF/FM Transmitter Blue Plus 9.7.1 (doreboot) - Remote Denial Of Service

VIMESA VHF/FM Transmitter Blue Plus 9.7.1 (doreboot) - Remote Denial Of Service

[webapps] Lost and Found Information System v1.0 - ( IDOR ) leads to Account Take over

Lost and Found Information System v1.0 - ( IDOR ) leads to Account Take over

[remote] Zyxel zysh - Format string

Zyxel zysh - Format string

[dos] Elasticsearch - StackOverflow DoS

Elasticsearch - StackOverflow DoS

[webapps] Wordpress Augmented-Reality - Remote Code Execution Unauthenticated

Wordpress Augmented-Reality - Remote Code Execution Unauthenticated

[webapps] Wordpress Seotheme - Remote Code Execution Unauthenticated

Wordpress Seotheme - Remote Code Execution Unauthenticated

[webapps] Rail Pass Management System 1.0 - Time-Based SQL Injection

Rail Pass Management System 1.0 - Time-Based SQL Injection